The Favorable Divine Doctor

C462 hungry wolf

C462 hungry wolf

4"Didn't you all leave? Why did you appear again?" Shui Yueer was shocked and angry at the same time, it was entirely her fault. She thought that the Liu brothers had already left because they could not achieve their goal previously, but she did not expect that they had not left yet, but had waited for the right opportunity to make their move.     1


Liu Du still did not know what happened as he looked at the Liu brothers and then at Shui Yueer with a dull gaze.    


"Hehe, you damn girl, don't even think of escaping this time. Follow us brothers and we guarantee that we won't treat you unfairly." Liu Er stared at Shui Yueer.    


Shui Yueer's face turned pale white, she pulled Liu Du's hand and retreated a few steps, the Liu brothers smiled obscenely as they approached.    


"Don't come over, I'll call for more people if you come over again!" Shui Yueer was afraid, and shouted loudly.    


"Shout! Even if you shout until your throat breaks, no one will come to save you!" Liu Da said coldly.    


He had suffered a loss once, so he wouldn't suffer a loss a second time. If he didn't teach this damned girl a lesson this time, he definitely wouldn't be willing to give up.    


"Bro, why are you talking so much nonsense with them? Let's go!" Liu Er was itching to give it a try, but he could not hold it in anymore and wanted to enjoy Shui Yueer's tender body. He swallowed, his eyes shining like a hungry wolf. In fact, he was more anxious than Liu Er. But as the big brother, he could not show too much of an impatience, as the saying goes, anxious cannot eat hot tofu.    


"F * ck you, you're going to scare her. How can you be in such a rush? Take your time." Liu Da pretended to reprimand Liu Er and turned towards him, saying, "Miss Shui, do you think so?"    


Shui Yueer's face was filled with disgust, she did not know what kind of medicine Liu Da Gou was trying to pull, but, she would not fall for it so easily.    


"Idiot, you will follow me for whatever I do later." Shui Yueer whispered to Liu Du. Liu Du did not understand, but he still nodded his head, he believed that Shui Yueer was doing this for his own good, and would not harm him.    


"Run!" Shui Yueer said as she dragged Liu Du and ran down the mountain. She already had a good view of the road and was running in the direction of the Liu brothers' safe zone.    


However, just as she and Liu Du ran a few steps, they were stopped by Liu Er.    


"Aiya, damn girl! You want to run away? Do you think we two brothers are useless?" Seeing Shui Yueer, he thought of the kick she got from her. At this moment, his lower body was still aching, if she did not properly train this girl later, he would not be able to vent.    


Shui Yueer sighed, pretended to be calm and said: "Liu Er, what exactly do you want to do?"    


Liu Er laughed: "You know it, advisor. Tell me, you kicked me just now, how should I compensate you?"    


"What do you want?"    


"I don't want to do anything, as long as you let me love you properly, I'll let you go."    


"In your dreams!" Shui Yueer was so angry that she started laughing. She knew that these two brothers wouldn't let her off so easily, but she didn't expect them to be so shameless.    


"We are not dreaming. We can definitely do it." His gaze was even more lewd and sinister than Liu Er's. Liu Du stood at the side and clenched his fists tightly, he was very angry, he would definitely not allow others to bully Shui Yueer.    


"Brother, this kid doesn't seem to be convinced." Liu Er noticed Liu Du's abnormality and reminded Liu Da.    


Liu Da looked at Liu Du in disdain and said, "Second brother, this is just a fool. What are you afraid of him for?"    


"I'm not an idiot. Get out of the way and let us go." Liu Du shouted loudly. He knew that the two people in front of him were both very fierce, fiercer than Mr. Shui. However, he could not retreat, because if he retreated, what would happen to Shui Yueer?    


"Kid, don't block our brothers' path here, otherwise, we won't be courteous to you." Liu Er waved his blade and unceremoniously threatened Liu Du.    


Liu Du also gained courage from who knows where, but he was unafraid.    


"Brat, you're quite stubborn. Who the hell are you? Could he be the lover you found recently?" Liu Da squinted his eyes and said with a smile.    


Shui Yueer was enraged, the expression in her eyes changed, her face turned red from being blown away, she angrily said: "You guys are talking nonsense, he and I are innocent."    


"Haha, from your expression, I can tell that you guys aren't innocent. Second brother, maybe that stinking girl isn't a complete match. Do you want to be the first one?" Liu Da laughed and asked Liu Er.    


Liu Er said: "Big brother, this is alright, I do not mind, although I am young, it is not that great, it is still better to pass a woman."    


Hearing these filthy obscenities, Shui Yueer almost fainted from anger.    


No, I must be calm. I must think of a way. I can't let them succeed, but what can I do?    


"You guys are talking nonsense, but I still ?" Shui Yueer distinguished it, but the word "virgin" had never come out from her mouth. How shameful was that matter, how could she dare to say it?    


"Second Brother, do you believe that she said she was still a virgin?" Liu Da laughed as he swept his gaze across Liu Du with evil intentions. This idiot looked like he had a pretty good foundation.    


"Big Brother, I believe you. From the looks of it, she doesn't have a broken melon. " Liu Er had an unfathomable look.    


"Alright, I'll make a bet with you, she's not."    


"And if she is?"    


"Then I'll give you a hundred silver."    


As if there was no one around, the two brothers started to gamble in front of Liu Du and Shui Yueer. Shui Yueer's heart was filled with extreme hatred, and she could not help but say angrily: "You two are shameless.    


"We are shameless, so what?" Liu Er revealed a sinister look, grabbing onto Shui Yueer.    


Shui Yueer was shocked. She wanted to struggle, but her hands were tightly grasped, preventing him from doing so.    


"Brother, we'll drag her there. I'll go first, you said that." Liu Er pulled Shui Yueer, and was about to go under the big tree and do some evil things.    


"Alright, hurry up." Liu Da looked at Liu Du and followed Liu Er to the side.    


Shui Yueer shouted angrily, "You two beasts, let go of me!"    


The two of them laughed and ignored Shui Yueer. In their eyes, Shui Yueer was just a cooked duck, they were afraid that she would fly away.    


Liu Du was startled for a moment, but very quickly, he realized what was happening. He would definitely not allow anyone to touch Shui Yueer, he roared, and rushed forward recklessly, throwing a punch towards Liu Da.    


That fist looked extremely powerful, but it was also one that Liu Du had used his full strength.    


Liu Da was shocked. This fool had eaten the guts of a leopard, yet he actually dared to attack him. He shouted loudly, threw down his blade and faced Liu Du with his bare hands.    


"I'll cripple you!" The two fists collided, Liu Da's body shook slightly, but Liu Du was sent flying by one punch, falling to the ground.    


Liu Da was a practitioner, although the force in his body was average, he could still fight against normal people with one against ten. He did not expect Liu Du to only fly out after receiving his punch, and not immediately die.    


However, he had martial arts so he was not afraid of Liu Du, the fool with brute force.    


Liu Du spat out a large mouthful of blood. He climbed up from the ground with much difficulty and shakily walked over.    


Not only did this brat not die, judging from his posture, it seemed like he planned to fight another round with me. Liu Du opened his eyes wide and couldn't help but be convinced by Liu Du's courage.    


"Brat, since you're so reckless, I'll send you to hell!" Liu Du's face turned sinister, this time he did not hold back, and was determined to kill Liu Du.    


Liu Du was completely unaware of it. The only thought in his mind was to save Shui Yueer, even if it meant paying the price of death.    


"Idiot, stop fighting with him, you are not his opponent," Shui Yueer cried out, then turned and shouted at Liu Er, "Get out of my way!"    


Liu Er mercilessly slapped Shui Yueer in the face and said angrily, "Stupid girl, shut your mouth. You don't even have the time to speak here, just watch your little lover be slowly killed by my big brother."    


"You are not human!" Shui Yueer was so angry that she spat on Liu Er's face.    


Liu Er wiped the saliva off with a smile and said coldly: "You can vent as much as you want.    


She nervously looked at Liu Du. She was afraid that something bad might have happened to him, then she would never be at ease for the rest of her life.    


If you save him, I am willing to spend the rest of my life in exchange. She is suffering from an emergency, and I don't care whether or not there is a supreme deity in this world.    


"Yue Er, I'm here to save you." Liu Du fearlessly charged forward, his fist extending forward towards Liu Da.    


Liu Da grinned fiendishly. "Good timing. Watch me cripple you." Instead of retreating, he advanced and suddenly covered Liu Du's fist with his palm, then fiercely dragged it backwards.    


Losing the support of gravity, Liu Du fell forward and started to eat the mud.    


Liu Da laughed out loud, took a few steps forward, stepped on Liu Du's body, and said condescendingly: "Brat, you're still too young to fight with me."    


As the victor, Liu Da was extremely satisfied. He decided to properly humiliate Liu Du, who told this brat to be so arrogant that he would go against him, the two brothers. Who said the two brothers were evil tyrants in the Daishui Village, who disrespected them even after seeing them. As for the position of village chief, if it wasn't for the fact that Old Man Shui was good at winning over the hearts of the people and had made most of the villagers support him, it would not have been that damned old man's turn.    


"Eldest Liu, release him, hurry up and release him." Shui Yueer shouted incoherently. She was really afraid that Liu Da killed Liu Du, as she did not want to see Big Brother Da Niu's tragedy happen again. At this moment, she even suspected that something bad would happen to all the people she liked.    


First there was Big Brother Daniu, and now there was a fool. When the fool was sent flying, she felt an indescribable pain in her heart. She already knew that she had him in her heart before she knew it.    


It was a strange feeling, both bitter and sweet. Shui Yueer didn't know that it was actually love.    


"Oh? "Who are you? Give me a reason and I'll let him go. That's right, you definitely won't be able to think of something. Promise me one thing and I'll spare his dog life." Liu Da was extremely happy in his heart. He liked the feeling of helplessness when he insulted those loving couples.    


"What is it?" Shui Yueer knew that since Liu Da was full of evil tricks, what he had to agree to was definitely not a good thing.    


Sure enough, Liu Du laughed: "It's very simple, go ahead and dance for me, but you have to take off your clothes."    


Liu Da looked at Shui Yueer, waiting for sher reaction. To him, it was better for her to just use her own name, but he was only lying to Shui Yueer, he had to kill this foolish brat, not just him, Shui Yueer had to kill him too.    


Shui Yueer hesitated for a moment, then her eyes lit up and she urged: "If you jump, that brat will be saved, you better think carefully."    


Shui Yueer was in a dilemma, if it was really as Liu Da had said, then what if she sacrificed herself? She knew that the Liu brothers would definitely not let her off, but if they could save Liu Du, then it would be worth it.    


"Alright, I agree." Shui Yueer clenched her teeth, and finally made up her mind.    


Elated, Liu Da said in a soft voice, "Humph, you naughty girl, let's collect some interest first. This brat must be killed, otherwise what if he disrupts our good fortune later?"    


Due to the distance between them, Shui Yueer did not hear Liu Da's mutterings, but Liu Du heard her. He shouted loudly, "Yue'er, don't!    


The moment Liu Du opened his mouth, Liu Da knew that something was wrong. He was enraged to the extreme and fiercely smashed the top of Liu Du's head.    


Shui Yueer's hand that was on her clothes drooped, and tears started to roll down her face again.    




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