Security Guard’s Romance



3Fu Jie's eyes were filled with a strong killing intent.    


Huang Xing really could not understand why Fu Jie would always be so tit for tat towards him. Sometimes, she would even call him worthless.    


She even directly said that there was something wrong with her character!    


This point caused Huang Xing to be quite vexed.    


Fu Jie seemed to realize that he had spoken too seriously, and she slightly softened her tone: "Sorry, I'm excited." I only hope that you won't speak ill of Manager Bao in front of me in the future. I remember telling you many times that you wouldn't listen. Manager Bao was working for the merchant house wholeheartedly. You should take the bigger picture. After all, you're the general manager!    


Huang Xing tried his best to restrain the anger in his heart: I am only objectively commenting on Bao Shijie! There was indeed something wrong with him! But you always treated him like a treasure! Fu Jie, there's something wrong with your eyes right now!    


His mood was a little too agitated.    


Fu Jie sighed, then said: Alright, I won't argue with you. You better take care of yourself!    


Then, she walked out of the office, sped up her footsteps, and left Huang Xing alone in her office.    


Huang Xing did not chase after him! He knew that even if he were to chase after Fu Jie's people, it would be difficult to recover her heart.    


She had changed!    


Coincidence events have occurred recently, and a series of accidents have led to the situation today. Even if there were a few times when relations would ease up, it wouldn't be long before they returned to a state of cold war.    


Huang Xing walked out of the office dejectedly.    


Coincidentally, Bao Shijie was holding something in his hand, and was rushing over.    


Their four eyes met, and Huang Xing's teeth itched with hatred. It was this person who had repeatedly failed since he appeared. Especially his love with Fu Jie, he had been in danger many times.    


Bao Shijie seemed to be able to tell that Huang Xing was feeling very downcast, which made him walk with even more haughtiness. He even reached out his hand to stroke his head, saying to Huang Xing politely: Oh, it's Director Huang!    


Huang Xing did not bother with him, and went straight back to his office.    


For the entire afternoon, Huang Xing's heart was on fire, and he couldn't let it go.    


At around 4 PM in the afternoon, the phone suddenly rang.    


Open it and look: Xiao Hui!    


It was actually Fu Jie's cousin: Xiao Hui.    


When Huang Xing answered, Xiao Hui's voice came over the phone: Hey, hey, brother-in-law, what are you doing?    


Huang Xing said: I'm in the office. Why did you call me?    


Xiao Hui said: Then hurry up and drive the car, and come to the train station to pick me up! I'm in Jinan!    


What? Huang Xing was startled: "You really came to Ji Nan?"    


Xiao Hui said: "Please, why would I lie to you!" He had to hurry. It was cold at the train station!    


Huang Xing said: Alright, then find a place to stay for a while, I will drive there now.    


Xiao Hui urged: Speed must be fast!    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing felt very suspicious. This girl hadn't even said hello before she had mysteriously came to Ji Nan. Was there something she wanted to do?    


But after thinking about it again, Huang Xing still felt that it was not quite appropriate. After all, Xiao Hui was's and Fu Zhenxin's cousin, and they had only met once, so they did not have a deep friendship. She's here. Is it okay to pick her up by car?    


After weighing the pros and cons, Huang Xing still found Fu Jie and told her that Xiao Hui had come to Ji Nan.    


After Fu Jie heard this, he was slightly shocked, but he still indifferently said: So what?    


Huang Xing asked: Do you need to drive to pick them up?    


Fu Jie said: She didn't call me, she called you. Why would I pick up the phone?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly. He knew that Fu Jie did not have any feelings for Xiao Hui, but he was angry at him.    


Coming out of Fu Jie's office, Huang Xing thought of Fu Zhenxin again. Just as she was about to call her, she suddenly remembered that Fu Zhenxin was quite a distance away from the train station. With no other choice, Huang Xing decided to develop his style and drove himself there.    


Half an hour later, at the train station.    


She called Xiao Hui and said she was having a Coke in the KFC.    


Huang Xing walked into the KFC and distinguished Xiao Hui's figure from the crowd of guests.    


She was dressed in a casual sportswear and had a youthful air about her. A simple and unadorned natural wind exuded the unique charm of a beautiful girl.    


She was holding a large Coke cup and sucking on it. Seeing Huang Xing coming over, he patted the seat beside him: Come, come, let's sit for a while. No rush. There was plenty of time.    


Huang Xing walked over, but did not sit down.    


Xiao Hui extended two of his fingers and pinched them together, snapping them together, he shouted towards the staff member: Pour another large cola!    


Huang Xing quickly replied: I'm not drinking. I don't like this.    


Xiao Hui took the straw from the cola cup and grinded it with his teeth. He then reached his hand and pulled it out, and a few Cola marks appeared on the corner of his mouth: I'm here, are you happy? Welcome or not?    


Huang Xing didn't know how to respond, but he quickly asked: "Why didn't you call your cousin when you came?"    


Who? Xiao Hui asked: Fu Jie? He hadn't even had the time yet! Fu Zhenxin also didn't give me a call. What, interesting enough, the first person that came to Ji Nan was you.    


Huang Xing thought, I don't need it. But on the surface, he said, "Why did you think of Ji Nan?"    


Xiao Hui stressed: It was a temporary decision. This girl always likes to do as she pleases. Where you want to go. Thinking of coming to Jinan, he got on the car and came here immediately.    


Huang Xing asked: How many days do you want to stay here?    


Xiao Hui stretched out one finger at a time, but soon after, he extended out another: Two... No, no, no... Three days! Three days!    


Three days? Huang Xing said: You don't need to work?    


Xiao Hui replied: I asked for a leave of absence. For the next three days, I'm going to take a stroll around. Great Lake, Baotu Spring, if you have time, go to Tai An to climb Mt. Tai.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: What is there to stroll around in this winter?    


Xiao Hui reasoned, "Winter is the best time!" If it was summer, one would be covered in sweat while the other would be covered in sweat.    


What he said made sense.    


Xiao Hui blinked his eyes and said: Accompany me for the next few days then. Fu Jie and Fu Zhenxin probably did not have time. They all had their own problems. I don't expect them.    


Huang Xing was startled, and asked a question in reply: Am I really that free in your opinion? I'm busy too!    


Are you busy? Xiao Hui said: Why are you so busy? In any case, with my Big Sister Fu Jie there, it doesn't matter if you go or not. However, I warned you in advance that asking you to accompany me for a stroll was not because I thought you were handsome or had any intentions towards me. I just thought it would be safer to have a man around. You understand?    


Huang Xing shook his head: I don't understand. Why don't you invite someone else!    


Xiao Hui frowned: It can't be? You... You still don't like it? How much risk did I take to get you to accompany me... Oh, I see. You're afraid my sister will be jealous, aren't you? The home tutor was very strict! I'll go and tell her to borrow it for three days. Maybe two days would be enough. That way, it wouldn't be difficult to borrow more! Do you remember to plan your itinerary and itinerary for the next few days tonight, OK?    


What nonsense!    


This shocking little girl had a different way of thinking from before.    


Huang Xing did not reply, but instead urged her on: Let's go, where do we go first? Are you going to Fu Jie's place, or Fu Zhenxin's place, or ?    


Xiao Hui answered first: No need! I'm going to the hotel. I have it, Silver Seat. The one on North Garden Road. Why don't you take me to the hotel and put the stuff away. Then, I'll take you on a tour of Xin Meng Merchant House and see my sister. Then, I'll take me to Fu Zhenxin's place to see that silly girl. After all, they had to meet and hug each other.    


Huang Xing was confused: There are so many places to live, why must we stay at a hotel?    


Xiao Hui emphasized: There's no need for that money. It's not convenient for me to come out and play and not like living in someone else's house. Just say you and Fu Jie, if by any chance I meet you two when I get up and go to the toilet ? That ? Aiya, how embarrassing.    


Huang Xing was a little speechless. This girl could be considered a venomous tongue, and her words were spoken without thinking: Your sister and I are not living together.    


What? Xiao Hui said: It can't be? You've been together for so many years, and yet you're not living together? God, I can't imagine. You've failed so badly, Brother-in-law. What era was it now? He had to make a move early!    


Huang Xing said in a conflicted manner: "I'm very traditional." Your sister is very ? Tradition.    


After speaking, Huang Xing then felt that it was better not to explain this explanation.    


Xiao Hui tsk-tsked: Then you're useless! Looking at today's society with the traditional eyes, it was certain that he had made a mistake!    


Huang Xing did not reply.    


After exiting the KFC, Huang Xing brought Xiao Hui to the car and went straight to the hotel.    


Second floor 202. Huang Xing placed Xiao Hui's luggage on the wall. Xiao Hui stretched his body and laid on the bed, using the rebound from the bed to suddenly stand up.    


Is this a game of spring?    


Xiao Hui walked to Huang Xing and pushed him on the shoulder. Get out, get out! Let me change my clothes first!    


Being pushed out of the door, Huang Xing laughed bitterly in his heart.    


With a cigarette in his mouth, Huang Xing paced back and forth in the corridor.    


Until the door was opened, Xiao Hui's voice rang beside his ears: Come in, come in, OK.    


Huang Xing walked into the room, but the Xiao Hui in front of her surprised her greatly.    


It was fine if Xiao Hui was not dressed up, but when he dressed up, he could overturn everyone! This temperament, this figure ? Beautiful!    


A sleeveless red Batshirt with a thin, flowered sweater underneath. She wore a little G-buckled belt, a tight down skirt, slender jade legs, and a pair of knee-high black boots, flanked by shiny carved diamonds.    


Her hair was tied up and she wore a light makeup. Her long eyelashes, faint shadow of her eyes and lips were all slightly blue and red. She exuded an endless charm.    


Xiao Hui detected Huang Xing's surprised gaze and turned his body in a circle in front of him, showing off and saying, "You must be seeing a fool. Let me tell you, when I dress up, I'm also a beauty."    


Huang Xing said: Actually, you ?    


Xiao Hui suddenly interrupted him: You should say this, even if you don't dress up, you're still a beauty. Haha.    


Huang Xing started to sweat. Could this be the legendary narcissistic angel?    


Just then, Huang Xing's phone rang.    


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