Security Guard’s Romance



0Huang Xing's stomach turned and turned, and he spat out acid from his mouth.    


I drank too much, I drank too much this time.    


Tao Fei anxiously patted Huang Xing's back lightly. Huang Xing wanted to tear away at his throat, but he felt that it was extremely difficult to speak.    


Helplessly, Huang Xing used the move that Fu Zhenxin had once taught him: Scratching your throat!    


After digging a few times, he found that it worked and once again, he felt another wave of vomiting. Huang Xing's stomach finally felt better, he took a deep breath and washed his face. Tao Fei wiped Huang Xing's face with a towel and said, Director Huang, do you want to take a bath and then sleep?    


Under the effects of the alcohol, Huang Xing actually misunderstood Tao Fei's concern for him as a hint of something. Tao Fei, who was drunk, looked at the flowers and found them to be even more beautiful. Her body was emitting an enchanting fragrance, her white and rosy cheeks were incomparably exquisite, especially her beautiful and sexy big eyes. Under her light blink, she released an endless amount of tenderness.    


Huang Xing nodded. He introduced the hot water raft and the cold water raft to Huang Xing, then closed the door and walked out.    


After taking off his clothes, Huang Xing took a hearty bath. He suddenly thought evilly, when he put on his clothes and walked out, could Tao Fei be waiting for him emotionally?    


Perhaps, before he was about to leave his job, he encountered another alluring hidden rule?    


When a person was drunk, a certain desire would grow stronger and stronger. Huang Xing felt that his body was already starting to become restless.    


When Huang Xing finished dressing himself, he found out that Tao Fei was sitting on the bed right now. She had already changed into a set of colorful pattern pajamas. Huang Xing was startled, and then he started to anticipate the development of the following scene. He couldn't even bear it anymore.    


Seeing that Huang Xing had finished bathing, he stood up and laughed, then said: "I am also going to take a bath, it is not comfortable to drink wine and not take a bath. Director Huang, why don't you watch TV for a while?    


Huang Xing nodded.    


Tao Fei walked into the bathroom lightly.    


Huang Xing sat on the sofa and turned on the TV. However, after being drunk, his focus was not on the television screen, but instead subtly shifted to Tao Fei. The bathroom was filled with water, he could imagine how Tao Fei would look like after taking a bath, and it would be a series of changes. He seemed to have forgotten Tao Fei's identity. He was his own secretary. He even felt that being brought home by Tao Fei this time was originally a naked hint.    


After about fifteen minutes, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and the door opened. Huang Xing saw Tao Fei wearing a bathrobe, with her hair fluttering in the wind, she slowly walked out.    


She was so beautiful, so beautiful that it made one's heart palpitate. That head of wet hair stuck to her rosy white face, giving off a feeling of extreme sexuality. At the bottom of the bathrobe, her two slender white legs twisted into the most moving rhythm in the world as they moved.    


Huang Xing really wanted to, especially.    


Tao Fei walked in front of Huang Xing and held onto his hair. Huang Xing smelt the fragrance of shampoo as well as the fragrance of the woman on her body.    


Huang Xing even wanted to reach out and take her hand, to feel her charm even more closely. When he was in the Merchant Shop in the past, he had never felt such a strong attraction to Tao Fei. This Tao Fei had a fiery hot body and a sexy body.    


Tao Fei grinned and said: "Taking a bath is just being comfortable." It was as if the alcohol had been washed away.    


Huang Xing emboldened to praise: Good. You look great in the bath.    


Tao Fei was startled, she pouted her cute little mouth and said: "Director Huang, what you mean is, when I don't shower, I don't look good?    


Huang Xing laughed: Yes. It all looks good. Come, let me see.    


He didn't know if Tao Fei would be able to understand his suggestion. But from the bottom of his heart, he hoped that the opportunity that Tao Fei had shared a room with him this afternoon would cause even more sparks to appear. He had never had this kind of presumptuous thought before, but after Tao Fei expressed this much to him in the little spiral, and adding the stimulation of the alcohol, he had this evil thought just now. Perhaps, the main culprit behind all these thoughts wasn't Tao Fei or the alcohol, but Fu Jie. In the past few days, Fu Jie had always been cold and provocative towards Huang Xing, and the relationship between the two of them had even reached a point where it was difficult to reconcile. Huang Xing's heart was simply depressed to the extreme, to the point that his brain was a little messed up! While he was in a state of confusion, he drank too much and arrived at the home of a beautiful secretary.    


Or perhaps, this kind of evil birth was also a form of mutated revenge.    


Tao Fei pulled a chair over and sat beside Huang Xing, as though he really wanted to experience his beauty after coming out of the bath.    


As Huang Xing watched this, his heart was intoxicated. This kind of intoxicating feeling, combined with the heartbreaking feeling Fu Jie brought him, instantly fused together and shot out a type of chemical reaction. It was called: Wanting to go off the rails.    


Tao Fei tilted her beautiful head and giggled: "Director Huang, in the office, you have never paid so much attention to me before.    


Is that so? Huang Xing said: Work, reason for work.    


Tao Fei asked: Alright, Director Huang, stop looking at it. I'm not good-looking.    


Huang Xing did his best to correct them. I suddenly realized that I had such a beautiful and lovely secretary by my side, and I was actually in the dark all along.    


Tao Fei seemed to have found a flaw in Huang Xing's words. "Look, look. In other words, in your opinion, I have never been beautiful before." I must have leaked it to Director Huang.    


Huang Xing asked: Did I leak it?    


Tao Fei got up and brewed a pot of tea and went to eat it with Huang Xing.    


She was calmly sipping her tea, her sexy lips touching the side of the cup like a beautiful scenery.    


What Huang Xing was praising was not tea, but the little beauty in front of him.    


After a while, Tao Fei stood up, took the teapot, and poured some tea into Huang Xing's teacup. Huang Xing watched her as she poured tea and felt that she was unbearably beautiful. After she put down the teapot, Huang Xing stood up, leaned in close to her and took the opportunity to grab one of her hands.    


Tao Fei's pupils enlarged and his hand pulled back. That kind of smooth and exquisite feeling instead stimulated Huang Xing, who hugged Tao Fei into his arms.    


Tao Fei instinctively pushed back, and his shoulders also resisted: Director Huang, don't, don't, don't do this.    


Huang Xing stared at Tao Fei with his pair of deep eyes. He did not speak and only wanted to use this body language to transmit his desire to her.    


Tao Fei struggled for a while, before quietening down. She shyly looked at Huang Xing, and her eyes seemed to dart a little. Maybe the alcohol in her body hadn't completely retreated. Looking at Huang Xing's handsome and resolute face that she normally didn't dare look at, her heart was thumping hard. It was as if she was used to, or even obsessed with, the smell of his body. That faint smell of tobacco was actually filled with a sense of the opposite sex.    


Huang Xing leaned forward a little and wanted to kiss her.    


Tao Fei suddenly extended out his hand, and blocked in front of him, saying: "No, Director Huang really can't!"    


Huang Xing was startled.    


Tao Fei giggled: You, you have a beard on your mouth, I'm scared that you'll stab me.    


Gently, gently, Tao Fei half closed his eyes.    


Huang Xing thought that she was sending out some kind of signal to him and was about to kiss her again, but suddenly, Tao Fei opened his eyes wide, and with lightning speed, left a light kiss on Huang Xing's cheek.    


This kiss was too sudden. Huang Xing only felt that his face was cool and fragrant. The moment her lips touched him, she seemed to release a boundless energy. But just as Huang Xing was immersed in the kiss, Tao Fei broke free from his embrace, raised the teacup, and took a sip.    


Huang Xing stared at her blankly, thinking, was this kiss some sort of disguised refusal?    


Impossible, absolutely impossible!    


The drunk Huang Xing had a special sort of confidence, he believed that he definitely had an irreplaceable position in Tao Fei's heart. The fact that she was able to say those words at noon was proof.    


Tao Fei touched his throat and laughed: Thirsty, very thirsty. Director Huang also sat down to drink some water. After drinking, he must drink more water!    


Huang Xing stood in place for a moment, then gradually recovered. He seemed to have no way of verifying how Tao Fei had agilely escaped from his embrace just now. He was worried that this escape would be a form of tactful resistance.    


He sat down again, calming down his excitement.    


Tao Fei asked tentatively: "Director Huang, why don't you go to bed and have a good night's sleep?"    


Huang Xing asked in a teasing tone, testing the waters: "Are you accompanying me?"    


Tao Fei blushed and warned her in good will: Don't speak nonsense! Otherwise, your lofty image in my mind will be ruined all of a sudden.    


Huang Xing was embarrassed, but he stood up. Tao Fei brought him to the bed and tidied himself up a little. Then, like a maid, he waved his hand and said, "May the emperor change his clothes and rest.    


Huang Xing stretched his tired arms and asked: Are you not going to sleep?    


Tao Fei pointed to the living room.    


Huang Xing looked at the bed in front of him, and it was true, perhaps to save space, it was a very small single bed, which could barely accommodate two people lying down, unable to flip over.    


Tao Fei turned around and returned to the living room. After thinking about it again, he felt that it was indeed very tired. Although he was unwilling, he still felt that he had to slowly wait for an opportunity to turn up. She took off her shoes and lay down on the bed.    


The surroundings were overflowing with a kind of fragrance that was similar to Tao Fei's;    


Closing his eyes, he saw an illusion before him. Several women were circling in his mind, performing different charms.    


But the person Huang Xing dreamt of was still Fu Jie. Although some disagreements had occurred between her and Fu Jie, no one could replace her unique position in Huang Xing's heart.    


In his dream, Huang Xing was similarly laying on the bed. Fu Jie was rolling around in front of him, and then sitting down on the bedside, and quietly and attentively looking at Huang Xing. She began to repent to Huang Xing for her actions these past few days. She sincerely apologized and described the happy love history of each other ? Huang Xing's eyes were filled with tears as he listened attentively, listening attentively. Until she grabbed onto his hand, he could feel the warmth and affection from her hand.    


Huang Xing could no longer hold back his emotions. He suddenly sat up and hugged Fu Jie tightly.    


But in reality, the person he was hugging wasn't Fu Jie.    


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