Martial Ruler



2"Nian Zhelun, leave him to me!" Wu Tie said in a deep voice.    


"Leave it to me!" Jiang Yanming stood up straight and did not give in at all!    


"Crap, what's going on with these two? They started an internal conflict right off the bat, and before the fight even started, they already lost in terms of momentum!" It's really a headache! " Luan Chengxu sighed worriedly.    


"An internal strife has already started, I think that the Inner College students only have ears, I think you all should stop fighting, you might as well attack together, I, Liu Tie, against two, it's more than enough!" Faang Lei and Jiang Yanming were both chasing after the strong, so they both felt that their opponents should be the strongest. Only by doing this could they expose their inferiority and continuously improve and become stronger! However, in the eyes of Yang Ju and the rest, this was no different from internal strife. They even started spouting nonsense, instantly angering Faang Lei and Jiang Yanming!    


Smiling helplessly, Faang Lei walked up to Jiang Yanming and whispered in his ear, "Brother Jiang, you and I understand each other's thoughts, and a fight between us is unavoidable. So why don't we find a chance to have a good fight with each other?    


Jiang Yanming slightly narrowed his left eye, but he was emotionally moved. However, he still glanced at Yang Ju with a cold expression and said in a neutral tone: "To deal with you, why would there be two people? One is enough!" With that, Jiang Yanming turned around and walked in front of Faang Lei. His sharp eyes locked onto Faang Lei as he said, "Don't forget your promise!"    


"Of course!"    


Receiving Jiang Yanming's concession, Faang Lei's left foot retreated. The moment he turned around, his gaze swept over Nian Zhelun. The two of them looked at each other and felt a burst of surprise in their hearts.    


Wei Feng, who was the weakest among them, quickly stepped into the arena. He raised his eyebrows non-stop as he lecherously looked at Faang Rou who was walking into the arena and said, "According to seniority, I should call you Sister Faang Rou. Don't worry, senior will show mercy."    


Faang Rou didn't even bother to look at Wei Feng as she continued to walk towards the arena. As she walked, Wu Tie's voice suddenly sounded behind her, "Rou!" Upon hearing Faang Lei's call, Faang Rou turned her head in a hurry, only to see Faang Lei walking quickly towards her and standing in a row with her.    


"Rou, I won't keep chasing after you, so just show me your full strength. No matter how big the gap is, there will be a day when I will surpass you!" Faang Lei had always wanted to know about Faang Rou's true strength, so he wanted to surpass her. This was an achievement that he had to achieve before he could reach the huge amount of strength behind Faang Rou.    


Faang Rou knew how much courage Faang Lei had accumulated when he said those words. It was because no man would tolerate following behind his beloved woman and watching her back as she walked further and further away! Although she knew all of this, Faang Rou didn't dare to slack off even a bit because she knew that Faang Lei would surpass her one day and walk further and further away. She also didn't want to be left behind by her lover.    


"Yes!" Faang Rou's beautiful eyes widened as she nodded her head heavily. She then turned around and walked onto the arena.    


Everyone who heard the conversation between Faang Lei and Faang Rou were shocked. This undoubtedly revealed a terrifying fact. The current Faang Rou had not displayed her true strength, so how strong was she? No one knew!    


"Sister Faang Rou, shouldn't you take into account the feelings of this senior of mine? At least give me a smile, that cold look of yours will scare me!" From the moment they got on the stage, Faang Rou had recovered her usual coldness. She looked at Wei Feng coldly and Wei Feng finally couldn't take it anymore as he complained loudly. However, Faang Rou remained unmoved. At this moment, she only cared about Faang Lei's feelings!    


"It won't be hard for you to make me laugh. You can learn to bark like a dog and crawl like a turtle. Maybe I'll laugh out loud if I see this!" Faang Rou's long eyelashes twitched as she mocked in an untimely manner.    


"You!" After all, being rude in front of a beauty was a very shameful matter. With a twist of his words, Wei Feng laughed in disdain: "Since junior Faang Rou doesn't know what's good for her, then I can only endure the pain in my heart and ruthlessly destroy a flower!"    


While he was speaking, Wei Feng undid the restrictions on the secret technique, and his strength continued to rise. In the end, he broke through the eighth level of Fighting Cultivator, and reached the peak of the ninth level of Fighting Cultivator! When everyone saw Wei Feng's strength reach the peak of Fighting Cultivator level 9, they couldn't help but glance at Nian Zhelun who had been calm and collected the entire time. They thought to themselves, "This strongest envoy, his strength must be terrifying!" Letting Faang Lei deal with him, was there really no problem?    




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