My Fiance Ran Away

C1593 The Legend of Taisui!

C1593 The Legend of Taisui!

3There's no such thing as two identical leaves in the world.     3


In fact, everything in the world had its differences.    


The same went for Taisui, especially the wild Taisui. Take the few wild Taisui that were discovered after the establishment of the country for example, there were some that looked like rocks. There were some that looked like mature steaks and so on. However, the rarest of them all... The white Taisui that looked like a piece of white fat.    


Because the color of flesh was the rarest, and the rarest thing was usually said to be very precious, this type of Taisui was also called the 'Supreme Grade Taisui', and was the king of wild Taisui.    


This Taisui, as for whether it was Supreme Grade Taisui or not, Chu Yang didn't care at all.    


He did not even care how Official Chai would raise Taisui in the water tank for fun. He only cared about one question, so he asked, "Chen Yiqing, quickly tell me, after Chai Murong drank the water with Supreme grade Taisui, What kind of changes will happen to her body?"    


From Chai Murong's surprised expression when she saw Taisui, Chu Yang was basically certain that she did not know that there was such a thing in her water tank, so she kept drinking the water inside.    


Chen Yiqing bent down, picked up the ___ and reached into the water, fishing out the basketball sized Taisui from the water.    


Looking at the "fat that did not seem to move at all, Chen Yiqing organized her words and said, In a short period of time, I can't explain the principle behind this. Let me tell everyone a small story first."    


Although staying in a very stinky house, listening to someone tell a story made Hua Mannyu very depressed. But the strong curiosity of a woman still made her ignore these depressing things. Instead, she hurriedly said, "Then hurry up and tell me. Is it a story about being too old?"    


Chen Yiqing nodded. "Yes."    




It was fourteen years after the country was founded. At that time, China was facing the most serious natural disaster since the country was founded.    


In a small mountain village in the Northwest Province, a female teacher's mother unfortunately found a malignant tumor.    


For the time being, regardless of how serious the malignant tumor was, the key problem was that in the medical environment at that time, as long as such a disease was found, the only thing that could be done was to wait for death.    


The old lady was the same, but she did not care because other than her daughter, she had no other relatives.    


The old lady who lived alone in a rundown courtyard, as her condition worsened, her vision began to blur. Every day when she went out, she had to grope and walk.    


However, the old lady didn't want her daughter to worry about her, so she sent a message to the child saying that she was very healthy...    


In the late autumn of the wilderness, a heavy rain fell on this barren little mountain village.    


The heavy rain fell for the entire night, and only stopped after dawn.    


As usual, the old lady who was almost blind carried her bucket and went to the small stream outside the courtyard to fetch water. When she went out, she fell because she stepped on a soft thing.    


The old lady who fell on the ground fumbled around to pick up the thing. She put it in front of her eyes and carefully looked at it. After looking at it for a long time, she did not see what it was, so she casually threw it out.    


However, because the old lady did not have much strength in her hands and could not see clearly in the distance, she threw the thing into the bucket.    


The old lady, who did not know what was going on, after she got up, she carried the bucket to the stream to fetch water.    


What happened next naturally happened. After the old lady brought the water back, she poured it into the water tank and began to scoop the water to cook.    


Every morning, the old lady would fetch water and pour it into the tank. She lived the same life every day.    


Perhaps the old lady felt that God pitied her? Anyway, after a few days, her eyes could slowly see things again. After half a month, she regained her vision and felt that she had more strength to walk than before. Her spirit also improved...    


However, there were many blisters on her body. Those blisters grew all over her body, and with just a slight movement of her body, a stinky liquid would flow out.    




When Chen Yiqing said this, Chai Murong's body began to tremble slightly and she could not help but hold Chu Yang's hand.    


She could clearly feel her previous experience. The story was very similar to what Chen Yiqing had said. The only difference was that her illness was different from that of the old lady. However, there were small bumps on her body. In the end, there was a stinky liquid flowing out of her body.    


Because the story Chen Yiqing told was very similar to Chai Murong's experience in the real world, other people could easily understand that she was using a story to explain everything.    


Chu Yang could naturally hear it too, but he did not say anything. He just tightly gripped the small hand that was slightly sweating, meaning, Don't worry, the truth will come out soon.    


The truth was the most heart-wrenching moment when it was about to come out of the water. It was also the time when accidents were the most likely to happen.    


Chen Yiqing looked at the Taisui in the ___ and continued, "After that old lady had these small lumps on her body, she thought that she would die for sure. But she did not panic. After all, she was already prepared to die. So what should be done, or should be done. Anyway, she lived alone. She's not afraid that the stench on her body will affect others. "    


Chen Yiqing carried that Taisui and walked towards the door. Chu Yang and the other two were like puppets, following closely behind.    


After walking out of Chai Murong's house, Chen Yiqing took a deep breath and turned around with a smile, "Haha, although this story is not very interesting, you guys must be most concerned about the outcome, right?"    


Chu Yang immediately replied, "Aren't you talking nonsense? To listen to a story, of course you have to hear the ending, otherwise you would still call it listening to a story? Alright, stop nagging. Hurry up and tell me! "    


Chen Yiqing nodded." Yes, where were you talking about just now? "    


Just as Chu Yang rolled his eyes and was about to scold something, Hua Mannyu rushed to say," Just now when you mentioned that old lady, after a small lump of pus appeared on her body, she waited for death at home. "    




After these small lumps appeared on the old lady's body, she did not take it seriously.    


One. A person who was about to reach the end of his life rarely cared about these things.    


This old lady, other than the fact that she would feel nauseous every day when she entered the house, how should she live her life, or how to live her life?    


Actually, illnesses were sometimes just a watch (b * tch).    


The more you value her, the more she treats herself as a chaste and violent woman, making you unable to forget her at all times. Then, you suffer from her ravaging until you suffer an even more severe mental blow.    


However, if you don't take her seriously and treat her coquettish behavior as a pig that is tickling on the doorframe, then no matter how much she provokes you, it will no longer affect you.    


Just like this old lady, she doesn't care about the strange illness she contracted at all and continues to live in her own way, day after day...    


The old lady with pus flowing on her body ignored the strange illness and lived for a few days. The small lumps that could be festered slowly stopped festering and instead slowly formed scars.    


After two days, the scars on the old lady's body began to slowly fall off. Her skin gradually returned to its original appearance, and it was even more elastic and glossy than before.    


Just like when he had just discovered the small lumps and did not care about them, the disappearance of these small lumps, as well as the changes that had happened to her body... The old lady still did not care. She still followed her own method... To live her life, she went out every morning to fetch water, cook, and go out to pick up firewood...    


Gradually, the old lady, who did not pay much attention to her physical condition, suddenly realized that her entire body was filled with motivation. It was as if she had returned to the time when she was young!    


In particular, her originally turbid eyes had actually become clear and deep, to the point that she did not even recognize her daughter when she saw her.    


After the old lady got sick, although she always got people to send letters to her daughter saying that she was safe and sound, her daughter still had a bad premonition after so many days, so she hurriedly rushed home from the county town.    


However, when her daughter saw that her mother not only didn't look like she was suffering from terminal illness, but also became even younger, she was immediately delighted and especially shocked. She hurriedly asked what was going on.    


How could an uncultured old lady say the changes in her body?    


After the old lady's daughter asked for no results, she helped her mother wash her body and rushed to the county town with her.    


Her mother's mental state was surprisingly good. It would indeed make her daughter happy, but she should also be able to figure out what was going on, right?    


Thus, her daughter brought her mother to the county town hospital.    


When the old lady had felt unwell, she had also come to this hospital to make a diagnosis. She had also diagnosed a malignant tumor disease, so those doctors had an impression of her.    


However, when those doctors saw the 'energetic' old lady, they were all shocked and hurriedly asked what was going on.    


Just like the ones that answered their daughter's questions, the old lady was still unable to say anything... Finally, the hospital did a comprehensive system check on her and obtained a shocking result: Not only did the malignant tumor in the old lady's body disappear, but she also had her current bodily functions. It was almost the same as a woman in the prime of her life!    


How could an old lady who was beyond cure suddenly recover!?    


This shocking physical examination result quickly attracted the attention of the authoritative experts in the province. After all, the old lady was sentenced to 'death', but now she suddenly became 'alive and kicking'. It was impossible not to cause a sensation.    


Thus, after the experts in the province asked the old lady about her daily diet after she had fallen ill in detail, because they did not get the result they wanted, they formed a team and went to her small mountain village's house to conduct an on-site inspection.    


The results of the on-site inspection disappointed the specialists. No matter what the old lady ate, drank water, or lived in, they were all very common.    


In other words, her living environment and diet would not allow her to come back to life, or even 'return to her youth'.    


But the truth was right in front of them, and they could not help but believe it.    


The medical specialist group stayed in the small mountain village for three days. When they were about to return home with a belly full of doubt, a nurse who was responsible for carrying medical experimental equipment for all the experts... She scooped up a scoop of water from the water tank and prepared to wash her hands... But when she scooped up the water, she discovered that there was a piece of fat in the water tank.    


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