Security Guard’s Romance



3To be exact, Huang Xing did not expect the Director Yu to call.     0


Since the establishment of Xin Meng Merchant House, she did not have much time to visit and guide him, at most, she would find some time to let Fu Jie report the situation of the Financial statements and its management.    


Thus, after confirming that the other party was the Director Yu, Huang Xing immediately thought about what had happened today. Was someone reporting the conflict between him and Fu Jie to the Director Yu?    


The possibility of this was extremely high! Under normal circumstances, important figures liked to place their own eyes on the subordinate industries. This way, as long as there was any movement, they would be able to get a report on it immediately. The Xin Meng Merchant House must also have had a lot of eyes and ears planted in this place.    


But at this moment, Huang Xing, who did not know the truth, had even brazenly scolded Director Yu. After determining the other party's worth, one could imagine how awkward he was.    


Huang Xing said apologetically: I'm sorry Director Yu, just now, there was a person who made some adjustments and made a call. When you called, I thought it was still the insurance man.    


Yu Mengqin said: A young person needs to learn how to remain calm, don't get angry easily, it's easy to get hurt.    


Huang Xing said: Yes, yes. He had to correct it.    


Yu Mengqin said: How's the situation in Xin Meng Merchant House recently, tell me about it.    


Huang Xing thought for a while. Could it be that Yu Mengqin still did not know about the situation between him and Fu Jie? With a small sigh of relief, he said, It's going well. The personnel management aspect, also orderly, management work enthusiasm, very high.    


"Oh?" Yu Mengqin said: Have you learned how to be joyous and not worry?    


Huang Xing said: No, no. Indeed, it was quite good.    


Yu Mengqin said: But how come I heard that you and Fu Jie had some conflict, and even went so far as to turn hostile during the important meeting.    


Huang Xing was shocked! This news ran really fast, even faster than Liu Xiang.    


With cold sweat pouring down his head, Huang Xing said evasively: No, nothing. It was all a misunderstanding.    


Yu Mengqin said: It's a misunderstanding! Didn't Fu Jie already order you to resign? With such a serious situation, why aren't you telling me the truth?    


Ah? You even know this?    


Huang Xing didn't know what to say. In front of Yu Mengqin, no matter how much he tried to conceal himself, it would all be in vain. She was not an ordinary person. Even though she was thousands of miles away, she was still able to strategize and plan, and win by a thousand miles.    


Yu Mengqin saw that Huang Xing had sunk into silence, and then said: "You two are Xin Meng Merchant House's parents, one father and one mother, if you two do not get everything together, then the entire business district will be in chaos. Thousands of people. Wasn't it going to turn into chaos?    


Huang Xing said: Director Yu is right, I will definitely pay attention in the future.    


Yu Mengqin replied. I'll send a Supervisor over tomorrow to help you and Fu Jie with your work. If anything happens to the two of you, I'll have to use extreme methods. The shopping mall is not a child's play, nor is it a bargaining chip for your battle spirit. Do you understand?    


Huang Xing nodded his head: I understand.    


Yu Mengqin said: Give the phone to Fu Jie, I want to talk to her for a bit.    


What? Huang Xing was confused, he laughed bitterly: We're not together.    


Yu Mengqin said: I know you guys aren't together. Don't hang up, I hope to hear Fu Jie's voice within a minute.    


Huang Xing grumbled in his heart, thinking, wasn't he trying to make things difficult for himself?    


However, after a slight examination, it was not hard to understand Yu Mengqin's intentions. She was disguising herself to give Fu Jie and herself the chance to talk to each other.    


Huang Xing stepped on his invincible Wind Fire Wheel and quickly entered Fu Jie's office.    


Without bothering to knock on the door, Huang Xing rushed in and said to Fu Jie who was seated in a daze: Your phone number!    


Fu Jie was startled, he instinctively looked at his own phone but there were no movements on it. She frowned, not understanding what Huang Xing was trying to do.    


Huang Xing passed the phone in his hand to Fu Jie, and said softly: Hurry, pick up, from Director Yu.    


Fu Jie frowned: "I understand?" What do I know?    


It seemed that she took the words' Director Yu 'to be' you understand ', which was why she made a joke.    


Huang Xing emphasized: I'm not saying that you understand, I'm saying that the Director Yu is calling and wants me to take you to hear it. Director Yu has something to tell you.    


Fu Jie said, then why didn't she call me? Although he was confused, Fu Jie still took Huang Xing's phone. She flung her beautiful hair and placed the phone close to her ear, and said: "You, are you Director Yu?"    


Yu Mengqin's voice came from the other side: It's me, Little Fu.    


Fu Jie's face was filled with surprise and surprise: It's really you?    


Yu Mengqin said: As expected. I ask you, and you must answer me honestly.    


Fu Jie replied: That's for sure, Director Yu, please ask.    


Yu Mengqin said: I heard that you are going to fire the general manager, is this true?    


"This ?" Fu Jie glared at Huang Xing fiercely as he thought to himself, acting like that Liu Hulan, and actually ran over to report to Director Yu. I can't see it, Huang Xing!    


Yu Mengqin said: Fu Jie, I don't care what the reason is, but before this happens, shouldn't you discuss it with me? Huang Xing is the general that I will take care of, and you are also the most handsome person in my life. The two of you are my hopes for me.    


Fu Jie said: I'm sorry Director Yu, I, I was reckless. And I, I said it all in anger. I don't really want to --    


Yu Mengqin said: Alright, stop talking for now. I'll arrange a meal at Yonghe Restaurant at noon tomorrow, come over with Director Huang. I have another important matter to discuss with you.    


Fu Jie said: Okay Director Yu, we will definitely come tomorrow at noon.    


After hanging up, Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing and said: You're really quick. Even if you don't go and bring out Director Yu, I won't really let you go.    


Huang Xing frowned: What do you mean!    


Fu Jie said. Previously, he was busy saying that he insisted on leaving. Right now, wasn't he inviting reinforcements from the Director Yu? Director Huang, how could we not live in such a hypocritical manner? In a more popular phrase, what you want to be is what you want to be. Think about it.    


Her words were full of sarcasm. She actually thought that she was the one who contacted Yu Mengqin and asked her to mediate the conflict. Huang Xing felt confused and replied: It was the Director Yu who called me. I didn't say anything.    


Fu Jie coldly snorted: I called you myself? Then your standards are too high. I, Fu Jie, am ashamed of myself.    


Huang Xing said: You can choose not to believe me.    


Fu Jie emphasized: It's not that I don't believe it, I don't believe it at all!    


Huang Xing couldn't help but sigh. Well, it seems like you don't believe me anymore, right? Am I that untrustworthy?    


Fu Jie replied with a question: Have you ever done anything that I can trust? Alright, I admit it. Back then in Xinyuan Company, I trusted you. You have also helped me do a lot of things. But in the Xin Meng Merchant House, as a general manager, have you done your job?    


Huang Xing said: What reason do I have to not fulfill my duty, you can definitely say it!    


Fu Jie said. Go and do a massage during work time, and ask the clerk, and it was a female clerk, to help you take off your shoes and put them on. Don't you feel that it's dirty?    


Huang Xing said angrily: "That's only what you saw in the surveillance screen! That was not the truth!    


Oh? Director Fu asked: What is the real situation then? Could it be that the security guards in the control room were all PS experts and had given him a beating?    


Huang Xing said helplessly: "I have already explained it to you many times, I can't explain anymore." And that Wonton Lady Boss, it has nothing to do with me! What you saw was not real at all!    


Fu Jie burst out laughing, laughing bitterly: What I saw was not real, then what I heard was real? Huang Xing, you have underestimated my judgement.    


Seeing that she still could not believe him, Huang Xing felt even more helpless: Believe it or not, since it's already like this!    


He turned to leave, but Fu Jie suddenly shouted out: Wait!    


Huang Xing turned his head and asked: What's the matter?    


Fu Jie emphasized: I will not approve of your resignation letter, so as to not let the Director Yu think that I, Fu Jie, am just clearing myself.    


Huang Xing was stunned. She actually used the idiom "purge of others" to describe the relationship between them.    


Fu Jie also seemed to realize that he had misused his words, and immediately added: We could have been a good pair, but you don't know how to cooperate.    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Do you think I do not know how to cooperate, or do you not know how to respect others? I still have to tell you, I have a hundred objections to Bao Shijie's creativity! I'm not targeting him, I'm targeting this method of killing the chicken to reap the egg!    


Fu Jie coldly snorted: "I'm afraid, your real intention is against me?"    


Huang Xing was a little choked up: "How dare I!" You're the boss.    


Fu Jie did not speak anymore, as he raised his wrist to look at the time.    


Huang Xing tactfully walked out of Fu Jie's office.    


However, as soon as he came out, he almost bumped into a person who was walking towards him.    


When he looked up, Huang Xing could not help but frown. How unlucky, to almost bump into this bastard as soon as he stepped out the door!    


It was Bao Shijie.    


He had his hands behind his back and was still humming some song. It sounded so fucking disgusting!    


When Bao Shijie saw that it was Huang Xing, he did not hold back, and even used a teasing tone to joke, "Oh, Director Huang, you've bumped into me."    


Huang Xing heard the power in his tone and couldn't help but curse: A good dog doesn't block the way!    


Bao Shijie tsk-tsked, "Yo, why is the boss cursing me!?" No cultivation!    


Huang Xing immediately extended out her hand to slap him, but held back.    


Seeing Bao Shijie leisurely walking into Fu Jie's office, Huang Xing was extremely angry.    


Damn it, what's the matter with you these few days? Not only did he lose out on the romantic side, but he also lost out on the job!    


Returning to his office, Huang Xing felt very depressed. He wanted to ask Tao Fei to come over for a meal from the canteen, so he didn't want to go over to eat. But unexpectedly, Tao Fei took the initiative and said to Huang Xing: Director Huang, how about we have lunch together, I'll treat you.    


Huang Xing was startled, he thought that after Tao Fei had been in office for so long, he had never eaten with him. Since he was in a very bad mood, he might as well go out and drink some wine to ease his mood.    


After making up his mind, Huang Xing said: Alright, then we'll go out to eat. But I ask you.    


Tao Fei said: That won't do! I won't go if you ask me.    


Huang Xing said: Girl!    


Tao Fei smiled innocently: Let's go Director Huang, Let's go!    


'Go! ' Huang Xing stood up, he suddenly had the urge to get drunk.    


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