Supreme Stock God

C47 Let Bygones be Bygones.

C47 Let Bygones be Bygones.

3The police came very soon. He was shocked when he saw Meng Tingguang. He thought Meng Tingguang was the victim, but after Li Ruolan explained to the other teachers, they realized he was the suspect.     0


When they took Meng Tingguang away, an old police officer in his 40s said in a low voice, "I don't know who hit Meng Tingguang. But he is even more ruthless than the people in our bureau. "    


Because they wanted to take a statement, Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan went to the Public Security Bureau together. Because Zhou Hao often showed up during this period of time, everyone in the Public Security Bureau knew him.    


Li Ruolan, who came with them, even asked Zhou Hao, "Do you often commit crimes and get caught? Why do they all recognize you?"    


Zhou Hao said with a wronged face, "I have never done anything illegal. Strictly speaking, I should be the natural enemy of evil. "    


"You have never done anything illegal? Then what you have done to me is legal? " Li Ruolan snorted.    


These words made Zhou Hao so embarrassed that he did not know what to say. Li Ruolan also noticed that her words were not appropriate, so her face turned red.    


However, Zhou Hao's originally worried heart relaxed. At least his relationship with Li Ruolan slowly became better.    


A female police officer in her thirties gave them a statement. When she saw Li Ruolan was so beautiful, she said, "I think he wants to violate you because you are very charming. "    


She looked at Zhou Hao and said to Li Ruolan, "You should thank him. If he did not arrive in time, the consequences would be irreversible.    


We have encountered many cases like this. The female victims who were harmed were traumatized after the incident. Some of them still couldn't figure out how to commit suicide. "    


After Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan finished recording the confession, they happened to see Meng Tingguang's wife. She looked very ordinary. She was thin and weak. She was a typical housewife. She only cared about her family.    


When she heard that her husband had been raped, she still could not believe it. She also begged the police officers who had received her. She swore that her husband was not that kind of person. Her expression was very miserable. Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan could not help but sigh when they saw her.    


"Men commit crimes. Women are always the ones who are harmed. " After coming out of the Public Security Bureau, Li Ruolan suddenly sighed.    


Regarding this, Zhou Hao did not dare to answer because he was also not clean.    


At this time, it was already late. Zhou Hao was worried about letting Li Ruolan go back alone, so he naturally became the flower protector.    


The streets were very bustling. Many young men and women walked together in pairs. The air was filled with laughter and laughter.    


Although the surroundings were lively, Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan were very quiet. They did not know what to say. It was as if the air between them had frozen.    


"No matter what, I have to thank you. " Li Ruolan broke the silence, but her eyes looked forward and did not look at Zhou Hao.    


"It's nothing. " Zhou Hao said.    


At this time, they had reached a crossroad.    


Zhou Hao carefully asked her, "I heard from them that you plan to leave after teaching this semester?"    


Li Ruolan was stunned for a moment. She just happened to step out.    


A large truck coming from the left made an ear-piercing horn sound.    


"Be careful!" Zhou Hao immediately grabbed Li Ruolan's hand and pulled her back. The large truck drove close to them. Zhou Hao could faintly hear the driver of the truck cursing, "You don't want to live anymore!"    


"Professor, are you alright?" Zhou Hao turned around. He looked at Li Ruolan and found that he had pulled her into his arms. He was still holding her soft, snow-white hand.    


Li Ruolan lowered her head and pulled herself out of Zhou Hao's arms. She found that Zhou Hao was still holding her hands and did not let go. So she said softly, "Let go. "    


She saw Zhou Hao clench his teeth, and his hands clenched even tighter. Li Ruolan looked up at him in surprise. Zhou Hao also met her eyes and said firmly, "No, I will not let go. "    


When Li Ruolan said Zhou Hao's gaze, her heart beat very fast.    


They noticed the unusual situation here and looked over curiously. Li Ruolan saw that Zhou Hao did not have any intention of letting her go and she remembered the pressure he had suffered at her place during this period of time.    


Tears appeared in her eyes, and then she said with tears streaming down her face, "What exactly do you want me to do? What else do you want from me?"    


Zhou Hao's gaze softened. "Don't go, okay? I know I have brought you great harm. However, as long as you are willing to forgive me, no matter what you want me to do, I will do it. "    


They heard the conversation between her and Zhou Hao. Furthermore, Zhou Hao looked like an adult now, so they thought that they were an awkward couple.    


One of the fat aunties said to Li Ruolan, "Just forgive him. It's not easy to make him lower his head. That Old Man of mine has never apologized to me. "    


The others responded, "Look at how sincere he is. Just forgive him. "    


Li Ruolan heard this and explained with a red face, "No. I am not with him. "    


Zhou Hao, however, rushed in front of her and cupped his fists at them, "I thank all of you for your help. She is my wife.    


Because I have done something wrong, I am begging my wife to forgive me. Please don't take offense. "    


In this way, they all mistakenly thought that they were husband and wife.    


Some of the older women even advised Li Ruolan to forgive Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao looked at their reactions and could not help but think that they were really powerful.    


"Zhou Hao, what do you mean by that?" Li Ruolan panicked even more.    


"Then, did you forgive me?" Zhou Hao said. He saw that Li Ruolan did not speak. Zhou Hao said to them again, "My wife is still not willing to forgive me. What should I do?"    


The fat auntie just now said, "That's simple. You can buy her a diamond ring and everything will be settled. " The others all responded in unison.    


Zhou Hao smiled at Li Ruolan and said, "Ruolan, if I buy you a diamond ring, will you forgive me?"    


Li Ruolan saw that they were all looking at her, and they were gathering more and more.    


She saw the pleading look in Zhou Hao's eyes and her heart softened. She said, "I forgive you. Let's go. "    


Zhou Hao was overjoyed. He did not forget to thank them. "Thank you for your help this time. Thank you!" Then he was pulled out of the crowd by Li Ruolan.    


Under everyone's blessing, Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan crossed the road and walked to the other side. After they went far away, Li Ruolan glared at Zhou Hao fiercely, "Zhou Hao, you are so despicable!"    


Now that Zhou Hao did not have everyone's support, he was afraid now.    


But when he saw that Li Ruolan's hand was still grabbed by him, and she did not have any intense reaction, he knew that she was not really angry.    


Hence, he said, "I am also very helpless. I really don't know what I should do to make you forgive me. "    


However, Li Ruolan was not really angry. Furthermore, after she said that she would forgive Zhou Hao, her heart seemed to have relaxed a lot.    


But at this moment, she sighed, "But, so what if I forgive you? There are many things that cannot be turned back. The things that have been lost will not be returned. "    


She said that she had already given her chastity, which she had bitterly guarded for more than twenty years, to Zhou Hao. " I will take responsibility! " Zhou Hao grabbed Li Ruolan's hand and said seriously.    


Li Ruolan looked at Zhou Hao deeply. From his appearance, Zhou Hao did not look like a fourteen year old teenager.    


Furthermore, whenever she was in danger, he would always be by her side to protect her.    


If Li Ruolan only treated Zhou Hao as her student before she came to Qiuning Mountain, then there were a series of things that happened after that.    


Li Ruolan had unknowingly treated Zhou Hao as an adult and a person she could trust in the karst cave.    


Especially when she was almost forced by Meng Tingguang just now, she also thought of Zhou Hao in her heart. She hoped that he would come and save her, but she did not expect him to really come.    


"But, there will not be a future between us. I am the teacher, and you are the student. If other people knew, how would I have the face to face them? But, there will not be a future between us. I am the teacher, and you are the student. If others knew, how would I have the face to face them?"    


Li Ruolan turned her face away and did not look at Zhou Hao, "Furthermore, when you are 18, I will be 23. " Zhou Hao was stunned. "You are already 23 this year, right?"    


Li Ruolan looked at him. "Who told you that I am only 19 this year. When I was in primary school, I jumped two levels. When I was in junior high school, I jumped another level. So I entered university a few years earlier than the others. "    


"Then there's no problem. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "I'm fine. "    


As for teacher-student relationships, Zhou Hao was a little troubled. Because nowadays, teacher-student relationships had not yet become popular. If people knew about it, society and public opinion would be under a lot of pressure.    


Zhou Hao said to Li Ruolan, "As long as we don't tell others, how would others know about us?    


Well, if I don't go to school in Yuning, then I won't be your student anymore. Then there won't be any problem. "    


"This won't do. Yining Middle School is the only key high school in Xiang City. If you don't study here, where else can you study?"    


Li Ruolan became nervous when she heard Zhou Hao say that he was not studying in Yining Middle School because of her.    


"But this way, our relationship will not be exposed. "    


Li Ruolan smiled, "Don't worry. As long as you graduate from high school and go to college, everything will be solved. "    


Hearing her words, Zhou Hao excitedly hugged her. Li Ruolan was shocked by his sudden action. "You, what are you doing?"    


Zhou Hao could not contain his joy and said, "You saying this means that you have admitted our relationship, right? I am too happy. "    


Li Ruolan paused for a moment before she realized what had happened. She had just said that the problem of Zhou Hao graduating from high school would be solved. Wasn't her subtext equivalent to admitting her relationship with Zhou Hao?    


However, it was too late to argue now.    


Furthermore, she suddenly felt that Zhou Hao's arms were warm. It gave her a strong sense of security, so she did not push Zhou Hao away.    


Instead, she was slightly intoxicated by Zhou Hao's male scent.    


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