My Fiance Ran Away

C375 Accident an Accident Happened!

C375 Accident an Accident Happened!

0Yes. " Wait for me, I'll be right there, that's all" After saying that, Chu Yang took off the phone and thought for a while. He found his big uncle Chu Yong's number and dialed it.    


Yong's phone was not turned off, but he did not answer it immediately. He only called after Chu Yang changed into Li Ning sportswear.    


Once the call was connected, Chu Yang said, "Big uncle, it's me, Chu Yang." I know, I was accompanying guests to visit the Forbidden City just now. " At two o'clock in the afternoon on the international assassin's platform. Transfer five million USD to Lorin's Swiss bank account. " Chu Yang said, "This might be a deposit in advance.    


From this, it seems that he should take some action these days.    


But I can't guarantee that his target this time will be Ruan Wenqiang. " Chu Yang was silent for a moment before he said," Alright, I understand. I will strengthen my defense.    


Yang, if there is any news, I hope you can inform me in time." I will." After saying goodbye to Chu Yong, Chu Yang took off the phone and walked out of the room.    


In the well, Yun Ruoxi looked at her son. "Is there something wrong?" Yang smiled. "Mom, it's nothing. Don't worry. It was my friend who called to invite me to climb the Great Wall. Didn't I change my clothes?" Okay, then you should go home early today." Understood." Chu Yang agreed and quickly walked out of the house.    


After an hour, Chu Yang appeared in front of a presidential suite in Magnificent Grand Hotel.    


The person who came to open the door for Chu Yang was Zhou Yuru, who was dressed neatly.    


Compared to yesterday, Yuru's mental state today was really like heaven and earth. Her eyebrows were filled with spring. This Chu, who was comparable to a gentleman, could not help but feel his heart skip a beat and quickly look away.    


When she arrived at Chu Yang, a layer of red appeared on Zhou Yuru's pretty face. She hurriedly lowered her head, "Third Prince, you are here." After an ambiguous smile, Chu Yang walked into the suite. "Where's Koo Mingchuang?" He's in the suite." Yang walked to the door of the suite, kicked the door open, and walked in. He said to Koo Mingchuang, who was leaning on the headboard and smoking, "Damn it, I thought it would be shocking enough for me to wake up at three o'clock. I didn't expect you to be even fucking lazy than me." Koo Mingchuang looked at the door and said lazily, "It can't be helped. It's hard to talk about life with the woman you love. yawned. I wanted to get up earlier, but you know... I'm quite professional in everything. I always like to pursue a perfect ending..." Shut your stinky mouth and say that you're so noble." Chu Yang, I want to get married. " Koo Mingchuang sat up straight with a serious face.    


Get married?" Chu Yang tilted his head and looked at Koo Mingchuang, then he turned around and closed the door. Then he whispered, "Don't tell me you want to marry Zhou Yuru." Mingchuang rolled his eyes and sneered, "What happened to her? I want to work with her to survive the rest of the people." She, she is nothing. " Chu Yang shrugged. "But I know that before she knew you, she might have sex with many men.    


Aren't you pursuing perfection? Why would you want to marry such a woman? " Fuck, I'm pursuing perfection in spirit." Koo Mingchuang gave Chu Yang the middle finger and said seriously, "Brother, to be honest, no one knows more than you how many women I have in the past. You know I'm not a good person, so naturally I don't care about the layer of a woman's membrane.    


As for Zhou Yuru, after experiencing this, she will definitely have some understanding of life.    


We have discussed and prepared to open a hotel or a nightclub or something. As the boss, I will be in charge of the venue." Alright, the goal is great. You're also doing your best to watch the venue." Chu Yang nodded. "Have you thought about where to do business? I will help you find a territory. " Go to Ji Nan and follow you." Alright, it's a small matter.    


Brother, to be honest, I'm very happy that you have such thoughts. At the very least, you have started to walk the right path." Chu Yang patted Koo Mingchuang's shoulder." Leave this matter to me. We'll talk about it in the future.    


Get up quickly and follow me out for a while. " Where are you going?" The Forbidden City. " Mingchuang put on his clothes and jumped off the bed. "Are we going to find Lorin?" Ruan Wenqiang was visiting the Forbidden City. If Lorin wanted to do something, I think we should check the surroundings of the Forbidden City." Chu Yang nodded." If I find him, I will try to convince him. I advise him not to cause trouble in China." He definitely won't listen to your bullshit. " If he doesn't listen, then let him become an obedient person. " Chu Yang replied faintly.    


In this world, the most obedient person was a dead person.    


The Palace was located in the center of the capital of China, also known as the Forbidden City.    


Inside. There were 24 Emperors who had lived in the Ming Dynasty and Ming Dynasty (1368 A.D.) The palace was now known as the Palace Museum.    


The Palace, along with the Versailles Palace in F Country, the Platinum Palace in England, the White Palace in M Country, and the Kamlin Palace in E Country, were known as the five major palaces in the world and was listed as the cultural heritage of the world by the UN Science and Culture Organization.    


Heavens! Heavens! The Forbidden City had to take on the political task of receiving foreign friends, so it was temporarily closed to the public for three hours.    


There were one or two police cars parked at every intersection near the Forbidden City. The police officers with serious expressions were directing the passing vehicles to pass through these intersections as soon as possible.    


Isn't it just a small V People? Is there a need to be so wary?" Koo Mingchuang chewed gum in his mouth and sat in the driver's seat with a pair of small sunglasses on his face. He gently turned the steering wheel to look at the reflector and said to Chu Yang, who was sitting in the front passenger's seat, "We have been here for more than half an hour and have attracted some people's attention. There might be trouble. " Before Yang could say anything, an ordinary Audi car drove over from behind. It surpassed the Toyota that Koo Mingchuang was driving by half a head and then flashed on the right side. It slowly forced the Toyota to stop on the side of the road.    


Mingchuang followed the Audi and was forced to stop at the side of the road.    


The door of the Audi opened and a few people walked out.    


Chu Yang knew one of them. It was his brother-in-law, Hua Canyu.    


Canyu walked to the front of the Toyota and patted the window.    


Mingchuang rolled down the window.    


Canyu slightly leaned over and looked into the car. When he saw Chu Yang, He smiled. "Chu Yang, why are you here?" He had heard Chai Murong say the night before that Hua Mannyu wanted to solve the knot in Chu Yang's heart. This made him very touched.    


So, when he saw Hua Canyu, he actually felt a faint sense of intimacy.    


It was really strange.    


Yang knew that since Hua Canyu, the 'number one expert of the inner circle', had appeared near the Forbidden City, it was enough to show that they already knew that someone was going to harm Ruan Wenqiang.    


Therefore, he did not beat around the bush and said with a 'friendly' smile, "I heard from Uncle that someone wants to have some thoughts about the guests in V Country, so I asked a friend to walk around here and help you see if there are any suspicious people.    


Hehe, this kind of security on the road. And you personally instructed them outside? " I just came out of the Forbidden City as well." Hua Canyu glanced at Koo Mingchuang and said, "The guest will be out in about ten minutes.    


I received a report that a car is always wandering around here, so I rushed over to take a look. " En, then can you tell me where Ruan Wenqiang is going after he comes out? " Chu Yang asked this question and continued, "I know this is called 'spying on military intelligence', you can choose not to say. But I just want to help you. I don't have any other intentions." Canyu hesitated for a moment before saying, "When I came out this morning, after the guests finished visiting the Forbidden City, To the National Grand Theater.    


However, Vice Chairman Chu suddenly ordered the cancellation of this activity two hours ago. The guests will be directly checked into the hotel they are staying in." Yang nodded and said directly, "Two hours ago, I was the one who told Vice Chairman Chu that Lorin might have already arrived in Beijing.    


Cancel Ruan Wenqiang's following activities would also be beneficial to him, and it would also reduce your troubles.    


Alright, since that's the case, then I'll go back. I won't be able to help much if I stay here any longer." Alright, that's it. See you later." Hua Canyu did not ask how Chu Yang found out that Lorin came to Beijing. He just agreed. He turned around and left.    


After taking two steps, he suddenly walked back. He said, "Although Ruan Wenqiang did not go to the national theater, his daughter went there in more than two hours. If you have nothing else to do, you can go there and take a look. " Hehe. " Chu Yang smiled disdainfully and said indifferently, "If it wasn't because of this Ruan Wenqiang and my big uncle, I wouldn't have bothered to come over.    


If his daughter wants to go, then go. I don't have the time to be her guard. " I think you should go and take a look." Why? " Because the person accompanying Ruan Lingji (Ruan Wenqiang's daughter) today was the eldest daughter of Xie family, Xie Yaotong. And your wife, Chai Murong.    


They are here to entertain guests. It is a temporary political task." Hua Canyu smiled and said," If Manyu wasn't feeling unwell today and went to the hospital, I think those old men would have arranged for her to accompany Ruan Lingji.    


For some reason, the old men value Ruan Wenqiang's visit to China very much. " Chai Murong accompanied Ruan Lingji out? Why didn't I know?" Chu Yang was stunned for a moment and then cursed in a low voice," Nonsense, what does national affairs have to do with these women... " Just as Yang said this, he saw Hua Canyu suddenly raise his hand to cover his left ear. Then his expression changed and he immediately lowered his head to his collar and said, "I will report to the chief immediately! You must prepare for a safe rescue!" After Chu Yang said something, Hua Canyu quickly said, "Accident! An accident happened! Just now, there was a kidnapping in the national theater, and three women were kidnapped. Ruan Lingji, Xie Yaotong... and Chai Murong. " When he heard the news, Chu Yang was stunned. He suddenly understood. Lorin came to Hua this time to assassinate Ruan Wenqiang on the surface. In fact, while everyone was focusing on Ruan Wenqiang, his real purpose was to target his daughter!    


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