Security Guard’s Romance



4Rather than to say that Fu Jie and Huang Xing were playing a game, it would be better to say that they were fighting spirit.    1


Fu Jie was angry that Huang Xing, as the general manager of the company, did not manage to get a good start on the business, and had even started to cheat with a woman from the wonton shop. Huang Xing was angry that Fu Jie kept misunderstanding him, treating him indifferently, and especially this Bao Shijie that she brought, made him feel even worse. Furthermore, Fu Jie's meeting today, had actually gone against common sense and did not allow him to breathe in advance, which further angered him. There was no need to mention the feelings, but to be isolated and humiliating himself at work, that had exceeded the limits of what Huang Xing could bear psychologically.    


Facing Fu Jie's rage, Huang Xing had already prepared for the worst. Didn't you think that foreign monks would recite scriptures? Fine, at most, I will resign and give up! Let a monk like you come and help you!    


Under his rage, Huang Xing also stood up: If I don't want to do it, then I don't want to do it, what can I do?    


For a time, the scene was tense and irreparable.    


To be exact, Fu Jie never thought that the situation would develop to such an extent.    


And Huang Xing was even more unable to believe that one day, he would actually be able to fall out with his beloved Angel. How he loved her, how he worshipped her. He even couldn't bear to speak loudly to Fu Jie, afraid that he would sully the beauty if he was not careful. He cherished her as the greatest fortune and fortune of his life. But it often backfired. In just a few short days, a string of misunderstandings and battle qi caused Fu Jie's impression of himself to get worse and worse. This led to this unavoidable conflict and it erupted like a volcano.    


Looking at Fu Jie's extremely beautiful and cold face, Huang Xing recalled the past sweetness and happiness in his mind, his heart was in a mess, and he wished that he were dead.    


"You ?" Fu Jie obviously could not believe that Huang Xing would say such words. General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building, this was a height that countless people struggled to not be able to reach in their entire lives. Even when Huang Xing said the word "don't work", it was actually extremely swift and decisive.    


Huang Xing then added: I will pass the resignation letter to you today! Of course, I still have to pass one copy to Director Yu, because I, as the general manager, am not sealed by you, Fu Jie, but by the Director Yu. Of course I have to apologize! But before you leave, I want to remind you that you will be bound by yourself if you make a cocoon! You are going to the extreme now for the sake of performance. Don't you understand that to be quick is to be slow, and things are to be reversed?    


Fu Jie stressed on fiercely: You don't need to teach me! I, Fu Jie, am more experienced than you in business.    


Huang Xing gave her a thumbs up: You're awesome. Was there any boss in the world more amazing than the Director Fu?    


Fu Jie's face was flushed red. In order to not make herself more embarrassed, she suppressed her anger and took the initiative to sit down, laughing at herself: Alright, I don't have the time to waste time with you. Fine, let's continue the meeting.    


Huang Xing also sat down, biting her lips. He felt as if the sky was about to collapse at this very moment. He even wanted to cry! The grievance and righteous indignation that he suppressed deep within his heart was difficult to pacify. He stealthily sized up the beautiful female boss beside him. His lover had actually become so unfamiliar and stiff at this moment.    


Was he wrong?    


Huang Xing repeatedly asked himself in his heart.    


After experiencing such a conflict, Fu Jie tried for a long time but still couldn't say anything. She felt that Huang Xing was extremely infuriating, to actually take down her position in front of everyone. Turning his head to look at him, he saw that he was still sitting as steadily as a rock. He couldn't help but frown and retorted, "Didn't you want to leave? Why aren't you leaving?"    


Huang Xing tilted his head and tried to use a playful attitude to alleviate the pain in his heart: I still haven't officially left my job, why should I leave?    


Fu Jie emphasized: I will approve you now! You can go!    


Huang Xing said: I'm sorry. What you say doesn't count. I was ordered by Director Yu, I got word from Director Yu.    


Fu Jie coldly snorted. It looks like you don't really want to leave.    


Huang Xing said: I, Huang Xing, was born into poverty, and have nothing. I, Huang Xing, have walked all the way to today and sat in the position of General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building. But now, since Director Fu thinks that I, Huang Xing, am useless, then good, I will return everything that I have to you willingly. Don't worry, I won't bother you with this position. I, Huang Xing, know how to repay gratitude.    


Fu Jie froze, as if she had discovered that a faint white light was seeping out of Huang Xing's eyes. Did his heart hurt? Wasn't it supposed to be him?    


Even though Fu Jie realized that she had said something completely out of anger, she was a woman who insisted on being strong. For dignity and face, she still forced herself to be tough, and said to Huang Xing: I, Fu Jie, did not give you anything. Not before, not now, not in the future. So you don't have to return the favor. Because you don't owe me anything.    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly.    


To laugh at the love of the world, to laugh at the unchanging work, to laugh at the world of life.    


In the end, due to the conflict between Huang Xing and himself, this meeting ended with an extremely dull tone.    


Returning to his office, Huang Xing walked around the room with a conflicted expression for a while, then sat down and turned on his computer.    


It seemed that he had to leave this time.    


For the past few years, the situation had changed. From a tiny little Security officer, he was able to scamper about, survive, and finally climb to a height that was envied by millions of people. But in the blink of an eye, all of this was about to disappear, and he would soon face the fate of having nothing at all.    


However, Huang Xing did not regret it. If his departure could cause Fu Jie to no longer feel troubled, that would be enough. In other words, he did not hate her. She was a one-in-a-million woman, and in front of her, he was nothing more than a slightly more important chess piece. Once this chess piece lost its utility, or if a new chess piece appeared, he would be in danger of being abandoned. In the end, this day still came.    


Contradictions broke out at work, and emotional conflicts ensued. One side was a career, the other a love affair, all of it was gone!    


All of this happened as fast as lightning!    


It was as fast as a knife that could kill without bloodshed! The blade pierced Huang Xing's heart!    


Tao Fei suddenly walked in, as though she had also noticed that Huang Xing was not in a good mood, she poured him a cup of water, then placed a piece of information on the desk and said: Director Huang, there will be someone who will participate in the second round later. This is her resume.    


"Oh." Huang Xing nodded absentmindedly, carelessly pushed his qualifications to the side, and gulped down a large mouthful of water.    


Tao Fei said, Director Huang, since you are busy, I will be leaving first.    


Huang Xing suddenly seemed to realize something and said: That's not right, if it's an interview, the company has a personnel department.    


Tao Fei explained: This is an important job. You have forgotten that you have emphasized that after an interview with the HR Department and related departments, you will have to check the position yourself.    


Huang Xing replied: Alright, I understand.    


When Tao Fei walked out of the office, Huang Xing gulped down the remaining half a cup of water.    


He suddenly felt like going to the toilet. He wondered if there was something wrong with his metabolism and he wanted to pee right after he drank the water.    


Startled, Huang Xing walked out of the office. In fact, there was a bathroom in his office suite, but he usually didn't use it. He was a leader who didn't think the same way as others. Because in the public restroom, there was a place that hid filth. Many managers and supervisors like to go to the bathroom and smoke cigarettes and talk about things they don't dare to talk about in public. Huang Xing had unintentionally listened to the public opinion in the public restroom several times and promptly understood the thoughts and thoughts of the people below. In addition, he had also scouted information that the great leader at his level was unable to grasp.    


Furthermore, Huang Xing never fixed any public toilets when he went to the toilet. He would take turns on every floor, not playing cards as usual.    


This time, just as Huang Xing walked to the bathroom door, he heard discussions coming from inside.    


Huang Xing did not rush in, but stood at the entrance and listened quietly.    


Inside the toilet, Chief of Staff Xu Wenguang and Deputy Director were chatting enthusiastically.    


Xu Wenguang said: Today's show was really exciting, you didn't attend the meeting, I suffered a loss. Did you know, Huang Xing and Fu Jie started to fight?    


Zhu Xiaogang said in shock: No way? They know how to pinch? If the two of them were to get into a fight, wouldn't that be a mess?    


Xu Wenguang replied: Of course! Let me say it, I really want that bastard Huang to get lost, maybe a miracle will happen to him, don't I?    


Zhu Xiaogang laughed: Are you thinking of going up the ranks and fighting Huang Xing?    


Xu Wenguang replied: So what if I want to. But I'm still a few levels away! In some companies, Office Chief was equivalent to two, or at the very least, to a vice president. As for me, among all the vice presidents above, any one of them would dare to point fingers at me. Wait until I, Xu Wenguang is gone, NM, see how I will take my revenge!    


Zhu Xiaogang said: Then if you promote me, will I be able to help you?    


Xu Wenguang said: That's a must, who else should I bring up if not you? Hey, tell me, with Fu Jie and Huang being so noisy today, would they even have a chance of getting along well?    


Zhu Xiaogang shook his head: Hard to say.    


Xu Wenguang said: "I feel that it's not just job conflicts. There must be a problem with their relationship as well."    


Zhu Xiaogang said: In my opinion, Fu Jie is really blind. The one surnamed Huang is not as handsome as me, how did she fall for him?    


Xu Wenguang said: What's the use of being handsome! This little Deputy Director, can you compare to the rank of others? I also heard that this guy surnamed Huang, he has always been working for Fu Jie, do you understand? Maybe at that time, that Huang fella already gave Fu Jie something. What do you think Huang is? Pah, he's also a pervert!    


Zhu Xiaogang said: It's a pity. Fu Jie is a goddess in my heart! An unreachable goddess!    


Xu Wenguang said: My goddess! Beautiful, white and rich, white and beautiful. F * ck, who doesn't like it?    


After Huang Xing heard these words, he was extremely angry.    


No wonder he was given a big slap in the face when he rushed into the toilet.    


But right at that moment, a series of clear footsteps came out, following that, Huang Xing heard someone suddenly shout: Wow, it's you?    


Huang Xing was startled, and turned to look.    


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