Asura War Supreme



1"Senior-apprentice Brother Lin, can I talk to you for a moment?"     0


After sending Tang Lu and the others off, just as Lin Jingyu was about to turn around, a sweet voice came out.    


"Junior Sister Luo?" His eyes flashed in astonishment, and Lin Jingyu's gaze landed on the Black Skirt Girl in front of him. The young girl's delicate face flushed a little, and her jade-like hands clasped behind her skirt. She lowered her head and muttered to herself, her aura fading away.    


Lin Jingyu hesitated for a moment. If there was something, he couldn't say it in person, but after thinking about it, he agreed. Junior Sister Luo should have something important to tell him alone.    


Therefore, Lin Jingyu gave her an order to return back to the courtyard house first, and then, he and Luo Yuanyuan came to a quiet pavilion.    


The pavilion was located in a remote corner of the Ninth Peak, and beneath it was a quiet pool of water.    


"Junior Sister Luo, if there's anything you want to say, say it." Lin Jingyu stood in the middle of the pavilion, and his eyes swept the area.    


When his gaze landed on Black Skirt Girl once again, he saw that the girl's face had turned even redder. Luo Yuanyuan's heart was beating wildly and he did not speak for a long time.    


Finally, the young girl clenched her teeth, and the deacon's head suddenly jerked up, as if mustering up a great amount of courage. "Senior Apprentice Brother Lin, I like you!"    


At that moment.    


The wind began to blow. The girl's long black hair swayed slightly with the cool wind as the leaves were lifted continuously. A dried up leaf fell into the clear pool, causing the fish in the water to jump about.    


It was as if there were only three sounds left in the entire world.    


The wind.    


The sound of falling leaves.    


As well as the faint sound of the girl's breathing.    


After a while, the entire world seemed to have become quiet without a sound, so quiet that one could hear a pin drop!    




A black figure suddenly entered the young man's arms.    


The burning hot head buried itself into the young man's chest, as the faint scent of a young girl wafted over. Unknowingly, her slender and beautiful hands had already embraced the young man's body.    


At this moment, the young girl's face was as red as a ripe persimmon. She lowered her head, not daring to raise her head to look at the youth. Only a confession that seemed to be able to move anyone could be heard.    


"I like you!"    


When that soft muttering came out, Lin Jingyu's entire being seemed to be in a daze, his mouth slightly opened, and his eyes flashed with deep astonishment and stupor.    


He stood there like a statue, not knowing what to do, not knowing what to say.    


This scene was truly a bit comical.    


It was all too sudden!    


Suddenly, even Lin Jingyu, who had two lifetimes worth of memories, was unable to react immediately.    


He was the Celestial King, not a love expert!    


In his previous life, he had only loved one woman.    


The rest of the time was spent on training, training, training, and training!    


A complete training maniac!    


Or perhaps it was more accurate to say that Great Wisdom was a fool. It was also because of this that he had become the youngest Divine King of the Heaven Realm!    


In this life, on the surface, even though he was only a fifteen-year-old young man, this young man's body contained an ancient soul that had experienced thousands of years of vicissitudes!    


However, no matter how vast and mighty Lin Jingyu's power was in his previous life, matters between a man and a woman were still a weak point in his eyes.    


Seeing the pretty girl in front of him who was hugging him tightly, Lin Jingyu also let out a sigh of relief. Then, he heard a voice that had difficulty escaping his throat, "Luo ? Junior Sister, let go of me first. "    


Black Skirt Girl pursed her red lips and let go of the youth's body as soon as she finished speaking. At the same time, her nervous gaze landed on the youth in white's face.    


When she finally said it, Black Skirt Girl seemed to have let out a sigh of relief in her heart. It was as if she had been liberated, but she was still very nervous.    


"Junior Sister Luo, listen to me."    


Lin Jingyu exhaled as if he was granted amnesty, and his gaze landed on the young girl in front of him. At the same time, his mind raced, and his gaze became extremely sincere, only to hear the young man say: "Junior Sister Luo, you are very good. You are excellent enough, and beautiful enough.    


"I really feel very lucky that you can admire me, but ?" I'm sorry, I already have a girl I like. "    


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