The Favorable Divine Doctor

C48 Brake failure

C48 Brake failure

2But from Tian Meng's words, she found out that the identity of this group of robbers was correct. The eight of them were fugitives who had been running away the entire time, and they were also former hoodlums. Only Ma Quan was an international killer.     0


Behind Ma Quan, there was an invisible network. And the reason they came here to cause destruction was very simple; in order to thwart the success of the country.    


The leader of the organization was a Thai national named Zhagong, while the leader of the mainland was called Qian Chen, who was also the person who was talking to the police.    


Therefore, Tian Meng was the last to tell Liu Du to be careful.    


Inadvertently, Liu Du had gotten himself into such a mess, and he was extremely depressed in his heart.    


That afternoon, Liu Du could no longer stay in the hospital. He called Meng Yuqing over: "Yuqing, I want to leave the hospital."    


"What?" The moment Meng Yuqing heard she wanted to leave the hospital, she became anxious, "You're suffering from such a heavy injury, to actually want to leave the hospital right now? This won't do!"    


Liu Du immediately jumped down from the bed and did a few kicks, "Look, I'm already fine."    


"That won't do!" Meng Yuqing's tone was determined.    


"Then, I'll go live at your place, and you can look at me. Is that okay?" Liu Du said as he embraced Meng Yuqing in his arms and lightly sniffed her hair.    


"T-then let's see what the doctor says, alright?" Meng Yuqing was agitated and her beautiful face was burning.    


"Alright." Liu Du shouted happily, he rushed out of the sickroom and went to find the doctor who treated him.    


The doctor in charge of Liu Du was Meng Yuqing's teacher. He looked at Liu Du who had directly ran over with a surprised expression, his eyes were wide open, and even an egg could be stuffed into his mouth.    


"Dr. Gau, I want to leave the hospital." Liu Du asked Doctor Gao with a harmless smile.    


It was only then that Gao Qiang regained his senses, and the shock and terror in his eyes had not yet disappeared. He looked at Liu Du as if he was looking at a monster, "Such a heavy injury, you actually ?"    


Liu Du knew what he was about to say, so he interrupted him and said, "I'm fine now, I want to leave the hospital."    


"This ?" After all, Liu Du was a patient personally taken care of by Secretary Meng. If something were to happen to him, it would be difficult to deal with.    


"It's nothing. Just look at my current condition and you'll know that I'm in top shape." Liu Du showed off his muscles and movements exaggeratedly.    


This made Gao Qiang even more speechless. Was he even human?    


To be hit by a bullet, stabbed by a knife, or blown away by a bomb, any one of these wounds would have taken at least a few months of lying down, making it even more likely that he would die.    


Gao Qiang took a deep breath. By his side, Liu Du smiled and reminded him, "Don't worry, looking at my current physical condition, you should know that I'm fine now. I'm an unbeatable cockroach!"    


"Cough ?" Gao Qiang violently coughed. His name was Gao Qiang, and those who were familiar with him would always call him the indestructible Xiao Qiang. However, the person in front of him, that was ?    


"Okay, I agree to let you leave the hospital." With great difficulty, Gao Qiang stopped coughing, and helplessly agreed to Liu Du's request to leave the hospital.    


Meng Yuqing also came out at this time. Seeing that her previous trainee teacher had agreed to let him out of the hospital, she was finally relieved.    


Gao Qiang quietly went closer to Meng Yuqing and muttered to him: "Yuqing, this is the first time I've seen your boyfriend in such a situation. He's suffered such heavy injuries, and now he's been resting for a day."    


Meng Yuqing nodded lightly, "I'm not too sure either. Perhaps it's because he's usually been training this entire time."    


Gao Qiang was still worried, so he quietly instructed, "After you leave the hospital, keep a close eye on him. If anything happens, give me a call."    


"I will. Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Gao." Meng Yuqing took the discharge form given by Gao Qiang, and turned to accompany Liu Du outside.    


"Let's just go back to the original." After going through a life and death ordeal, Liu Du especially wanted to go and see his parents.    


"Alright." Meng Yuqing did not have any objections, in the past few days, she had already completed her tasks. If she stayed any longer, who knew what her mother would do to force her to go on a blind date.    


"I've already retired from your room." Meng Yuqing never thought that Liu Du would be discharged from the hospital this early.    


"Alright, let's just drive back to the main road." Liu Du laughed indifferently, but when he looked back and saw the worry in Meng Yuqing's eyes, her heart warmed up. She consoled her: "Don't worry, I'm very healthy right now, and there won't be any problems.    


Meng Yuqing thought about it, and then nodded her head.    


"Mouse, he has already been discharged. Are you ready?" Ji Weixian's voice was urgent, and faintly revealed a hint of excitement and fear.    


"Boss, don't worry. I'm looking for a professional. I guarantee that there won't be any mishaps." The mouse laughed and whispered into Ji Weixian's ear.    


A sinister smile appeared on Ji Weixian's face, and after a while, he looked at Lao Shu worriedly: "You said, you won't find out about this, right?"    


"Absolutely not." Lao Shu patted his chest and firmly guaranteed. With a sinister glint in his eyes, he said, "He just happened to have offended an international mercenary group. Even if he is suspicious, no one will suspect us."    


"Mm, that's good." Ji Weixian's gaze gradually became passionate, and a tinge of redness emerged on his white face. His eyes, seemed to contain the pleasure of retaliation.    


After a short moment, a look of pity appeared on Ji Weixian's face, and he softly sighed: "Sigh, it's just a pity. Such a beautiful woman, yet she wants to bury him with her, truly ?"    


Liu Du and Meng Yuqing arrived at the parking lot. In order to show that they had fully recovered, Liu Du insisted on driving.    


Meng Yuqing could not resist him, and could only obey.    


As she sat in the front passenger seat, Meng Yuqing didn't forget to remind him, "Please be slow."    


"Don't worry, my technique is really good." Liu Du laughed exaggeratedly, causing Meng Yuqing who was at the side to laugh out loud. "Your skills are not very good, it's very bad."    


"Ah, you don't believe me!" Liu Du was a little depressed. He started up the car, increased his speed and headed out.    


As cars drove by, Liu Du was so busy that his head was drenched in cold sweat. He finally drove out of the city and entered the main road that led directly to the city center.    


These days, there were very few cars, and the main road leading to the main road was newly built, so it was very wide, so there were very few cars on the wide road, so there was no need to be afraid of risks.    


Liu Du also wanted to show off his crappy driving skills and immediately increased the speed of the BMW to 80.    


The feeling of being able to move between the wind and lightning was indeed very pleasurable.    


After walking for about 10 minutes, they suddenly caught up to 7 or 8 motorcycles. Looking at those cars, all of them were luxury cars.    


In a moment, he was already driving past Liu Du.    


One of the people in one of the cars proudly raised his middle finger at Liu Du, and unrestrainedly yelled: "Snail!"    


Liu Du was also very young, how could he bear this kind of stimulation? He immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the speed of the BMW immediately increased.    


"Liu Du, don't compare yourself to them. Meng Yuqing had heard of these people before, so she hurriedly reminded them.    


Liu Du hesitated for a moment, the foot on the accelerator felt relaxed, but the people in front, seemed to be deliberately provoking him, and with one car, the girl sitting behind even turned her head and made a face at Liu Du.    


Then, he stuck out his middle finger. This time, Liu Du was really angry.    


He did not care about Meng Yuqing's warning, and directly stepped on the throttle until it reached its limit.    


The car rushed out in an instant, closing the distance between it and the car in front of it.    


Seeing him come after them, the group of Qu Family carts grew even more excited. They shouted loudly and sped up their pace. The buzzing sounds they made on the wide road gave people a different feeling of excitement.    


There was only one motorcycle at the front. It wore a large helmet, but its long hair fluttered in the wind. It was elegant and agile, giving people a picturesque feeling.    


She seemed to have also seen Liu Du catching up, but she only turned her head coldly in response. Without saying anything, she stomped on her motorcycle until it hummed with noise, then roared forth.    


The competitive feeling in Liu Du's heart was stirred up by her long hair. He stepped fiercely on the throttle, and rushed to the highest point, chasing after her.    


"Liu Du, don't compare yourself with them." Meng Yuqing looked at Liu Du worriedly, afraid that something bad would happen.    


"No problem, I'm just running for a bit. I'll be fine in a moment." In fact, Liu Du thought it was simple. He just wanted to surpass them and be at the front before he stopped.    


Seeing him say that, Meng Yuqing nodded her head helplessly: "Then you be careful."    


As she spoke, she carefully buckled Liu Du's seat belt and helped herself fasten it.    


Amidst the sounds of traffic, Liu Du's car finally passed by.    


The female rider at the front turned to look, no longer bothered with Liu Du, and focused on comparing with her group of riders.    


At this time, Liu Du's speed had already reached 140, he could already feel a sense of panic and helplessness, causing him to relax the throttle to the limit, but he suddenly realised that the speed of the car did not slow down.    


"Ah, how could this be?" Liu Du said with regret as he stared ahead.    


"What's wrong?" Meng Yuqing also noticed the panic in Liu Du's voice and immediately asked.    


"I can't slow down!" Liu Du frantically controlled the direction in panic, a layer of dense sweat already seeping out from his forehead.    


Meng Yuqing also realized that something was wrong and she quickly warned Liu Du, "Quickly step on the brakes!"    


Liu Du's foot stepped heavily on the brake, but it was useless, the car still maintained its speed at 140 speed, and rushed forward with all its strength.    


A thought suddenly flashed across Liu Du's mind, could it be Zhang Quan's revenge?    


At this time, Meng Yuqing also stepped down on top of Liu Du's foot, but it was still useless.    


Liu Du's driving skills were not good to begin with, and with such a panic, it became extremely dangerous.    


"Switch to me." Meng Yuqing said softly as she directly sat down.    


"Yuqing, someone seems to have destroyed this car's braking system."    


"Yes." Meng Yuqing focused on controlling the steering wheel, her eyes stared straight ahead: "Go to the front of the car, I will control the car."    


Just as Liu Du wanted to go over, at this moment, the female rider who was leading the group saw the abnormality in Liu Du and chased after him.    


Liu Du was embarrassed, but he did not have the time to explain. He suddenly had an idea, and shouted to the rider: "Help me!"    


The female rider was obviously startled as she turned her head to look at Liu Du. She also realised that something was wrong and immediately pulled open the mask on her helmet.    


"Our brakes aren't working!" Liu Du shouted at the female rider, but lightly placed his hand on Meng Yuqing's shoulder: "Yuqing, I'll have them bring you out of here in a while."    


"No, your driving skills are too bad. You go out first, then I'll think of something." Meng Yuqing's weak eyes were filled with persistence.    


"No, my skills are better than yours. Even if something were to happen, I would be able to react." Liu Du immediately rejected her and turned to the female rider outside: "Can you think of a way to take her out of the car?"    


The female Driver was clearly startled by her question, but she quickly shook her head.    


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