Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C7 He Suddenly Understood

C7 He Suddenly Understood

2"Besides, my husband has been pursuing her for so long, always comparing me to her, always being cold to me..." Ye Ping said with resentment.     1


When Wu Xu heard this, he finally understood why Ye Ping exposed Gu Xiaohui's background as soon as they met. It turned out that she was jealous of Gu Xiaohui. If she was slightly tempted, she would definitely tell him about Gu Xiaohui's past.    


Wu Xu asked urgently, "Your husband? Who is your husband?"    


Ye Ping was about to speak when she heard someone knock on the door of the private room. She quickly stopped talking and shouted at the door.    


"Please come in!"    


The door creaked and was pushed open from the outside.    


The waiter came in with a tray in his hand. He took out the drinks, drinks, and snacks from the tray and placed them on the glass coffee table in front of Wu Xu and Ye Ping.    


Immediately after, she skillfully opened the imported bottle of French Hennessy XO pure cognac and poured it into a glass container. She then opened the bottle of Sprite and poured it into the wine, mixed it, and stirred it evenly.    


After that, she poured more than half a cup into two tall glasses and handed it to the two of them. She said, "Please enjoy your meal. If you need anything, please press the bell on the coffee table!"    


"Thank you!" Wu Xu said without any confidence.    


"It's okay. I hope you have fun!" The waiter wanted to see Wu Xu make a fool of himself, so he playfully winked at her, turned around, and left the private room. He closed the door for them.    


After the waiter left, Ye Ping picked up the goblet and said to Wu Xu, "It's rare to see you here tonight. Come, cheers!"    


"Cheers!" Wu Xu raised the goblet and clinked it with Ye Ping. Seeing her toss the goblet dry in one go, he also raised his neck and drank the goblet up to the sky.    


Ye Ping picked up the glass container and filled up the two tall glasses respectively. She said:    


"Come, let's continue!"    


"This drink is very strong. Let's drink slowly." Wu Xu waved his hand and said, "You haven't told me who your husband is!"    


"You drink, let's drink another two cups, and I will tell you!" Ye Ping smiled charmingly.    


"Okay, I will drink!" Wu Xu asked straightforwardly.    


In order to ask Ye Ping about his wife Gu Xiaohui's past, Wu Xu was ready to throw caution to the wind. He raised his glass and clinked it with the goblet in Ye Ping's hand. He gulped it down.    


After Wu Xu finished drinking the goblet, he saw that Ye Ping had not moved her mouth yet. He pulled a tissue from the coffee table to wipe his mouth and said,    


"It's your turn to drink!"    


Ye Ping did not want to be outdone. She pointed the glass at her red lips and drank all the wine in the glass. Then, she filled up the two glasses again and raised her glass and said,    




Wu Xu saw that this woman was so forthright, so he threw everything to the back of his mind and raised his wine cup to compete with her.    


After drinking three glasses of wine, Wu Xu felt a little dizzy. He asked, "We have already finished drinking three glasses of wine. Now you should tell me who your husband is, right?"    


"Actually, you know him..." After Ye Ping drank three glasses of wine in a row, her face was already red, but it also added a bit of charm.    


"I know him?" Wu Xu frowned and asked in confusion, "Why would I know your husband?"    


Ye Ping reminded, "I don't know if you still remember the man called Shen Ao who sat with me at your wedding with Gu Xiaohui?"    


"Of course I remember. He also said sarcastically that he finally married a gigolo. Is that man full of the stench of copper your husband?" When Wu Xu mentioned Shen Ao, he did not forget to give him a blow.    


"Yes, Shen Ao is my husband," Ye Ping said without hiding anything. "He is the man who deeply loves your Gu Xiaohui and will never forget her!"    


"Tell me, what is going on?" Wu Xu felt sour in his heart.    


Ye Ping poured herself a glass of wine and drank it in one breath. She said with a melancholic face,    


"When I was in college, Shen Ao had been chasing after Gu Xiaohui. However, he was rejected by Gu Xiaohui in order to take revenge on Gu Xiaohui. He aimed at me and attacked me with love. I was moved by his sweet words and agreed to fall in love with him. Under his orders, I went against Gu Xiaohui everywhere. This caused my relationship with Gu Xiaohui to become very stiff. After graduating from university, I lost contact with her..."    


After listening to Ye Ping's narration, Wu Xu finally let out a sigh of relief.    


To be honest, Wu Xu looked down on Shen Ao. He did not want Gu Xiaohui to have anything to do with him, but he did not know why Gu Xiaohui went out at night. Did she go out on a date with a man?    


So he asked tentatively, "You just said that Gu Xiaohui got a boyfriend when she was in college. Who is that man?"    


As soon as Gu Xiaohui's boyfriend was mentioned, Ye Ping started talking.    


"That man's name is Ma Junhao, the president of our school's student union. This man is tall and handsome. He is also quite talented. He is the prince charming in the hearts of the girls. For a moment, he has become the target of the girls who are fighting for him.    


"Gu Xiaohui is also one of Ma Junhao's many admirers. After Ma Junhao rejected those girls who chased after him, he said, Gu Xiaohui is also one of Ma Junhao's many admirers. In the end, they still chose her. When they were together, they were like a couple. It became a good story in school. When the two of them were together, they looked like they were in love. They also become a scenery in the school..."    


When Ye Ping talked about the story of Ma Junhao and Gu Xiaohui, her eyes were full of admiration.    


It seemed that this woman also liked handsome and warm men like Ma Junhao. She was not only envious of Gu Xiaohui, but also a little jealous.    


When Wu Xu heard this, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart.    


Perhaps this Ma Junhao was the knot in Gu Xiaohui's heart, the reason why she refused to share a room with him, and the man who often went out on dates with her.    


"What happened after that?" Wu Xu patiently asked, "Since they love each other so much, why aren't they together? Do you know why they broke up? "    


"I don't know." Ye Ping shook her head and said, "After I graduated from college, I married Shen Ao. Gu Xiaohui and I lived in the same city, but because of Shen Ao, we did not contact each other.    


"As far as I know, Gu Xiaohui's parents liked Ma Junhao very much. They very much agreed that their daughter was dating him. As for why they broke up, I don't know.    


"That day, when we came to attend Gu Xiaohui's wedding, I thought the groom was Ma Junhao, but I didn't expect it to be you. Shen Ao seemed to think that you are not as good as him, so he deliberately said those words to humiliate Gu Xiaohui..."    


"Oh, so that's the case!" Wu Xu pretended to be enlightened.    


He still did not understand. Gu Yuming clearly knew that his daughter Gu Xiaohui had a boyfriend, so why did he still try his best to matchmake him and Gu Xiaohui to facilitate their marriage?    


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