Supreme Stock God

C891 A Slim Chance of Survival

C891 A Slim Chance of Survival

4A chance of survival.     2


"It's obvious. Eight sets of parachute diving equipment, thirty to forty people. If each set can only bring four people, that means two people will be left here. " Li Shuihan looked at the equipment and said with a frown.    


Immediately, two people from the First Army saluted Li Shuihan and Big Boss. "Report, I am willing to stay!"    


"How dare you!" Li Shuihan lightly shouted, "You have not given the order yet, and you are in such a hurry to die?"    


Those two people rarely did not listen to Li Shuihan's words and continued, "Big Boss, Fourth Boss, Let us stay. We are the ones who suffered the most injuries. Even if we go back, we will have to retire from the First Army. Let us stay. This will create a bigger chance for the others to survive, sir. Please allow us to work for the organization for the last time! "    


Li Shuihan and Big Boss were silent when they saw their resolute expressions. The others were even more shocked.    


They heard Zhou Hao say, "There's not much time left. Everyone else, quickly equip your parachutes! This parachute was originally meant to carry two people. Now that there were two more people, everyone quickly took off the seatbelts on the seats and tied them together in groups of four. What are you waiting for? Quick, the bomb is about to explode!"    


Everyone looked at Li Shuihan and Big Boss. Big Boss said, "Zhou Hao is right. There's not much time. Everyone, go and prepare. There's also the two of you. Go and prepare as well. Before I give the order, everyone must prepare! "    


The two men who were ready to sacrifice themselves wanted to persist, but when they saw Big Boss's fierce gaze, their bodies trembled and they immediately went to prepare.    


Everyone quickly disassembled the seatbelts on their seats. The four of them fixed them up in groups, and the two in the middle equipped themselves with parachutes. Some people controlled the air pressure system of the plane and lowered the altitude of the plane to 8,100 meters. They tried to minimize the danger of parachuting in the sky and would not trigger the sensor of the bomb.    


Not long after, these well-trained people were ready. Just now, when the two wanted to stay, they were caught off guard and had their acupuncture points sealed by Big Boss. They tied their seatbelts to the other two people who were carrying parachutes and said, "I am your officer. I have the responsibility to bring you back safely, and so do the others. Jump for me!"    


As he spoke, he even opened the rear cabin door. Strong air currents surged in from the outside. If it wasn't for the special modification of the plane, just the difference in the air pressure inside and outside would have been enough to destroy the plane.    


When the others saw that Big Boss wanted to stay, they all tried to persuade him. "Big Boss, this parachute is strong enough. Why don't you add it in? It's fine. "    


However, Big Boss said, "Don't lie to yourself. It's already very difficult to take four people with this parachute. I don't know if I can guarantee your safe landing, but if I add another one. . . You don't have to say anymore. This is an order! Whoever dawns any longer, I will punish them by military law!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, Big Boss kicked the group of people in front of the cabin door out.    


When everyone saw this, they also knew that Big Boss had already made up his mind. Moreover, there was not much time left. If they continued to delay, There was no need for them to fight anymore. All of them would die here. Thus, the others jumped out in an orderly manner.    


Zhou Hao came to Big Boss. Big Boss looked at him and smiled. "How is it? You also want to persuade me?"    


"No. " Zhou Hao shook his head. "I just want to say goodbye to you. "    


Li Shuihan did not want Big Boss to sacrifice himself for everyone. She was already in a bad mood. Now that she saw that Zhou Hao did not even try to persuade Big Boss to stay, she could not help but be angry. She said, "We need to leave two people behind. I will stay with Big Boss. "    


"No!" Zhou Hao and Big Boss said at the same time.    


Li Shuihan raised her head and said, "Why not? Just because I am a woman?"    


Big Boss said seriously, "No, you cannot stay here. This is also my order. Let Ulysses stay with me. This is enough. "    


Ulysses was Zhou Hao's slave, and he had killed a lot of China's intelligence personnel. No one would feel pity for him.    


At this time, the two people in the last group were ready. They only needed to add Zhou Hao and Li Shuihan.    


Just as Big Boss picked up the safety belt to help Li Shuihan and Zhou Hao tie up, Ulysses suddenly moved behind him and instantly pressed the chief head's acupuncture points!    


As he had never thought that Ulysses would make such a sudden move, coupled with the fact that he had yet to recover from his serious injuries, Big Boss's acupuncture points were immediately sealed. Li Shuihan, who was standing beside him, was also shocked when she saw this. She hurriedly shouted. "Ulysses, what are you trying to do?!"    


She thought that Ulysses had regained his consciousness and wanted to harm Big Boss, herself, and the others.    


However, before Li Shuihan could do anything, Zhou Hao, who was beside her, suddenly attacked and sealed her acupuncture points.    


The two members of the First Army were also stunned. They didn't know how to react. Zhou Hao smiled and said to them, "Big Boss and Fourth Boss, I will leave them to you. You must send them back to the country safely, okay?"    


The two of them stared at Zhou Hao in shock. Big Boss and Li Shuihan, who were unable to move their bodies and could not even open their mouths, looked at Zhou Hao in disbelief.    


Zhou Hao had asked Ulysses to tie the two of them to the parachute. It turned out that he had ordered Ulysses to seal the acupuncture points of the leader through sound transmission. The reason why he didn't urge Big Boss to leave just now was because he had already planned to do so a long time ago.    


Seeing the look in Big Boss and Li Shuihan's eyes, Zhou Hao said, "Please don't blame me. I know that it will take a lot of effort to convince you to leave this place. That was why he used this method. You can rest assured. Among us, Ulysses was the one who suffered the least injuries. He is protecting me. I still have a sliver of life left in me.    


Big Boss, don't look at me like that. You are a soldier. You should know that there is a publicly acknowledged moral principle in our society - disability is the priority. Hehe, alright. Let's get to this point. You will definitely be able to safely return to the country. As for me, I will also see you soon. "    


Regarding Li Shuihan, Zhou Hao did not have to worry about other people. He kissed her fiercely on the lips and said with a smile, "Fourth Boss, didn't you hate me for bullying you in Indonesia? Now I'm giving it back to you. Don't hate me anymore. "    


Li Shuihan's face was filled with tears. She looked at Zhou Hao with sadness and hatred.    


Zhou Hao deliberately did not look at her. He said to the two people, "Alright, both of you. Remember to take care of Big Boss and Fourth Boss. "    


"Mr Zhou, you must come back safely!" One of them said with tears in his eyes.    


Zhou Hao nodded heavily. "Alright, don't say anymore. Let's go. There was not much time left. "    


Thus, the two of them brought Big Boss and Li Shuihan to the front of the cabin door. When they turned around, they saw Zhou Hao waving at them.    


"Mr Zhou, thank you. We will remember you!" The two men said and jumped out with all their might.    


Zhou Hao could still see the way Li Shuihan looked at him before she left. It was obvious that she hated him for the rest of her life.    


"Ai, love has always been empty of hatred. " Zhou Hao laughed bitterly at himself.    


Ulysses said: "Master, what should we do next? The bomb will explode in two minutes. There is no parachute here. How should we leave?"    


Zhou Hao also pondered. He pretended to be relaxed in front of Li Shuihan and Big Boss. In this kind of environment, his and Ulysses's chances of survival were really small. However, Zhou Hao was definitely not someone who would resign himself to his fate. He said to Ulysses, "This should be close to the pacific region of Southeast Asia, and below it is the ocean. If it was an ordinary person falling from an altitude of eight thousand meters, No! But we are not ordinary people, Ulysses. If we jump down, when we are close to the surface of the sea. . . Use your full strength and use the Genuine Aura to attack the surface of the sea. This will create a huge counterforce, which will also reduce the force of our fall. "    


Due to Zhou Hao's internal injuries being extremely severe, the Genuine Aura that he could circulate was only 20% to 20%. Therefore, he could only pass the responsibility of slowing down the falling force to Ulysses, who had the least internal injuries.    


When Ulysses heard this, he was also considering the feasibility of Zhou Hao's method.    


Although the seawater could cushion the falling force, which was much better than land, the impact of falling from such a high altitude and touching the surface of the sea would even shatter steel. Even Supreme Expert, who had a protective Genuine Aura, wouldn't be able to escape death.    


Zhou Hao was right about using his Qi to cushion the falling force when approaching the surface of the sea. However, Ulysses knew that even at his peak, he wasn't confident that he would be able to save the lives of these two men. Besides, he was injured, so he could only use seventy to eighty percent of his normal strength.    


"There's no more time. We have to act now!" Zhou Hao said, "Take down the cabin door. Also, bring the life-saving supplies on the plane. There is a vast ocean below, and we don't know how long it will take for us to float there. "    


Zhou Hao was the master, and Ulysses could only obey his orders unconditionally. So, according to what Zhou Hao said, he took some emergency supplies on the plane and dismantled the cabin door.    


Then, Ulysses tied himself and Zhou Hao up with his seatbelt. He picked up the cabin door that could be used as a lifeboat when necessary and jumped out of the plane.    


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