Security Guard’s Romance



4As the saying goes, there was an intense battle between the two. Suddenly, the atmosphere dropped to a freezing point.    


One of them was the female boss of the shopping mall who shook the world, and the other was the headstrong daughter of the business giant Yu Mengqin.    


The two of them were like fire and water that could not be fused.    


Facing this situation, Huang Xing could only bear with the humiliation and assume the role of the peacemaker. He stood up and advised: Alright, alright, today's meeting will end here, let's end here. What's the matter? We'll discuss it next time.    


Who would have thought that with his involvement, he would instead be knocked back by a series of large bricks.    


Ouyang Mengjiao took the initiative to ask: Why, why? Today's matter had to be resolved today. If he let it go on for too long, it was easy for it to get moldy!    


Fu Jie even began to blame Huang Xing: What should he do now! I want to see today, how amazing can you, a Supervisor, be? Let me tell you, Supervisor Ouyang, in this place, I have the final say! Your idea is far-fetched. It will increase your investment. Even if you take your idea to the Director Yu, she won't agree!    


'Great dictator! ' Ouyang Mengjiao scolded as he glared at Fu Jie like a tiger staring at its prey: If you continue to dictate like this, sooner or later, the business district will be destroyed by you!    


Fu Jie coldly snorted. What a joke! Ever since I built and took over the Xin Meng Merchant House, I think everyone can see clearly the performance of the merchant house. In the whole of Jinan, and even the whole of Shandong, which outstanding clan could compare to the performance of the Xin Meng Merchant House? Was there any other enterprise that could match the salary of the manager and employees of the Xin Meng Merchant House, even if it was a state-owned enterprise? On the contrary, I want to tell you that Director Yu didn't send you here to mess things up. As a Supervisor, you can exercise oversight functions, but I hope that you won't interfere with the day-to-day management of the business district. You don't have that power, nor do you have that obligation!    


Hearing Fu Jie's words, Ouyang Mengjiao became petty: I won't do it! I like to interfere! I can't bear to see such a thing happen. The only thing I want to say is that I want you to ? Director Yu's response! Oh, right, do you think that the Xin Meng Merchant House did well, was all because of you, Fu Jie? Let me also tell you, that is the chance that the Director Yu has given you, and it is to give you a good foundation! Of course, this is also the result of the hard work of all the managers and employees of the mall. Yet, you put all the credit to your own efforts.    


Fu Jie frowned: "Please don't be too formal."    


'Am I? ' Ouyang Mengjiao asked in reply: Am I not speaking the truth?    


Fu Jie touched his forehead and calmed himself down: Alright, I don't want to argue with you about this, it's not worth it. I'd rather spend more time doing business building.    


After she finished speaking, she wanted to leave.    


However, Ouyang Mengjiao still did not forgive her. No more words? The best way to leave?    


Fu Jie raised his voice as he walked towards the door: "None of you are allowed to leave. It would be very awkward for a person to talk about it here!    


All the managers looked at each other.    


But in the end, there were people who understood the meaning behind Fu Jie's words and took the lead to follow behind Fu Jie, leaving the conference room.    


Then, one by one, the crowd dispersed.    


Although it appeared as if she was trying to move everyone to listen to what Ouyang Mengjiao was saying, in reality, she was emphasizing the last part. Let her speak here alone!    


Seeing that, Ouyang Mengjiao played it down and punched the conference table. Bang!    


Huang Xing sighed lightly, walked to the front of Ouyang Mengjiao and said: "What you said, is not the right time."    


Ouyang Mengjiao pouted his lips and looked at Huang Xing angrily: Even you are not willing to help me?    


'How can I help you? I can't even protect myself! ' Huang Xing laughed bitterly, thinking back to what happened last night, he couldn't help but feel an intense fear in his heart. After Fu Jie had a misunderstanding, he once said something fierce. Either Huang Xing left or she left, the two of them had to leave together.    


Ouyang Mengjiao countered with a question: Did she scare you to the point that you peed your pants? Wake up, she was clearly in the middle of a dictatorship, okay?    


Huang Xing shook his head: Alright, forget it, go back and rest, calm down.    


Ouyang Mengjiao touched his abdomen, and said angrily: This young lady's anger, can't be stopped! I... You're not done with her!    


After saying that, she turned around and walked out of the meeting room.    


Returning to the office, Huang Xing felt his mind was in a mess.    


The quarrel between Ouyang Mengjiao and her echoed in his ears. Huang Xing really did not know how to resolve the conflict between them.    


Not to mention the conflict between them, just the misunderstanding between Fu Jie and himself was very difficult to resolve.    


Recalling what happened last night, he thought for a while. Under that situation, with his entire body being almost exposed, how could Fu Jie not misunderstand? Moreover, before this, he also had a relationship with Fu Zhenxin.    


To be exact, Huang Xing was tired.    


One mistake after another had caused his body and mind to be set on fire.    


After weighing the pros and cons again and again, Huang Xing decided to retreat bravely.    


Last night, Fu Jie had already put down his words. One mountain couldn't have two tigers, if it wasn't him, it would be her. For Fu Jie to leave, Huang Xing would definitely not have the heart to do so.    


The only choice he had was to leave.    


After making up his mind, Huang Xing wrote two big words on the computer: Retired from work.    


The content was very simple: Respected Fu Dong, due to my limited ability, I am unable to qualify for the position of General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building. I hereby request for your resignation, and ask for your approval.    


After being printed, Huang Xing stared at the heavy page of words, his heart feeling extremely emotional.    


Now that he had feelings, how could he bear to leave?    


It was just like the love between him and Fu Jie. Even though he had been wronged and injured continuously, it was impossible for him to let go of it. In terms of love, he could not lack Fu Jie, and in terms of career, he did not want to lose the Xin Meng Merchant House.    


But at the moment, he didn't want Fu Jie to lose Xin Meng Merchant House. He didn't want to lose the platform that he had to struggle for so many years to obtain.    


It didn't matter who was right or wrong anymore. What was important was to give each other a distance and space.    


Perhaps, if he calmed his heart and thought about it, he would be able to solve all of these problems?    


Huang Xing comforted himself in his heart and took his resignation report to Fu Jie's office.    


Knocking on the door, a familiar, cold voice rang out: Come in!    


When Huang Xing stood in front of Fu Jie, he was stunned for a moment.    


Huang Xing did not say a word, and silently passed the resignation letter to Fu Jie.    


Fu Jie looked down and smacked the table: You're doing this again?    


Huang Xing emphasized: "This time, I have already made up my mind. If you agree, I'll go. I... I'm tired.    


Fu Jie asked: "Have you really thought this through?"    


Huang Xing pretended to nod his head calmly: I have already thought about it clearly, let's sign it, Fu Dong.    


Actually, Huang Xing had long gotten used to calling Fu Jie Director Fu, but this time, he had changed his address for the first time.    


'You want to piss me off, don't you? ' Fu Jie slapped his resignation letter on his desk: What do you mean? You threaten me with resignation when you're in a bad mood, don't you?    


'I threaten you? ' Huang Xing bit her lips: It's you who said it, either you go, or me go. Of course you can't go. The mall can't leave you. But, I, Huang Xing, am only a... Just a puppet. Without me, the mall would still be the same.    


Fu Jie pressed his forehead with his hand and pushed the resignation letter up a little: Take it back first, let me think.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Don't even think about it, you just need to sign. It was that simple.    


Fu Jie stared at Huang Xing with a strange gaze, wanting to say something, but hesitated. He stayed silent for a moment.    


Huang Xing urged her: Sign it, don't worry, I, Huang Xing, no matter where I go, will always be able to support myself.    


Fu Jie took out a pencil from the pen holder and carelessly pinched it. He said with an unusually calm tone of voice, "I will not sign this for now. Furthermore, you are the one who was decided to do it by Director Yu, I do not have the qualifications to let you go." I will try to control myself and separate your work from your character. Can you understand me?    


Huang Xing replied: What you mean is, my job is not bad, my character is ? Bad character?    


Fu Jie sneered: IQ is good. You can understand it that way. Take this report of yours and please don't joke about it in the future. OK?    


Huang Xing shook his head: I'm not joking with you. Now that I have written my report, I have no intention of withdrawing it.    


Fu Jie was getting impatient, and asked a question in reply: What exactly do you want?    


Huang Xing stressed: I'm not thinking of anything, I just want to change my work environment. It was that simple.    


Fu Jie once again pressed a hand to his forehead. "Did you discuss this with Ouyang Mengjiao? Go, disappear right in front of me, go!    


Huang Xing pointed to the resignation letter on his desk: It's very simple, once you sign it, I will leave immediately, I guarantee that I will disappear without a trace in front of you.    


Fu Jie stared at Huang Xing in anger, his eyes almost popping out.    


At this moment, there was a loud bang as someone pushed open the door and entered!    


In the Xin Meng Merchant House, there was simply no one who would barge into Fu Jie's office without knocking.    


Huang Xing turned his head to take a look, and couldn't help but be startled for a moment.    


It's Xiao Hui!    


Xiao Hui, wearing an exaggerated looking cashmere overcoat, rushed in hastily. Before he could even see what was going on inside, he started shouting, "Hey, hey, what's going on, do you guys still care about me?" I was alone in the hotel, waiting and waiting, and there wasn't even someone to accompany me to breakfast! Cold treatment, absolute cold treatment! Could this even be considered a relative? This could be considered as...    


Her words were like a machine gun as she wildly shot outwards, not noticing in the slightest that Fu Jie's gaze that was practically bursting with fire.    


Naturally, when Xiao Hui walked closer while complaining, he found the resignation letter on the table.    


The name 'Huang Xing' was clearly written on the signature.    


She was shocked, looked at Fu Jie, then looked at Huang Xing, unable to understand what the young couple was singing about.    


Fu Jie looked at Xiao Hui expressionlessly, and said unhappily: You have been working for so long, yet you have not learnt how to be polite, do you not know that you need to knock at the door? Don't tell me that in the Town Security team, all you learned was to bully the peddlers and beat up the commoners?    


Originally, Fu Jie was also angry with him, but when he heard this, Xiao Hui was unhappy and immediately refuted: "You ?" How did you... When did I oppress the people? What's wrong with me being in the Town Security team? I'm working for the country and enforcing the law impartially! What the hell? I was scolded by you the moment I entered the door. Are you my elder sister?    


Fu Jie pointed to the door: I suggest that you avoid this first.    


Xiao Hui bellowed: I'm sorry, I don't accept your suggestion!    


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