Security Guard’s Romance



3Fu Jie didn't forget to ask Huang Xing for his opinion again and asked him: "Which of the two do you think is more comprehensive?"     0


Huang Xing pretended to scratch his head and said: "They are all not bad." Personally, I think Li Rong might be better. This Li Rong is very good at interpersonal communication, eloquent, quick thinking, to you as an assistant should be the most appropriate.    


With that said, Huang Xing shouted repeatedly in his heart, "Guilty."    


As expected, Fu Jie focused her attention on Li Rong's resume and carefully looked at it from beginning to end.    


Huang Xing asked guiltily: "What does Director Fu think?"    


Fu Jie frowned slightly as she rested her elbow on the table. She stroked her snow-white neck with one hand and said thoughtfully, It's not up to my standards yet.    


What? Huang Xing couldn't help but be surprised. Was Fu Jie going to recruit a doctor as his assistant?    


Fu Jie's last ambiguous words were like a bucket of cold water poured on Huang Xing's face. He had originally been full of confidence, but all of a sudden, he felt a strong sense of crisis. This sense of danger was slowly closing in on him, inch by inch …    


As for Chu Yinan and Li Rong, the two women were very active. At around 9: 30 AM, they rushed to Xinyuan Company side by side.    


At that time, Huang Xing was just about to go to the toilet to solve his physiological problems when he heard the sound of a High-heeled shoes's hooves, layers and layers of sounds. Moments later, Li Rong and Chu Yinan, the two beauties, came up the stairs at almost the same time with a dignified air.    


It could be seen that for the sake of this crucial second round of the second round of examination, the two of them had spent a lot of time and effort. To the female comrade, the job interview was of great importance. To some extent, job interviews are a very deep knowledge, from dressing up to talking and acting, without a doubt, the interviewer has been unwittingly included in the ranking. Chu Yinan wore a set of blue professional female attire. When she walked, her entire body exuded the pungent aura unique to girls from the Northeast. Li Rong wore a set of gray professional dress.    


She was originally beautiful, but now that she had disguised herself, no one could help but stare at her a few more times. Coincidentally, these two beauties were wearing the same high-heeled shoes. The shoes were similar to a horse's hooves, but also had gold borders. Not only did they look cute on the shoes, they also looked very imposing and noble.    


When the two saw Huang Xing, they rushed to greet him. However, Li Rong still took the initiative and shouted Director Huang with a smile like the spring wind. Chu Yinan saw that she didn't snatch Li Rong, so she wasn't discouraged. After Li Rong greeted her, she directly stopped in front of Huang Xing and stretched out her hand with a smile. "Thank you, Director Huang, for giving me this precious opportunity to retake the exam, I will definitely make good use of it."    


Huang Xing shook hands with her symbolically and said politely, You're welcome. What, the two of you came together?    


Li Rong hugged her purse to her chest and quickly explained, No, no. We bumped into each other downstairs. Isn't that right, Chu Yinan?    


Chu Yinan nodded and said, Yes, that's right.    


Huang Xing pointed at the Deputy CEO's office and said, "Okay, come to my office for a while. I will bring you guys to Director Fu for an interview at ten o'clock."    


Chu Yinan said yes and headed for the office. Li Rong, however, had no intention of leaving. She watched as Chu Yinan entered the office, then stealthily led Huang Xing to a small hallway next to the bathroom. Huang Xing knew what Li Rong meant by that was that she wanted him to get a glimpse of what was going on and what was going on. But Huang Xing tried again and again, and still did not dare to be sure in front of Li Rong. After all, the person who would be chosen for Assistant to the General Manager's position was Fu Jie, and she was the one who had the real power to make the decision.    


Li Rong's eyes darted around, as if she was waiting for Huang Xing's promise, even if it was just to comfort her. However, seeing that Huang Xing was still stiff in front of her, it wasn't convenient for her to clarify the issue.    


Li Rong shook her body slightly and said, A little nervous.    


Huang Xing replied perfunctorily, "Don't be nervous, calm down." Tell Director Fu about your ability and experience in full detail.    


Li Rong tilted her pretty head and made a playful gesture. "Director Huang, tell me, how high do you think my success rate is this time?"    


Huang Xing wanted to say that it was not easy to come to a conclusion. However, considering what happened last night, he had to change his mind: I've already suggested everything that needs to be suggested, and I've paved the way for you. Whether you can be chosen by Director Fu will depend on your luck.    


Li Rong relaxed a little when she heard this. She took out two gold ingots and gave one to Huang Xing.    


What is this?    


Chocolate, Wu said as she unwrapped the golden paper. It's said that chocolate can relieve tension and stress.    


Huang Xing laughed self-deprecatingly and said, "I've never heard of it before. Does this thing even have such a function?"    


Of course, Li Rong said.    


She put the chocolate to her lips and took a gentle, light bite.    


A few employees were passing by the corridor. Huang Xing was worried that someone else would catch him and Li Rong, so he said to Li Rong, "You wait at my office for a while too. I'll be there shortly."    


Then, Huang Xing turned around and went into the men's restroom.    


He came out of the bathroom and was about to return to his office when he heard familiar footsteps.    


Gazing at the corridor for a moment, he saw Fu Zhenxin striding towards him in a flurry of footsteps. She wore a dark gray Han suit with a loose design that couldn't hide her delicate figure.    


Fu Zhenxin stopped when she saw Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing said, "Why did you just arrive?"    


Fu Zhenxin said she went to the mobile company to get some information.    


Staring at Fu Zhenxin's fashionable Han dress, Huang Xing smiled and said, "You have to wear a good head from now on, it's best if you can change into work clothes."    


Fu Zhenxin was stunned. What? Director Huang, you're looking for me?    


Huang Xing quickly said: "How could I dare? It's just a suggestion, a suggestion." I just thought you'd look more beautiful and elegant in your overalls.    


Fu Zhenxin giggled. "If you say so, I can't help but wear it." Well, I'm a deputy general manager and I'm a strong supporter of your work. Tell me, what do I need to wear to meet the company's dress code?    


Huang Xing said, It's in the company's staff code. Little Director Fu might as well take a look at it when she has time and make a constructive suggestion.    


Fu Zhenxinwei smiled and took the lead as she walked into the office.    


Liu steeled himself on the outside tap, washed his face, and then went around to the workrooms to check on the manager and his staff, as well as their attire and work order. Huang Xing was quite satisfied with the round of shopping. In the workshop, most of the men were well-dressed and in good order. Only a few managers couldn't stay idle and either went to chat in other workrooms or played games on their computers and chatted on QQ. Liu specifically reminded a few managers with a tendency to break the rules and told them not to do it again. But in reality, Huang Xing knew in his heart which path to take, and he had a sense of propriety in his heart. At present, Fu Jie The Right to Drink and Release of Soldiers had transferred Shan Dongyang away to let him take over Office Chief's authority. It could be said that as an office manager who grew up here, he would inevitably find it somewhat inconvenient in terms of management and work. His roots were not deep, and the management in the Xinyuan Company were mostly related to Fu Jie, or perhaps even a senior level figure. If he kept a tight watch on them, it would definitely cause this group to be displeased, or even rebel. But if they did not, leaving these people to their own devices, the company would become a free market, a mess.    


Therefore, management is very particular about a degree, whether or not you can grasp this degree is the key to the success of a manager.    


Returning to the office, Chu Yinan and Li Rong were sitting modestly on the sofa, waiting for Fu Jie's interview. Fu Zhenxin pulled a piece of cotton cloth and wiped her shoes with interest. After Huang Xing entered, Li Rong and Chu Yinan stood up at the same time and nodded to greet him. Huang Xing waved his hand, gesturing for them to sit down.    


Fu Zhenxin put down the cotton in her hands, straightened her body, and said to Wu Tie, "Director Huang, you have good eyes."    


Huang Xing asked in puzzlement: "What do you mean?"    


Fu Zhenxin raised her head and pointed at Li Rong and Chu Yinan: "They're all great beauties." If you're looking for a job, don't you want to put looks and appearance first?    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly and said, "They are an exception." His position was special, once he took office, he would directly represent the company's image.    


Fu Zhenxin carelessly handed the cotton cloth to Huang Xing: "You wipe too, pay attention to your image." Oh right, why don't you recruit a helper for me? Boss is about to be matched with an assistant. As a Second Boss, shouldn't I at least be matched with a secretary?    


Huang Xing put the cotton cloth on the windowsill and said: "Work time, try not to seek personal work." The shoeshine job should be done before you leave the house in the morning.    


Fu Zhenxin glared at him. "You —"    


She wanted to reprimand Huang Xing for disrespecting his superiors, but taking into account that the two job seekers were present, it was inconvenient for her to flare up, so she endured it.    


Then, Fu Zhenxin said to Huang Xing in a serious tone, "I'm serious with you, shouldn't you suggest that Boss send me a secretary?"    


Huang Xing retorted, "What do you need a secretary for?"    


Fu Zhenxin said, Help me with my work. It's not like you don't see it. I've been busy all day, so I need to build a good relationship with the leaders of Mobile and Unicom. I also need to maintain the company's new and old customers. Dinner was a meal that could not be finished every day. Let's just eat. We can't not drink. This kind of day, when will it be the end?    


Huang Xing joked: "If you want to be a secretary, that's fine."    


Huang Xing leaned close to Fu Zhenxin, lowered his voice and continued, "Look at me, I'll be your secretary part-time."    


Fu Zhenxin scolded with a smile, "Fuck you!" How could I dare to use such a mighty Office Chief! In fact, in my sister's eyes, you are the company's second-in-command.    


Huang Xing laughed at himself: No, no.    


At 9: 55, Huang Xing got up and went to Fu Jie's office. He asked Fu Jie if she would follow the original plan to retake the exam.    


Fu Jie nodded and said, Okay, let them all come in.    


Huang Xing said, "You'll interview the two of them together?"    


Fu Jie laughed. Don't you think it would be more efficient this way? Also, I can compare them on the spot, in all aspects.    


Huang Xing followed Fu Jie's instructions and called Li Rong and Chu Yinan into Fu Jie's office.    


After closing the door, Huang Xing returned to his office. To be exact, at this moment, Huang Xing was actually very nervous. The battle between the two might not seem spectacular on the surface, but it was still a mystery as to who would win and who lose. Regarding this mystery, Huang Xing wanted to know the answer, but he didn't want to know. Actually, what he had been looking forward to the most was for Fu Jie to accept both of them. But the chances are almost nil.    




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