Temptation of Beauty



0Song Chun'er suddenly slapped Zhang Qiang's head. "Stop joking around!"    


Zhang Qiang rubbed his head, feeling wronged. He was really happy.    


Song Chun'er turned around bashfully. "Settle it yourself, don't make it too loud ?"    


Then he stopped talking, as if he was asleep.    


Zhang Qiang closed his eyes. In his mind, he fantasized about Song Chun'er's white and delicate pride as he fiercely vented his anger.    


This time, he was more excited than ever. His sister-in-law was just sleeping by his side, listening to him vent his anger. This was too exciting!    


Song Chun'er actually hadn't fallen asleep yet. Listening to Zhang Qiang's hurried breathing, she also felt extremely embarrassed.    


Qiang Zi had really grown up. When he first married into their family, he was just a kid. At this moment, she was a little lonely. It had been a long time since she consoled herself that Elder Zhang Long didn't return home ?    


When he woke up in the morning, Song Chun'er had already left for work. Next to Zhang Qiang was a stack of clean underwear that Song Chun'er had definitely prepared for him.    


Zhang Qiang happily thought, his sister-in-law is really considerate.    


Song Chun was such a good woman, but his brother didn't treasure her. He would come in the future to treat her well for Zhang Long!    


After the meal, Tian Xiuxiang handed him a basket of eggs. "Go to the village and deliver them to your Second Elder."    


After Zhang Qiang sent the eggs back, he walked down the path with his hands in his pockets, thinking about Song Chun'er's beautiful figure.    


He must be obsessed, or else why would he keep thinking about his sister-in-law?    


Suddenly, Zhang Qiang saw a familiar figure from the corner of his eyes.    


Isn't this Li Qian and her sister?    


Li Qian and Li Yue were carrying a basket. The two of them were walking while talking and laughing. Zhang Qiang also heard the two of them saying a familiar name. It was Zhang Long.    


Damn, Li Qian wasn't afraid of her sister? Li Yue's reputation in the village was not that good either, these two sisters were really shameless to the point of being the same!    


Zhang Qiang laughed evilly and followed behind Li Qian and Li Yue. He wanted to help his sister-in-law teach this shameless woman a lesson!    


The two of them walked for half a day. Zhang Qiang followed from a distance, so he did not notice him.    


After following them for a long time, Zhang Qiang was puzzled. Why were these two people walking towards the village entrance?    


Li Qian and Li Yue stopped by the river at the village entrance. Only then did Zhang Qiang realize that he wanted to take a bath!    


Seeing that they had stopped, he hurriedly hid in the bushes.    


It was getting dark and there were no people by the river, so the two women took off their clothes without any hesitation.    


Zhang Qiang suddenly opened his eyes wide. Li Qian was a little too boisterous, but her figure was really good. Those two groups of proud people looked very white and soft. No wonder the men in the village called her "Big Cow" behind her back ?    


That slender waist and broad buttocks made Zhang Qiang stunned for a moment.    


Li Yue was almost there, but her legs were still considered long and slender. Seeing such an exciting scene, even Zhang Qiang, a young lad, couldn't stand it.    


Li Qian and Li Yue went into the water. The two girls were playing with each other, and their white bodies made Zhang Qiang envious.    


"Sis, you're so big now, didn't Brother Long knead all this stuff?"    


Li Yue teasingly pinched Li Qian's high peaks. Li Qian lightly smiled, "Of course, he doesn't like it that much." As he spoke, he proudly straightened his upper body.    


Zhang Qiang thought disdainfully in his heart. These two sisters were really shameless, but Li Qian's thing was too big ? He couldn't help but look at it.    


"Sister Qian, how is Brother Long?"    


"Not bad, not bad."    


His brother couldn't satisfy this woman. He was really hungry. Zhang Qiang clicked his tongue, then heard Li Yue ask, "When will Brother Long divorce Song Chun'er?"    




Zhang Qiang cursed his mother in his heart. The words these two women were chatting about got worse and worse. It made him, a man, blush to his ears.    


After washing herself for a while, Li Yue suddenly stood up and said, "Aiya, I didn't cook dinner at home. I'll go back and cook first. Sis, you can wash first. "    


"Mmm." Li Qian replied and continued showering, still in a good mood as she hummed a song.    


The more Zhang Qiang thought about the conversation between the two of them, the angrier he became. He had to think of a way to make Li Qian suffer.    


He rolled his eyes. Hehe, take away the clothes for Li Qian, and see how she returns to the village!    


Didn't she love the wave? This time, she had enough of being seen by everyone in the village.    


Zhang Qiang bent his body and stealthily walked out of the bush, and gently headed towards the place where Li Qian put her clothes.    


Li Qian had her back facing him as she bathed, so she didn't notice.    


Suddenly, Zhang Qiang's feet slipped and he fell.    




Zhang Qiang's heart skipped a beat. This was bad, if this girl found out that he peeked at her taking a bath, wouldn't it be endless?    


Zhang Qiang hurriedly covered his face and, regardless of what happened, he continued running.    


"Alright, since you dare to peek at me taking a bath, I'll definitely catch you today!"    


Li Qian was also a tough person. She grabbed a set of clothes on the shore and started chasing after Zhang Qiang.    


Zhang Qiang was so tired that he was gasping for breath. Damn, this woman was practicing track and field? How can you run!    


"Little bastard, stop right there!"    


Zhang Qiang panicked. It was unknown what he stepped on as his body fell down.    


Li Qian, who was behind him, quickly caught up and sat on his body!    


Zhang Qiang only felt two lumps of white and tender peaks hitting his face. That soft and plump touch almost made him suffocate as the fragrance of a woman's unique body wafted into his nose.    


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