I Got 999 Level With One Cut

C266 There Were No More Questions after Writing over 200 Chapters

C266 There Were No More Questions after Writing over 200 Chapters

3"According to long-term calculations, the result of drawing the magic array with the highest efficiency is as follows..."     1


It was an ordinary autumn day in Lotterdall. The night had fallen, and the entire city had fallen into a deep sleep. Only a few scattered lights lit up from the few wizard towers in the center of the city. Most of the civilian families did not use magic lamp, and the lighting provided by the candles was very limited. From a distance, it was almost impossible to see any light. This made this bustling city during the day, and at night, it was almost pitch black.    


It was not that there were no street lamps, but these street lamps were lit all night long. The magic crystal consumption wasn't a small sum of money, and the government couldn't afford this kind of expenditure. Thus, the street lamps would not be kept open all the time. They would only light up for a few hours in the evening and not too long after nightfall.    


What was truly brightly lit all night, apart from the few lighthouses leading the airships in the western suburbs, was the residence of the mages.    


Riko Hasegawa was facing a dark window. She was lying on the table and her quill was rustling across the soft paper. She left some black words and some simple charts on the paper.    


"The formation array will occupy most of the space on the 15th floor, using a typical four-sided structure. It will be located in four directions, east, west, south and north respectively. When used, a large amount of magic will be injected into the Plane. The pressure on the Plane will be transferred to the surface of the other four worlds to share the burden. "    


"The source of the power comes from the Mage Tower itself. The plan is to use two Ninth Rank Level 7 magic crystal and a backup energy source, the Void Furnace System. This part should be placed in the underground room and reinforced and sealed..."    


"The combination of the formation array is expected to increase the resistance of the Plane when it encounters the storm in the Void by 75%, but because of the consumption of energy, it will not be able to be activated for a long time. In order to improve this situation, a combined charging formation array might be able to be placed at the 14th level... "    


Riko wrote while tilting her head from time to time and seriously thinking about it. This concentration even made the silver-haired girl unable to sense the latecomers closing in on her.    


"It's very late." Meiko pushed open the door of the study and walked in. She gently laid the blanket on Riko's body. "Go to sleep early..."    


"En... Because a lot of important data results were calculated today, so I want to write down the conclusion as soon as possible when I can still remember..." Riko said so.    


So the blonde girl agreed with what she said and slightly blinked her eyes.    


"Then do your best. Go and rest as soon as possible."    


Although she said so...    


However, ever since Riko spent the whole night preparing the Day of Destruction spell, every time she thought of something and planned to work at night, Meiko would never go to sleep alone. No matter how late it was, when the girl returned to her bedroom, she could always see the other person drinking tea in a daze. Then, the two of them would usually hug each other from the middle of the night to sleep until noon the next day. The sun had already risen very high before getting up.    


The silver-haired girl liked the feeling of sitting in front of a desk at night. The darkness was always quieter than the day. Sometimes, she felt that in the endless darkness, her little room had become the only shining ark. This situation gave Riko, who was a little afraid of the darkness, a strange sense of security. But turning off the light was not so good. She could not see anything. She could only hug something tightly. Sometimes it was a pillow, and sometimes it was Meiko.    


Riko had thought a few times about the relationship between her and Meiko.    


Now, she felt that it definitely surpassed the level of friends. It should be a feeling of half familial love and half romance.    


Meiko wanted to protect this soft and tiny soul of hers. Riko felt that she looked very reliable and could be relied on...    


After such a long time, the two of them realized that the other party had gradually become the most important person in their hearts, the person who could give up everything for her.    


The next afternoon, the silver-haired girl discovered something that made her very surprised.    


She stood in Estelle's bedroom on the fourth floor and looked into the distance. Her gaze swept across the bustling Lotterdall City. On the horizon, she could already see a building that had not been there for a long time. Riko narrowed her eyes and looked at it for a long time. Finally, she was certain. That was the Mage Tower that she was going to have in the future.    


The shape of the tower was already very clear. Although it was only half the height of the design, the completion date had already been determined, and it would be in February next year.    


At that time, he could move in.    


There would be a laboratory with all kinds of facilities, a library with no books at all, a Magic Test Hall that could not be used to draw formation array, and a living room.    


In less than a year's time, she completed a large building that was over a hundred meters tall. Riko felt that this kind of speed was hard to achieve even in the modern society that she used to live in.    


Although the whole process had been completed, there were only two people who were carrying out the main construction - the two Devil Instructor that flew around the Mage Tower and piled things up, but these two Devil Instructor seemed to have changed a few sets and she did not remember them.    


Under the circumstances of hiring a mage to build it, the structure of the Mage Tower was indeed very fast. But according to the common sense of building this kind of building, the completion of the structure was just the beginning.    


The tower built by the magician was not only their residence, but also a collection of laboratories, library, Magic Test Hall, and almost everything that a mage could think of - and not just that. In war, the Mage Tower that was operating at full power was a fort that was almost impossible to conquer by regular soldiers.    


The enchanted formation array and traps were hidden in every corner. The crystal ball in the central control room could monitor the surrounding hundreds of square kilometers without any blind spots, and there were even some that were equipped with magic crystal cannons.    


Therefore, the real difficulty of building the Mage Tower was not the tower itself, but every facility inside and outside the tower that could bring out its functions.    


To Riko, this problem was very easy to solve.    


- Wouldn't it be fine if I went up myself?    


There was no need to explain her Formation Array Theory's strength. The silver-haired girl's plan was to spend at most a year after she moved in. He would place suitable formation array on every part of the tower, including the one that would occupy an entire floor. It was something that would play an important role in future crises. At that time, the entire tower would be completed... Wait a minute...    


Riko suddenly remembered. Logically speaking, she should have given her Mage Tower a name.    


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