Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C100 Ke er's identity

C100 Ke er's identity

4Chang Sheng swept his eyes across Lan Keer without leaving a trace, and really wanted to thank Lan Keer. He had originally been having a headache, and should have taken out this Top-grade Qi Condensing Pill.    4


"The Senior Sister Piao Miao is for you, the Small Cause is for you, and the other one is for you." Chang Sheng raised the pill in his hand in front of the two of them.    


"Top-grade Qi Condensing Pill!" Lan Keer's cute little mouth suddenly opened wide! This was actually a top-grade Qi Condensation Pill, even in County Palace, she had never seen a top-grade pellet! Peerless pills couldn't be refined by a superior pill master. How could Chang Sheng have any top quality pills, and even two of them.    


Lan Keer stared at the Top-grade Qi Condensing Pill in Chang Sheng's hands in disbelief. She had only heard that Chang Jia had high-ranked Qi Condensation Pill for sale, and everyday she had said that they had Top-grade Qi Condensing Pill s!    


That's right, since Chang Jia was able to refine a High Rank Qi Condensation Pill, then refining a Top-grade Qi Condensing Pill was not impossible, it was possible for them to sell high grade pills, but the success rate of refining them would be extremely low, and had to keep them for himself. If he were to sell them to other people, one would be too conspicuous, and furthermore, it would be easy to increase the strength of the enemies, so all of them stayed, it must be like this.    


Lan Keer thought for a while and quickly understood the situation.    


Misty and Guo Feng did not act courteously with Chang Sheng, the two of them each received a Top-grade Qi Condensing Pill, immediately consumed it and started to meditate to cultivate Innate Stage!    


Chang Sheng and Lan Keer consciously left the room.    


It wasn't until noon when Misty and Guo Feng opened their eyes one after the other. They had finally broken through and entered the Innate Stage!    


The moment the two of them opened their eyes, Chang Sheng who had been standing guard outside the door immediately had an epiphany.    


The two of them stepped into the [Innate] realm. This way, Chang Jia would have five Innate Expert s! Amongst the people who were going to the Mengshan City this time around, there were three Innate Expert s and three Innates. Most likely, no clan in the County Palace would be able to easily find three Innate Expert s, and every person even had an extremely high ranking Martial Skills!    


Guo Feng did not need to think too much into it, the A Song Of Righteous Qi he was cultivating had Martial Skills s in it, and as for the Misty Cloud, Fang Xianyun had immediately passed it down to her after obtaining it, it was just that she was never able to cultivate it, and was weaker than Innate Experts this time, hence she was able to train in the Floating Cloud Sword Technique.    


When the two of them finished cultivating, the group immediately set off, heading towards the Mengshan City.    


County Palace, Mengshan City, and on the wide official road, Lin Xian sat on top of a group of black colored horses, and quickly sprinted towards the city gate.    


Just a few nights ago, his father had suddenly found him and told him that he was going out to do something big. It was very dangerous, and if an accident happened, or if he failed, his father would die, and even he would suffer.    


If father could return successfully, that would be for the best. However, if something were to happen, he wouldn't see his father return within two hours, so he would immediately leave the house with the most valuable thing in the family, coming to join his little uncle in County Palace.    


Lin Xian knew what big thing his father was going to do. He also felt that his father was making a big deal out of nothing, so wasn't he just going to kill Chang Sheng? Her father had joined hands with the bandit Li Chuan. With Li Chuan and the others present, killing Chang Sheng would be easy.    


However, he did not expect that after waiting for two hours, his father still did not return. Anxious, he immediately ran out of the house and ran towards the place his father told him to go.    


Four headless corpses were lying on the ground. The butler, Lin Lu, was holding a large sword behind his back and was lying on the ground. Not far away, there were four heads scattered on the ground.    


It was just that there were a total of five bandits, how could there be one less, and even his father was gone.    


Lin Xian continued to search, and finally found his father who was dead in a rundown house!    


Father actually died!    


Lin Xian stood in front of his father's corpse in a daze, and only after a long time did he regain his senses.    


Lin Xian was so shocked that he hurriedly rushed home, packed up his silver notes and land deed and left the Fengdu City overnight. He then went to find his little uncle, who was working as a general in the County Palace.    


After running for several days and several nights, Lin Xian did not stop and changed horses in a row.    


"Who's in front, get off the horse for inspection!"    


In front of the Mengshan City's tall and imposing city gate, the soldier in charge of inspection shouted as he stopped Lin Xian who was riding his horse and rapidly galloping towards the city gate.    


Lin Xian did not dismount from his horse. Instead, he quickly took out the keepsake his uncle left for him from his chest and waved at the soldier who was guarding the door, "I have something important to see the general. Get out of my way!"    


Even though it was far away, the soldier could still tell with a glance that the command medallion was the highest ranked military officer of the Mengshan City, the General Sun's keepsake. He did not dare to ask any further and immediately stepped aside. That person had said that he had urgent business with the general, and if he delayed the general's business, he could not afford to delay it.    


Lin Xian passed through the city gate and sprinted towards the General's Estate where his little uncle was staying. Not long after he left the city gate, another horse galloped towards him.    


"I am a messenger from the Fengdu City. I have something important to report to County Governor!" Without waiting for the soldier to speak, the man took out a token, waved it in front of the soldier's eyes, and quickly rode away.    


"What big matter is going to happen to my Mengshan City? People are actually coming to see the general and the County Governor one after another!"    


At the County Governor Residence, the County Governor who was sitting on his teacher's chair suddenly stood up when he saw the official document that the sent him. "What? And they are currently escorting criminals towards my Mengshan City! "    


"Yes, County Governor! This time, they are being escorted by Chang Jia's people who have caught a thief and the Fast Catcher s of Fengdu City. I think in a few more days, they will be able to send people to County Palace! "    


"Good, good, good!"    


County Governor's face was filled with joy, these five bandits had done a lot of things, especially towards the big families, some of these big families had connections with the capital, and he, County Governor had received a lot of pressure, and now that they had finally caught him, how could he not be happy!    


"Oh right, you guys actually caught that great thief. Did you save a girl?"    


"Young lady?" The man was stunned. What young lady?!    


"Right, it's a young girl around seventeen or eighteen years old. She looks extremely beautiful!" Did any of you save such a young girl?! " County Governor's face was extremely anxious!    


"Nope." The messenger shook his head. County Lord had never mentioned a girl to him before!    


Hearing the man's affirmation, County Governor's face instantly turned ugly!    


"Trash! Truly trash! How can they not save someone after capturing him!"    


He, Lan Yixing, had never committed any sins in his life. However, after his wife gave birth to his daughter, she left him without saying goodbye. With great difficulty, his woman grew up, and he recovered from his initial disappointment. Now, after much difficulty, the great Jiang Yang bandits managed to capture her, but her daughter was still nowhere to be found!    


When they saw County Governor who was cursing for no reason, they did not know how they offended County Governor. It was obvious that they caught a bandit, it was fine if County Governor did not reward them, but they still scolded him.    


At the side, the County Governor Grand Master looked at the messenger, who was at a loss of what to do. He waved his hand and said: "Men, bring this messenger to the accounting office to claim his reward."    


Then, when no one was in the room, the Master finally spoke to Lan Yixing: "Master, don't worry, since the great thief Jiang has already been caught, then Miss will definitely find him. Maybe the County Lord over there had already saved Miss, but he did not know that she was your precious daughter, so he did not mention it. It was also possible that the messenger had arrived early and did not know much. Actually, the young miss had already rescued him. It is more possible that Miss purposefully denied anyone from mentioning her identity. She wanted to come back to give you a surprise. Master, it's not like you don't know Miss's personality! "    


"Anyways, the great Jiang Yang bandits have been arrested. The time to find the young lady must not be far away!" Grand Master replied with absolute certainty.    


"Hm." Lan Yixing thought for a moment, and finally nodded his head: "What you said makes sense."    


"Your excellency, now that the great Jiang Yang bandits have been apprehended, don't you think we should make some preparations in advance? This is a huge matter, and using this matter, we can raise your prestige." We also need to grasp the movement of the Fengdu City's escort team in advance so that we can inform our Mengshan City's famous and promising people in advance. "When the time comes, we will hold a celebratory feast for those who capture the great Jiang Yang bandits. This will raise your prestige, and we will also be able to win over the hero who captures the great Jiang Yang bandits!" Seeing that Lan Yixing had finally calmed down, the elder immediately said the things that he needed to prepare.    


"Also, Master, Sect Leader disciples with Genuine Birth Sect are said to be geniuses that are rarely seen in fifty years. Xiao Chengzhong will be coming to our Mengshan City in the next two days as well.    


"Xiao Chengzhong? Second disciple of the Sect Leader s? I have heard of this person before. Even though he isn't even thirty years of age, his strength is unfathomable, and it is said that he is the true successor of the profound Genuine Birth Sect, so such a person would naturally be invited. Perhaps, I can even use it to control the increasingly arrogant Sun Shihao! "    


"Lord, please understand. I will pass down the orders."    


"Yes, it's been hard on you, Grand Master Sen."    


General's Estate.    


Different from Lin Yuanzhi's residence which was called the Lin Palace, there was a huge signboard on the gates of this General's Estate. On the signboard, there were three large shining words carved: General's Estate!    


Although Lin Yuanzhi's name was City Guard General, in reality, he was just a deputy general, so he could not really be considered a general. However, the Mengshan City was the location of the County Palace, so the City Guard General here was a true general!    


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