I Am Overlord

C42 Gong Qinyin

C42 Gong Qinyin

1Puff!    3


Xiang Shaoyun's figure sank into the lake, and he spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.    


Fortunately, he had mentally prepared himself. The Overlord Dominating Heaven Mantra was still operating and keeping him from fainting. He was also tightly gripping the package on his back. After all, it contained his bountiful harvest.    


If he dropped it after all this, he would die from regret and shame.    


Xiang Shaoyun was drowning deeper by the second, fearing that he might invade some water demon's territory, he began to swim out.    


When he was finally out of the water, he saw a scene that gave him a nose bleed.    


He saw the figure that could only be described as beautiful and graceful. No, trash that. As a human male, all Xinag Shaoyun thought at that time was: damn! That's hot! I mean, look at those plump, round, perky thick bois. And when you see those water droplets rolling down those valleys and hills, tell me you won't feel the most primal of the instincts. Without a sheet of clothing, she stood as if seducing every man on the planet. (E/N:- https://www.thisworldthesedays.com/definitely-not-tidies.html Hmm... What can this mysterious link be?)    


Xiang Shaoyun's felt a sudden warmth in the nasal cavity as he was captivated by the scene in front of him, unable to look away.    


"Bastard!" The beautiful figure had already discovered Xiang Shaoyun's offensive gaze. She released a tender and shrill shout and returned to the surface before wrapping herself in a light veil.    


Immediately after, a longbow appeared in her hand, and an arrow appeared in her hand. She aimed it towards Xiang Shaoyun.    


"Scoundrel, die!" She cursed, concentrated her power on the arrow, and shot the arrow filled with star energy towards Xiang Shaoyun.    




This arrow contained the strength of a third grade Astral Force cultivator behind it. So, it was without a doubt aimed to kill.    


Within a single blink, the arrow was right in front of Xiang Shaoyun. Fearing for his life, he once again sank into the water.    




When the arrow struck the water surface, it exploded with a loud sound, splashing water everywhere.    


Xiang Shaoyun could almost feel the arrow flying above his head. He felt closer to death now than the time he jumped from the freakin' cliff.    


"Damn! Just what kind of bad luck do I have? I barely survived the fall, and now I'm being hunted by this chick?" Xiang Shaoyun scolded in his heart.    


He didn't dare to hesitate and quickly swam in another direction to avoid being shot dead! Xiang Shaoyun didn't hesitate and immediately swam in another direction, lest this chick fires another arrow.    


The girl, on the other hand, took this opportunity to get dressed.    


The girl was around fifteen or sixteen years old. With a beautiful face that was akin to a blooming lotus, her every move had a certain allure to it. Her hair was braided neatly and rested against the quiver on her back. With a longbow in her hand, she looked quite heroic.    


"Scoundrel, come out! I, Gong Qinyin, swear that I'll kill you!" The girl named Gong Qinyin exclaimed.    


At this moment, Xiang Shaoyun appeared on the other side and heard the girl's voice. He thought to himself, "Why does this name sound a little familiar?"    


If any other Hall of Martial Arts disciple was here, he would exclaim, "Idiot, that's THE Gong Qinyin!"    


She was the genius who awoke five stars and gave rise to the Five Stars Brilliant Blue Sky phenomenon. Last year's black horse, Hall of Martial Arts' Devine Shot—Gong Qinyin!    


During her acceptance into the academy, Gong Qinyin was able to attract five stars. Moreover, she broke through the Astral Force Stage quicker than anyone before. Right now, after an entire year, her cultivation had increased by leaps and bounds. She was currently at the peak of the third grade, a step away from the fourth grade of the Astral Force Stage.    


Noticing Xiang Shaoyun at the other side, she shot another arrow towards him. This girl wasn't even giving a chance to explain.    


Feeling depressed and helpless, Xiang Shaoyun once again hid in the water.    


"This young master didn't do it on purpose. At worst, I'll take care of you in the future!" Xiang Shaoyun thought in his heart.    


He couldn't hold his breath underwater for long, so he decided to swim in another direction. As long as he went ashore, he would have a chance to escape.    


Little White, who fell down with Xiang Shaoyun, held on to him tight and flapped his little arms as if helping Xinag Shaoyun swim.    


Xiang Shaoyun was fleeing for his life, so he was swimming quite fast. Soon, he reached the shore and rushed out of the water.    


Gong Qinyin was on a constant lookout. When she saw Xiang Shaoyun reappear, she did not hesitate to chase after him.    


She was the best archer in the Hall of Martial Arts, so naturally, her arrows wouldn't fear a distance of hundred steps.    


As the arrow shot out, the star energy fell like a meteor—Fast and violent!    


Since Xiang Shaoyun wasn't in the water, he could use the Overlord's Nine Nether Steps.    


The arrow that was aimed at him missed!    


"Such speed!" She paused for a moment, and with a flash of enlightenment, she said, "But it can't be faster than my arrow!"    


Two arrows shot out at the same time!    


She actually nocked two arrows simultaneously on her bow and released a pincer attack on Xiang Shaoyun. Both the arrows were shot in a different direction. But if one looked at their trajectory, they would be surprised to find that they were actually locking his advancement and retreat simultaneously.    


Xiang Shaoyun could already hear the sound of wind breaking behind his head, so he came to a sudden halt.    


The moment he stopped, an arrow brushed past his hair and stabbed the ground in front of him.    


Xiang Shaoyun broke out in a cold sweat. He took out his sword and shouted, "Girl, you're going too far!"    


Just as he said this, another arrow flew towards his face.    


Without thinking, Xiang Shaoyun slashed his sword towards the arrow.    


Ding dang!    


Even though he was able to deflect the arrow, his arm felt numb all over due to the shock wave.    


If he wasn't in the Astral Force Stage, this arrow alone would have been able to knock the sword out of his hands.    




The arrows kept coming nonstop. Moreover, everyone was stronger than the last.    


Xiang Shaoyun did not dare hold back. He activated the star energy on his body and enveloped it around his sword.    


Even after all this, he still suffered two injuries.    


"I gotta get closer to her. Since she uses a long-range weapon, I have to fight her in close quarters." Xiang Shaoyun rushed towards Gong Qinyin's direction while using the Overlord's Nine Nether Steps.    


"Pervert, I swear that I'll kill you today." Gong Qinyin gave up on shooting and pulled out a Longsword behind her. She released a sword slash that was akin to a wave of flowers, but Xinag Shaoyun knew that pretty flowers were always surrounded by thorns.    


Gong Qinyin not only had excellent archery skills, but her sword skills were also exceptional!    


Xiang Shaoyun began the sword fight. Their swords struck, intertwined, released sparks all around, and star energy flew everywhere.    


Xiang Shaoyun was forced to retreat by Gong Qinyin and was at a clear disadvantage.    


Gong Qinyin was stronger than Xiang Shaoyun no matter what, so even though Xiang Shaoyun had a strong foundation, he couldn't defeat her. Moreover, she had more experience than him. So, if the fight was drawn any longer, he would be defeated.    


"Scoundrel, prepare to die!" Gong Qinyin lept on sending the flurry of attack. She noticed Xinag Shaoyun's panic and took this as an opportunity to thrust her sword forward.    


If it went on like this, Xinag Shaoyun would lose his life today!    


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