Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C222 Certificate of Death

C222 Certificate of Death

0Luo Chunyan said unhappily, "Who told you your father was corrupt and misappropriated the company's funds? Your father owns 10% of the Gu's Group's shares. This is his share of profits in the company. Do you know that? "    3


Hou Yong asked, puzzled, "Since it is a profit share, why did my father ask us to transfer the money?"    


Luo Chunyan explained, "I think he was afraid that someone would see him in trouble and kick him while he was down. Because he was jealous, he would try to take advantage of our family's huge sum!"    


"Then what do you think we should do?" Hou Yong asked with some doubt.    


"Do as your father says. Transfer the money as soon as possible," Luo Chunyan said without hesitation.    


"How do we transfer it?" Hou Yong asked, puzzled.    


Luo Chunyan followed the method that Hou Guangsheng had taught her and said, "We will transfer them separately to the accounts of you and our relatives."    


Hou Ying, who was standing by the side, asked worriedly, "Mom, in this current society, some people think money is more important than family. What if they transfer the money to our relatives' accounts and say that the money belongs to them?"    


Luo Chunyan thought she was smart and said, "Before transferring the money, promise to give them a certain amount of good treatment fee and let them write a receipt and write a loan note. Isn't that enough?"    


"Oh, I understand!" Hou Ying made a look of sudden enlightenment.    


Hou Yong felt that what his mother and sister said made sense and urged, "In order to not delay any longer, there is no time to lose. Let's start transferring the money now."    


"It is currently night time. The bank staff have not gone to work yet. How do we transfer it?" Luo Chunyan asked in surprise.    


"Through the bank on my phone?" Hou Yong explained.    


"My smartphone bank will withdraw 1 million yuan a day. I have so much money in my account. How long will it take to transfer all of it?" Luo Chunyan said helplessly.    


Hou Yong suggested, "Then you should transfer 500,000 yuan to our bank accounts first. If anything happens, we can only do it in case of emergencies!"    


"Then... Alright!" Luo Chunyan felt that her son's words made sense and agreed to his request.    


So, she picked up her phone, logged into the bank of her phone, and transferred 500,000 yuan to each of the accounts they provided.    


Then, they contacted their families and relatives separately. When everyone saw that there was money in the account, they agreed to their request, and everyone was happy.    


So, according to the method they had discussed beforehand, they asked for each individual bank account and prepared to go to the bank tomorrow morning. They would send money to their respective accounts according to a certain amount.    


For the whole night, the whole family did not close their eyes.    


On one hand, they could not contact Hou Guangsheng and were worried about his safety. On the other hand, they felt that this huge sum of money was like a hot potato that had to be transferred away.    


It was not easy for them to make it to dawn, so the family got up early.    


They planned to leave the house after washing their faces, rinsing their mouths, excretion, and eating breakfast. They would go to the bank and queue up to transfer the money before the bank opened at nine o'clock in the morning.    


Just as Luo Chunyan, Hou Yong, and Hou Ying sat on the sofa in the living room and discussed the matter and were about to leave the house, two policemen came to their door and knocked.    


Knock, knock!    


There was a knock on the door.    


Hou Yong went to open the door and saw two uniformed policemen standing at the door.    


As he did not know that his father went to the police station to surrender himself and was locked up in the detention center last night, he frowned and said to the police:    


"Police comrades, you are here to find my father, right? He is not at home, you should go somewhere else to find him! "    


Last night, when the deputy captain of the criminal investigation team, Hsiao Yue, brought people to find Hou Guangsheng, Hou Yong received a message from his father. After that, he could not contact him anymore, but when he saw the police looking for him at the door again, he seemed a little impatient.    


A police officer asked, "You are Hou Guangsheng's family, right?"    


"Yes, I am his son," Hou Yong asked. "You guys came to our house early in the morning. Did something happen to my father?"    


"Yes," the policeman answered honestly. "We came to inform your family. Hou Guangsheng came last night. Yes, the policeman answered honestly. We are here to inform your family. Because he was suspected to have committed a serious crime, he went to the police station to turn himself in. After we interrogated him, we sent him to the detention center. He was detained in a guard room. This morning, we found out that he died of myocardial infarction in the guard room..."    


After listening to the police's narration, he looked at the police in a daze and asked stutteringly:    


"What... what did you say? My... my father passed away? "    


"Yes." Another police officer took out a piece of paper with a seal written on it from a folder and said, "This is Hou Guangsheng's death certificate. Please sign and accept it from your family."    


Hou Yong took the death certificate from his father and looked at it. There was indeed a death certificate with "father's death due to myocardial infarction" written on it. He was instantly dumbfounded.    


"My... My father was fine yesterday. Why... Why did he leave just like that?" Hou Yong's heart sank. He tried to calm himself down and asked the police, "Where... Where is my father now?"    


The police answered, "The forensic doctor performed an autopsy on Hou Guangsheng in the detention center. After the autopsy report, we have sent his body to the funeral home. You can go to the funeral home to deal with Hou Guangsheng's funeral."    


After he said that, he looked at his companion and said to Hou Yong, "We are responsible for sending the death certificate to Hou Guangsheng's family. We have official business to attend to, so we will take our leave first."    


"Yes," his companion agreed. He said, "We are the criminal investigation team of the municipal police station. If your family has any questions or problems, you can come to the criminal investigation team of the municipal police station to find us at any time."    


"Then... Hou Yong nodded and replied, "You guys go ahead. We will go to the funeral home to see my father's body and then go to the police station to find you."    


After the police left, Hou Yong closed the door.    


Luo Chunyan sat on the sofa in the living room and heard the conversation between her son and the police clearly. When she heard the news of her husband's death, she immediately felt extremely sad.    


As soon as the police left, Luo Chunyan burst into tears. "Old man, why didn't you say anything and left alone? If you leave like this, how should I live? You are so cruel. Wuuuu... "    


After Hou Ying heard the news of her father's death, she also felt sorrow from her heart. However, when she saw that her mother was crying very sadly, she also cried loudly together with her father.    


"Dad, why did you leave without saying anything? Wuwuwu..."    


Then, the mother and daughter hugged each other and cried.    


Hou Yong wiped away his tears and walked in front of his mother. He said, "Mom, don't be too sad. My dad is gone. Isn't there still us? Don't worry. We will take good care of you in the future. The most important thing right now is... Let's go to the funeral parlor to deal with my dad's funeral..."    


Luo Chunyan suddenly stopped crying and stared at her son, hysterically saying:    


"Dayong, your dad was still fine when he went out yesterday. Why did he leave just like that? He must have been ostracized by Gu Xiaohui in the company. He was killed by Gu Xiaohui. You must go and find that stinky woman, Gu Xiaohui. Take revenge for your father!"    


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