Temptation of Beauty



4Zhang Qiang followed Zhang Long and saw him make many twists and turns before finally going to Li Qian's house.    1


When he came to find Li Qian at night, he could already guess with his feet what this adulterous couple was doing in the room. Zhang Qiang rolled his eyes, he was really angry for his sister-in-law!    


How could Li Qian compare to his sister-in-law? He couldn't figure it out.    


He quietly jumped into Li Qian's yard, walked to the window and squatted down, and quietly opened it a crack.    


Li Qian and Zhang Long were hugging each other, and the sound of their conversation was clearly heard by Zhang Qiang.    


"Brother Long, I missed you so much. Why did you have to come see me!"    


This woman was really coquettish. She even seduced him to do battle in the wild earlier.    


"Darling, aren't I here?"    


As the two people spoke, they began to bite each other. Li Qian panted under Zhang Long's body, her two plump peaks trembling like waves. "Brother Long, you're using all of your strength on Song Chun'er?"    


Zhang Long ruthlessly hit him twice, "How could I? Big brother Long is still loving you." How could she be attractive enough for two big things like you? "    


As he spoke, Zhang Long lowered his head and started licking his lips.    


Li Qian cried out, looking completely unrestrained.    


Zhang Qiang's eyes were bloodshot. Having watched two intense battles over the course of the night, he found it hard to endure.    


Although he didn't think much of a woman like Li Qian, her strength was something that even a man wouldn't be able to resist.    


Suddenly, Zhang Qiang had an idea. He took out his phone and played a video of the two of them.    


The picture taken previously was a bit blurry, and it did not manage to capture Zhang Long's face. This time, there was a video and Zhang Qiang also had strong evidence.    


After the two battled for a long time, Zhang Long hugged Li Qian as he smoked with satisfaction.    


"Brother Long, when will you divorce Song Chun'er?"    


Zhang Qiang, who was originally a little tired of watching this, suddenly jolted and listened attentively.    


"When she's pregnant with a strong son, I'll tell her that she's having a secret affair with my uncle. Hehe ?"    


Li Qian pouted, "Then won't I have to wait?"    


"Darling, don't be in such a hurry. Sooner or later, we will be together in broad daylight."    


Zhang Qiang gritted his teeth in anger. Zhang Long actually cheated his own brothers!    


He couldn't allow his sister-in-law to suffer such grievances, and he couldn't allow himself to take the blame either!    


Zhang Qiang secretly held the phone tightly in his hand. He wanted to find a chance to have a good talk with his sister-in-law.    


He was too lazy to take another look at this dog-couple. He went home first and didn't sleep all night. In the early hours of the morning, Zhang Long came back stealthily in his dewy clothes.    


The next day, Song Chun'er went to work. Zhang Long was going back to the provincial capital, and Tian Xiuxiang told him to send her brother off. Zhang Qiang was extremely unwilling.    


"Qiangzi, I'll have to trouble you to take care of your sister-in-law for this period of time."    


The word "take care" was heavily bitten by Zhang Long, and he also wore a malicious smile on his face.    


Zhang Qiang instantly understood what he meant and scratched his head awkwardly: "Not at all."    


At the same time, he could not help but curse in his heart. Why didn't he realize that his brother was such a scum in the past? Not only was he scum, he would not be lenient when swindling his brothers!    


"Ai, big brother's strength is also insufficient. Otherwise, I wouldn't have let you ?"    


Zhang Qiang sneered from the bottom of his heart, how come he already had strength on Li Qian's stomach?    


"Your sister-in-law's taste is pretty good, right?"    


Zhang Long said with a wink. He didn't know how to answer and felt disgusted.    


"Let's stop talking, Qiangzi, I'm leaving first!"    


After he left, Zhang Qiang spat at the bus that was getting further and further away.    


The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt.    


No, he had to talk to Li Qian and ask her to restrain herself.    


Zhang Qiang angrily walked towards Li Qian's home.    


In the afternoon, Li Qian's house was actually closed. He first knocked on the door, but no one answered. With a light push, the door actually opened.    


Isn't Li Qian at home? That's not right, why didn't he lock the door when he wasn't home?    


Zhang Qiang walked in with a puzzled expression. There was an ambiguous sound coming from the east room, which immediately made his face turn red.    


F * ck, his brother just came yesterday, and this woman can't stand it anymore, how hungry is she?    


He quietly walked to the door and peeked through the crack. Sure enough, he saw Li Qian lying on the brick bed with her two white legs wide open and a thick eggplant in her hand. Her small hands were constantly wiggling.    


"Aiyo, Zhang Long, this dead man, why is he not better than an eggplant ?" "Yeah ?"    


Li Qian's face was completely red, and filled with pleasure.    


Zhang Qiang couldn't help feeling sad for his brother in his heart. He probably didn't know that Li Qian was scolding him like that behind his back!    


He was distracted for a moment but soon concentrated on the scene before him.    




Zhang Qiang thought to himself that things were not good. He had been too engrossed in watching that and had forgotten that he was at Li Qian's home!    


He felt something fly towards his face. He stretched out his hand to catch it. It was a thick eggplant. The entire eggplant was dripping wet.    


Li Qian got off the brick bed without even putting on her clothes. She grabbed Zhang Qiang's ear and said, "Alright then, you sure are brave, you still dare to peek at me!"    


"This time, don't even think about escaping!"    


Li Qian's white towering figure was right before his eyes, and for a split-second, he seemed to see an attractive spring light that almost caused him to bleed from his nose ?    


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