My Gorgeous Fiancee

C1 A Beautiful Woman Was Sleeping by Her Side

C1 A Beautiful Woman Was Sleeping by Her Side

3It was early in the morning and Wu Zewen didn't open his eyes, but he could feel that this was the best and most comfortable bed he had slept in for the past 21 years. A slippery feeling filled his brain.     1


It was a more comfortable feeling than the goose feather pillow that the old man had given him when he was a child.    


As a result, he wanted to be in close contact with them, but the more he came into contact with them, the more he felt that something wasn't right because they seemed to be human beings! It was also fragrant, and the seductive fragrance of her body permeated deep into his soul. But now, Wu Shangwen didn't dare to think about it, nor did he dare to open his eyes because he was afraid that when he did, he would see a woman. However, there were some things that he had to face. Although he was shocked, he still had to open his eyes slowly and look at the face that was 20 centimeters away from him. It was a beauty that could cause the downfall of nations.    


"As expected of a beautiful girl, even her sleeping posture is fascinating." Before thinking about how to deal with this matter, Wu Congwen first thought for a bit, then thought about how to deal with it.    


At this moment, the woman's hands were still wrapped tightly around her waist, as if she was hugging a teddy bear.    


"How much it would be if my future wife could hold me like this every morning! It would be nice to be a ghost that way. " After another round of this, Wu Shangwen slowly raised his hand that was very close to the girl's smooth front. However, at this moment, Wu Shangwen had a wicked heart and didn't dare to do anything, because he didn't know when this woman would wake up. According to his observation, this woman didn't like him at all. She even loathed him. If she knew that he was sleeping with her, she would probably want to kill him.    


He had to think of a way to resolve this crisis!    


Wu Zewen really couldn't remember how he came to this room last night and was sleeping with such a woman. He could only vaguely remember that his future father-in-law had toasted him quite a bit. But according to his alcohol tolerance, it shouldn't be a problem! But how did he fall? "It was really a question.    


He thought back to how his father-in-law kept smiling at him, the kind of smile that seemed to be full of schemes and tricks.    


Could it be a conspiracy?! But no one in the world had pushed their daughter out of the door.    


However, he really couldn't determine what had happened. He didn't know if he had done it or not last night. He would be responsible if he had really done it.    


He slowly removed the arm from the woman's body, sat up and moved to the side of the bed. With just a few centimeters between them, Wu Zewen moved for a few minutes. He didn't dare to breathe even the slightest bit as he was afraid of disturbing the woman who was sleeping.    


When he got to the bed, he saw that his clothes were placed neatly on the side. If that was the case, it would prove that there was definitely a conspiracy. He was in pain and happy thinking whether it was a man or a woman helping him take off his clothes last night. Wasn't that just looking at him!?    


After thinking about all of this, what Wu Shangwen needed to do now was to quickly put on his clothes and leave. He had to admit that he was a traditional man. He had to take responsibility for what he did. Thinking of this, it seemed that he couldn't achieve his goal this time.    


Originally, he had wanted to enjoy the taste of walking around among the flowers before getting married. After all, he had spent his twenty-first year in the mountains. The most he had done was naughty as a child watching the widow take a bath. However, at that time, he knew that the front was very white and the back was very large. Right now, he was being followed by a peerless beauty who was also naked. However, he couldn't turn back.    


When Omin Jie woke up, she felt that her head was hurting. Other than that, she really didn't feel anything.    


Ever since he found out that he still had a farmer in the mountains who was his fiance, he fought back and caused trouble at home. However, that annoying father was like a toad that had steeled its heart and told him to marry that person.    


As a result, she was in a bad mood and chose to drink with her best friend, Baby Fan.    


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