Almighty System

C261 Ancient Secrets

C261 Ancient Secrets

2Du Dapeng had no choice but to stay in this small tribe. According to Qiongsang Hongyi, they were the ones who discovered Du Dapeng first. Of course, they had to entertain him. It was already late at night. While Qiongsang Hongyi sent people to send messages to the other tribes, he also sent people to prepare dinner.     1


What surprised Du Dapeng was that the Qiong Sang clan actually maintained their hunting tradition. They had a lot of fields, but they didn't grow much. On the contrary, they were very enthusiastic about hunting, which surprised Du Dapeng. Most of the grain in the Qiong Sang family was used to make wine and feed children.    


Every child, from the age of eight, would start drinking and eating Ferocious Beast meat. They could not eat anymore!    


According to Qiongsang Hongyi, back then, Tyrannical Emperor Qiongsang had captured a lot of Ferocious Beast and had his clansmen carefully control the population. As a result, the growth of the Ferocious Beast was synchronized with the growth of the Qiong Sang clan.    


"Hehe! Big brother! Tomorrow, you will have to fight 99 people as your grandfather! Are you afraid?"    


In the middle of the dinner, Qiong Sang Lanling ran over. The little guy had been drinking for a few years and seemed to be addicted to alcohol. He actually drank until his face turned red. He looked like a pink apple and was very likable!    


" Haha! My first disciple is called Qiongsang Linglong. She is a child of the Qiong Sang Tribe in the outside world. She is about to reach the Human Dao Peak!"    


The information that Du Dapeng revealed immediately made Qiongsang Hongyi surprised. "I heard that the Overlord left some of his personal guards outside. The poor Sang Tribe outside. There must be some of them who belong to my tribe, but... Eh? The poor Sang Tribe outside has been destroyed? Only Ling Long is left?"    


The old leader was halfway through his sentence when he was shocked. At the same time, Du Dapeng was also shocked. "What?! How did you know? "    


Seeing that Du Dapeng was also shocked, Qiongsang Hongyi felt embarrassed. He tidied his messy beard and finally said with a coy smile, "Actually, everyone in the Qiong Sang Family has awakened their bloodline. It has a magical mind-reading ability. I secretly used it just now!"    


"This, this?"    


Du Dapeng was completely dumbfounded!    


No wonder Qiong Sang Lanling was not afraid of him at all. It turned out that she had read his mind a long time ago.    


When they entered the tribe and saw the other people in the tribe, they were not surprised at all!    


They even showed a kind smile!    


So it turns out that their minds were read!    


"Your bloodline is truly heaven defying!"    


Du Dapeng really didn't know what to say. Fortunately, he was a straightforward person and didn't hide any secrets. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to eat and drink so much meat right now.    


"It's not considered heaven defying. Our talent can only capture what the other party is thinking right now! For example, when you mentioned Qiongsang Linglong just now, you also thought of the poor Sang Tribe in the outside world. That's why I sensed it. If you don't think about anything... Of course I can't do anything to you!"    


Such an explanation immediately made Du Dapeng ponder for a moment. "If that's the case, I will have a great battle with ninety-nine of you leaders tomorrow. As long as I fight based on my instincts, you won't be able to do anything to me?"    


Seeing Du Dapeng's quick reaction, Hongyi was dumbfounded. "You are right, but not entirely right! If you fight with your instincts, you will need to have a very high combat talent. Otherwise, who can guarantee that you can defeat ninety-nine Human Dao Peak warriors?! Even Saints might not be able to do it! "    


" Haha! Then I'm relieved!"    


At this point, Du Dapeng could only accept this matter. He couldn't blame the people of the tribe for not respecting him, right?    


That seemed to be an act of courting death. Du Dapeng was absolutely unwilling to do so!    


Because the Qiong Sang people were still considered friendly to him!    


Just as Du Dapeng was letting his imagination run wild, hundreds of people from the entire tribe suddenly surrounded him with an apologetic expression!    


Qiong Sang Lanling was even more embarrassed as he said, "Hehe! Big brother! We already knew that you would be unhappy. Now, everyone has come to apologize to you!"    


"Haha! After defeating ninety-nine leaders tomorrow and refining the Realm Bead, you will be the second generation Overlord of the Qiong Sang Clan. Although it is a different surname, our Qiong Sang Clan is happy to have a new Overlord..."    


"I won't say anything else! I am here to ask the future Overlord to forgive me!"    


"I'm really sorry! We are used to capturing other people's emotions! "    


The way everyone apologized made Du Dapeng feel a headache. He smiled bitterly for a long time, and finally took out all his Hundred Wonders Wine and shouted, "Sincerely apologize! Drink all these wine with me!"    


Such an action immediately made everyone bloom!    


Everyone liked Du Dapeng's wine very much. In the beginning, Du Dapeng only took out a hundred jugs, but the people of Qiong Sang Family were all wine jugs, and they had already snatched away most of the good wine!    


Just when everyone was interested, Du Dapeng actually took out over a thousand jugs. How could it not make the entire tribe boil?    


Everyone knew that Du Dapeng's meaning was not to blame them anymore!    


This made everyone even happier. They directly took turns to enter the battle, men, women, young and old drinking wine with Du Dapeng respectively.    


In the middle of the night, the other ninety-eight tribe leaders also brought their tribe members over. They even brought the fine wine and specialties of their respective tribes. Only then did Du Dapeng realize that the banquet had just begun!    


The previous banquet! It could only be considered a warm-up!    




That night, the sound of laughter, drinking, and playing filled the air. Every tribe was of the same kind, and it was rare for them to gather together. The young men and women were even more excited!    


A tribe with tens of thousands of people actually had a lot of bloodlines. In addition, every tribe had their own control, and every tribe had a reasonable marriage, which ensured the purity of the tribe.    


"What an enviable tribe! When you reach the Zhongzhou, you will definitely be directly treated as Immortals by the various tribes!"    


Du Dapeng sighed with emotion, but it startled the leaders. "You don't know? The Qiongsang Tribe is an Immortal! We cultivate the Immortal Dao, and the average Human Clan cultivates many martial arts. We also cultivate the Devil Dao, Corpse Dao, Puppet Dao, and so on. However, those are all small tribes!"    


Everyone was startled when they saw Du Dapeng's astonishment. "What's wrong? There are no longer people from the Immortal Dao in the outside world?"    


"The person you are talking about in the Immortal Dao is a person who has cultivated magic power, right? In the entire continent outside, there are only me and my brothers who cultivate the Immortal Dao. Most of the others have cultivated the Martial Dao. Even the current Corpse Refining Sect, Devil Sect, and Puppet Sect... All of them cultivate the Yuan Power of Martial Arts. We are the only ones who cultivate the two Dao of Martial Arts!"    


Du Dapeng's explanation stunned everyone. "So, the battle that year must have been very fierce! Many inheritances have been broken? "    


While the leaders were discussing amongst themselves, Qiongsang Hongyi became even more curious. "May I ask young brother, which Immortal Dao cultivation technique are you cultivating?"    


Such a question startled Du Dapeng. "Immortal Dao skill? I don't know if it is considered an Immortal Dao cultivation technique or not, but we are cultivating the Martial Ancestor Sutra and Myriad Spirit Heavenly Arts!"    


"What? All the good cultivation techniques are taken by you!"    


All the leaders sighed with emotion, as if they were afraid that Du Dapeng wouldn't know. Qiongsang Hongyi explained further, "The Martial Ancestor Sutra and Myriad Spirit Heavenly Arts are the two strongest skills since ancient times. Thinking back, my clan obtained the Myriad Spirit Heavenly Arts because of the Overlord. This is why we can challenge Holy Emperor! "    


"So that's how it is! What a pity! In today's world, those who were qualified seemed to have all died! And the Dark Clan began to stir again. In order to strengthen the seal of the Dark Clan, I searched with all my effort, wanting to perfect my Inner World. In the end, I still found Yaksha Patriarch in the Infernal Realm..."    


Du Dapeng's explanation shocked all the leaders. "That's not right. According to the ancient records, Yaksha Patriarch had joined the dark side, which was why he was trapped in the eye of the formation. In order to prevent the changes in the Yaksha Race, the ancient saints simply sent the Yaksha Clan to hell!"    


" It seems like you all know more about the secrets of the ancient era? In today's world, in the entire Zhongzhou, no one knew the final outcome of the ancient war! Do you know?"    


Such an explanation shocked the leaders even more. It seems that the battle back then was not an ordinary one! No wonder even the Overlord could not return! The Dark Clan is really terrifying... "    


Under the explanation of the leaders, Du Dapeng finally knew more about the ancient secrets. It turned out that after an Overlord obtained the Myriad Spirit Heavenly Arts, he immediately rose at a rapid speed. In the end, he brought along the elites of his clan and his followers and started to challenge the last generation of Holy Emperor. Both sides started to fight for the position of the Imperial Family.    


However, halfway through the war, the people from outside the realm had arrived!    


The so-called people from outside the realm, other than the Giant Clan, who had moved to another world by themselves, were actually sent out by the Saints because they had made a huge mistake.    


Among them, the Yaksha Clan, Devil Clan, and Blood Clan had come to the Dragon Soaring Continent. When they found out that the Dragon Soaring Continent was in the middle of a great war, they immediately intervened, wanting to get a share of the profits from the throne of the Dragon Soaring Ancestral Star!    


After that, with the Giant Clan's final participation, the Overlord and Holy Emperor simply formed an alliance. They began to work together to fight against the four foreign families, the entire ancient war. From the Overlord challenging Holy Emperor to the invasion of the Dark Clan. This process lasted for at least a thousand years!    


"What kind of concept is this? A thousand years! Even mortals don't know how many generations have passed down! "    


Du Dapeng's emotional sigh quickly garnered the approval of the leaders." Who says so!? At that time, there was one less person who could absolutely convince the crowd! This led to more than a thousand years of suffering and suffering! Furthermore, the resistance against the darkness had just begun, and the Qiongsang Tribe was split into two..."    


With the explanation from Zhong Shou, Du Dapeng had finally gained a deeper understanding of the Qiongsang Tribe. It turned out that following the invasion of the darkness, Tyrannical Emperor Qiongsang had a premonition that an unprecedented war was about to break out. With no other choice, he split his race into two and fought with half of his race. The other half would be sent here!    


"In other words, during the golden age of Qiongsang Tribe, there would be at least a hundred thousand clansmen!"    


The conclusion of the leaders also made Du Dapeng wake up from his daze. " In other words, half of Holy Emperor's tribe's bloodline might have been left behind! It's still not out yet! "    


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