Genius Immortal Doctor In City

C2 Doctor Fraud

C2 Doctor Fraud

0Ever since Lin Yi saved the lady, people seem to treat this doctor who looks like a fraud... They had a good impression of him. Many people who were usually sick tried to invite Lin Yi to take a look. Lin Yi did not reject any of them, no matter what kind of disease they had. He had a way to treat them.    


"Little brother, my back has been aching for a few years..."    


"My knees hurt when it rains, it hurts!"    


"I caught a cold half a month ago. It's not good to cough now."    


Lin Yi answered them one by one and prescribed some prescriptions for the medicine. If necessary, he also used silver needles to prick the acupoints. When he inserted the needles, it basically meant that the medicine would cure the illness and cause the patient to cheer.    


In less than half an hour, a long line had already been formed in front of him. Many people rushed over when they heard the news and were about to fill up the square.    


"Aiyo, okay, don't squeeze. Come one by one."    


Lin Yi smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into slits. Although he was not greedy for money, many of the people who received his treatment voluntarily took out several hundred yuan and stuffed it into his hands.    


He had been following his master in the deep mountains for twenty years. The biggest money he had seen was not even ten yuan for New Year's Day. Now that a few thousand yuan had been transferred into his account in the blink of an eye, it really caught him off guard.    


However, not far from this prosperous scene, was the largest city hospital in Shangdu.    


Wang Dong had already returned to the hospital. From his office, he could clearly see the scene in the square.    


"Who is that kid?" Wang Dong's colleague was also one of the attending physicians in the city hospital. His name was Sun Hong. He had been a doctor for many years and had some reputation in the world. However, his reputation was not very good. It was rumored that he was called the surgeon. Without tens of thousands of red packets, he would definitely not be able to get it. "Set up a stall in the square?"    


"It's not a stall." He's just a witch doctor," Wang Dong said, gritting his teeth. He promotes some ways to treat people who hurt others. It makes sense. Look, he cheated so many people."    


"This kind of person." Sun Hong sneered. "How dare he be so impudent downstairs in the city hospital. If he still dares to come tomorrow, then just wait and see. "    


When Wang Dong heard that Sun Hong was going to take action, his eyes lit up. He hurriedly went forward to flatter and express that Lin Yi was a scum doctor. For the sake of the doctor's reputation, he would also accompany Sun Hong tomorrow to uphold justice.    


In the blink of an eye, it was already dark. The group in front of Lin Yi was also gradually shortening. Finally, it was the last person's turn.    


It seemed to be a young girl. Although there was no sunlight, she was still wearing sunglasses. She was not tall, but her figure was even more exquisite. Her hands were on her hips as she stood in front of Lin Yi. She was a little delicate, but she had a bit of a handsome look on her face.    


"Do you feel uncomfortable?" Lin Yi asked.    


"I have a headache, and my whole body feels sore and weak." The young girl said in a crisp voice.    


Lin Yi raised his eyebrows, signaling the young girl to give him her wrist. After taking her pulse, he tilted his head slightly. "What illness do you think you are suffering from?"    


The girl snorted. "How can there be a doctor like you? If I knew what illness I was suffering from, would I still need to look for you? "    


"I see." Lin Yi thought for a while and suddenly pulled out the silver needle from his pocket. "Since you think you are sick, I will treat you as if you are sick."    


As he spoke, he pulled the young girl's arm and prepared to inject a needle into her body.    


"Hey!" Unexpectedly, when the needle was only a few centimeters away from the girl, she agilely dodged it. "Why did you pierce my Palace Acupoint?"    


Lin Yi let go of the girl and shook his head with a smile. "Have you had enough of the joke? Quick, tell me, who are you?"    


The girl was shocked and realized that she had been fooled by Lin Yi. She pouted unhappily and looked quite cute. "Alright, I admit that I'm not sick. I just want to talk to you."    


"Talk to me?" Lin Yi packed his medical tools and smiled. "What? Do you like me?"    


"Bullsh * t," ___ said. Although they were separated by sunglasses, Lin Yi could imagine the girl rolling her eyes. "What do you think? Come with me."    


"Why?" While they were talking, Lin Yi had already packed his things. "If you lure me to a corner with no one around and do something shady, I will be finished for the rest of my life!"    


Hearing this, the girl was so angry that she almost threw a punch at Lin Yi. But she finally held back. "Even if I did fuck you, it was you who took advantage of me! Alright, don't talk nonsense. Come with me."    


As she spoke, the young girl didn't care whether Lin Yi agreed or not. She grabbed his arm and dragged him away.    


"Hey, don't. I haven't had dinner yet..."    


Ten minutes later, the two of them appeared in a pharmacy at the corner of an alley.    


At this hour, there were no longer many people coming to the pharmacy. Especially this place that specialized in selling medicine. Even during the day, not many people visited. However, the shop owner seemed to adhere to the ancient rules, and the lights in the hall were always on.    


Pushing open the door, the young girl's expression became much more serious.    


"Master, I brought someone back for you." The girl said, her gaze landing on the counter not far away.    


The lights in the room were rather dim, and the big lamp above her head was actually a candle. The warm light slowly fell on the counter, forming the silhouette of an old man. He quietly sat behind the counter, as quiet as a statue. His eyes were half-closed, as if he was thinking about something that had been bothering him for the rest of his life.    


"Hmm?" The old man slowly opened his eyes and looked at Lin Yi. "Not bad, young man. Why? Ying'er has already decided to marry herself out?"    


"What is it?" The young girl flung her hand. "Master is not serious every day. I am still young and do not have to worry about marrying!"    


"Alright, alright, alright." The old man shook his head with a doting smile. "My disciple is beautiful enough to topple cities and cities. She doesn't have to worry about marrying, nor does she have to worry about marrying! Come, let me take a look. You've brought..."    


Lin Yi, who was standing at the side, had a green face. He had only entered the door for a few seconds, but he was already at the height of a "boyfriend." Please, he had only known this girl for less than an hour, no matter how fast she was...    


"Eh." The old man walked into Lin Yi and took a look at him. He exclaimed in shock, "This joint between the fingers is probably caused by needles all year round. However, the position of the calluses was not the middle finger, but the nameless one. Could it be... "    


This time, it was not only the old man who was shocked, but also Lin Yi.    


Although this old man only gave him a casual glance, his gaze was very crafty. One had to know that under this dim light, one had to be able to notice Lin Yi's finger joints at a glance. Either his eyesight was extremely good, or his intuition had been honed from years of practicing medicine.    


This old man was definitely not simple.    


"Grandpa, I won't hide it from you. This fellow knows Shadowless Needle!"    


At this moment, the young girl added.    


Hearing this, the old man's eyes immediately lit up. He looked at Lin Yi in disbelief. But soon, his eyes dimmed again. He shook his head and said, "Ying'er, this Shadowless Needle has been lost in the Pugilistic World for a hundred years. Even if it reappears, it would definitely not be such a young man..."    


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