I Pick Up Waste In Immortal World

C317 There Was Another Purpose

C317 There Was Another Purpose

1Sui Guan's question seemed a little impolite.    


After all, it was very inappropriate to ask about a vulgar woman in Nihon. In many cases, it would even make the other party dislike her.    


However, Snowy obviously did not blame Sui Guan. Instead, she faintly replied, "I just came here to work two months ago."    


Sui Guan nodded and said, "Oh, two months!"    


Snowy saw it. After a long time, she said, "Sir, are you looking down on my profession?"    


"Why would you ask?" Sui Guan did not understand.    


Snowy smiled bitterly and said, "Your Chinese people generally think so."    


Hearing this, Sui Guan shook his head and said, "To be honest, I really don't mean to look down on this profession. After all, everyone has the right to choose their own way of living. It's everyone's freedom to live as they wish."    


No one could choose their own birth, but they could choose the path they would walk in the future.    


And there were many times when people couldn't even choose their own path. After all, many accidents happened in this world every day. No one could guarantee that these accidents wouldn't happen to them.    


At this time, Snowy took a deep look at Sui Guan and said with emotion, "Sir, you are very different from the Chineses I have seen."    


Of course, Sui Guan was different from many Chineses. Let's not talk about it, let's talk about close ones.    


This made Xie Feifei reach his hand into the side of a plump and vulgar woman, rubbing her face lewdly.    


How long had it been? It had already developed into such a situation. He thought that it wouldn't be long before this happened. Xie Feifei estimated that he would have to bring the beauty to get a room.    


Such a scene was not uncommon in the red light district. It was something that many guests would do.    


Sui Guan, this kind of person who would chat as soon as he sat down, was clearly a different person.    


After listening to Snowy's words and hearing what she said, After seeing Xie Feifei's actions at this time, Sui Guan smiled complacently. "Haha, of course I am different from those lecherous wolves."    


Speaking of this, he paused for a moment and then reminded Snowy: "By the way, don't call me Mr. so often. I'm not used to it. You have to call me Older Brother Sui or Sui Guan."    


Snowy called him sir, which made Sui Guan very uncomfortable. Sometimes when they talked, they felt uncomfortable.    


"Then I will call you Older Brother Sui. You should be able to relax a little." Snowy smiled faintly at Sui Guan.    


Sui Guan heard that there were words in her words, so he hurriedly explained, "Don't misunderstand. I did not mean that. I am just used to being casual."    


Seeing Sui Guan speak so seriously, Snowy covered her mouth and said with a smile, "I was just playing with you. Don't be nervous."    


This little girl actually dared to play with him? Was she not afraid that when the matter became bigger, she would be dealt with by me?    


Sui Guan had a sneaky heart, but he didn't have the guts to think about it. Then he impatiently asked Little Snow: "By the way, do you know that you look like a person?"    


Snowy nodded. "You are talking about the medium-Sen plain food, right?"    


She had heard such words countless times since she was a child. Even after she became a vulgar woman for some special reason, it was precisely because of her appearance that she rose to the top in the shortest amount of time.    


However, Snowy's appearance... It was purely natural and unprocessed. It was as if she was carved by God in the shape of a bright dish.    


Sui Guan sighed and said, "You guys really look like you guys. To tell you the truth, Miss Nakatomi is actually my idol."    


"Usually, there are a lot of Chineses. Now, they all treat certain female heroes as their idols or mentors. There are very few people like Older Brother Sui who treat the dish as their idol." A faint smile appeared on Snowy's face once again.    


For some reason, whenever Sui Guan saw her smile, he felt that she would never do such a thing.    


Because in this line of work, the smile on the person's face wouldn't be so calm. Instead, it would be more like a smile on the person's face. The kind of smile that fawned over others. After all, this way, he would be able to forcefully pull on his customers.    


Of course, this did not rule out the possibility that Snowy was an independent person. After all, it was difficult to speak in public. Some people liked to cater to their customs, and some people liked Snowy.    


Next, Sui Guan and Snowy talked about all kinds of things. At the same time, they also drank some Japanese liquor and had a lot to talk about.    


At this time, Snowy suddenly stood up and said apologetically to Sui Guan, "Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom."    


Sui Guan nodded, indicating for Sui Guan to be careful.    


After coming to the bathroom, Snowy checked if there was anyone inside. When she found that it was empty, she immediately opened a compartment and walked in. Then she took out her phone and made a call.    


When she made the call, Snowy's expression became very serious, and then she said "Hi" a few times.    


That was what the Nihon people meant. They usually liked to use this kind of method to answer that they had received it.    


After the person on the phone finished speaking, Snowy asked in Japanese, "Director Sen Tian, are you sure the target will appear at ten o'clock tonight?"    


As soon as she finished speaking, a loud and clear voice came from the other end of the phone.    


"Nailuo, don't worry. That bastard Tanaka will definitely come here tonight. Tonight is the time for us to close the net."    


"Hi, Inspector. This subordinate promises to complete the mission."    


"Sigh, Nailuo, you have worked hard for the past two months. We all see your contribution to the organization in our eyes. I hope you can persist for a while. After tonight, you will be able to regain your freedom."    


"Director, you don't have to do this. I will not hesitate to complete the mission."    


"Okay, I will depend on you tonight. I will send Nara Orion down the mountain to help you. I will get the stolen goods and catch them. " We'll hold a celebration party for you tomorrow. "    


After saying that, Sentian hung up the phone.    


Snowy slowly put her phone back into her pocket. Then she pushed open the door of the room and walked to the dressing room beside her. She started to tidy her hair.    


Looking at herself in the mirror, she looked very resistant.    


To her profession, it was a very ironic thing to dress like a vulgar woman. However, it was still the same thing she had said to the director. In order to complete the mission, he would not hesitate to do it.    


Looking at herself in the mirror, Snowy suddenly cheered herself on:    


"Lausheng, Nailuo, just hold on a little longer, and you will be able to live a life like this!"    


After saying that, she firmly opened the door of the bathroom. Her face returned to its previous delicate look, and she returned to Sui Guan's seat.    


When she returned to the seat, Snowy found that Xie Feifei was not there anymore, and at the same time, he was not there. There were also two vulgar women, so she asked, "Where is Mr. Xie?"    


Sui Guan spread his hands. "What else can I do? Of course, I'm going to make a fool of myself."    


Just now, when Snowy went to the bathroom, Xie Feifei had used a lot of money to ask the two vulgar ladies to go with him to split up.    


Regarding this, Sui Guan did not say anything. After all, who didn't have any physiological needs? Thus, he let go of his freedom. He only asked Xie Feifei to be careful and not let go of his waist. He did not say anything else.    


Hearing this, a look of disdain flashed across Snowy's eyes, but it was quickly restrained by her. She pretended that nothing had happened and started to talk happily with Sui Guan.    


At this moment, a waiter rushed to the seat where Sui Guan was sitting in a hurry. He looked at Snowy with fear and said in Japanese.    


"Little Snow, Boss Tanaka, I want you to accompany me tonight."    


Snowy's eyes suddenly lit up. She knew that she had been hiding for many days. Today, it was finally over.    


So, she quickly stood up and replied, "Bring me there immediately."    


Sui Guan was confused when he heard this. He knew what these two people were talking about, but when he saw that Snowy was going to walk out, he still asked with some doubt. "Where are you going?"    


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