My Cold CEO Fiancee

C808 Active Hands

C808 Active Hands

3Ye Lingtian was shocked by Qin Xueying's words. F * ck, this trouble came one after another. Little Girl Qin, who did you offend in your previous life?    


"I didn't ask you before, but now you can finally explain, right?" Ye Lingtian leaned on the sofa and said with a smile.    


"I'll cook. You can ask Wang Tao. He knows the cause and effect." Qin Xueying smiled faintly and headed straight for the kitchen.    


Wang Tao knows? Ye Lingtian blinked his eyes. Could this guy be behind all this trouble? He hurriedly dialed Wang Tao's number. Not long after, Wang Tao came back with a smile on his face, followed by Soong Xiaoxiao. His face was flushed red, while Soong Xiaoxiao's face was full of worry. Soong Xiaoxiao had never seen such a stupid person in her life. All along the way, she had been wondering how this guy had gotten himself into the big boss White Wolf Gang. All those Underground World movies that were played all day in the movies, there were quite a lot of open fights and covert fights in them. It was not easy for this kind of IQ to survive until now, could it be that Ye Lingtian had opened a plugin for him?    


When Ye Lingtian saw Wang Tao, he waved his hand and said, "Come over here!"    


Seeing Ye Lingtian sitting obediently on the sofa with a dark face, Wang Tao asked, "Brother Ye, what's your order?"    


Soong Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Tao and shook her head. She finally understood a little, maybe it was Ye Lingtian who helped him drive the plugin. How could I have taken a fancy to such a person?    


"What kind of trouble did the Qin Family Group encounter?" Seeing Wang Tao's surprised face, Ye Lingtian pointed at him and said, "Hey, stop talking nonsense. Don't say that you don't know anything. You f * cking don't expect me to lie in my room all day."    


Wang Tao was surprised for a moment, and immediately told him the general story of the Maikang Drink incident.    


Ye Lingtian glanced at Wang Tao and said, "You know quite a bit about it. Are you involved in this?"    


"Brother Ye, it doesn't make sense if I don't participate!" "You are so busy, and I see things are getting more and more complicated. Boss Qin is worried all day, and this makes her anxious!" Wang Tao put on an expression of worry for the nation, and when he thought of his brilliant performance, his eyes flashed with pride, "After careful planning with Little Qin and I, under the influence of Brother Ye's main thoughts, the White Wolf Gang brothers worked together to finally solve the problem, allowing Boss Qin's worries to be swept away. Uh, actually, I didn't plan to say this before, Brother Ye, you have always taught us to do good deeds without leaving your name behind …"    


While he was speaking, Qin Xueying was carrying food into the living room. Immediately, her face turned cold.    


[Why is he so shameless?] Soong Xiaoxiao frowned and secretly threw a supercilious look at Wang Tao. Then she said to Ye Lingtian, "Let's talk while we eat. It's all done."    


Ye Lingtian replied with an "En" sound. He said to Wang Tao in an indifferent manner, "It seems that you have performed very well. Come, let's talk over dinner about how you managed to solve this problem."    


Wang Tao glanced at Soong Xiaoxiao, scratched his head and said, "Brother Ye, this..." There's no need for that, right? "In this case, didn't I just sell myself out and boast?"    


"So what if you're boasting?" Ye Lingtian patted Wang Tao's shoulder. His posture was like a big bad wolf luring Xiao Hongquan, "The aroma of wine these days is too much. If you don't brag, I can see the blind qualities in you."    


Right! Brother Ye was right. With this thought in mind, Wang Tao sat down at the dining table, his mouth popping out like a machine gun in an anti-Japanese drama.    


Qin Xueying raised her hand to cover her forehead while Soong Xiaoxiao covered her mouth.    


Oh my god, do you think it's not messy enough? With all this, if those guys were to report it to the media, would Qin Family Group be able to survive? Soong Xiaoxiao saw that Wang Tao was still showing off his violence aesthetics, so she put her chopsticks on the table and asked with a dark expression, "Is this what you mean by 'help'?"    


"Isn't it?" Wang Tao was surprised to be interrupted by Soong Xiaoxiao. He turned around and looked at Ye Lingtian, "Brother Ye, what did I do wrong?"    


At first, Ye Lingtian thought Wang Tao had gotten himself into a lot of trouble. He couldn't understand why Soong Xiaoxiao had such an attitude, so he said in surprise, "No problem! If I had done it, I don't think I would have done it so perfectly!"    


Ye Lingtian was very sure about Wang Tao's actions and said very seriously: "This is how we should do it from now on. Don't be rash and easily take someone's life or cripple his arms and legs. How long can that last? If you want to play within the limits of the existing laws, I think you might as well consider hiring a legal adviser. Well, if that doesn't work out, I'll get someone to find one for you! "    


Qin Xueying took a deep breath and snappily said: "In order to help me solve the Maikang Drink crisis, Avril prepared a legal team. Since Kangzhou is involved with foreign countries, how about she introduce one or two of them to the White Wolf Gang service?"    


"It's too wasteful to be that professional. Moreover, if it's a legal talent who helps White Wolf Gang, then he's a ghost genius. If his morals are too good, then so be it." Ye Lingtian rubbed his chin and said, "But we can definitely get those legal experts to work together … "Uh, Boss Qin, why are you looking at me like that?"    


"I'm not looking at you like that. Who am I looking at?" Qin Xueying finally could no longer hold it in and said coldly, "Wang Tao did the right thing? Don't you have a brain? Once this matter is leaked out, the Qin Family Group's image would be ruined. This is a question of nature! "    


"Prod it out?" Ye Lingtian blinked, "Is there any chance of it getting out?"    


"Why isn't there one!" Qin Xueying was so angry that she felt dizzy. She could only see stars flashing before her eyes. "There is no such thing as a wall without wind!"    


"What Wang Tao has done has nothing to do with Qin Family Group?" Ye Lingtian turned his head to look at Wang Tao, and said in a deep voice, "What else did you do after this? Tell me, if it was just those things just now, I can't help but doubt my own judgement, and whether or not you can support your White Wolf Gang!"    


Wang Tao nodded, and his expression turned serious: "Maikang Drink is obviously a frame-up, we followed the vines and caught the brat behind the scenes, he is called Zi Liang Tian, a servant of Wei Family, but from the perspective of Maikang Drink, Situ Family is the real mastermind, because Top Music Group is now the industry of Situ Family! In this case, the troublemakers were either second-rate members of society, or professional pawns, or the notoriously reclusive old man! Otherwise, White Wolf Gang would not have kept them out of the door. Through Zi Liangtian and the confessions of these people, there was a serious problem with the quality supervision department, and those reporters from the media had done a lot of evil things. However, they were investigating, and believe that once it was out, there would definitely be explosive news. "    


Speaking to that, Wang Tao smashed the table and said while clenching his teeth, "Fuck, laozi is a gangster. I thought I was bad enough, but compared to them, this group of heartless journalists are animals! And those bastards in charity outfits, they're worse than animals! "    


"There are too many beasts, and there are even more hypocrites in this world. There's nothing to be surprised about." Ye Lingtian lit up a cigarette and replied plainly.    


"But those guys are targeting a twelve or thirteen year old little girl!" Wang Tao's face turned ashen.    


"It happens every day in the world! "We are not God. Just do what you have to do!" Ye Lingtian knocked on the table and went straight to the point, "Where's that Zi Liangtian? He is the key to the problem. "    


"After this kid admits defeat, we'll hand him over to the police. If we're not wrong, we should transfer him to a secret location. As for those reporters, considering that we don't have enough manpower, the people from National Security Agency are watching us." Wang Tao controlled his emotions and said softly.    


"A copy of the evidence?" Ye Lingtian asked in a deep voice.    


"Everything has been copied!" Wang Tao scratched his head.    


Speaking till here, Ye Lingtian smiled lightly at Qin Xueying: "As the saying goes, if you don't do it, you won't die. If Wei Family and Situ Family are wise, and there isn't enough time to cover it, how can it be exposed? The evidence that we have is enough to ruin the reputation of the Situ Family, and we can bring a lawsuit against them according to legal procedures. So, don't be uneasy, we have the initiative here. "    


Soong Xiaoxiao's gaze towards Wang Tao had changed. How was this guy brainless? He was really capable. Doing such a big thing in just a few days, there was nothing much to be said about his abilities.    


Of course, Soong Xiaoxiao was more concerned about Wang Tao's attitude. Looking at the way they acted just now, they were 100% jealous of him. So what if he was involved in this mess? As long as he was impartial, he could still be considered a good person! Hmm, he must be a good person. Even the police are willing to cooperate with him. Thinking of this, she felt that it was necessary for her to continue teaching Wang Tao. She picked up the lecture from junior high school and tossed it all the way to university.    


Qin Xueying really did not expect there to be so many things behind the scenes. If Wang Tao had not used some special method, she might still be in the dark. The Qin Family Group must wash away their innocence, and those who mess around must be punished! This is a demand for fairness and justice! "    


Ye Lingtian glanced at Qin Xueying and asked lazily, "Boss Qin, are you sure?"    


"Yes!" We have the initiative, what are we afraid of? " Qin Xueying gritted her teeth.    


"You!" Ye Lingtian shook his head, stared into Qin Xueying's eyes, and said word by word, "Too simple, if it was Boss Chu, she would definitely not do this. There's no point in not mentioning it, it might cause Qin Family Group to sink into another whirlpool."    


Qin Xueying blinked and said with a frown, "I don't understand what you're saying. How did you end up in another whirlpool?"    


"First of all, our sources of evidence are not very legal, uh, it can also be considered legal. I believe that with the current power of White Wolf Gang, those so-called patients and their families can still distinguish who they should not offend. There's an ancient saying in China that a county magistrate is not as good as the current one!" Ye Lingtian took a deep drag from his cigarette, changed the topic, and said coldly, "But Boss Qin, have you ever thought that once a lawsuit is filed, Qin Family Group's losses will be even greater!"    


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