Security Guard’s Romance



2However, Huang Xing felt that this shot was very good. Perhaps Fu Jie's words made sense.    0


Fu Jie sat up straight, raised her wrist to look at her watch, and said, But in this situation, I won't force you to make any choices. I can only give you advice and face it bravely. How about this, if by five in the afternoon, you still feel that you don't want to face this Chengsheng Group's Huang You Jiang, come find me, I'll arrange for Fu Zhenxin to appear. Maybe I, Fu Jie, am not qualified to give you any advice. After all, I have never been in a marriage before, let alone experienced something like this. But I feel that I have to defeat myself and face your enemies, even your enemies. In this way, you will still be the winner.    


Huang Xing carefully savored Fu Jie's advice, thinking that this strong woman was too experienced. Fu Zhenxin would be filled with righteous indignation and would even come forward to take revenge for him if she heard what he had done. But Fu Jie was different. She understood that any irrational revenge or evasion was a sign of vulnerability and incompetence. If you want to beat your opponent psychologically, you have to learn how to endure, how to face, and how to face your enemy. That would make it possible to be a long-term winner.    


Huang Xing walked out of Fu Jie's office thoughtfully. Fu Zhenxin was standing in front of the Deputy CEO's office with an oil brush pointed at the corner of her mouth, secretly pondering.    


Seeing Huang Xing, Fu Zhenxin's eyes immediately lit up. "Director Huang, come over here!"    


Wu followed him into Fu Zhenxin's office. Fu Zhenxin pushed him onto Shan Dongyang's office chair and smiled. "From now on, you and I will have an office together!"    


Huang Xing was stunned.    


Fu Zhenxin made a strange "hush" sound and walked over to close the door. She habitually pulled at the seams of her butt and patted Shan Dongyang's desk. She said, "Don't you understand?" Shan Dongyang will never come back! My sister is taking his military power, she's giving up her position for you.    


Huang Xing suddenly said: "Didn't you always trust Single Director? How come now —"    


Fu Zhenxin interrupted Huang Xing: That was before! It was once difficult to reach water through the blue sea, but Wu Shan wasn't a cloud! He was not that kind of material! My sister said that it's not only people who have served in the army that do militarized management. You're not bad, either. You are a full-fledged talent, but Shan Dongyang is only fit to be a soldier.    


Huang Xing laughed. Little Director Fu, you didn't think so.    


Fu Zhenxin said, I was blinded! Just by running away from the KTV that day, I was able to determine that this person was unreliable! Unreliable! The good thing was …    


What Fu Zhenxin wanted to say was that luckily, she didn't sink too deeply into the trap. Otherwise, she would really have been tricked by him. However, he felt that it wasn't appropriate to say it out loud, so he could only hold it in.    


Indeed, thinking back to Shan Dongyang's arrival and appearance, it was so radiant. She displayed her skills in Fu Jie's office, shocking the entire audience. Fu Zhenxin had been fooled by his superb skills. At first, she had a good impression of him, but in the future, Shan Dongyang's inauguration was smoother. Fu Zhenxin prematurely believed that Shan Dongyang was a talent who would make a huge contribution to the Xinyuan Company. She even developed a kind of love for Shan Dongyang, making him the perfect candidate for her boyfriend. However, with the passing of time, as well as the events that happened that night, Fu Zhenxin completely despaired of Shan Dongyang. She originally thought that she felt safe with Shan Dongyang. When that happened to the KTV, Fu Zhenxin even naively believed that Shan Dongyang would use his punches and kicks, doing his best to protect himself from the intruder and completely take care of those gangsters. However, she had never thought that Huang Xing would be the one to protect her at such a crucial moment. The hero in her heart had long since fled.    


Many times, one thing could determine a person's nature. Originally, in Fu Zhenxin's heart, Shan Dongyang had scored 1,000 points and 10,000 points. But because of the KTV incident, it destroyed all of his advantages in Fu Zhenxin's eyes. 1000 was fine, 10,000 was fine, but no matter how big the number was, once the '1' was removed, it would immediately become zero. For people, there are times when it doesn't apply to addition or subtraction. 10000-1, the result would usually not be 9999, but 0.    


Seeing that Huang Xing was silent, Fu Zhenxin stressed, "Then it's settled!" You move your stuff over here right now and work here.    


Huang Xing said, "How about we say hello to Director Fu again?"    


Fu Zhenxin frowned and said, "I'm the Vice President of the company. I can't even make that decision?" I will give you a better office environment. In the future, you can do more things for the Xinyuan Company.    


Huang Xing could not refuse anymore.    


In this aspect, Fu Zhenxin displayed a decisive manner. She immediately opened the door and shouted towards the opposite side. Manager Li Nuo ran over like a flying immortal. Fu Zhenxin gave Li Nuo instructions to help Wu Steel put Shan Dongyang's stuff in the warehouse and move Wu's stuff to the vice president's office.    


Just like that, Huang Xing moved into Fu Zhenxin's office.    


Fu Zhenxin treated this' new 'partner with great hospitality. She instructed a clerk to go out and buy back cups, ashtrays, and a dozen folders for Huang Xing to use.    


At around 4 PM that day, Huang Xing came to Fu Jie's office. Fu Jie was still in her sexy pose, one hand on her neck and the other holding a pen as she thought silently. Seeing Huang Xing walk in, Fu Jie straightened her neck and said, "Sit."    


Huang Xing sat down and said bluntly, Director Fu, I've thought about it. I choose to face it.    


Fu Jie smiled with satisfaction. That's right. Good and evil will always be rewarded. That Huang Jinjiang, he will definitely have his retribution.    


Huang Xing was stunned for a moment. He wanted to ask, Director Fu believes this too? But instead of asking, he smiled perfunctorily and said: Yes, yes. You can rest assured that I will accomplish this task well.    


Fu Jie said, I believe you have no problems. By the way, I'm flying to Shenzhen tonight. I'll be back in a week. I'll leave the company to you and Fu Zhenxin. Remember two principles. One is stability and the other is expansion. In order to maintain internal stability, try to expand some new sales channels. The effect of the last brand launch was very good, it boosted the sales of our new computer. You can focus on our e-commerce, the station of the product display page more refined. Then, in terms of recruitment, these few days, you'll arrange for one round of recruitment and get me an assistant. Then, you'll hire a clerk and a storekeeper. 20 clerks. The company's current situation, temporarily does not deserve the personnel department, then you will be more sharing by Director Huang.    


Huang Xing nodded. No problem, Director Fu. Tell me about the assistant you recruited. What are the requirements?    


Fu Jierin thought for a moment. Well, you can do it yourself. Emphasis is on the relevant experience, communication and management skills. Then again, in terms of image, it was better. I mainly want him to help me share it, at the same time as a reserve cadre to open a branch, new business, ready to use.    


Huang Xing said, "Director Fu's consideration is really thoughtful." Then, should this assistant be male or female?    


Fu Jie said, Of course it's for girls! You have to travel with me a lot!    


Huang Xing replied, "Oh, alright. I will do it as soon as possible."    


Fu Jie reminded him, "Oh right, don't just rely on the Wise Alliance for recruitment. A single round would cost a few hundred yuan. Money still has to be saved." You can also go to the talent market to see, the price is a bit cheaper, and also can interview on the spot. In order to recruit people, one had to go up the stairs to perfection.    


Huang Xing said, "Understood." I'll contact a few talent markets and see which ones have job fairs.    


After exiting Fu Jie's office, Huang Xing returned to Cao Aidang's office out of habit. When he went in, he realized that he had just changed offices. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Cao Aidang smiled and said, "Sure, Xiao Huang, you've become a second-generation Star Lord!"    


Huang Xing questioned: "What second generation Star Lord?"    


Cao Aidang's words broke the heaven: It was the second generation of Xin Dynasty. Shan Dongyang is the first generation and you are the second generation. I wonder who will be the third generation.    


Huang Xing could hear the mockery in Cao Aidang's words, but he was not in the mood to quibble with a person like him. This Cao Aidang had a very solid foundation in the Xinyuan Company, his shrewdness was very deep. For the time being, Huang Xing did not want to clash with him. Of course, it wasn't fear, but a steady search for victory.    


Seeing that Huang Xing did not answer, Wu continued, Young man, do your job well. With the protection of Fu Zhenxin, you can enjoy the limelight for at least a few days. Just like Shan Dongyang. However, as a brother, I have to remind you that in Xinyuan Company, there is no such thing as an eternal backing or power, only eternal utilization.    


Huang Xing didn't know what Cao Aidang was trying to express, but he could tell by his words that this was either jealousy or a show of force. Cao Aidang was very scheming, his concept of authority was also very heavy, relying on the fact that he was a senior figure in the Xinyuan Company, as long as he interacted with others, he displayed a special kind of power. It was as if he had sent a similar message to everyone: I, Cao Aidang, am a veteran of the company. I know the company's situation as well as I knew it yesterday, today and tomorrow. Including the fate of everyone in the company, they were all imperceptibly influenced by me, Cao Aidang.    


Back in her new office, Fu Zhenxin was arranging her hair with a small round mirror in her hand. Seeing that Huang Xing had returned, Fu Zhenxin waved her hand and said happily: "Chairman Huang, I'll celebrate for you tonight."    


Huang Xing laughed and said, Celebrate what?    


As Fu Zhenxin played with her pen, she said, "First, I want to celebrate your recovery, second, I want to celebrate how well you've been treated by my sister, third, I want to celebrate how much you've changed into a new office, and fourth, I want to celebrate …"    


Fu Zhenxin listed out seven celebrations in one go, which made Huang Xing flabbergasted.    


Huang Xing said, Save it, little Director Fu, another day, another day.    


Don't worry, you won't need to spend money, Fu Zhenxin said. I'll come out.    


Huang Xing refused: "Then I'm even less interested."    


Fu Zhenxin frowned. "Why? Is it so hard for me to treat you to a meal?" Hmph, he doesn't understand the kindness of others.    


Who else?    


Fu Zhenxin said, Who else do you want to call? It's just us two, my sister is going to fly to Shenzhen, and right now there's only the two of us in charge of the company. Tonight, besides celebrating for you, it is also equivalent to a meeting of the company's upper echelons for drinks, and the research company's next step.    


Huang Xing thought, when did this Fu Zhenxin learn to speak in an official language?    


However, Huang Xing still said humbly: "I, how could I be considered a higher management team member? I'm just a director, and also a vice director."    


Fu Zhenxin stressed, "Office Chief is a very important character. He has a very important role to play." It was the equivalent of a vice president. Don't belittle yourself, you have a heavy responsibility!    


Considering that Fu Zhenxin was rarely so friendly, Huang Xing agreed.    


After work, Fu Zhenxin drove Huang Xing to a restaurant called Wangsheng Hall and asked for a private room.    




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