Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C74 Patrol

C74 Patrol

0"Patrol? How many people were there in the patrol squad? Is it working? "     3


Just as the people of Fengdu City were discussing on the streets, in a teahouse of the Mo family, Mo Cheng smashed his teacup in anger.    


Wu Shiju this bastard, I will take him as our patrol leader. After all, Chang Qianyi is our, he is our Innate Expert! But how can Chang Sheng be the other patrol leader?! "    


"Brother Mo, just bear with it for a while. Now that Chang Jia is so powerful, it's fine if he doesn't want to cause trouble for us. For such small matters, if you take a step back, you will have to take a step back."    


helplessly shook his head and sighed. The Fengdu City four great families had become three great families, but his days were even more miserable, because Chang Jia was currently too strong.    


"However, I think that even if Chang Sheng becomes the patrol leader, he won't be able to do it for long. He's just a fool, who would admire him!"    


In front of the County Yamen entrance, Chang Sheng looked carefully at the forty odd patrol squad members in front of him. The Fengdu City patrol squad was temporarily led by his uncle Chang Qianyi, and the other two were led by him. Each team had a total of forty players at the moment. These forty people came from the three great families of Fengdu City, as well as the Lin Family and other families.    


Even though Chang Sheng was appointed as the commander, Chang Qianyi was worried that he would be cheated, and still arranged for Guo Feng to support him from the side. With Guo Feng's intelligence, he believed that Chang Sheng could complete the task for his age, and at the same time, fight for the greatest benefit for Chang Jia.    


A few patrolling members looked at Chang Sheng and conversed in a low voice. A tall and sturdy middle-aged man, who was in his thirties, walked out from the crowd and shouted loudly: "Our patrols serve the Fengdu City, and our County Yamen has already said that it will compensate us. However, we are dealing with a great thief, the degree of danger is something that I believe everyone knows, if we want to maintain the security of our Fengdu City, we have to increase our own strength. However, aside from training, there's another way to increase your strength. That's to buy armor, weapons and other equipment. "    


The man said, then paused, seeing that everyone's gaze was focused on him, he said: "I know of a weapon shop's weapons and armor, our entire Fengdu City is the most famous, and the price is also fair, how about we go to that weapon shop first?"    


"This fellow belongs to Lin Yuanzhi, and Lin Yuanzhi has a weapon shop. It's obvious that he wants the patrol to buy their own weapons."    


Guo Feng looked at the man, and walked out from Chang Sheng's side while shaking his head.    


To buy a weapon, we naturally have to visit a few more places. The weapon store you mentioned is too expensive. I think we should go to our Chang Clan's neighborhood. There are also many weapon shops there, and we also have many choices.    


Chang Jia smiled inwardly. Chang Jia did not have a weapon shop, but if he went to Chang Jia's neighborhood to buy weapons, it would naturally boost the popularity of his neighborhood, which would be beneficial for him. He did not expect Guo Feng to not only bring a lawsuit, he might even have some brains in business.    


As he thought about this, Chang Sheng stood up on the ground with his black iron rod, emitting a "dong" sound as he said: "Let's go there, let's go there, there are a lot of fun things there, you guys hurry up and follow me."    


Chang Sheng pointed to the forty patrolling members and said crisply, "Uncle told me before, that all of you had to listen to me."    


"Listen to you?" The man in his thirties from the Lin Clan spat on the ground in dissatisfaction and said with disdain: "Why should we listen to a fool like you? Even if you are the commander in name, we don't need to listen to a fool like you!"    


He was really jealous of Chang Sheng, so wouldn't he be born into a good family? He actually became their commander! If he gave Chang Jia, that woman called Xu Kong, to him, he could still barely consider making Chang Sheng his commander.    


As the man's voice fell, Chang Sheng's expression suddenly changed. He looked at the man with a face full of anger: "You're scolding me, Chang Sheng hates it when people scold him! Chang Sheng will beat you to death! "    


Chang Sheng roared, holding onto the end of the black iron rod, he raised his hand and flung it. In the blink of an eye, the thick and long black iron rod smashed towards the man with a cracking sound.    




Chang Sheng's pole strike was too sudden and it was also extremely fast. It was only when the pole fell down and the pole broke the other party's head did they manage to react with a loud bang.    


"Why did Chang Sheng suddenly attack?!" The 39 patrolling members looked at the blood and flesh on the ground, their expressions all changed, the Lin Family member was only expressing his dissatisfaction with a single sentence, how could Chang Sheng make a move? No matter who it was, he couldn't just kill them off like that!    


"Oh right, Chang Sheng is a fool, he said that the man called him a fool, so he directly beat him up! However, a fool does not know how to act. That fellow was unfortunate enough to be killed in one stroke! "    


Very quickly, the crowd understood why Chang Sheng made his move. The only thing they could do was to blame the Lin Clan's fellow for being unlucky and causing Chang Sheng to suffer a setback.    


Thinking about that, everyone saw Chang Sheng looking over at them and became shocked.    


"Let's go, we need to hurry to Chang Jia's place to buy weapons."    


"Right, hurry up and go. There are a lot of shops on the street, and there are definitely a lot of weapons as well."    


Chang Sheng was a fool, he could not be provoked. It was better to listen to him, otherwise, he would suffer the same fate as the Lin Clan member, and would not be able to justify his actions even if he died.    


No one needed Chang Sheng to call out to them, and consciously followed behind Chang Sheng.    


Turning his head to look at the crowd, Chang Sheng laughed out loud in his heart. Now let's see who dares to not accept him! Sometimes, it was much easier for a fool to do things than a normal person. If it was someone else, they would not accept it and would only teach him a lesson once at most. They would even have to consider the consequences. But he, he directly beat the Lin Clan member to death, no one said anything!    


After bringing everyone to Chang Jia's neighborhood, Chang Sheng ignored everyone and asked Guo Feng to bring the other patrolling members to buy weapons and armor. However, he still carried his black iron rod and wandered around randomly.    


The streets of Chang Jia were very big and flourishing, but there were bound to be people of all kinds in all of flourishing places, such as the "Goldfinger" who specialized in stealing money, and the tyrant who bullied the market.    


In a corner of the street, a young man dressed in grey lightly pulled at his companion, who had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and complained, "Liu San, why didn't you do anything to that fat sheep just now? If you don't want to make a move earlier, just say so.    


Hearing his companion's complaints, Liu San glared and secretly pointed at Chang Sheng who was swaggering along the streets with a black iron rod over his shoulder: "Did you see that, that's the young master of Chang Jia. Although he's a fool, he's even more terrifying because he's a fool."    


As Liu San said this, his face revealed a deep fear. "A fool can't do something that light or heavy. The last time General Lin sent his troops to the streets to cause trouble, it just so happened that Chang Sheng ran into them. Chang Sheng killed several soldiers in the army on the spot, all of them smashing them to death with a rod! I was there, and that scene... When the thick stick smashed down, it was like smashing a watermelon in the head. It was simply too terrifying. "    


Liu San recalled what he had seen and shivered. After a while, he said with some lingering fear, "They were all soldiers on active duty. Chang Sheng killed them with a single blow of his stick. I've heard that he's a fool. It's said that it's not a crime to kill people. He's here. If we steal something and he finds out that we're messing with him, he'll smash us to death with a stick. I don't want to die without a clear reason!    


"Mm, you're right. Then let's not make our move first. We'll wait for the fool to leave."    


Chang Sheng wandered around the streets for a while by himself. After the patrolling members finished buying their weapons, he didn't bring the rest of the people along to leave, but instead had the patrolling members patrol the streets of his house.    


"Hmm? Since that's the case, I can just patrol around Chang Jia's streets. It doesn't matter where I patrol, since it's the case, I can't rely on this patrol to find the five bandits! He had to think of another way to deal with those five bandits! Other than that, what we need to do urgently now is to take care of the strength of the Small Cause! "    


Chang Sheng secretly took a detour from his house and took out a makeup kit he had prepared a long time ago. He had already planned last night to officially start helping Guo Feng increase his strength. However, using this identity in front of him was impossible, and he had to borrow a Forgetting Pill Taoist Sovereign that didn't exist.    


"Gu Tianmo, what do you think of me? Are there any flaws? "    


Other than himself, in a deserted alley with no one else around, Chang Sheng put on a robe and a white fake beard, as he asked Gu Tianmo who was in his mind softly. This was the first time he was pretending to be a proper Forgetting Pill Taoist Sovereign, but he was not confident at all.    


"Her face, clothes, and voice are all fine."    


"Oh? There's no problem with any of this, but doesn't that mean that my makeup was very successful! " Chang Sheng smiled inwardly. It seemed that he had the talent to make up his first time making up the face of a Forgetting Pill Taoist Sovereign, and he succeeded so successfully.    


"Are you happy?" Gu Tianmo looked at Chang Sheng who had a joyous expression on his face, and ruthlessly struck him down, "Look at your own hand, have you ever seen an old man who has a delicate palm like yours!?"    


"Eh? "Palm?"    


When Chang Sheng heard this, he looked down. His own palm could not be considered tender at all, but as long as it was a normal person, he could definitely tell with a glance that this palm belonged to a young man.    


"Chang Sheng, you must remember, there are many things that can be decided in detail!" Gu Tianmo's voice was filled with endless seriousness.    


"Mm, got it." Chang Sheng nodded seriously, disguised his hands once again, and then left the alley. After running to our Grass Hall to buy dozens of different types of medicinal herbs, he returned to Chang Jia's neighborhood.    


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