Security Guard’s Romance



1Huang Xing took a deep breath and asked: Director Ye's meaning is, you knew him before we met?    


Ye Yi Chen shook his head. No, no. Say yes, I know her. She doesn't know me. For a small fry like me, how could I even catch Director Yu's attention? Just a year ago, when I went to Beijing to join a Chamber of Commerce, I met with Director Yu. At that time, I only said a few words, which greatly benefited me. Director Yu is indeed a leading figure in the business world. Her business acumen and philosophy are unattainable for us small business people. Moreover, even a single casual word from her was enough to make us ponder over it for a long time. If he could truly grasp the meaning of her words, it would be enough to bring a dying company back to life.     


At this moment, Huang Xing suddenly understood the plan in Ye Yichen's mind.    


How was she here to purchase a qipao? She was just using that to purchase a qipao, firstly, to gather information, and secondly, to get to know Yu Mengqin more through her relationship.    


No wonder Ye Yichen showed such enthusiasm and personally toasted when he went to eat at the mansion a few days ago. So it turned out that all of this was just a preparation, her real goal was to get to know Yu Mengqin through her. To a certain extent, Yu Mengqin was a legend in the business world. Anyone who interacted with her would more or less receive her kindness. This benefit includes, but is not limited to, financial support, as well as the provision of platforms and cooperation, as well as the provision of advice and guidance in the commercial sphere.    


Seeing that Huang Xing did not reply, perhaps he had realized something, and laughed: Director Huang, I have no other intentions. If it's inconvenient, I won't force it. I just admire the Director Yu a lot, so ?    


Huang Xing nodded: I understand. Of course I know what you think. If the chance is right, I will mention you to Director Yu.    


Ye Yichen was pleasantly surprised: That's great! If Director Yu can honor me with his help, then I would have the honor of being able to do so in my third life. Director Huang, you better speak nicely in front of Director Yu. Maybe you can't understand my feelings. To be able to see and talk to Director Yu is better than earning millions and making me more excited.    


Huang Xing made a joke. Really? Then just give me ten million, and I'll arrange for you to have a good chat with Director Yu.    


Ye Yichen burst out laughing and replied back with a joke: Alright, but anything that can be solved with money is not a problem. The problem was that using money to buy an opportunity to meet with the Director Yu, one thing was profane about the Director Yu.    


Huang Xing said: Director Ye is truly tactful.    


Wu Qianqian didn't really like the feeling of being in the air, so he took the opportunity to interject. "When the time comes, can you include me as well?    


Huang Xing turned his head to look at Wu Qianqian: "It's not like you haven't seen him before."    


Wu Qianqian said: I have seen it, but it was only an understatement. No, no, no... There was no chance for them to face each other face to face.    


Ye Yichen laughed: If Sister Wu can go, that would be for the best. You are the name of our television station, if you go, there won't be any awkward silence.    


An awkward silence? Huang Xing laughed bitterly: This involves an awkward situation?    


Ye Yichen replied: Of course not! The Director Yu was so magnanimous, who wouldn't be nervous when they saw it? They were so nervous that they couldn't speak.    


Huang Xing quickly said: Alright, Director Ye, you are a person who has seen a big battle, you must have seen a lot of high ranking officials from the provincial government. Why, to be so nervous when meeting a strong woman from the business world? Besides, you're a strong woman yourself.    


Ye Yichen emphasized: That's definitely not the same! Seeing those senior officials, most of them were just putting on an act, fawning on them for a bit was enough. But Director Yu, I really want to make this friend. Even if I overestimate my own abilities, I admire her from the bottom of my heart. The biggest dream of my life is not to earn a lot of money and get to know more nobles, but to be able to sit with people stronger than me, learn from them, and learn from their flashing spots of light.    


Hearing that, Huang Xing was stunned, he did not have the chance to react when he was caught, and actually started discussing the situation and feelings when he met Yu Mengqin. This was like thinking whether the chicken was spicy or spicy before earning the money to buy it.    


Huang Xing coughed lightly and said: "Alright, alright, let's not talk about this for now." It's about time. Let's go to the restaurant first.    


He stood up, and Ye Yichen and Wu Qianqian followed suit.    


Ye Yichen tilted his head and laughed: "But we have to agree in advance, I must treat this meal." You arrange for me to pay.    


Huang Xing said: What, Director Ye really looks down on me. You can't even afford to treat me to a meal?    


Ye Yichen emphasized: Then wouldn't I have made a huge profit? I've also ordered a qipao, washed up with food and drinks, and even brought their seafood over to our restaurant. I killed three birds with one stone.    


Huang Xing laughed out loud. The beauty of adulthood, what a pleasure!    


Ye Yichen replied: I'm happy, I have to be happy.    


However, Huang Xing seemed to have thought of something at that moment, and said thoughtfully: Do you want to make way for the Director Fu? She is the chairman of the building, and there are some things she has more power over than I do.    


Ye Yichen said: That's even better!    


'Alright, I'll call you.' Huang Xing walked to the desk and called Fu Jie's office.    


Fu Jie's assistant, Yun Lu, answered the phone. Upon hearing that it was Huang Xing, Yun Lu immediately replied politely: Director Huang, what instructions do you have for me?    


Huang Xing said straightforwardly: I'm looking for Director Fu.    


Yun Lu said: Director Fu? Director Fu just went out, seems to be ?    


Huang Xing was startled: He went out? What was he doing out there?    


Yun Lu said: I seem to have gone to eat with Manager Bao, what documents did Manager Bao bring over, Director Fu was very happy, he said that he wanted to reward this meritorious general.    


Huang Xing blurted out: Meritorious general? Damn, this trash can even sell for a price of gold! A character that flattered him!    


'Shh! ' Yun Lu said: Director Huang, pay attention to your words.    


Huang Xing frowned: What, Cloud Assistant, were you also bought by that Porsche?    


Yun Lu lowered his voice and said: "The Porsche can bribe me, but Bao Shijie, he, cannot." Me, I'm only responsible to the Director Fu.    


Huang Xing coughed lightly.    


Yun Lu quickly added: Of course, to the Director Huang, I am also absolutely loyal!    


Huang Xing said: Don't! I don't dare to dig the corners of Director Fu. As long as you are loyal enough to her.    


Yun Lu was quiet for a moment, then said: "That's right Director Huang, when you have free time, buy me a meal."    


Huang Xing was startled, and immediately replied: No problem! "Then it will be fixed in..." Tonight?    


Yun Lu said: You agreed so easily? Director Huang was indeed a scene! Then I'll... Then I won't be polite?    


Huang Xing laughed: You don't have to be courteous to me. It's a deal then. Come straight to my office after work tonight.    


Yun Lu said: Alright! Then I'll eat less at noon and try to keep my belly till night. Heh heh.    


Huang Xing said: Relax, I will definitely let you eat your fill!    


Yun Lu said: Thank you, Director Huang!    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing thoughtfully nodded his head.    


He understood in his heart that if there was no other reason, Yun Lu would definitely not take the initiative to let him treat her to a meal. Wouldn't it be funny for a small assistant to ask the general manager to treat her to a meal? But since she had opened her mouth, she must have found out something that Huang Xing was not aware of, and she wanted to use this method to reveal or remind him of this.    


Huang Xing immediately called Fu Jie, and after waiting for a long time, he finally answered: You're looking for me?    


Huang Xing said: The Director Ye is here, is it convenient for you to sit at noon?    


Fu Jie was silent for a moment, then said: Ye Yichen? What was she doing here?    


Huang Xing said: Director Ye has booked some qipao.    


Fu Jie countered with a question: I'm afraid that it's not just simply ordering the qipao, right?    


Huang Xing thought that Fu Jie was Fu Jie and nothing could escape her intelligence, but on the surface she said: Nothing else, it was just ordering a cheongsam.    


Fu Jie said: How did you and her get to know each other?    


Huang Xing said: This is very normal! They were all businessmen, so they would recognize anyone who met face to face.    


Fu Jie said: You are truly amazing, I am afraid you have already known the beautiful female boss of the entire Jinan City, am I right? That's enough to prove you're a public relations genius.    


Huang Xing heard the mockery in Fu Jie's words and his face slightly changed: Director Fu's words are too heavy. Come or not at noon? You and the Director Ye should have a lot of common language.    


Fu Jie said: Tell Director Ye that I made an appointment at noon. I am truly sorry. Accompany the Director Ye well, maybe one day we can even become business partners. However, I must remind you that this Director Ye is not as simple as you think.    


Huang Xing stressed: That definitely isn't simple, otherwise, you wouldn't be sitting in that position. Alright, since it's not convenient for you, I'll say it on your behalf.    


Fu Jie said: Okay, I'm driving, I'm hanging up.    


After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Huang Xing's phone began to ring continuously.    


To be exact, Huang Xing was a little depressed in his heart. Just now, he found out from Yun Lu that she had gone to have lunch with him, and even went as far as to say that she was famous for her 'rewards for being meritorious'. Damn, what did Bao Shijie do for the Xin Meng Merchant House? The only plan to increase the counter was yet to be completed! This stupid plan of slaughtering chickens and taking eggs actually obtained the approval of Fu Jie. Just you wait, one day, you will regret it!    


As Huang Xing put up his phone, he said to Ye Yichen: "I'm sorry Director Ye, we have a meeting place in the middle of the afternoon, and it's already on our way."    


Ye Yichen laughed and said: No problem, no problem, we'll meet again another day.    


Wu Qianqian suddenly seemed to have realized something: Sister Ye, you seem to have forgotten something?    


Ye Yichen was startled: "What?"    


Instinctively, she looked at the table on the sofa and didn't see what it was.    


Wu Qianqian said: You are mainly here to order the qipao, but you have not even told the shop manager of the qipao store about the dimensions and requirements.    


Ye Yichen laughed and said: No rush. After the meal, he went to the counter to take a closer look. Not too late. I have nothing to do this day anyway.    


Huang Xing agreed: Alright, then let's wait until after dinner, I will accompany Director Ye to choose properly.    


Ye Yichen nodded slightly.    


Huang Xing called Tao Fei over, and together with Wu Qianqian and Ye Yichen, they walked to the commercial parking lot.    


What Huang Xing did not expect was that what Ye Yichen seemed to be a delicate and slender woman actually drove a Land Rover white car. When she opened the lock by remote control, this slender figure formed a sharp contrast with the luxurious cross-country.    


"Take my car!" Ye Yichen said.    


Huang Xing nodded his head slightly, but his heart was filled with other conflicted fantasies.    


He couldn't help but sigh.    


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