Super Decomposition System

C45 Qin Shou Admitted Defeat It Was Father Jiang's Birthday

C45 Qin Shou Admitted Defeat It Was Father Jiang's Birthday

4Soong Wan, who was following closely behind, also had a look of disdain when she heard this!     3


The other students who had understood everything around them also passed by Qin Shou with strange gazes.    


"Sigh, I really did not expect Qin Shou to be such a person!"    


"Hmph, a jealous villain. Look at how magnanimous Jiang Hao is!"    


"That's right, let's go!"    




These people who usually looked at him with admiration, since today they were all willing to ignore him, Qin Shou instantly could not take it anymore!    


A trace of resentment flashed through his eyes, and then he shouted at Jiang Hao who was already far away!    


"I, Qin Shou, admit defeat. This week, I will treat you to the Central Heavenly-Mansion Tavern. I will not wait until the time is up!"    


After saying that, he turned around and left in a flustered and exasperated manner.    


When Jiang Hao heard this, he immediately turned around and looked at Soong Wan with a smile.    




In the afternoon, Jiang Hao took the report card from his teacher for today's class and went to the gift shop. He bought gift boxes and then went to the cake shop to buy a birthday cake!    


Today was his father's birthday, he would never forget it!    


Coincidentally, the report card this time was a surprise for his father!    


His father had painstakingly provided him with school, and a good result was the best way to repay him!    


When he returned home, his parents had yet to return home. It was still his younger sister, Jiang Zixuan, who had returned home earlier than school!    


Jiang Hao and Jiang Zixuan began to arrange for the house to give their parents a surprise when they were ready to go home!    


At the same time, Jiang Hao used his God Chef again to cook a table full of dishes.    


After that, the siblings turned off the lights and waited quietly at home for Jiang’s father and Jiang’s mother's arrival!    


"Pata ~"    


Following the sound of the door opening, Jiang Hao and Jiang Zixuan hurriedly prepared!    


When the door opened, Jiang’s father and Jiang’s mother turned on the light!    


Instantly, Jiang Hao clicked on the playing of the birthday music, and at the same time, he and Jiang Zixuan sang at the same time.    


"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you..."    


As the birthday song ended, the siblings immediately shouted with smiles on their faces.    


"Dad, Happy Birthday!"    


At this moment, Jiang’s father and Jiang’s mother saw this scene and immediately wet their eyes!    


"Thank you, Hao, Zixuan!"    


Jiang’s father had a weak choking sound as he thanked her!    


At this moment, Jiang Hao and Jiang Zixuan each had a gift box in their hands.    


Jiang Hao was the first to speak.    


"Dad, this is my birthday present for you. Open it and take a look!"    


When Jiang’s father heard this, he looked at his son, who was a head taller than him, and nodded silently.    




Then, he started to open the gift!    


At this moment, Jiang Zixuan was also curious about what kind of gift his big brother, who had changed so much, would give his father, so her gaze also fell on the gift box in Jiang’s father's hands!    


Jiang’s mother was also the same!    


When the gift box was opened, the first thing to be opened was a report card!    


She looked at the line at the top of the report card, which was circled by a red colored pen!    


Jiang’s father, Jiang’s mother, and Jiang Zixuan were all shocked!    


"Jiang Hao, total score is 747 points, number one in Tianhe Second High School, number one in Tianhee City's third and fourth year joint examinations?"    


In an instant, other than Jiang Hao, the other three in the family were stunned!    


They knew about Jiang Hao's previous results!    


Although it was near the college entrance exam and the family did not want to give Jiang Hao too much pressure, they did not have much hope in Jiang Hao's studies!    


But, this report card...    


The family looked at this report card. At the same time, they also saw the signature of Jiang Hao's form teacher and the school seal below the report card.    


They were sure that it was true, but they still could not believe it.    


Jiang’s father broke the silence first.    


"Hao, is this true?"    


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