Supreme King In City

C1 The Ancestor's Return

C1 The Ancestor's Return

0China, Capital Zhongjing City.    3


The morning sun shone brightly in the capital, and the city was as hot as spring.    


At the entrance of a villa complex, a young man wearing a long robe was standing there in a daze.    


He looked to be in his late twenties, with a square face, unibrow, almond-shaped eyes, and a lion's nose. Although he wasn't that handsome, his entire body gave off an ancient aura. His gaze was deep and sharp, as if it could see through everything. The robe he wore was very tattered, leaving only a long strip that barely covered his body.    


"Three thousand six hundred years. Three thousand six hundred years of bitter training. The journey through the Thorn Rampart has only been for this day."    


"Fortunately, the Heaven Realm has been in existence for a thousand years. I have only been gone for a little more than three years. As long as he could return to the human world, he would be able to see his parents and brother again. Even if it costs me a thousand years of my cultivation, I am still willing. "    


"Dad, mom, brother, I'm back."    


Looking at the familiar villa area and his home, Chu Hee seemed very excited. To him, the countless number of nights he had spent in shock and waking up from his nightmares. Every day, he would cultivate with all his might, from the lowest level mortal in Heaven Realm to the one that all the people looked up to, it was all for today.    


Three years ago.    


As soon as he graduated from university, Chu Hee and his girlfriend Lin Mengyao were getting ready to get married. Unexpectedly, on the day of their wedding, Chen Fei, Chu Hee's good brother, proposed a single party for him. After getting drunk at the party, he drove Chu Hee secretly to the summit of Mt. Tai and threw him into the valley.    


It was then that Chu Hee realized that his most beloved woman had betrayed him and killed Chu Hee along with Chen Fei. What they wanted, was only for the Chu Family's property.    


After all, Chu Hee's parents were old and his brother was still young. As Chu Hee's legal wife, Lin Mengyao naturally could control everything in Chu Family.    


However, what they didn't expect was that when Chu Hee fell into Mt. Tai, he actually encountered the day of seven stars in a row, directly transmigrating to the fictional Immortal Continent, the Heaven Realm.    


The Heaven Realm was the paradise for the immortals in the legends.    


But in Chu Hee's eyes, it was hell.    


In the Heaven Realm, there were no rules or laws. The only rule was strength. If you were strong, you could look down on all living things and wield the power to kill. You are weak, so you can only be manipulated. You can't even be compared to a dog.    


Here, strength was respected, and natural selection took place in a race against nature, vividly and vividly deducing the laws of natural elimination.    


In this kind of environment, with Chu Hee's unwavering determination, he went from being a lowly mortal to experiencing thousands of life and death situations before finally becoming one of the ten great Ancestors of the Heaven Realm.    


However, Chu Hee, who had reached the top of the Heaven Realm, was still unable to forget everything that had happened in the mortal world.    


He could not forget the love of the human world, much less forget the hatred of the human world.    


Therefore, on the day that the seven stars of the Heaven Realm linked together, he used his thousand years of cultivation to break through the weakest gap between the Heaven Realm and the mortal world, forcefully entering the spatial realm. After drifting in the space-time interface for seven days, he had to fight with the most powerful demon beasts in the space-time interface every single day. Only when he finally found his hometown interface did he come back to the human world in a sorry state.    


Of course, what he lost wasn't just his cultivation.    


His storage ring had already been completely lost after hundreds of battles, his life treasure had also been destroyed by him, and the Ancient King Sword had been completely destroyed as well. It could be said that other than the broken Ancestor's body, he had nothing else on his person.    


But Chu Hee was not afraid!    


His cultivation could be recultivated, his real name magical equipment could be nurtured, and he could also rebuild the Ancient King Sword when he returned to the Heaven Realm in the future. As long as he could return to the human world, all his losses were worth it.    


"Lin Mengyao, Chen Fei, you two definitely didn't think that I was still alive, right? Today, with the return of the Venerable One, we will definitely repay your sins with your lives. " Chu Hee's eyes turned increasingly gloomy as he recalled the past.    


However, at this moment, he walked towards his villa.    


More than three years had passed, and he did not know what changes would happen in the Chu Family. Right now, all he wanted was for his parents and brother to be fine. Otherwise, even if he killed Lin Mengyao and Chen Fei thousands of times, it wouldn't be enough to quell the hatred in his heart.    


However, just as he was about to enter, he was stopped by the security guard at the villa's entrance.    


"Stop right there! You stinky beggar! Who let you in? Get lost!"    


Chu Hee glanced at him and coldness burst out of his eyes. After all, he was still the Heaven Realm Sovereign. Who would dare to speak to him like that in the past? If this was in the Heaven Realm, he only needed to wave his hand and the security guards at the door would instantly turn into ashes.    


However, after Chu Hee returned to the human world, he was still extremely calm.    


Although he had been in the Heaven Realm for more than three thousand years, he had not forgotten about the matters of the mortal world. Moreover, right now, he didn't have the slightest bit of cultivation. Although he still had an extremely tyrannical Ancestor's body, he shouldn't kill so many innocents.    


"I live here." Chu Hee casually said, "My name is Chu Hee and my father is Chu Xiongfei. I live in Building 3 of the villa complex."    


"You're still called Chu Hee? I'm still Lin Mengyao's husband. Who doesn't know that the young master of the Chu Family has disappeared three years ago? I have seen a lot of people like you who are begging for food. The security guard had a disdainful look on his face. He didn't believe that the person in front of him with tattered clothes was Chu Hee.    


What's more, everyone thought Chu Hee had died after missing for three years.    


Chu Hee shook his head. He didn't want to bother with her anymore, so he walked straight towards his house.    


"Stand still, I'll break your dog legs if you take another step inside." The security guard saw that Chu Hee didn't know what was going on, so he took out a baton from his waist as a threat.    


"If you try to stop me again, die." Chu Hee's expression changed as his eyes flashed like lightning.    


The security guard was also shocked by his gaze and stood rooted to the spot. The most terrifying thing was, he felt a sense of death. Especially when Chu Hee was looking at him with that kind of gaze, his entire body was ice-cold, as if he was naked in the winter snow.    


And this feeling was real.    


When the security guard came back to his senses, he suddenly turned cold. When he wanted to look for Chu Hee's figure again, he had already disappeared from his sight. At this moment, the security guard's back was drenched in sweat.    


Soon, Chu Hee was standing in front of the door of his mansion.    


His home was still the same as it was three years ago.    


The iron gate, Mother's favorite flowers and plants, a Chinese style villa loft.    


When he thought of how he was going to meet his parents and brother, he quickened his pace.    


However, the moment he arrived at the mansion, he saw the doctors, nurses, and some people that he didn't know entering and exiting the villa.    


"You are, brother?"    


Just when Chu Hee walked to the door of the attic, a 17-18 year old boy with tears all over his face was standing at the door. When he saw Chu Hee, he was completely stunned.    


The youth was very handsome, with delicate facial features. However, his body was thin and his face was pale, as if he had been malnourished for a long time. Moreover, his right sleeve was empty; it was obvious that he had lost an arm.    


She was Chu Hee's younger brother, Chu Shan.    


Chu Shan even felt like he was dreaming. Otherwise, how could he see his big brother who had been missing for three years?    


"It's me, I'm back. "How are our parents? How are they?" At this moment, even Chu Hee couldn't help but shed tears. Chu Hee clenched his teeth and endured the three thousand years of suffering in the Heaven Realm. But at this moment, he couldn't hold it in any longer.    


Who said that men didn't shed tears easily, it was just that their hearts hadn't been broken yet?    


"Brother, it's really you?" You really came back? " Chu Shan rushed towards Chu Hee like a madman. He hugged him and started to wail loudly, as if he had accumulated countless grievances. "Brother, I missed you to death. Where have you been all these years? Do you know how much we miss you? "    


"I'm fine, I'm back." Chu Hee held Chu Shan tightly as he suddenly felt the abnormality of Chu Shan's right arm. After touching his arm, his eyes narrowed and a chill spread out from his body, "Your arm... "What's going on?"    


Chu Shan's eyes were a bit sad and sad when Ye Zichen raised his arm. He immediately tried to find a way to explain it to Ye Zichen.    


"I... I'm fine, just an accident. Brother, quickly go see your parents. They have already been unconscious for half a month, and even a lot of doctors are unable to do anything about it. If I don't find the cause today, maybe … "Brother, quickly go and take a look at them."    


After hearing that, Chu Hee's face turned extremely serious: "Follow me in first."    


Afterwards, the two of them walked towards their parents' bedroom.    


In the bedroom, two old men lay flat on two beds, each with an instrument beside it. The only difference was that their faces were pale. The doctor standing by the door was communicating with each other. Both of their expressions were pessimistic.    


Chu Hee walked in front of the two elders' bed. Looking at their increasingly pale hair and aged faces, he felt a sharp pain in his heart.    


Three years wasn't a lot, but it definitely wasn't a small amount.    


But now, he had returned.    


Without a second word, Chu Hee walked up to his father, Chu Xiongfei, and pressed two fingers on his wrist.    


Having stayed in the Heaven Realm for more than three thousand years, Chu Hee had long mastered the art of medicine, having experienced life and death situations several times. Although pills were used to treat injuries in the Heaven Realm, these medical skills were a solid foundation. Regardless of whether he was human or immortal, as long as he was alive, he had the power to revive the dead.    


One minute later, after Chu Hee had finished taking her father's pulse, he went to his mother, Liu Wenqing, and took her pulse.    


After finishing his pulse.    


Chu Hee's face was extremely dark as he said, "Where is Li Mengyao?"    


After Chu Shan heard the name, a wry smile appeared on his face: "She... Eldest Sis is at the company. I just called her, so she should be back soon. "Bro, what's going on with Mom and Dad?"    


"Poison, Mom and Dad were poisoned." Chu Hee closed his eyes, trying his best to conceal the anger in his heart. "Xiaoshan, tell me honestly, is your arm related to Li Mengyao?"    


When Chu Shan heard that, his expression instantly froze. After a long while, he bitterly smiled and said, "Brother, don't worry about me. You said that your parents were poisoned, what's going on? "    


Chu Hee held his breath. "The poison his parents were poisoned with is evil poison. With the current level of medicine, it's impossible to find. It's also a kind of evil art."    


Evil poison, an ancient poison, could only be used in food. It was tasteless, colourless, and impossible to detect.    


Chu Shan panicked: "Then what do we do? Is there any hope for our parents?"    


Chu Hee nodded and said calmly, "I'm back, so Mom and Dad will be fine. You go out and guard the place first. When Li Mengyao comes back, inform me immediately. "    


Chu Shan originally wanted to say something, but in the end, he swallowed his words and silently nodded before walking out.    


He didn't know why, but as long as his brother came back, he wouldn't be afraid of anything.    


"Xiaoshan, no matter who crippled your arm, I will make them pay the most miserable price."    


"Now it seems that the evil poison my parents were infected with is related to Li Mengyao and Chen Fei. Today, it is time for an end to this matter. "    


"Father, mother, don't worry." No matter what kind of suffering you guys have suffered in these three years, I will make them pay back double. "    


After Chu Hee said this, he cut his wrist with his fingers like a knife and poured the blood into the cup. After all, the current him only had medical skills and no cultivation, so he was unable to cure his parents' evil poison. However, the Ancestor's body, regardless of whether it was blood, flesh, or bones, was a treasure. The only thing he could do now was to use his own blood to expel the poison.    


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