My Fiance Ran Away

C846 Li Jincai Called!

C846 Li Jincai Called!

4Hua Mannyu immediately said, "I know. You are going to use these antidotes to win over those high ranking people in 2012 and make them work for you!"    


Chu Yang smiled proudly, "You are right. That is why I did not tell anyone before Mingchuang produced the antidote. Because this is a very important matter, we can use it to deal with and deal with her. After that, we can use part of 2012's human resources for our own use. Of course, since 2012 can use Ice Age to threaten his subordinates... Then why don't I let them consume the other poison that we developed while I cure them of their poison?"    


Koo Mingchuang immediately said, "This is a very simple question, because the antidote that I am making now... It is an antidote to fight poison with poison. As long as the ratio of the antidote is slightly changed... It will become another kind of poison that has a long incubation period."    


"Well, that's for the best." Chu Yang nodded and was about to say something when the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.    


Because she needed to contact the people who were searching for Lin Jingxian at any time, Hua Mannyu bought a multipurpose, high-quality counterfeit phone for Chu Yang and told the people outside his phone number.    


However, during the days of searching for Lin Jingxian, Chu Yang had never received a phone call from anyone.    


But now, just as Hua Mannyu ordered to withdraw all the search and rescue personnel, the phone rang.    


Stunned, Chu Yang immediately stopped the current topic. When he touched his phone, he put the pill in his pocket and took out his phone to look at the caller ID. The words Lee Jincai were written on it.    


After the series of events that happened to Old Master Chai, Lin Jingxian, and Chai Department, the one who felt the most guilty was undoubtedly Chu Yang, followed by Hua Mannyu.    


It was this pair of male and female 'irrational' behavior that gave Official Chai the urge to take revenge after his comeback.    


In addition to them, there was another person who regretted and blamed himself for this series of events. This person was the Deputy Chief of the Security Department of Chuyang Pharmaceutical Group, Lee Jincai.    


Lee Jincai never thought that his impulsive action of breaking Chai Qingtian's nose bridge would cause the collapse of the entire Chai Department.    


As for how huge the Chai Department was, Lee Jincai, who only knew how to eat his fill and was muttering that Brother Yang was a rogue, couldn't figure it out at all.    


However, he had heard that the Mayor in Jiannan, Soong Yuansheng, had also been promoted and demoted to become the deputy governor of the province. It was only now that he knew how powerful the punch was. It was so powerful that it could affect the mobilization of some of the main departments.    


Especially after he heard that Brother Yang's mother-in-law had been kidnapped after Old Master Chai had passed away. If Sunn Bin had not held his arm, he would not have died. He tried to convince Brother Yang that only by keeping his body clean could he find an opportunity to repay Brother Yang's kindness. This country bumpkin who couldn't think of a way out. Perhaps he would really find a Bmw car the next day to commit suicide to apologize for his crime. From this, it seemed that it was best not to drive the Bmw car. At the very least, everyone knows that those who drive the Bmw are all rich people...) After being persuaded by Sunn Bin to give up on the foolish idea of using his death to atone for his crimes, Lee Jincai put all of his energy into the search and rescue of Lin Jingxian.    


In these few days, besides taking Lin Jingxian's photo to ask others, Lee Jincai also used it to ask others. He did not even go with the security guards of the new pharmaceutical factory. Instead, he took enough food and relied on the ability he learned in the army. He used his own method to search for Lin Jingxian's whereabouts alone.    


Over the past ten days, Lee Jincai had lost at least a dozen kilograms of weight. His beard was unkempt and his eyes were bloodshot because of his severe lack of sleep.    


The difference between him and everyone else who had focused their attention on the vast southern mountainous region was that Lee Jincai felt that those who had held Lin Jingxian hostage had no chance of escaping Ji Nan. In that case, it was very likely that they would go astray and hide somewhere in the middle of the downtown area. This was the common saying that 'the small one is in the wild' and 'the middle one is in the city' and 'the small one' is in the wild 'and' the small one is in the middle of the city '.    


Sometimes, even though there were too many people in the busy city, it was precisely because there were too many people that they were able to conceal some suspicious behavior.    


Lee Jincai, who had such deep feelings, had been wandering in the city or the suburbs for the past ten days, but he had not obtained any results.    


On the morning of April 29th, Lee Jincai received a call from Sunn Bin, telling him that Brother Yang had already ordered to stop the search and rescue operation for Lin Jingxian.    


After hearing this order, Lee Jincai only said in a muffled voice that he knew, and then he took off the phone.    


However, he did not follow Brother Yang's order to carry it out. He only wanted to find Lin Jingxian and use this to repay Brother Yang for his kindness and to reduce the guilt in his heart.    


When Koo Mingchuang and Hu Lee walked into Hua Mannyu's villa together, Lee Jincai, dressed in tattered clothes and holding a sesame seed cake in his hand, looked like a beggar. He came to the largest civilian community in Jiannan City - The scenic area of Crouching Tiger Mountain.    


Crouching Tiger Mountain Scenic Community was a civilian community that had been built in the 1990s. There were many residents, and it was said that there were at least 100 thousand of them.    


The residents living in this community had all kinds of occupations. There were old Ji Nan people who lived in the countryside with their heads held high and felt superior every month, and there were also low-profile brothers who got rich overnight but did not want to show off their wealth. There were also countless early employees who had gone out to do business.    


If one wanted to use an adjective to summarize the characteristics of the hundred thousand plus residents in the scenic district of Crouching Tiger Mountain, then the adjective 'mixed with the dragon and the fish' was probably the most appropriate.    


On April 29th, at 9: 30 AM, Lee Jincai, who was completely the same as the beggars wandering in the neighborhood, strolled through the buildings of the neighborhood.    


Just as Koo Mingchuang had complained, today's sun was indeed a little like Yan Xia and July. Lee Jincai, who had not taken a sip of water since last night, could not stand it. If he had not casually tossed the last mouthful of sesame seed cake into the trash can, he would not have been able to take it. He could not guarantee that he would not swallow it.    


"Cough!" After Lee Jincai coughed, pieces of sesame seed cake came out of his nostrils. It made him feel very itchy. He quickly reached out and rubbed his nose. He took out a note from his pocket and looked around, hoping to find a cold drinks store or a small store. Buy a bottle of iced beer to quench his thirst.    


Lee Jincai was very thirsty. At this time, he wanted to find a cold drinks store or something to buy a bottle of cold drinks.    


So, he changed his direction and walked forward. He observed on both sides, but when he walked to the row of buildings at the back of the community near the mountain, he did not see a cold drinks store or small goods store.    


Lee Jincai opened his mouth and cursed in disappointment, but after thinking for a while, he understood. It was true that there were a lot of residents in the scenic area of Crouching Tiger Mountain. There would definitely be convenience stores and even large supermarkets, but it seemed that no investor would choose to open a store at the back of the entire community. Otherwise, it would not be so empty here that not even beggars could be seen.    


Lee Jincai didn't find any cold drinks stores, nor did he find any beggars with 'news spread all over the world'. He didn't even see a person who came out for a stroll, but just as he turned around and was about to walk back the way he came, He found a few cars.    


One. In a large residential area with more than 100,000 residents, let alone a few cars... Even if there was a small helicopter parked in the residential area, it wouldn't be a strange thing. Then why did Lee Jincai pay attention to these cars?    


Because these few cars, other than one that he didn't know the brand of, the other two were ordinary Santana cars.    


It was said that on the night Lin Jingxian was kidnapped, the City Bureau Major Crimes Division saw that the culprit was driving two Pussans through the surveillance cameras on the side of the road.    


Although the Major Crimes Division did not see the plates of the two Pussans, Lee Jincai's heart suddenly jumped when he saw the two Pussans that were running all over the place.    


According to the research of human scientists, our human body is really amazing. We always have a premonition in certain situations. This is what people usually call the sixth sense.    


As for Lee Jincai, after seeing the two Punsang cars, This must be the car that took Brother Yang's mother-in-law away that night! No wonder so many people couldn't find it. It turned out that they had driven the car to a remote area in the downtown area. It was indeed very cunning.    


Suppressing the great excitement in his heart, Lee Jincai slowly walked to a residential building. Leaning against the wall, he sat on the ground and began to look around. This row of buildings was perhaps the earliest building built in the scenic area of Crouching Tiger Mountain. The buildings were not only close to the foot of Crouching Tiger Mountain. Judging from the style of the buildings, the mottled walls, and the gray window glass, this row of buildings should not have many residents. No wonder there were no small stores like cold drinks here.    


Then, which room did the two people driving the Passangers live in in this row of buildings...    


Lee Jincai raised his head and slowly looked at the unit in front of Pao Sang. From top to bottom, he looked at the degree of cleanliness of the glass. When he saw that other than the first and fourth floors, the glass of the other residents was very dirty. One. A man in a black t-shirt was holding a box of beer cans. He walked over from the path he came from.    


The man holding the beer saw Lee Jincai sitting at the bottom of the wall. He first stopped and looked around vigilantly, then turned his head with a disgusted look on his face. Then he walked to the front of the first floor and took out the key to open the old-fashioned anti-theft door. Then, he flashed into the room.    


The man in the black t-shirt did not recognize Lee Jincai, who looked like a beggar, but the latter recognized him: Fann Qiang.    


This man was one of Jiaang Gongjin's bodyguards, Fann Qiang. He had once fought with Lee Jincai in the Ming Huang Di Hall because of Chai Murong.    


When Fann Qiang entered the first floor, Lee Jincai slowly let out a breath. He took out his phone from his pocket and dialed Chu Yang's number.    


When the call was connected and Chu Yang spoke, he said in a hoarse voice, "Brother Yang, it's me, Jincai."    


Chu Yang, who was negotiating with Koo Mingchuang and others about how to deal with Chai Murong, rang the phone. He took out his phone and saw that it was Lee Jincai calling. He looked at Hua Mannyu. He pressed the answer button. " Hello, this is Chu Yang."    


"Brother Yang, it's me, Jincai." After Lee Jincai said those six words, he heard a voice that was a little unclear. He quickly swallowed hard to moisten his throat, then continued, "Brother Yang, I found two Punsang cars now. They are very likely the two cars that kidnapped Mrs. Chai. And I have also seen you and did not know whose people it was."    


"What?" After hearing what Lee Jincai said, Chu Yang was stunned. He stood up from the sofa.    


Although he had asked Hua Mannyu to continue searching for Lin Jingxian, he was forced to do so. Putting aside the reasons for Chai Murong, he would definitely want to find his mother-in-law.    


Now, after hearing Lee Jincai report that he had found the two Pao Sang cars, He instantly understood that the stubborn Lee Jincai did not stop searching for Lin Jingxian, and his heart immediately heated up. He asked in a low voice, "Tell me where you are, and who did you see?"    


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