My Gorgeous Fiancee

C105 We Meet so Soon

C105 We Meet so Soon

4With her valiant personality, she looked more like a man.     1


"I told you before, if you don't want to repay your kindness, I'm not trying to repay you for saving me."    


It wasn't because of his character, but because Lu Wan Ge hated Chen Xiaotian to a greater extent than he did. What he hoped the most was that Chen Xiaotian would be punished if he fell into the legal net.    


"Oh, what happened to that guy just now?"    


Wu Shangwen asked.    


Lu Wange smiled bitterly and said, "I've only just arrived. After paying the rent, I don't have the money to pay the protection fee, so this full beard often comes to scratch. Disturb me, today he deserved his bad luck, you just happened to run into him. "Oh, this brother here, let me see if you're lonely. I'll call a little girl over for you."    


After saying that to the leopard head, she stood up and called for a young pretty girl who was wearing a miniskirt, fish-eyed stockings and had a sexy figure. Her collar was opened very low and half of her plump white skin was exposed. I'll play with you. "    


"Gulp!" Baozi stared at the tall figure in front of him as he gulped, looking at Wu Zewen at his side with an inquiring look.    


Wu Shangwen remained silent. This meant that he had tacitly agreed. At least, that was what the leopard thought. He hurriedly stood up, hugged the pretty girl's slim waist, and walked towards the house with a smile.    


He closed the door.    


Soon after, shouts of a girl could be heard.    


After a short while, the creaking sound of the bed could be heard, and the clear sound of the bed colliding could be heard from time to time.    


The voice of the young lady sounded out, causing Wu Shengwen's imagination to run wild.    


The nearby Lu Wan Ge seemed to hear the heavy breathing of Wu Shangwen and gave an ambiguous smile. Then, she sat down next to Wu Shangwen, pressing the front of the chair against his shoulder in an attempt to seduce him. The scent of a person's makeup directly seeped into Wu Shangwen's nose, and a pair of arms lightly wrapped around his waist.    


"Brother Wu, hug me tight!"    


Lu Wangge murmured in a low voice, her red lips slightly parted as she spoke.    


Wu Shangwen sniffed the seduction on the other party's body. The scent of a person's body could feel her soft black hair curling around her face. Her heart suddenly pounded and could not help but reach out to embrace her waist, which was like a water snake, and begin to touch it up and down.    


The latter took the opportunity to fall into Wu Shangwen's arms, constantly twisting her slender waist.    


In the end, both of their breaths became heavier and heavier. Lu Wangge tightly held onto Wu Zewen through her pants. Just as she was about to open it, a burst of rapid knocking sounds came from the door.    


"Open the door! Open the door! Quickly!"    


A trace of fear flashed across her eyes as she said, "Not good, it's that bearded man from before. He most likely brought reinforcements over here. Brother Wu, you guys hurry up and escape over the wall. They're not to be trifled with."    


While Lu Wan Ge was speaking, the leopard head opened the door and walked out. It seemed like he had just finished speaking. The lady behind him still had traces of unknown liquid hanging from the corners of her mouth, and her stockings were torn quite a bit.    


"What's wrong, Brother Shen? Did that brat bring someone back just now?" It just so happens that my hands have been itching from being idle these past two days, so open the door and let them in. "    


"No, Brother Wu, listen to me. It's better for you to leave quickly." These people are vicious. "    


Lu Wangge tried her best to persuade them as she pushed them towards the backyard.    


Right at this moment, the door was kicked open with a clang, the bearded man was the first to barge in, followed by a group of young men with machetes and iron rods, all of them had a fierce look in their eyes, the leader was handsome, with shoulder-length hair, and a double-armed stick stuck in the back of his waist.    


Lin Zichen-Shuai also saw Wu Shangwen, and his face immediately turned serious.    


The man with a full beard who was walking in front didn't feel any abnormal at all. He walked casually to Wu Shangwen's side, pointed at his nose and loudly said, "If he has the ability, then you …" 'F * ck, even more crazy! Let's see what grandpa is going to do today! '    


Before he finished speaking, his face turned green. Wu Zewen's fist heavily hit his stomach, causing his face to contort in pain. His hands covered his stomach, and his body bent like a prawn.    


"Big Brother, it was this person who injured me just now."    


With great difficulty, the bearded man turned his head around and spoke to the forest.    


"This world is really small, I didn't think that we would meet again so soon."    


Wu Zewen said to Lin Zhenren with a smile.    


Leopard Head still held a grudge against the other party for lying to him using the hair lady. He really wanted to pounce on Lin Zichen-Shuai and smash him into a meat patty right now.    


Lin Zimo's face changed, "I told you last time that I would go look for you. Today, the two of us actually ran into each other here, so let's determine the victor. If you win, then … …" My men will not scratch again. Disturbing your friends, not to mention charging no protection fee. Of course, if you lose, you have to apologize to my friend, then immediately scram, don't meddle in other people's business! "    


Wu Zewen laughed and said, "The latter part is still the same even if I don't say it, because it's impossible for me to lose."    


"Arrogant!" "Take this."    


"I'll call — ah!"    


Lin Zhenren let out a howl and kicked towards Wu Zewen's chest without any warning. It was fast and fierce. It could be seen that in this period of time, he had put in a lot of hard work in order to defeat Wu Zewen.    


Wu Zewen could naturally see the opponent's progress, so he didn't dare to be careless immediately. His feet slightly slipped and dodged the kick. Then, he quickly used both hands to embrace the leg and at the same time, swept his leg toward the other party's supporting leg with the intent of knocking him down.    


"I'll hit — Awoo —"    


Lin Zichen-Shuai let out another strange cry, supporting his leg with his leg, he flew up into the air like a whip, fiercely striking towards Wu Shangwen's temple, and even creating a sharp piercing sound.    


"It has improved!"    


Wu Shangwen gave a loud shout and pulled out an arm to block the opponent's sweeping leg. Then he used his other hand to push Lin Zhicheng away.    


Lin Zichen-Shuai somersaulted and stood firm in his horse stance. He took out a pair of twin sticks from behind him with a 'chi' sound and flipped his wrists. The twin sticks danced between his hands at high speeds, making people dazzled and dazzled.    


Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!    


The Twin Blades tore through the air and whipped towards Wu Zewen, leaving behind a large amount of afterimages.    


The destructive power of this pair of pole was quite strong. Wu Ziwen didn't hastily use his hands to catch it. His feet flashed again and again as he performed a nimble footwork technique, continuously dodging the fierce attacks of the pair of pole.    


At this time, the leopard head was also fighting with Lin Zhenren's underlings. Although he was alone, his fearlessness and ruthlessness caused the bullies to feel endless fear. Several of them were injured by him and their imposing manner dropped.    


On the other side, Wu Shangwen backed up a few steps, grabbed a sheet, and threw it towards his opponent. Lin Zichao's line of sight was obstructed, and he only felt that he was hit in front of him, so he lightly flew backwards, knocking over two of his subordinates behind him. Finally, he landed heavily on the ground, this fall caused him to feel dizzy, and stars appeared in his eyes.    


He struggled to his feet and picked up the stick from the ground.    


"I — Cough cough …"    


Lin Zichen-Shuai's unique cry hadn't even come out before he spat out a large mouthful of blood.    


"Boss, are you alright?"    


The bearded man at the side hurriedly supported him. Previously, he was hoping that this guy would help him get back at him, but who would have thought that he would be knocked down by this person called Wu Congwen.    


"I... Nothing, cough cough … Truly powerful. Admiration, admiration. I, Lin Zichen-Shuai, will keep my word. From today onwards, no one is allowed to scratch me. The boss of this store is not allowed to collect protection fees, do you hear me? "Cough, cough …"    


Lin Zi spat out another mouthful of blood as soon as he finished his sentence.    


Actually, Wu Zewen didn't use force. That kick just now only caused him some light injuries.    


"I heard it!"    


All his subordinates answered in unison, including the bearded man.    


"I will challenge you again!"    


With a complicated look in his eyes, Lin Zichen-Shuai glanced at Wu Shangwen. He could naturally feel that the other party had held back on that kick, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to stand up now.    


When the boss of the massage parlor looked at Lu Wan Ge, his eyes were filled with fear. He never thought that this newcomer would know such a capable person, and even beat Lin Zi Shuai away. Some of them had already come forward to strike up a conversation to show their friendliness, which caused Lu Wan Ge to respond politely.    


The next day, before the sky brightened, Lu Wangge followed Wu Shangwen back to Beijing.    


He first arranged for Lu Wangge to stay in a small hotel next to the 122 troops, asking Zheng to send a few soldiers to guard them day and night. Then he said goodbye to the leopard and drove back to his residence.    


The furniture had been smashed, the sofa in the living room had been broken, and even the floor tiles had been violently lifted. It was a complete mess, with not a single spot left intact.    


Baby Van was hiding in the corner, sobbing.    


"What is it? What happened? Are you alright? "    


Wu Shangwen tightly hugged baby Fan in his arms.    


I'm fine," she said, breaking into tears. "I noticed something like this the moment I entered the room. It's hard to tell who smashed into our house, wuu …." "I'm scared!    


When the baby snuggled in Wu's arms, his shoulders shook and he sobbed softly.    


"Chen Xiaotian, damn you!"    


Wu Shangwen gritted his teeth, his eyes spewing fire!    


After Chen Xiaotian was released from prison, the first thing he did was to take revenge on Wu Shangwen, then send someone to destroy his house. According to his original plan, he wanted to tie up baby Fan as well, but the other party was not at home, so he was able to escape this calamity.    


"Don't be afraid, as long as I'm here, Chen Xiaotian won't dare to do anything to us!" However, even though he said so, he still arranged for baby Fan to stay in a five-star hotel far away from here, so that he wouldn't have to worry about anything else. Only then could he have a go at Chen Xiaotian.    


The next day, when the sun had just risen, Wu Zewen drove to pick up Lu Wangge and also called Chen Yufei out. In the Public Security Bureau, she was the only person Wu Zewen felt that he could rely on.    


The three of them met in a teahouse called "Ya Xuan Restaurant".    


Wu Zewen ordered a pot of pre-rain Longjing and poured a cup for each of them. Only then did he recommend a cup to Chen Yufei and Lu Wange.    


When Chen Yufei found out that Lu Wan Ge knew about the secret of Zishan villa, a sharp glint of light shot out from her pitch-black beautiful eyes.    


"Seems like this Chen Xiaotian is looking for you everywhere. Who else have you told about this? "    


Chen Yu Fei asked as she took a sip of her tea.    


"Only you know about it in the Public Security Bureau!"    


He couldn't be stupid enough to go around publicizing this matter.    


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