Security Guard’s Romance



1Yellowstar walked over to the computer table, picked up a copy of the welfare plan, and began flipping through it as he spoke. The company is going to do big things, and in the long run, seniority pay is a must. Don't underestimate this amount of money. This isn't just a matter of money, it's also a matter of dignity. The older employees would feel that taking a few dozen yuan was an important difference between them and the new employees. It was also a difference between their identity and their worth. I've seen some information about military service, for example. Their seniority pay is also very low, and they can only get about ten dollars more for every year of service, but it's precisely this ten dollars that distinguishes between recruits and veterans, sergeants and volunteers, and forms a progressive level. Humans were a very strange kind of animal. These dozen or so dollars were for a kind of dignity and a kind of status. In the army, there was another type of allowance similar to the one for seniority, called the duty allowance. In 2005, the duty allowance for a class monitor was only thirty yuan, while for a vice-class monitor it was fifteen yuan. But it was this trifling few dollars of duty allowance that made many people salivate. In the end, this was a psychological trick on the part of humans. Take our company for example, if you give an old employee for more than two years an extra thirty yuan a month, he will feel very satisfied and feel that the company still has some care and preferential treatment for the old employee. Therefore, adding seniority to the benefits didn't cost too much, but it had a long-term effect that could win people's hearts and retain them.    


Fu Jie nodded his head: What you said makes sense, I am a rookie in terms of welfare, the company has always used a small workshop's method of salary, as long as the employees sell their wages, I will give them a commission. I've never studied so many articles on welfare.    


Huang Xing continued: Furthermore, the introduction of the no-responsibility salary system, is already extremely urgent. We had always used the responsibility system of the base salary, how many sets were completed per month before the basic base salary of 800 yuan was obtained. However, the employees were not idiots. They could easily figure it out by pinching their fingers and calculating. Sheep hair was born from sheep's hair. The employees who couldn't complete the basic tasks could only get a few hundred yuan per month using this kind of salary. This is why the company is so liquid and uncontrollable. On the surface, we save money on salary and commission, but we actually increase the cost of hiring and training. How much do we charge for an ad? This was also an issue that needed to be considered.    


Fu Jie said: You're right! Tell me how you're going to run this no-responsibility floor plan, the more detailed the better.    


Huang Xing laughed: The salary and benefits are actually a tangible, intuitive and motivating policy. It was the same for the two thousand yuan salary. The salary and welfare policies were different, and the effects were completely different as well. In terms of non-liability base salary, I have drawn up three ranges based on its sales performance. The base salary will be taken and the commission will be calculated separately. On the surface, the cost of staff salaries is a bit high, but the motivation for the staff has been hit the nail on the head. And today's job seekers are very picky when looking for a job, first ask if the base salary is not responsible, otherwise not even a resume. In addition, the welfare of the company was up, so they had to carry out an extensive elimination system. They had to persuade and adjust the departments for employees who failed to complete their basic tasks for three consecutive months. In this way, a benign competition situation would form within the company. If there was competition, there would be a breakthrough.    


Fu Jie frowned his eyebrows and thought for a moment, then said: How about this, my classmate who works in Lu Neng will immediately settle the procedures for leaving his job, I plan to use him as my financial director, and as for matters of welfare, you guys can discuss about it.    


Huang Xing was startled: Financial director? Director Fu, are you talking about that student who was an accountant in Lu Neng?    


Fu Jie nodded. Being in a big company can bring a lot of advanced management experience.    


Huang Xing said: If we bring the items from the state-owned enterprises over, they might not be suitable for us Xinyuan Company s. And your classmate has accounting experience, not necessarily management experience...    


Fu Jie interrupted Huang Xing's words: "I believe in my classmate, he was an elite student when we were in school, he was short-sighted to 800, and every time he took a test, he would rank in the top three in the entire school. We are in need of such talent.    


Huang Xing was completely speechless. The higher the degree of myopia, the better the test results, and the work ability must be in direct proportion?    


Fu Jie sat for a while longer before taking his leave. Huang Xing saw her to the door, and the moment he opened it, he coincidentally stepped on Fu Jie's heels. Fu Jie let out a soft "aiyo" and turned his head to look at Huang Xing, not saying a word. Huang Xing said awkwardly. I'm sorry, Director Fu, I didn't do it on purpose. Fu Jie silently said. Alright, I know that you didn't do it on purpose, that you did it on purpose. Huang Xing opened the door and stretched out his hand politely like a doorman. Fu Jie said that he should rest early Director Huang. Huang Xing said, you too. Good night Director Fu.    


Watching Fu Jie enter the room opposite of his own, Huang Xing felt an inexplicable sense of loss.    


Huang Xing washed his face and took off his clothes to lie on the bed. However, he suddenly recalled the moves that Liu Jinming had made in the past few days. Actually, he didn't like this kind of workplace struggle, and he also didn't like deliberately trying to win the favor of his boss. Just do your job properly. Why do you have to be so tired? However, since the opponent had laid a hand on him, how could he allow himself to be trampled upon? Huang Xing was worried that if he allowed the situation to develop, Liu Jinming would do the same and take his place. However, when he replaced Shan Dongyang, he had to do it with real effort. If Liu Jinming wanted to replace him, he would have to rely on scheming and scheming.    


An urgent ringtone suddenly rang.    


Huang Xing thought, it was already so late, who would still call him?    


Taking a look at the phone from the headboard, it was actually Li Rong calling.    


After Huang Xing answered the call, he asked Li Rong: Assistant Li, what's the matter at this time of the night?    


Li Rong replied: Where can I sleep! I've been haunted lately, and I can't get rid of it.    


Huang Xing was immediately stunned: What a joke!    


Li Rong emphasized: I'm not joking with you. Why don't you come over now and accompany me, and you'll know I'm not lying to you! So annoying!    


Huang Xing said: You are a dignified person with a high education and knowledge, you actually believe in ghosts and gods.    


Li Rong said: Sometimes, people are scarier than ghosts.    


Huang Xing said: When you come to work tomorrow, I will help you drive the ghost. This is the ghost of your heart.    


Li Rong laughed bitterly: Not sincere.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing was baffled.    


The legend of 'Ghost Bind' was actually just a legend. Science has passed its sentence, and superstition is not to be trusted. However, there was still a large group of people who believed in the theory of ghosts and gods.    


This was his inner demon.    


The second day, Xinyuan Company.    


Fu Jie brought Huang Xing and Liu Jinming to the celebration and watched them for a while, then finally calmed down.    


Huang Xing took the name list and confirmed each of the participants with the same surname. Huang Xing then created a name plate for each of the participants who had the same identity. Around 10 in the morning, Wu Qianqian called and told Huang Xing that she would be coming to the Xinyuan Company to celebrate tonight.    


Huang Xing was very pleased, he then told Fu Jie about his exciting disappearance. After hearing it, Fu Jie stood up excitedly, and said that with Wu Qianqian coming over to support them, the celebration would be even more beautiful.    


Huang Xing originally wanted to eat something lighter in the afternoon, so he let his stomach out for the night. He wandered outside alone and thought about how the potato shreds in a restaurant were especially stir-fried, so he decided to go over to a bowl of Clear Broth Noodle Soup, eat some potato shreds, and take care of his lunch. However, just as he reached the door, he heard a flute blowing on the side of the road. When she raised her head, she discovered that it was Li Rong's QQ.    


Li Rong hurriedly got down from the carriage and said: Director Huang is really hard to find.    


Huang Xing asked: You're looking for me for something?    


Li Rong said: I'll treat you to a meal. I'll tell you something, by the way.    


Huang Xing asked: Why didn't you call me? Why did you drive out to find me? Oil prices are now so high.    


Li Rong raised his head and said: "My car is more efficient." Oh right, Big Brother Huang, who did you call just now? I called several times and told you that you were on the phone.    


Huang Xing was slightly shocked: How is this possible! I didn't answer a single call, nor did I call outside.    


Li Rong said: That's impossible!    


Huang Xing could not help but take out his phone to have a look.    


There was no more electricity!    


Right now, Huang Xing was using a new concept phone that was just developed by Xinyuan Company. It was also the third product of the company and it had not even been put on the market yet. After sending over the sample from Shenzhen, Huang Xing felt that it was new and tried it out. Well, it was full yesterday, and it ran out at noon today. The battery is too small. Logically speaking, the new concept mobile phone body light, relatively small screen, should be more energy-saving than the normal size of the phone. He hoped that the phone he was using was an exception to the third product. Otherwise, this meant that the third phase of the concept of mobile phones all had battery problems.    


Huang Xing waved the phone in his hand, and laughed bitterly, "There's no more electricity."    


Li Rong frowned and said, there was no more electricity, why would he prompt?    


Huang Xing said that due to the setting, there was no need for him to be surprised. Alright, there's going to be a celebration party tonight, so eat less at noon. I ask you.    


He brought Li Rong into the restaurant and ordered a plate of potato noodles and two small bowls of Clear Broth Noodle Soup.    


After the food was served, Li Rong picked up the chopsticks to taste it, then used a few noodles to blow the hot air in, saying: Big Brother Huang, you're preparing to leave home. How about this, and order a tofu stew catfish, this dish is the family's specialty. I ate it once and it was delicious.    


Huang Xing shook his head and said: I don't really like eating tofu.    


Li Rong waved his chopsticks in front of Huang Xing and laughed: "Oh you, you only like to eat girls' tofu."    


Huang Xing laughed and said: What nonsense are you talking about? In your eyes, is this how I look like?    


Li Rong burst out laughing: It's just a joke, I think that Director Huang can be considered the most upright man in our company. You are in an important position, and there are so many beauties in the company that you have never touched. He never had any perverted thoughts, unlike some people who would spend their days pestering women and flirting with others, wishing that they could marry them and bring them home.    


Cold sweat appeared on Huang Xing's face for some reason. He didn't know if Li Rong was using words of retort or was sincerely praising himself.    


Without thinking, he said, You don't count?    


Li Rong was startled, then smiled: "Of course I'm not." We... We're willing, aren't we?    


Huang Xing thought, to think you had said that.    


But perhaps it was because of his heart, Huang Xing quickly changed the topic: What did you say last night, what exactly happened to your body?    


Huang Xing blinked his eyes strangely, took out his phone and pressed a few buttons, then handed it over to Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing took her phone in confusion. He did not know what this girl was doing. Could it be that she had secretly captured the entire process?    


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