Supreme Stock God

C31 Shennong Hundred Grasses and Green Capsule Scripture

C31 Shennong Hundred Grasses and Green Capsule Scripture

2"You've been planning to use me as a test subject for a long time?" Zhou Hao stared at Dr Gongsun with his eyes wide open.    


Dr Gongsun did not have any guilt on his face. "Because I want to see someone who can successfully absorb the Amber fruit in my lifetime. The reason why you lost control and started fighting with me yesterday.    


Actually, it's because I secretly put the remaining Amber fruits from sixty years ago into your medicine.    


Although sixty years have passed and the medicinal properties of the Amber fruits have nearly disappeared, it can still produce an experimental effect. "    


He said to Zhou Hao, "I only decided to let you eat the last Amber fruit because I saw that you could withstand the medicinal properties of the Amber fruit sixty years ago. "    


Zhou Hao was just about to scold him when he heard Dr Gongsun say, "Actually, I'm already more than 120 years old this year.    


According to my estimations, I won't be able to last this month. That's why I'm in such a hurry to let you take the risk.    


The reason I taught you inner force is to strengthen your body to the greatest extent so that you can accept the medicinal effects of the Amber fruit. "    


At this point, Zhou Hao finally understood that all of this was planned by Dr Gongsun.    


Furthermore, when he heard Dr Gongsun say that he was already more than 120 years old, Zhou Hao found it hard to believe. "It can't be. You look like you're only 70 to 80 years old. "    


"This is because I've cultivated my inner force, and I've taken many good medicines over the years. That's why my lifespan is longer than others. "    


"You said that you won't be able to last this month, but I see that you are quite healthy. "    


Zhou Hao frowned and said. Although Dr Gongsun had plotted against him many times, Zhou Hao still felt a little sad when he heard that he was going to die.    


Dr Gongsun smiled bitterly, "At my age, I already know my destiny. Furthermore, I have been suffering from side effects after eating the Amber fruit all those years ago. I have earned it today. "    


Suddenly, he saw a simple screen made of wood and straw behind him, and his expression immediately became somewhat unnatural.    


He said to Zhou Hao: "By the way, I forgot to tell you. As the Amber fruit is an object of pure Yang, other than stimulating your body's potential, it is also an extremely strong object. "    


"Item?" Zhou Hao muttered. He seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly turned pale. He looked around nervously and asked, "Where is Teacher Li?"    


Dr Gongsun hid somewhere else when the Amber fruit in his body was working. The only one with him was Li Ruolan.    


If the Amber fruit was a strong medicine, then what would he do? Zhou Hao didn't even dare to continue thinking about it.    


Dr Gongsun raised his chin at the screen behind him. Zhou Hao quickly walked over and saw Li Ruolan hugging her knees and crying behind the screen.    


He saw that Li Ruolan's body was covered with bruises. Her red and swollen eyes were filled with sadness.    


Zhou Hao was shocked as if he had been struck by lightning. His mind was blank, especially Li Ruolan's desperate and miserable eyes, which were like a sharp knife, cutting Zhou Hao's heart.    


Li Ruolan was Zhou Hao's true first love, and Zhou Hao did not want to miss this beautiful woman who was as calm as water after his rebirth.    


However, the way Zhou Hao got her was definitely not like now.    


"Teacher Li," Zhou Hao's throat felt sore, as if something had stuck him.    


"I am not your teacher!" Li Ruolan bit her lips. When she saw Zhou Hao, the painful scene from before resurfaced in her mind.    


Although she had heard what Dr Gongsun said just now, she also knew that Zhou Hao was the same as her, a victim. However, it would be a lie to say that she didn't blame Zhou Hao in her heart.    


Zhou Hao squatted down and didn't know how to face Li Ruolan.    


Li Ruolan closed her eyes and two drops of tears fell from the corner of her eyes. Her nose twitched twice and then she exhaled again.    


"I know this is not all your fault. But I need to calm down. "    


"Teacher. . . " A strong guilt was grinding Zhou Hao's heart, especially when he saw Li Ruolan being tortured like this.    


If Li Ruolan let Zhou Hao atone for his death, Zhou Hao would not hesitate to agree.    


Li Ruolan turned her face to the side and did not look at him anymore. "Let me calm down. "    


Zhou Hao sighed and stood up to walk out of the screen. When he saw Dr Gongsun outside, he clenched his fists. Li Ruolan's voice came from inside.    


"Don't make things difficult for him. He won't live much longer anyway. "    


Zhou Hao obeyed Li Ruolan's words unconditionally. So he suppressed the anger in his heart, but still gave Dr Gongsun a fierce glance.    


He saw Dr Gongsun walk towards Zhou Hao and take out two thread-bound ancient books.    


Dr Gongsun said to Zhou Hao, "Now I won't say anything to make you forgive me. There were two ancient books here. One was Shen Nong's Herbal Classics, and the other was Green Scriptures. I'll give these two books to you as a gift for you before I die. "    


" Green Scriptures? This, isn't this the medical book written by the legendary Hua Tuo? "    


Zhou Hao was shocked, "But in the historical records, the Green Scripture written by Hua Tuo has already been personally burned by him. "    


Dr Gongsun shook his head, "Back then, Hua Tuo was imprisoned. In order to prevent his medical skills from being lost, he wanted to pass his book to the prison guard who guarded him.    


But the guard was afraid that he would be punished, so he did not dare to accept it. Helpless, Hua Tuo wanted to burn down the Green Scriptures he wrote.    


However, what the world didn't know was that the guard couldn't bear to see Hua Tuo in despair, so he stopped Hua Tuo and promised to keep the Green Scriptures for him.    


However, half of the Green Scripture had already been burned. Only the second half was left. I only got it by chance. "    


Zhou Hao took the Green Scriptures and flipped it open. He saw that there was only a small portion of medical knowledge that recorded the use of medicine, Acupunctures, and other things.    


The rest was similar to the human meridians diagrams that Dr Gongsun had given him earlier. There were also many people with different movements drawn on the book. They looked like martial arts secret manuals.    


"This book recorded Hua Tuo's self-created 'Five Birds Play'. "    


Dr Gongsun explained, "This is a profound martial arts technique that both internal and external cultivators cultivate. It can strengthen the body and also defend against enemies. I learned this martial art from this book. "    


Zhou Hao had also heard of the "Five Birds Play. " He knew that it was created by Hua Tuo.    


However, Zhou Hao's understanding of the "Five Birds Play" had always been limited to the fact that it was just a set of exercise.    


"Now, the 'Five Birds Play' that has been circulating outside has no substance. " Dr Gongsun said.    


"If they didn't have the corresponding inner force skill - Qi Nourishment Records, they would have lost the true essence of the 'Five Birds Play'. They wouldn't be able to bring out the effects of the 'Five Birds Play' at all. "    


He looked at Zhou Hao. "You should feel it according to the method I taught you earlier. Is there a very powerful Genuine Aura flowing in your body?"    


Zhou Hao did as he was told. As expected, he felt a warm current flowing through his Eight Extraordinary Meridians and his internal organs.    


Dr Gongsun said, "The Qigong that we, the people of China practice is actually to maximize the strength of the human body.    


Now that you have absorbed the Amber fruit, the potential in your body has been fully stimulated. Therefore, if you cultivate the Qi skill, you will have a unique advantage. "    


" Is it like in the novels, that my two meridians have been opened? " Zhou Hao asked excitedly.    


Dr Gongsun smiled and nodded, "You can also say that because of the Amber fruit's medicinal properties, your Eight Extraordinary Meridians has been opened. This is what people who practice qigong dream of. "    


Zhou Hao thought to himself, Then I can be like those chivalrous men who fly around in novels.    


"Before I die, I can help you learn the whole set of 'Five Birds Play'. "    


Dr Gongsun said to Zhou Hao, "Although you have a very strong power now, you still don't know how to use it, so this set of Five Birds Play. It's still useful to you. "    


Zhou Hao nodded. This time, Dr Gongsun taught him the martial arts from the bottom of his heart.    


He saw Dr Gongsun pass the Shen Nong's Herbal Classics to Zhou Hao as well. "The Shen Nong's Herbal Classics are far more precious than Green Scriptures.    


This was because this was a book that Shennong had summarized after tasting the Hundred Herbs. After more than ten generations of research and replenishment, it was finally condensed into the Shen Nong's Herbal Classics. "    


When Zhou Hao heard this, he was greatly shocked. A' Green Scripture 'was already rare in this world. He never expected that this' Shen Nong's Herbal Classic 'would have an even greater origin. It was actually left behind by Shennong.    


"It recorded the effects and medicinal properties of all kinds of medicinal herbs, as well as many medicinal formulas. They were all lost thousands of years ago.    


All of my medical skills were obtained from this' Shen Nong's Herbal Classic '. As for the matter of the Amber fruit, it was also it that told me.    


No matter if you have any ambition to learn medicine in the future, I hope that you can take good care of it. "    


Receiving the Shen Nong's Herbal Classics, Zhou Hao saw that there were all kinds of herbs recorded in the Zhou Haos, as well as pictures attached to them. There were also a lot of additional notes added to the text, so it wasn't too difficult to read.    


"I spent my whole life to complete the explanations. " Dr Gongsun added.    


Although Dr Gongsun had tried many times to frame Zhou Hao, Zhou Hao still respected Dr Gongsun for spending his whole life studying Zhou Haos.    


And the reason why he used Zhou Hao as a test subject for the Zhou Haos seemed to be because of his fanaticism towards medicine and human body research.    


Strictly speaking, Dr Gongsun was that kind of crazy scientist. Even though his methods were not that brilliant, the results of his research were still worthy of respect.    


Suddenly, Zhou Hao thought of a problem and asked Dr Gongsun, "Oh right, what if I accidentally die after consuming the Amber fruit? What do you plan to do with these two books? Should I hand them over to Teacher Li? "    


Dr Gongsun shook his head, "That girl is not suitable. If you really die, then I will bury these two books and wait for the fated person to discover them in the future. "    


Zhou Hao cursed in his heart, thinking how unreasonable this Old Man was. He would rather leave it to the "fated person" and not let Li Ruolan pass it down. Perhaps many traditional medical skills in China were lost like this.    


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