Sovereign to Immortality

C40 excavation

C40 excavation

4Although the Western Mountain only had one main peak, the entire mountain took up an extremely wide area, almost comparable to the surrounding grounds of the Hundred Peacock Mountain. It was the main location for villagers to hunt, chop firewood, and harvest herbs in the two villages at the foot of the mountain.     4


On the western mountain, there were a lot of spring streams. These streams rushed out from the mountain, forming a flat open area at the foot of the eastern part of the western mountain. It was called the most important settlement area in the two villages.    


The streams flowing out from the mountains provided water for the irrigation of these fields, but they also divided the open field into several areas. These streams gradually converged, until they were about seven to eight miles away from the two villages, and all the streams meandered eastward through half of Mengyu County. Along the way, they gathered several tributaries, nourishing tens of thousands of mu of acres of land on both sides of the river.    


The three acres of spirit farmland that was being cultivated by the Tuqiu Village was next to a small stream at the foot of the western mountain. The three acres of spirit farmland that was currently being cultivated by the Tuqiu Village was next to a small stream at the foot of the western mountain.    


At this moment, Yang Junshan was looking down from the western mountain, and the spirit farmland that was about to mature was about five to six miles away from him. The entire Tuqiu Village attached great importance to these three acres of spirit farmland, especially when they saw that the spirit farming land was about to mature, and that the spirit farming farmers were guarding it day and night. Yang Tiangang and the other two Martial Disciples were very cooperative on this matter, agreeing that before the spirit farmland matured, at least one Martial Disciples would be stationed in the village.    


Looking over these three acres of spiritual land, the village of Tuqiu Village was not far away, and Yang Junshan's house and Ling Tian were standing in a straight line at this moment. In fact, when the Western Mountain collapsed, Yang Junshan had seen a stream of spiritual spring water that was probably in this generation, but Yang Junshan had searched back and forth three times in this area, and had not found any traces of the existence of the spiritual spring water.    


After returning to the mountain, Tigress immediately exuded an energy that far exceeded the energy she had when she was at home. The might of Mountain Lord gradually radiated from her body, as there weren't any large beasts in the western mountains, even if there were wild boars or hyenas, as long as Tigress didn't take the initiative to provoke her, she wouldn't be in any danger. Thus, after entering the mountain, Yang Junshan no longer restricted her.    


There were a lot of prey in the West Mountain. Although Yang Junshan entered the mountain just to find the spring, in just half a day, Tigress had already brought back two fat hare, a pheasant, and an undead earth badger to Yang Junshan. Plus, with her round belly, there was probably already a prey entering her stomach.    


It was still late summer, and the sun was shining brighter. The weather was getting hotter. Yang Junshan had no choice but to hide in the pomegranate forest to avoid the sun.    


This piece of pomegranate forest should have been grown naturally, its branches were twisted and even the branches of two or three trees were intertwined with each other. In the shade of the tree, huge pomegranate fruits were hanging from the branches, most of them had already turned yellow and red.    


But now that he thought about it, although the pomegranate was not fully ripe, the grain should also have a sweet taste. Although the forest was cool and there was a mountain breeze blowing, Yang Junshan could still feel a little heat that could not be hidden. When he saw the huge pomegranate fruit, he immediately felt his tongue salivating, and his saliva began to drip.    


After walking a few steps through the forest, he found the thickest pomegranate tree, the fruit on it was the fullest and the biggest. He jumped onto the tree trunk in a few steps to peel off the best piece of pomegranate, the slightly reddish seeds of the pomegranate were like sparkling gems.    


He couldn't wait to break a few dozen grains and put them in his mouth. Cold and sweet feelings gathered in his mouth, and Yang Junshan immediately felt that all the heat in his body had disappeared.    


Yang Junshan was sitting on a branch, eating pomegranate seeds contentedly while looking out from the gaps between the lush foliage. He had caught sight of more than half of the western part of the mountain.    


The western mountain was lush with trees. Looking around from the pomegranate tree, one could see patches of dark green. When the mountain wind blew, the treetops would sway with the wind, causing the waves on the sea to rise and fall violently.    


Looking at the shaking trees, Yang Junshan was slightly surprised. He forgot about the magnificent scenery and thought to himself, [This pomegranate forest is only halfway up the mountain, the surrounding area is uneven, how come I feel like I'm at the highest point?]    


Doubtful, Yang Junshan stopped caring about the pomegranate in his hand, and quickly looked around. He realized that it wasn't because the surrounding trees were too tall, but because the pomegranate forest under his feet was bigger than the surrounding trees!    


Most of the pomegranate trees didn't originally grow too high, moreover, the branches of the pomegranate trees were easily twisted during the growth process, wanting to grow tall wasn't easy, but the number of pomegranate trees Yang Junshan was in seemed to be thicker and thicker than normal, especially the one Yang Junshan was in, it was the strongest one in the entire pomegranate forest.    


Yang Junshan was the first to think of the Spirit Spring. He suspected that the pomegranate forest was actually nourished by the Spirit Spring Water, which allowed it to grow even more luxuriantly than the other trees.    


He put all the pomegranate seeds into his mouth to chew, almost filling Yang Junshan's mouth. At the same time, he focused his mind to sense the amount of juice gathering, which indeed allowed him to detect a tiny amount of spiritual energy.    


Yang Junshan was even more confident. After jumping down from the tree, he brushed away the dead leaves on the ground and then ran to the other trees to compare. He found that the soil on the pomegranate forest was more moist than the rest of the trees.    


However, after Yang Junshan carefully searched through the pomegranate forest but still came up empty-handed, he finally made up his mind to go to the thickest tree where he had picked the pomegranate. He prepared a shovel and started digging on the ground near the forest.    


Compared to before, Yang Junshan's strength had almost doubled. In just a short moment, he dug a pit about one foot wide and two feet deep near the pomegranate root. The soil at the bottom of the pit was getting wet, but there was no sign of spring water.    


Tigress was enjoying herself in the nearby mountains. She then went back to the pomegranate forest to watch Yang Junshan dig the pit with curiosity in her eyes. She didn't know what Yang Junshan was doing.    


Yang Junshan spat towards his palm. He first widened the hole by a foot, then jumped into the hole and continued digging. After an incense stick of time, the hole went down another two feet. At this time, most of Yang Junshan was already in the hole.    


After resting for a while, Yang Junshan continued to widen the hole and dig down, but this time, the soil was tougher than before. Usually, when he dug down, he could only dig down half a spade, but if he went down another three inches, then another inch ?    


Yang Junshan was already exhausted, but he looked more and more excited. The harder the soil under the pit, the happier he was.    


When the tiger-girl saw Yang Junshan's expression, she first became suspicious, then after sniffing the hard soil Yang Junshan dug out from the bottom of the pit, she also started to cheer around the hole.    


If the earth was nourished by spiritual energy, it would definitely become hard. Moreover, the soil that contained more spiritual energy would become even tougher. Sometimes, it would even become as hard as stone.    


The reason why spirit farmlands can only be cultivated is not only because the spirit farmlands all know how to cultivate. More importantly, only cultivators can cultivate hard spirit farmlands, while for ordinary people, even if their cultivation is below the third layer, it would be very difficult to cultivate a single low grade spirit farmland.    


Just think about it, a stone board the size of an acre would be crushed into pieces and then turned into foam. Not to mention ordinary people, even cultivators below the third level would not be able to do this.    


Of course, they could also borrow the help of the temperate and easy to tame vicious beasts to cultivate their spirit fields. However, in the entire Tuqiu Village, there were only a few of these large livestock, and it was even harder for ordinary people or those with low cultivation to control them. Not to mention, they could be replaced with tamed fierce beasts to cultivate their spirit fields.    


The more Yang Junshan dug, the harder the soil was. This meant that the more abundant the spirit power contained in the soil, and it also proved that Yang Junshan's guess was right.    


Another shovelful of dirt was thrown out. Yang Junshan was in the hole now, and some spiritual qi was coming out from the bottom. Yang Junshan could only cut a layer of dirt with each shovelful.    


Yang Junshan held the shovel and took two deep breaths. Suddenly, he heard the sounds of the tiger-girl above him screaming. He looked up and saw that the tiger-girl was jumping into the hole.    


Yang Junshan quickly shouted, "Don't jump, the pit won't hold you!"    


However, he still said it too late. As soon as he said that, Tigress pounced on him.    


Yang Junshan hurried to hold the 30-40 pound tiger cub, causing his body to sink down. This cub seemed to have gained weight again.    


As this thought flashed across Yang Junshan's mind, he heard a "kacha" sound coming from under his feet. He was shocked and thought to himself, [No way!    


Immediately after that, there was a series of "kacha kacha" sounds. Yang Jun's foot suddenly loosened up. She didn't even have time to cry out in alarm. Subconsciously, she held the tigress tightly in her arms and fell down.    


Hualala, the sound of dirt falling on the ground was like crushed stones being smashed, followed by a muffled "dong" sound. Yang Junshan's' aiyo, aiyo! 'moaning sounds could be heard in the darkness.    


The tiger-girl in his arms broke free from Yang Junshan's arms the moment she landed on the ground. Her pair of tiger eyes even emitted a faint glow in the darkness. She growled, and the low echoes around her immediately buzzed.    


Yang Junshan sat up from the ground, and heard the sound of running water in his ears. It was dark, and Yang Junshan couldn't tell where he was. However, the series of heart-wrenching coughs made Yang Junshan feel sure that the surroundings were filled with dense spiritual energy, because he was choking.    


? ?    


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