Security Guard’s Romance



3Seeing that Huang Xing's tone was getting more and more stiff, Wu Qianqian became very anxious: "I'm not, that's not what I meant." I want you to help me ?     1


Huang Xing interrupted her: "Old classmate, I still have to say this. Since I am a classmate, I will definitely help if I can, and will try my best to help." But I hate it the most. I'm being treated like a monkey. Do you have to ask me to drive a excavator to help you get rid of the flies when you see a fly buzzing in front of your eyes? Make a fuss!    


Wu Qianqian realised that she had truly angered Huang Xing this time. Originally, she did not intend to play around with Huang Xing anymore, she only cherished this chance encounter with Huang Xing, and wanted him to come over and chat with her in the name of being pestered by fans. However, he never expected that since it would be like this that angered Huang Xing, it would be difficult for him to end things.    


Huang Xing wanted to open the car door to get off, but Wu Qianqian quickly said: "I ?." I just want you to help me get back to the hotel and get my phone back. He had left in such a hurry that he had forgotten to take it. I really am... I'm really afraid of being surrounded again, and I don't like the feeling of being flattered.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment: Alright, I can give you the phone. But my old classmate, I have to remind you...    


While talking, Huang Xing felt that the following words were too cruel, so he endured it and gave up.    


Wu Qianqian gave his room card to Huang Xing, who pondered for a bit, then opened the car door and got off.    


Huang Xing got on the Audi and drove to the entrance of the hotel.    


Tao Fei asked curiously: Where are we going, Director Huang, why are you here?    


Huang Xing said: Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. Okay, wait for me in the car. I'll be right down.    


Tao Fei watched as Huang Xing got off the car and walked into the hotel.    


At the door, Huang Xing swiped his card, pushed open the door and walked in.    


However, even after searching everywhere, he could not find any trace of Wu Qianqian's phone. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. A crisp ringtone sounded.    


He followed the ringtone and finally determined the phone's approximate location. Then, he found it in the drawer above the shoe cabinet.    


Without further ado, Huang Xing picked up his phone and prepared to leave. However, just as he reached the door, he was surrounded by five to six people.    


These people were the waiters that Wu Qianqian had mentioned.    


One of the male attendants who was in his twenties stood at the front and asked excitedly: "Hello, may I ask what is your relationship with Wu Qianqian?" Did you come together? You...    


Huang Xing interrupted him: Are you bored, you two? Do what you need to do!    


The male waiter said: "You have appeared here, this is Wu Qianqian's room, you ?." Are you Wu Qianqian's boyfriend?    


Huang Xing said impatiently: No comment!    


The waiter said, So that's acquiescence? I want to know...    


Huang Xing extended his hand out to pull at the air, wanting to make a gap for him to slip away, but the few of them seemed to have reached an unusual understanding and blocked Huang Xing's way out.    


This leading male waiter was a very fair looking boy. It could even be said that he was very sunny and had a face full of smiles. However, from his nervous and pretentious expression, it could be determined that he really should belong to Wu Qianqian's hardcore fan. The other waiters were also excited. After all, Wu Qianqian's fame and influence were already at a certain level.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Please get out of my way!    


The waitress said, You can't go. I think we should sit down and talk, don't you?    


Huang Xing emphasized: I don't have time!    


Then you only need to answer one question, but you have to answer it honestly. Excuse me, are you Wu Qianqian's boyfriend?    


When he asked this question, a slightly wretched looking waiter immediately added, "Have you guys gone to bed yet?"    


Huang Xing took a deep breath, maybe at that moment he felt the pain of being entangled by his own fans, even though the waiters were not his fans. Huang Xing looked at the evil looking male waiter, frowned and said: "I can tell you, I'm not Wu Qianqian's boyfriend. From what I know, she doesn't have a boyfriend yet. Are you all satisfied with this answer?    


The waiter said, "Just look at you. You're just giving us a perfunctory reply." No, you have to give us something practical. For example, since you are not Wu Qianqian's boyfriend, then what is your relationship? It couldn't be the legendary ? A girl friend, right?    


Huang Xing said in anger: Do your parents know that you guys are such gossips? Young people, it's better to think about how to struggle. What's the use of thinking about celebrities and hosts all day long? When all of you are done with your training, what star or host? You can meet anyone you want. The point is, you have to have a career, first! Before you have no career, you still have the mind to gossip and all this nonsense?    


We know how to struggle, the boy said. We don't need you to tell us. But what we want to know the most right now, are some information regarding Wu Qianqian. We all like her a lot. Usually, we can only see her on TV. Today, we finally met her in person, but she ? She slipped away...    


Huang Xing emphasized: Please respect the artist's privacy, OK?    


Bai Jing male: Please also respect our admiration and love for the artiste, you know, to the fan rude, will cause a negative social response, is an artiste's guilty performance.    


This kid was quite eloquent!    


Huang Xing saw that he could not understand them, and was too lazy to bother with them, so he said: Go, go call your boss over!    


Bai Jing said, "Our boss is not here." I am the boss's brother, the blood brother. Just tell me what you want.    


'Good! ' Huang Xing controlled his emotions and said: Please get out of the way, I'm going. Do you understand? If Liu Dehua and the others came, wouldn't you all have to seal the entire guesthouse?    


The boy said: Li Xiaolong is already dead, okay!    


Huang Xing said: I am making a comparison! There was a limit to chasing after stars! Get out of the way!    


Everyone continued to block the road, causing Huang Xing to feel both angry and amused.    


The boy said, You can leave, but you have to do something for us. This is it, let Wu Qianqian show herself. We have a lot of things we want to ask her. No more than an hour, we promise. No, half an hour.    


'It's impossible! ' Huang Xing emphasized: Please do not use your own preferences to occupy our legal space. If you don't move away, I'll call the police!    


On the other hand, the boy dressed in white said fearlessly: "Report, report!" I'm just afraid that you won't call the police! Once you call the police, the whole world will know that Wu Qianqian has arrived at our hotel. He even made an advertisement for our hotel for free!    


Seeing that they were no longer able to convince them with the truth and even used such methods to intimidate them, these people did not change their original intentions and only wanted to meet with Wu Qianqian. Helpless, Huang Xing could only choose the other way: Going for the kill!    


Huang Xing squeezed forward without explanation, and everyone held him back.    


Just as they were blocking Huang Xing's way, Huang Xing suddenly changed directions and ran to the other side.    


This attack was an attack from the east to the west, allowing Huang Xing to make full use of it.    


Huang Xing was secretly pleased with himself for escaping, but he immediately realized a serious problem.    


What about the stairs? Where was the staircase?    


The elevator didn't either.    


Only then did Huang Xing realize that the staircase and elevator were both in the other direction.    


After laughing bitterly, Huang Xing was forced to return to his original position.    


The so-called fans were still waiting at the door of the room. Seeing Huang Xing return in a sorry state, the fair boy was immediately overjoyed. Haha, let's not go down. Is it hard, it's not hard. It was just a small request. No,     


Huang Xing frowned: "Why do I feel like you guys are like gangsters, threatening others?"    


We're not gangs, the boy said. We're just crazy fans.    


Seeing that he was unable to escape in such a short time, Huang Xing thought of a countermeasure in his heart. Perhaps at this moment in time, Huang Xing had experienced the excruciating pain of being sought after by the fans. From this, it was not difficult to understand the distress Wu Qianqian had just revealed to them. It looks like the tone I used just now was indeed a little too harsh and hurt Wu Qianqian.    


With no other choice, Huang Xing decided to let the situation go. Since they wanted to see Wu Qianqian, then he might as well give them a blank check before acting according to the circumstances.    


Huang Xing lit a cigarette and said: If you guys want to see Wu Qianqian, that's fine. But let me tell you this, I am still unable to contact Wu Qianqian. But I can take you to her.    


The boy said with a 'tsk tsk'. "Stop lying, you're on such good terms with her. You're already living in the same room, so you don't have her contact information?" Then you ? What are you doing in her room? She must have forgotten something, and she was afraid we were going to pester her again, so she sent you to get it, didn't she?    


His ability to analyze and judge did indeed have the potential to be a detective.    


Huang Xing nodded: That's right. Basically, that's the situation. But I don't need you to gossip about my relationship with her!    


The boy said, "We don't gossip. We can avoid gossip." But can you take out Wu Qianqian's phone number and share it with him? I think, maybe this is...    


Huang Xing interrupted him: Don't even think about it! I don't have the power or the obligation to tell you.    


The boy said, "Then let's waste time here today. Let's see who consumes who!"    


He crossed his arms in a gesture that was not a good man.    


The others also agreed, they were prepared to fight with Huang Xing for a long time.    


Just then, from the opposite of Huang Xing, a middle aged woman suddenly jumped out, and shouted to the group of young male Waitress s: What are you all doing, aren't you going to go and work? What are you all here for?    


Huang Xing was shocked, her savior had finally arrived?    


The middle-aged woman's shout was quite useful. A few waiters left in succession, unwilling to part with her.    


However, that fair skinned boy and the other guy whose face was covered with acne were still standing there, fighting with Huang Xing for a long time.    


Huang Xing frowned and asked: "You guys, don't need to work?"    


The boy raised his head and clicked his tongue. "I'm the boss's younger brother, blood related younger brother. He, he's the boss's blood related younger brother, do we still need to work?"    


Huang Xing fainted!    


What era was it to have such an infatuated Starseeker clan?    


Furthermore, Wu Qianqian was not really a Big Star, she was just a host at the variety channel.    


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