Security Guard’s Romance



0The Director Sun could obviously tell that Fu Zhenxin had been fighting Tai Ji with him the entire time. In fact, men, while building their own revolutionary base, who would not want to expand and open up a new battlefield? Director Sun was the same as well. Especially since he had become the Office Chief of Hai Hua, due to his work, he had met more women and become more beautiful. This inevitably made him have more lecherous thoughts. This was especially so for Fu Jie and Fu Zhenxin. This caused this middle-aged man, who was at the peak of his career, to yearn for her even more. Therefore, he deliberately created a chance to increase his contacts with the Fu sisters s, and made it one of his main plans to take care of Fu Zhenxin in this new battlefield.     1


Seeing Fu Zhenxin trying to shirk responsibility, Director Sun was not anxious. The easier it was to seduce a woman, the more uninteresting it was. He said to Fu Zhenxin: How can I sleep! Oh yeah, what happened today, was the matter of Business management department Zhao Xiaoran, I have already reported it to the higher-ups. However, there were a lot of things that happened and he really couldn't take her down in a short amount of time.    


Fu Zhenxin replied: I know she has a backer.    


Director Sun said: However, it's not like there is no way to pull her out completely. I have a plan. Do you want to hear it?    


Fu Zhenxin asked: What?    


Director Sun kept him in suspense: In order to vent your anger, I even offended Hai Hua. But who told her to offend our little Director Fu? I need to be in charge of this matter! Don't worry, little Director Fu. With me here, she, Zhao Xiaoran, will not dare to act too arrogantly. It won't be long before I can get her out of Haihua.    


Fu Zhenxin thought, what are you trying to do? You were clearly throwing a sugar-coated cannonball at me.    


A scheming, lecherous old man! Fu Zhenxin cursed in his heart, and said in his heart: You want to take Zhao Xiaoran's matter, lead me by the nose. She, Zhao Xiaoran, just who is she, is not at a point where I can rely on a man for revenge.    


Fu Zhenxin laughed and said: Forget it, forget it. Was it worth it to be with someone like her?    


Director Sun said: Little Director Fu, your heart is truly broad! For the sake of your broad heart, I also have to express to you that I will take you out to play tonight, how much I will pay.    


It seemed that this Director Sun knew how to be tactful, and with the excuse of 'magnanimous', he brought the topic back to normal.    


Fu Zhenxin smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry Director Sun, I'm really not interested in night life, I just want to go to sleep right now." Why don't you find someone else to accompany you?    


Seeing that Fu Zhenxin was not moved, Director Sun's tone became a bit more unyielding: Oh? It was easy for me to find someone to accompany me, but something was missing.    


Fu Zhenxin understood that the "miss" was hinting at Li Yuanmei's purchase of his phone. Fu Zhenxin thought, this lady never planned to think about it in the first place. However, the fierce look on the face of the Director Sun was enough to disappoint him. This person seemed amiable, but in reality, he was quite scheming and wanted to get rich.    


Fu Zhenxin said: I know what the Director Sun is capable of, but I am really sorry for what I did today, I am too tired.    


In fact, Director Sun wanted to hear Fu Zhenxin say that he was too tired today. But Fu Zhenxin didn't say anything further. This greatly stirred up the Director Sun's challenges.    


Most of the time, the more unobtainable something was, the better it was. The more people who couldn't get their hands on it, the more they wanted to get their hands on it.    


Fu Zhenxin really did not want to continue listening to any more, so he hung up the phone.    


Huang Xing said, this Director Sun is interested in you?    


Fu Zhenxin frowned, he had the intention of taking a thousand cuts! None of you men are good! Everyday, all he knew was to look for trouble!    


Huang Xing reached his hand out to pinch Fu Zhenxin's ear and laughed: Then today, I really want to pinch your flower.    


Disgusting! Fu Zhenxin scolded as he opened the door and stepped out.    


Upstairs, the two directly went to Huang Xing's room. Worried that Fu Jie had not left, she ran over to the other side and knocked on the door. After confirming that Fu Jie was not here, she calmed down.    


Fu Zhenxin kneeled on the sofa, wrapped his arms around Huang Xing's neck and kissed her lightly.    


The effects of alcohol made everything even more beautiful.    


That night, Huang Xing woke up many times. Looking at the sexy and beautiful little beauty sleeping beside him, he really wanted to flip over and fight the storm again. However, he loved her so much that he pitied her and did not want his happiness to be built on the wounds of her body. She was too delicate.    


The next morning, when Huang Xing was dressing up, he found the cosmetics he had bought for Fu Zhenxin from the day before in his undergarment bag.    


He actually forgot to give it to her!    


Huang Xing took out her cosmetics and placed it on the bedside. Fu Zhenxin was still curled up and sleeping peacefully like a mermaid. The corner of her mouth even had a trace of a smile. Huang Xing quietly squatted on the bedside and looked at her. He wanted to kiss her face, but he was worried that he would wake her up.    


After covering her with a blanket, Fu Zhenxin suddenly swung his arms and wrapped them around his body. He pursed his lips in an intoxicated manner and continued sleeping.    


Her breathing was even, and her mouth was slightly open. Her eyes were closed, but they were not devoid of spirituality. The long eyelashes were a kind of adornment.    


It was unknown how long he enjoyed it before Huang Xing finally walked out of the bedroom reluctantly.    


Huang Xing personally cooked. Considering that Fu Zhenxin's appetite was small in the morning, he made a small pot of egg soup. When the soup was served, Fu Zhenxin walked out, rubbing his sleepy eyes.    


Seeing the piping hot soup on the table, Fu Zhenxin was shocked. You made it?    


Huang Xing stroked his hair: Who else?    


Fu Zhenxin said that he had a bright future! He came over and took a bite with his spoon. He nodded and praised, Good culinary skills! Your cooking is like yours or something... It was just as exquisite.    


Huang Xing knew what she meant and what she meant. He thought to himself, it seems like this little girl is quite satisfied with his aspect.    


After tasting a spoonful, Fu Zhenxin hurriedly went to wash up. At the bathroom door, she stopped and turned around. What was that cosmetics thing on the bed?    


Huang Xing said.    


Fu Zhenxin lifted his mouth, he was so moved that he wanted to cry, and immediately rushed over and hugged Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing lightly patted her back a few times, then buried his head in her chest and sighed with emotion: "You're too good to me!    


Huang Xing said: It's only natural, no wonder.    


Fu Zhenxin retreated from Huang Xing's chest and asked: How much did you spend?    


Huang Xing said: More than six hundred.    


What? Fu Zhenxin was shocked, but continued to interrogate him, saying, "Did you know that after you were killed, this set only sold for 300 + yuan and there was even a gift?" Where did you buy it?    


Huang Xing truthfully said: It's in Hai Hua. You bought me underwear that day, and I feel sorry for you if I don't buy you something.    


Fu Zhenxin's eyes widened: You bought it from Hai Hua City? Disdain you! Hai Hua's things were very expensive, much more expensive than the market price. Especially the cosmetics, they were all deceiving people. There was no helping it, all the cosmetics shop guides were pretty, just saying 'big brother, big sister, short' had coaxed the money out of your pocket.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Didn't you also buy things at Hai Hua City?    


Fu Zhenxin emphasized: That depends on what you buy. Buying clothes in Haihua is the most suitable place. Buying other things won't do. Hai Hua's clothes were all international brands. Other stores wouldn't be able to stock up at all. However, things like gold cosmetics were sold at a higher price than the outside world. What they used was a beauty trap, and this kind of special counter was filled with beauties as guides, sweetly calling out to you a few times.    


Huang Xing laughed: Oh, is there such a situation? Then if you were a shop assistant in the past, wouldn't your turnover in that day exceed a million?    


Fu Zhenxin couldn't help but chuckle. You sure know how to praise people!    


Huang Xing cupped Fu Zhenxin's face and said: I am speaking the truth. Hai Hua's shop assistants are not comparable to my chastity. It was simply impossible to compare.    


Fu Zhenxin suddenly extended his hand to brush away Huang Xing's flirtatious expression. He frowned and said: "Hmph, you nearly fooled me!" I will teach you a lesson now! You see, it costs more than three hundred yuan and you secretly bought it for six hundred yuan in one go. You didn't even have enough points. This was the exact opposite. It was equivalent to spending an extra three hundred and fifty-six yuan. How do you think I should punish you? If this goes on, you'll have to pay homecoming! So, in order to think of the future, you must write a review, a profound review of your extravagant spending mistakes!    


Huang Xing said. I think it's worth it for you.    


Yes... Is that so?    


Fu Zhenxin's tone softened all of a sudden.    


Huang Xing nodded, he took her hand and placed it on his face.    


Fu Zhenxin, who was overbearing a moment ago, immediately became a gentle lamb, giving Huang Xing a deep kiss.    


A man and a woman in love, entangled in love, wishing that they could stick together at all times.    


After a while, Fu Zhenxin went to wash his face and sat down to drink a bowl of egg soup.    


After breakfast, there were still nearly fifty minutes until work time. The two of them felt that they had nothing better to do, so they embraced each other and sat on the sofa to watch the news.    


To be exact, hugging a beauty, Huang Xing really wanted to use this enchanting time to study last night's lessons with Fu Zhenxin. When they were with Ouyang Mengjiao back then, they had long since gotten used to this kind of practice.    


Moreover, this kind of practice had a grand name ? Morning Training.    


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