My Fiance Ran Away

C187 We Are Strangers from Now On!

C187 We Are Strangers from Now On!

1Chu Yang carried a bowl of soup that had been reheated. He carried a food bag with four pieces of wheat in it and went to the corridor on the second floor. He pushed open the bedroom door.    


The moment he pushed open the door, he suddenly felt that... Chai Murong seemed to have a certain status in his heart. She was definitely not as useless as a month ago. This could be seen from his painstaking meditation downstairs and his willingness to carry dinner upstairs.    


Could it be that I am slowly accepting her and gradually ignoring Qin Chao? Chu Yang was stunned at the door for a moment, then he put on an angelic smile and walked into the bedroom.    


Tonight, Chai Murong was not half lying on the bed reading. She lay on the bed with her face facing the bed and did not move. Her curvy body was covered by the blanket and the gentle light from the wall lamp. It seemed to have a kind of love and thirst that made men's heart move...    


"Why aren't you eating?" Chu Yang put dinner on the bedside table and hesitated for a moment before sitting on the edge of the bed.    


Chu Yang thought that if he did not waste half an hour's worth of saliva... Chai Murong definitely would not speak. But to his surprise, she immediately spoke. She just maintained her posture and said, "Chu Yang, I want to discuss something with you."    


"Tell me, as long as I can do it." Chu Yang smiled and took out a cigarette. When he lit the cigarette with the lighter, for some reason, his hand trembled. He lit the cigarette several times but did not light it.    


"Let's get a divorce." Chai Murong's tone was very calm, like the gentle light from the wall lamp. It was faint but there was a trace of melancholy.    


After breaking off the engagement with Chai Murong, she felt at ease and boldly went after Qin Chao. This had always been Chu Yang's dream after he became a soldier. It had been seven years. He finally heard this sentence. Furthermore, he concluded that Chai Murong's words this time were definitely not as malicious as the last time at the city center hospital.    


This time, it was sincere from the bottom of his heart.    


His heart trembled slightly. Chu Yang forced a smile and took a puff of smoke. He replied faintly, "Okay."    


"Actually, I have always kept our real marriage certificate with me." Chai Murong smiled and said, "I knew long ago that divorce is the only result between us. No matter how hard I tried, it would not change. I, I pestered you because I wanted to prove something. But I don't want to do that anymore."    


The real marriage certificate Chai Murong was talking about, the one-inch photo of Chu Yang and herself in it, was her photo. The name was no longer Chai Xiufang. It was Chai Murong, who made many company chairmen feel invisible pressure when they saw her.    


"I understand."    


"Let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow."    


"Okay." Chu Yang stood up from the bed. "This is dinner. You should get up and eat."    


Chai Murong did not say anything. She just raised her right hand and pressed the switch on the wall lamp, then turned off the light with a clank.    


The moment the light went out, Chu Yang found that the arm that fell off the nightgown was very beautiful and very white. It was like a lily that was about to wither.    


Before his eyes could adapt to this heart-palpitating white, everything in front of him was pitch black.    


Is it really going to be a divorce?    


My real marriage life hasn't even started yet, and I already died prematurely. I really don't know if I should feel lucky or sad.    


Divorce with Chai Murong had always been Chu Yang's biggest dream besides marrying Qin Chao back home. But for some reason, when she took the initiative to propose a divorce last night and drove to Ji Nan's Civil Affairs Bureau on the morning of August 22nd, He still did not believe it and felt that it was not true. It was as if he was dreaming.    


Especially when he saw Chai Murong sitting beside him with a smile that was not a smile, he had an indescribable feeling in his heart. Was it relief? Was it luck? Or was it something that even he was unwilling to admit?    


Chu Yang himself didn't know.    


At nine o'clock, they walked into the Ji Nan City Civil Affairs Bureau.    


Their luck was pretty good. When they were handling the divorce procedures at a window, They happened to run into the Civil Affairs Bureau's director who was personally working today, and his attitude was very friendly. This also somewhat diluted the trace of strange feeling in Chu Yang's heart.    


According to Article 11 of the Marriage Registration Regulations, a divorce between husband and wife must be carried with their personal household register and identification card. The person's marriage certificate. The divorce agreement signed by both parties. Two one-inch photos each. The divorce agreement should state the intentions of both parties to voluntarily divorce, as well as their agreement on the raising of their children, the handling of their assets, debts, and other matters.    


Article 13 of the Marriage Registration Regulations: The Marriage Registration Office should review the documents and documents issued by the parties involved in the divorce registration and inquire about the relevant situation. For those involved who were indeed willing to divorce and had already reached an agreement on how to deal with the issues of raising their children, property, debts, and so on... They should register on the spot and send the divorce certificate to them.    


Then, the couple who originally belonged to the same forest, after getting the green notebook, if they slept on the same bed again, they would be considered to have lived together illegally...    


Chai Murong took the green notebook from the office window in the hall. Without looking at Chu Yang, she silently turned around and walked towards the door.    


After Chu Yang was stunned for a while, he followed her three or four meters away. The two of them walked out of the Civil Administration Bureau one after the other.    


At the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Chai Murong looked up at the rising sun. She stretched out her hand and combed her hair, then let out a long sigh of relief. Her face immediately became as bright as the sun. She did not feel the slightest bit of sadness after the divorce. It was very different from the divorce scenes on TV.    


In the television series, many divorce scenes were like this: When the female lead walks out of the Civil Affairs Bureau with her divorce certificate, her tears will be like pearls with no strings attached. The tears fell and she sobbed as she said to the male lead, "From now on, we are strangers!"    


If there was another young lady with braids crying behind the female lead and calling her 'mother', The male lead who might have divorced his wife due to an affair. He would have said with a sorrowful expression, "Don't worry, I'll take care of the child. I swear! " Then, the female lead touched the divorce certificate in her heart and ran away while crying. Only her little daughter was left there crying...    


The two of them stood at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau and did not speak. Their minds were all thinking about this ridiculous cliché plot.    


"Should we go for a drink?" After a while, Chai Murong put the divorce certificate into her pocket and turned around with her arms crossed, breaking the silence. The smile on her lips made Chu Yang not dare to look directly at her.    


"Haha, you are not going to work?" Chu Yang also put the marriage certificate away and took out a cigarette. He did not know why, but the moment he got the divorce certificate, He obviously felt reluctant to part with it. He really wanted to say to Chai Murong, We... Let's not divorce for the time being, right?    


However, in the end, he did not say anything.    


"Today, I want to give myself half a day off so that you can finally get out of the bitter sea, and at the same time, I can let go of my burdens to celebrate. Let's go. " Chai Murong hugged her shoulders and slowly walked east along the sidewalk. She said lightly, "Ever since I reached the age where I can drink, I have never drunk alone with any man. Although we are strangers now, for the sake of being husband and wife, Shouldn't you accept my invitation?"    


"I'll treat you." Chu Yang smiled and walked forward side by side with Chai Murong.    


The OF killer platform had already removed Chai Murong's name list, which meant that there were no killers who came to assassinate her for money. However, the mastermind behind the scene had not been found. This made Chu Yang very unwilling. But no matter what, she would never have to face a great enemy every day when she went out in the future. Furthermore, as long as she wanted, she could also be like ordinary girls. She could go shopping at will. Of course, she still needed an expert like Ling Hsing to accompany her in the dark. In case something unexpected happened.    


Chu Yang and Chai Murong walked side by side without saying anything.    


What Chai Murong was thinking in her heart at this time, Chu Yang did not know. He just felt that what he said at this time was not appropriate.    


The two of them walked into a small bar.    


The name of the bar was: Fate of Next Life.    


The owner of Fate of Next Life was a young girl. It was only about 21 or 22 years old. It seemed like she was a university student. When Chai Murong and Chu Yang went in, she was humming a cheerful tune as she cleaned the place. Every piece of furniture in the bar was like a girl's youthful aura. The color was bright.    


"Hello, what would you like to drink?" The girl did not expect that there would be a business coming to her the moment she opened the door in the morning. She quickly put down the cloth in her hand and walked up to them. When she saw Chai Murong, she was obviously stunned. She could not help but blurt out, "Miss, you are so beautiful!"    


You really have good taste.    


"Thank you." Chai Murong looked at Chu Yang and said with a smile, "He is treating today. Ask him." After saying that, she walked to the small table near the window.    


"Let's have a Xuanni Poem O and a blue belt." Chu Yang looked at the wine cabinet behind the bar and just as he finished speaking, he heard Chai Murong say, "Give me a bottle of Heni Poem O, 700 ml."    


Heni Poem O 700 ml was a large bottle.    


The girl looked at Chai Murong, who was holding her chin with her hand and looking out the window. She whispered to Chu Yang, "Sir, your girlfriend seems to be in a bad mood."    


Chu Yang smiled and replied in a low voice, "Yes, I want to chase her, but her parents are not willing. They always think I am ugly and have little money."    


She was wearing a genuine Versace. Was she still considered poor? If you could be considered ugly with your appearance, then the world would be filled with ugly monsters. You're really funny. The girl looked at him with a smile, then quickly walked to the bar counter and handed him a bottle of Hennessy Poem. She opened it and handed him two tall glasses.    


"Thank you." Chu Yang took the glasses and walked to the table in front of the bed. He sat opposite Chai Murong.    


After filling half a cup for Chai Murong, before Chu Yang poured himself, she raised her head and drank the half cup of wine.    


This was too fierce, wasn't it?    


Chu Yang looked at Chai Murong and subconsciously tilted his body to the side. In case she couldn't take it anymore and spat out the wine. But what made him slightly, slightly distressed was that Chai Murong clearly choked on the strong liquor that was 40 degrees Celsius. But she only used her hands to cover her mouth and lowered her head to cough violently a few times. Then, she raised her head and her cheeks were flushed red. She smiled lightly and said, "What, are you afraid that I will spray you all over?"    


"At least you have this kind of precautionary awareness." Chu Yang told the truth and slowly filled himself up. He placed the bottle on the table. "Do you want a glass of fruit juice?"    


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