Martial Ruler



1Today is my young miss's birthday, Qin Qianyi. In order to celebrate my young miss' birthday, my master specially prepared a grand auction, in this auction there will be all kinds of rare treasures, such as Fighting Technique s, high-level cultivation techniques, and so on. In here, other than hoping that everyone will have a happy birthday, I hope that everyone else will have a happy birthday!    2


"I wish Miss Qin a happy birthday, eternal youth, and eternal charm!" Everyone congratulated him in unison. Qin Nan immediately smiled and replied, "Thank you!" However, Miss Qin had made an appearance all along, which seemed to disappoint everyone.    


However, this wave of disappointment was quickly wiped away by Qin Nan's announcement that the auction had officially begun. In an instant, the auction house erupted into action. Everyone was full of energy as they stared at the first item on stage.    


Qin Nan quickly retreated to the side. The ten masters who presided over the appraisal walked out from the backstage and sat at the seats on the right side of the auction table. The first item also appeared in the hands of the last person to appear, Master Cawley!    


Master Kao Li walked to the front, opened the seal, and took out an item from the wooden box. He explained to the crowd: The first item to be auctioned is a treasure sword refined from water attributed crystals, the magical effect of this sword is that when using water attributed sword techniques, it can increase the power of the Fighting Technique by ten to twenty percent! Ten thousand gold coins, starting bid! "    


"Fifteen thousand!"    


"Twenty thousand!"    


"Twenty-five thousand!"    


"… …"    


The final price of this sword was fifty thousand gold coins!    


The second item to appear was a mid-grade Yellow Rank cultivation technique. Faang Lei didn't even bother to look at this kind of low-grade cultivation technique, but there were quite a few people competing for it. Faang Lei couldn't help but question the eyes and abilities of these people who were participating in the auction. He thought that at this rate, perhaps there wouldn't be anything worth his hand in the auction.    


The majority of the bidders didn't even have the strength of Fighting Cultivator yet, and the strongest was only at the eighth level of Fighting Infant. As for those who were slightly stronger or sat together with him, regardless of whether it was the wealth or power, they were all powerful to a certain extent and the people didn't even make a sound, so it was likely that they all came here for the last few treasures!    


And the next wave of bidding sounds in the auction had reached the climax of the second half!    


The first item to appear in the second half was precisely the Profound Rank Fighting Technique of Low Level in Faang Lei's hands! When Master Caoli called out the of the earth attribute, Faang Lei clearly saw that the fatty in the right front suddenly sat up. He first looked at the scroll of Fighting Technique, then raised the bid from one hundred thousand gold coins to two hundred thousand! In an instant, he had killed many who wanted to take action.    


But this was still a Fighting Technique after all, something that could be encountered but not sought after! Who would be willing to let go of such an opportunity? As a result, the audience began to fiercely compete with each other.    


"Two hundred and ten thousand!"    


"Two hundred and thirty thousand!"    


"… …"    


"Three hundred and eighty thousand!"    


"Five hundred thousand!" There was complete silence.    


The crowd shouted out their bids one after another. They were all fighting to their hearts' content, but in the end, Fatty still took the bid with 500,000 gold coins!    


As for the second item, it was still Faang Lei's Earth attribute Fighting Technique, and it was still taken away by Fatty with five hundred thousand.    


The third item to appear was a with the lowest level of Profound Rank. The moment it appeared, it caused an uproar within the entire audience. Because Fighting Technique did not want to use attribute Fighting Technique, it rarely had any ill feelings towards attribute, so it was suitable for everyone to cultivate. One could imagine how intense the competition must have been. Even the honored guests, who had been sitting quietly in the VIP seats, began to bid. These people would even from time to time use their eyes to threaten the other party to give up.    


"680,000, deal!"    


Faang Lei thought that if he took out the Double Butterfly Shadow, the entire auction house would be in chaos and the price would be outrageously high!    


What came next were some Fighting Technique s, but their grade had increased. The final price of Faang Lei's Water Attribute Intermediate was 1.4 million gold coins! As the auction progressed to this stage, the air above the auction hall was filled with an intangible atmosphere of smoke and heat. Everyone's faces were flushed red; some were excited, some were successful in bidding, and some were infected by the atmosphere.    


However, Faang Lei, who was sitting alone in the corner, remained silent because he had yet to come across anything worthy of his hand!    




When Master Cawley walked out again and showed a broken scroll to everyone, Faang Lei raised his head and glanced at the one-third scroll. The scroll was already slightly yellow and the handwriting was a little gloomy, but the ancient aura attracted Faang Lei's attention.    


"Master, why do I feel like I've seen the words on this scroll before?" Faang Lei was sure that he had seen a similar scroll before, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.    


"Think about it!" The old man reminded him.    


"Universal Prison Cut!" Floating Cloud Slash, the words on the Moon-breaking Slash's scroll are exactly the same as this. Could this be the Universal Prison Cut, the third scroll, the Heaven Ranked Fighting Technique of Low Level, the remnant of the Universal Slash?! " Faang Lei suddenly woke up from his stupor and looked up at the scroll once again. This time, he was one hundred percent sure that what Ke Li was holding was not the Floating Cloud Slash or even the Moon-breaking Slash, but the Universal Slash!    


Faang Lei's heart thumped, his excitement was about to burst out, but he tried his best to suppress this kind of excited thought, slowly calming his heart. He couldn't let anyone see that he was eager to obtain this remnant scroll, because everyone believed that someone must be fighting for something good! He did not want to summon a few rich and powerful opponents for no reason!    


"This is a remnant of a Fighting Technique, because there is only about a third of it that is excessively damaged, the ten appraisal masters were not able to appraise the true level of this. However, judging from the handwriting, it is extremely ancient, so it is likely that it is not an ordinary Fighting Technique! The starting price is two hundred thousand gold coins! "    


"Who would be so foolish as to spend two hundred thousand to purchase a remnant Fighting Technique scroll of a unknown level? You're stupid, but we're not stupid! " Some of the people in the audience were already showing their disgust. The others also joined in, and the VIP seats that were about to move suddenly became quiet. It seemed like no one wanted to publicly call out the fool, everyone was waiting for the first person to bid!    


"Endure it!" This is the most critical moment. There are plenty of people who want to take action, and right now is only a competition of patience. The one who can last until the end will be the final winner! " Faang Lei couldn't help but remind himself.    


As time passed by, no one bid. Master Kao Li, who was in charge of the auction, felt awkward. He shook his head and looked at the other appraisers, indicating that he should skip the bid!    


"210,000, I'll take it!" Just when Cawley was about to stop, Faang Lei suddenly said. Everyone turned to look at Faang Lei who was covered entirely in a black cloak. At the same time, Faang Lei looked at Cawley with disdain and laughed, "Who is this person? So silly!" This caused the other distinguished guests, who wanted to take action, to stop in embarrassment. One must know that they were all well-known figures, if their actions were to be spread out, they would definitely be laughed at. For these people, sometimes face was more important!    


"For the Heaven Ranked Fighting Technique, there's no harm in fooling around once!" Faang Lei sneered in a low voice and the remnant of the Heaven and Earth Slash fell into Faang Lei's pocket.    




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