Beauty-accompanying Manual



3At this time, Yun Long and Wang Yang had just walked out of the school when they stopped a taxi. Just as they put their luggage in the back of the taxi, Yun Long was secretly glad that he had temporarily escaped School Beauty Ling's "Demon Claw".    1


Just as he was about to get in the car, two figures suddenly jumped out from the roadside and caught him. No matter how hard Yun Long tried, he couldn't break free from the iron-like hands of the two men!    


Wang Yang, who was already sitting in the taxi, was dumbstruck. He watched as the two hulks dragged Yun Long into a speeding black Mercedes-Benz 500 car and stopped it on the side of the road.    


School Beauty Ling, who had arrived shortly after, had a complacent look on her face as she got into the car.    




At this point, he couldn't do anything but watch the Mercedes-Benz 500 close the door and slip away like a wisp of smoke … The black Mercedes-Benz 500 drove away from Southern University and onto the street, disappearing into the traffic on the road. Yun Long, who had been hijacked, also felt like a car as he turned and turned all the way, and cold sweat broke out all over his body. The two hulks sat on his left and right side, staring at him expressionlessly.    


What made Yun Long even more nervous was that School Beauty Ling never looked back along the way. He didn't know what School Beauty Ling would do to him, but looking at her ice-cold expression, Yun Long felt that nothing good would happen to him!    


Thinking about it, Yun Long couldn't help but swallow his saliva. However, he didn't have the power to resist right now, because he was still on the recovery phase of genetic modification, because he had drove for half an hour along several streets, the car turned into a relatively quiet and secluded road, and along the road were some luxurious villas. Yun Long recognized that this place was where the most famous rich gathered, and it was said that this was also the best location in the entire Naiming City. In short, those who were able to live here were not just wealthy!    


The Mercedes-Benz 500 pulled into the end of a separate stretch of boulevard. Suddenly, a wide open space appeared in front of them.    


Behind the parking lot was a ring of white European fences. The long fences were neatly hidden in the shade of the trees, and in front of them was a majestic gate. At the gate, as well as at the various exits, were all kinds of sophisticated surveillance equipment.    


The car finally stopped slowly in the parking lot. Everyone got off the car, but the two hulks still got off, holding Yun Long on the left and right. The hulking man who drove the car went to open the gate.    


School Beauty Ling still didn't turn her head around. She didn't look at Yun Long and just waved back. Two hulks grabbed Yun Long and followed her into the door.    


In front of the main building was a huge fountain, and the surrounding buildings were arranged in an exquisite layout. Even the houses, windows, doors, and some small fences all listened to the music of the heavens, and this scene was so grand that Yun Long even thought that this was a five-star hotel.    


While Yun Long was dazzled by the scene, the muscular man at the front had already opened the luxurious door to the main building. School Beauty Ling and the two muscular men with Yun Long in their arms walked in.    


The extravagance of the decorations in the hall made Yun Long, the guy who came from a grassroots background, secretly speechless and amazed … The smooth marble floor, the gorgeous and blurred crystal chandelier, the leather Italian sofa, elegant oil painting, and a spiral staircase covered with a purple and red carpet all showed the owner of the building's elegance and extraordinary status.    


Yun Long looked at everything that he would only see in a TV show. He felt dizzy and unreal. Then, a strong feeling of inferiority rose up in his heart … Because he had never thought that there would be such a life since he was born. It was like the difference between heaven and earth!    


The difference was like heaven and earth!    


/p p Yun Long was even more shocked when he saw this... School Beauty Ling told the two hulks to put Yun Long on the second floor and there were several hulks wearing camouflage sleeves with cropped hair standing by the second floor. At the corner of the corridor, there was a large room with the words "Training Room" written on it.    


Three words.    


He opened the door to the training room. Inside was a cave, and the training room was ridiculously large. Inside was a wide variety of advanced fitness equipment, and there was even a row of training bags hanging from the ceiling. There were even a few wooden stakes.    


Surprisingly, School Beauty Ling ordered two bodyguards to lock Yun Long onto a wooden shelf by the wall. They locked his hands and feet in handcuffs, making him look like Jesus was crucified.    


After finishing this, School Beauty Ling suddenly ordered all the bodyguards to leave the main building. Without her order, no one was allowed to enter, all the bodyguards immediately left the main building and went outside to keep watch.    


After the bodyguards left, School Beauty Ling immediately locked the door from the training room. Then, she turned around proudly and walked slowly towards Yun Long, who was tied up against the wall. His face was deathly pale and her big beautiful eyes swept over him.    


/p p "What are you trying to do...?"    


Yun Long couldn't help but feel scared when he was stared at by her.    


/p p "Hee hee..." What? You know how to be afraid? "Yesterday, you acted so brave in front of so many animals!"    


School Beauty Ling's smile was like a flower, her incomparably charming face was close to Yun Long.    


Yun Long could even feel the fragrance of her breath. His heart skipped a beat, but he also felt the impending danger and couldn't help but to swallow his saliva.    


Now that things have developed to this point, Yun Long made up his mind and told her, "Ling … Student Yue Yue, I'm really sorry. When you came to our room yesterday, I … "I really fell asleep …    


/p p "Believe your ass!" With so many people surrounding you and you feeling good, how can you sit and sleep? Do you think I would believe it? "You brat, you really dare to spout nonsense …"    


School Beauty Ling sneered.    


Yun Long knew that no matter how he explained, she wouldn't believe him, so he could only muster up his courage and ask her: "Then … What do you want to do now? Speak! "    


Unexpectedly, School Beauty Ling didn't reply. She suddenly pulled out a scalpel from behind her. Yun Long broke out in a cold sweat upon seeing this. Oh my god!    


Could it be that this malicious woman wanted to castrate him?    


Sure enough, the scalpel in School Beauty Ling's hand lightly cut Yun Long's shirt button. In the blink of an eye, the sharp scalpel cut all the buttons on Yun Long's shirt off and then continued to flip a few times. Immediately, Yun Long's clothes were cut into strips of cloth and hung on his body.    


Yun Long trembled in shock. His body kept struggling and he almost cried, "Ling …" Student Yue Yue! I... Although I've offended you, but … There's no need for you to be so ruthless! "    


School Beauty Ling ignored him. She turned the sharp scalpel in her hand and changed its position … He cut off Yun Long's pants forcefully.    


/p p "Pa!"    


"..." Yun Long's 15 yuan mountain village "Jin Li Lai"    


In the blink of an eye, the belt, which was connected to the pants, was cut off and Yun Long's pants slipped all the way to his ankles!    


Revealing two shining white legs and his own symbol with the head of a rabbit … Surprisingly, it was the knockoff version of the playboy's flowery shorts.    


Yun Long seemed to have seen his terrifying end and cried out: "Ah!" Ling … Student Yue Yue, please be lenient! Don't do that! I... My family is a single generation disciple! "    


Unexpectedly, Lingyueyue raised her charming face and glared at him. Her charming face flushed a deep crimson, and then revealed the smile of a little devil as she stared at his groin and asked, "Eh …" I have a question... I... I really can't tell, you would like the playboy brand, hehe... Where did you buy those shorts? Why didn't I know this playboy had such a breed? How much did you buy it for?     


/p p "Err..." This, this is not the real deal, it's me, I bought it from the stall at the back door of the school... "Three dollars for one, I bought two. At that time, I had to move out of the house and cut the price. The owner even gave me a discount, five dollars and two taels …"    


Yun Long quickly replied honestly.    


/p p "Err..." "Playboy with five pieces and two pieces, I'm dizzy …"    


School Beauty Ling's face turned even redder when she heard that. She sighed gloomily and said, "Ai …" It turned out to be a knockoff item. It seemed like he had to change all of his clothes! "But right now, there's nothing underneath …"    


/p p "You..." What did you say? "    


For a moment, Yun Long didn't understand what she meant.    


At this moment, School Beauty Ling glared at him and asked, "Hey, do you want to leave this place safely?"    


/p p "Yes!" "Of course I want to …"    


Yun Long nodded.    


School Beauty Ling immediately rolled her eyes and purposely sighed. "Alright, then help me do something today. If you can satisfy me with your performance, then I won't pursue the matter of you angering me. Furthermore …" And I will help you fix Xiao Tianci! "    


Yun Long didn't expect her to say that, but he couldn't bear to refuse in this situation. He had to leave this den first, so he carefully asked: "Uh …" Student Lingyueyue … Say it! As long as it's something I can do, I'll definitely … "Go all out!"    


School Beauty Ling stared at him fiercely and said, "You have to do this today even if you can't. If you mess up my plans, I'll tie you up and keep you here for three days and three nights next time! "And then again …"    


School Beauty Ling pointed the scalpel at the bulge in front of Yun Long's shorts as she said, "Anyways, if you screw up, I'll make you truly undefeated in the East!" Do you know? "    


Feeling her killing intent, Yun Long immediately felt that his lower body was cold. He quickly suppressed the fear in his heart and said, "Okay! I'll do my best! Say it … A bank robbery or a vault? Murder or arson? I, I'm giving it my all! "    


/p p "Pa!"    


School Beauty Ling's face reddened as she shouted, "What are you screaming about? I want you to be my boyfriend for a period of time!"    


Yun Long's heart shook. He thought he had lost his hearing and didn't understand. He immediately asked her carefully: "Err … What do you want me to do? "I, I didn't understand …"    


/p p "Pa!"    


Another strike to the head, then School Beauty Ling pulled Xiao Zhan's ear and bellowed: "Stinky brat! Listen clearly... During this time, you have to play my boyfriend! You picked it up so cheaply! Do you hear me? "    


Yun Long was completely stunned. This event was too strange and sudden, as if he suddenly saw a sow climb a tree. It was unbelievable that a whale fell in love with a submarine.    


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