I Want to Burn the Sky

C341 Extremely Humiliating

C341 Extremely Humiliating

4Article 341, Extreme Humiliation.    


"Little guy, since you've won this match, you can leave now"    


"Before leaving, I still want to say something to you"    


"Although you are a member of Pattern Clan, you have grown up in Spirit Clan. So, you should know that there are kind-hearted people in Spirit Clan."    


"So, if you can look down on an area with your current cultivation base, I hope that you won't be restricted to a narrow race."    


Battle Soul Academy Dean's words caused Guu Feng to be silent for a long time.    


In Guu Feng's impression, the distinction between races was unavoidable. This had existed in Great Vast World for tens of thousands of years.    


That was the reason why there were so many conflicts between different races when Pattern Saint fought in all four directions.    


But at this moment, Battle Soul Academy Dean's words made Guu Feng vaguely understand a lot.    


After living in Spirit Clan for so long, in his heart, Guu Feng had a lot of feelings for Spirit Clan.    


However, he kept this gratitude hidden because he was from the Pattern Clan. This meant that he had to draw a clear line between the Spirit Clan and him.    


However, Battle Soul Academy Dean's words made Guu Feng realize that his previous thoughts were so narrow.    


"That's right. Who said that different races can only fight and scheme against each other?"    


After saying that in a low voice, Guu Feng suddenly raised his head. At this moment, Guu Feng's eyes lit up. He said to Battle Soul Academy Dean:    


"Don't worry, Dean. I know what to do."    


Battle Soul Academy Dean smiled with relief. "That's good. This old man was right about you."    


"It's just that this old man doesn't know if I can see the day you look down on a region and rule over the Great Cang."    


Looking at Battle Soul Academy Dean's loving eyes, Guu Feng didn't know what to say for a moment.    


Breaking through to the Void Controlling Middle Period, the grudge between him and the War Soul Academy, it was all because of him.    


It was precisely because of the complicated emotions in his heart that Guu Feng simply bade farewell to Battle Soul Academy Dean and left the library. After all, he still had to escort Mrs. Linglong and the hostage to the Pattern Country.    


Until Guu Feng left, Battle Soul Academy Dean was still staring at Guu Feng's disappearing figure.    


"I really hope that this little guy will grow up as soon as possible. Compared to the storm that will sweep across the entire Great Vast World, this small dispute in Spirit Clan is nothing."    


"After all, that is related to hundreds of millions of living creatures. Will this little guy grow strong enough at that time?"    




After Guu Feng left the Compendium Pavilion, he headed straight for the courtyard door of the Battle Soul Academy.    


However, when Guu Feng passed by the Martial Arts Practice Hall of the War Soul Academy, a wave of shocked voices suddenly rang out.    


At this moment, numerous disciples of the War Soul Academy were gathered on the Martial Arts Practice Hall. On the highest stage of the Martial Arts Practice Hall, a figure was giving a generous speech.    


"All disciples know that Guu Feng is arrogant and despotic. He has killed three chiefs of the War Soul Academy in a row. This is simply bullying the fact that there is no one in the War Soul Academy."    


"But now, this arrogant and despotic Guu Feng has angered our dean. Headmaster, that is an unfathomable existence in our War Soul Academy."    


"That Guu Feng has been summoned by the dean. Even if he doesn't die, he will suffer a fate worse than death!"    


"As the Great Chief of the War Soul Academy, once Guu Feng is killed, I will bring his head to this martial stage to pay tribute to the few Prefecture Chiefs who have died."    


"Therefore, all of you..."    


After Mooh Ye finished speaking, he finally noticed the commotion among the disciples.    


He turned around and looked in the direction where all the disciples were looking at. At this moment, Mooh Ye was completely stunned.    


He looked at Guu Feng in disbelief.    


The current Guu Feng was even more vigorous and energetic than when he went to the Compendium Pavilion. His Qi had also improved tremendously. He didn't look like someone who would rather die than live.    


"Guu Feng, you... you are actually unharmed? How is this possible?! Why didn't the Headmaster punish you?!"    


How could Mooh Ye believe this? Originally, he thought that Guu Feng would suffer a punishment worse than death, but now, not only did he not receive any punishment, he even openly walked out of the library.    


He was still thinking of taking Guu Feng's head as a tribute to the three Prefecture Chiefs!    


Guu Feng's appearance had made him, Mooh Ye, a joke among the disciples!    


Looking at Mooh Ye's face that was distorted due to shock, Guu Feng smiled coldly.    


"Whether the dean punished me or not, you can ask him yourself. I don't have time to waste with you. You killed that Golden Wing Hawk. Now, prepare a fast horse for me."    


At this moment, Guu Feng actually gave the order to Great Chief of War Soul Academy.    


Great Chief was stunned for a moment, then he said, "Hmph, why should he order me?"    


Guu Feng remained indifferent, "Because I was able to walk out of the Compendium Pavilion unscathed."    


Guu Feng said it casually, but when he heard this in Mooh Ye's mind, it had a different meaning.    


After all, Mooh Ye only dared to guess what had happened to the dean. He didn't dare to ask what had happened.    


The fact that Guu Feng was able to walk out of the Compendium Pavilion safely made Mooh Ye afraid.    


He dared to offend Guu Feng, but he wouldn't dare offend Battle Soul Academy Dean even if he had ten times the courage!    


Guu Feng looked at the stunned Mooh Ye and said with a cold smile:    


"I will give you one last chance. Quickly prepare a fast horse for me. If you delay, you can go to the Compendium Pavilion to apologize for your crimes!"    


After Guu Feng said this, a layer of cold sweat instantly emerged on Mooh Ye's back.    


At this moment, he was truly intimidated by Guu Feng.    


Although he was extremely unwilling, at this moment, Mooh Ye actually didn't dare to resist Guu Feng's will.    


"Go, prepare a fast horse for Guu Feng. It's my Ten Thousand Mile Flying Horse!" Mooh Ye ordered a disciple beside him with an ugly expression on his face.    


All the disciples looked at this scene and looked at each other in dismay.    


They were originally gathered here by Great Chief, waiting to use Guu Feng's head to pay tribute to the dead Prefecture Chiefs.    


But now, not only did Great Chief not use Guu Feng's head as a tribute, he even helped Guu Feng prepare a horse?    


Their high and mighty Great Chief, who was usually thirsty and commanding everything in the War Soul Academy, regarded Guu Feng as a thorn in their side.    


Why did Guu Feng kill so many Prefecture Chiefs of the War Soul Academy? As Great Chief's Mooh Ye, why did he need to prepare a horse for Guu Feng?    


While they were puzzled, some of the disciples started to feel disdain towards Great Chief.    


Although Mooh Ye's status was high and mighty, some of them had already placed him in an extremely low position in their hearts.    


Guu Feng naturally did not care about these things. This Great Chief had wanted to kill him back then. The humiliation he had suffered at that moment was something that Great Chief deserved!    


Seeing the fast horse approaching, Guu Feng didn't say anything. He mounted the fast horse and left the War Soul Academy.    


After leaving the War Soul Academy, Guu Feng sped towards the blood-coloured wasteland.    


He rode the demon horse for a day and night and ran at full speed. After a day and night, the demon horse was exhausted and was about to fall to the ground.    


Guu Feng knew that although the demon horse was much faster than an ordinary horse, its temperament was the same.    


If a warhorse kept running, it would run until it was exhausted, and the demon horse would do the same.    


He could not bear to see the demon horse die of exhaustion, so after the horse was exhausted, Guu Feng jumped off the back of the demon horse and flew towards the bloody wilderness.    


"This is a good opportunity to increase my perception of the Spiritual Qi. Perhaps I will have a new improvement."    


Guu Feng could feel that his body was stronger than the cultivators of Spirit Clan, and his five senses were also stronger than the cultivators of Spirit Clan.    


This was also the reason why he could easily sense the force of the spiritual energy.    


"Swish! Swish! Swish!"    


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