Son-in-law's Romantic Life

C357 Sister Lin

C357 Sister Lin

3Why did you come back?    


I looked at Sister Xiaolin in distress, not understanding what was going on with her today.    


However, Sister Xiaolin did not care. Half of her body was leaning against my body. The warm breath from her nose landed on my neck.    


The devil from before, the angel from before, had now turned into a witch.    


The ever-changing scene made it impossible for people to know which side was the real Sister Xiaolin.    


"I am also a woman." Pointing at her own nose, Sister Xiaolin said.    


"As long as it is a woman, there will be that kind of demand. It just so happens that at this time, the man beside you is only you. Who else would I look for if not you?" Sister Xiaolin had an indifferent expression as she said casually.    


I fainted. This reason really makes me unable to refute.    


The corner of Sister Xiaolin's mouth curled up once again. It was a kind of self-deprecating smile, "It was just a joke."    


"Hey, when you just joined the Dragon Palace, Brother Biao should have told you that you can find any girl to be your girlfriend. You absolutely can't find me, right? "Xiaolin suddenly raised her eyebrows and stared at me as she asked.    


I nodded. That's right. Brother Biao had told me and even Brother Feng had told me.    


He said that Sister Xiaolin was the type of person who would eat people without spitting out bones. If she got into a relationship with Sister Xiaolin, it would definitely be a very terrifying thing.    


"Those are all just to scare you guys." Sister Xiaolin smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, it is not that scary anymore. I am also just a girl. How could I possibly eat people."    


"However, I have killed a lot of people."    


My throat moved slightly. I was afraid that you had killed people.    


After witnessing Sister Xiaolin's killing appearance, I guess not many boys would dare to date Sister Xiaolin.    


Especially those in the underworld, which one of them did not have a bit of flowery words, flirting with other girls day and night. If Sister Xiaolin found out about this, the thorn would hit them a few times and their lives would be gone.    


"Actually, I have had a normal boyfriend before." Sister Xiaolin held a cigarette between her fingers and smoked at the same time. She said, "It was very early then. I was just 18 years old. I was your age now. At that time, I was still studying at the security school. "    


"If it wasn't for what happened after that, I should be a nurse in a hospital now, not a female leader in the Dragon Palace."    


The expression on her face became more and more mocking. Perhaps Sister Xiaolin was also making judgments in her heart. To be a mafia female leader or a nurse, which one would be more suitable for her?    


"My boyfriend is very handsome. He is different from me, who is just a student of the security school. He is a famous university next door. He has a bright future ahead of him. He is very handsome and tall. That kind of guy is naturally very popular with girls, right? "    


"So, when he was dating me, I felt that it was a little unbelievable. How could a prince charming like him fall in love with a girl like me?"    


"Sister Xiaolin is also very beautiful..." I couldn't help but interject.    


This was the truth. Sister Xiaolin was definitely the type that was very beautiful. Her face was delicate, her cheeks were small, and her figure was also very fit. Although she wasn't particularly hot, she could definitely be considered well-proportioned.    


Especially her pair of slender legs, which looked exceptionally moving.    


Even though Sister Xiaolin was only 18 years old at that time, I think the difference should not be that big.    


Sister Xiaolin only smiled and continued, "Maybe. Who knows? Actually, when I was in school, I was very uncouth. People call me little sister Tu."    


"Anyway, I dated a boyfriend... I don't know if it's the common nature of men. After dating a girlfriend, in less than two days, he could not help but make that request. You want to go to bed? " Sister Xiaolin looks at me somewhat mockingly.    


I felt a little awkward. Although it can't be said to be absolute, there are definitely many men with such thoughts.    


"He also said that he wants to go out with me to get a room."    


"At that time, I was probably a rather conservative woman. I've never experienced it before, so I've always refused."    


"I was thinking that when I graduated in the future, he would also graduate. When we got married, we would leave our most precious things for the night of our wedding..." Sister Xiaolin smiled bitterly.    


In this era, there were definitely not many girls with such thoughts.    


"However, you also know that girls' ears are softer. They can't resist all kinds of begging, promises, and even swearing. In the end, I still agreed."    


"On the day of my 18th birthday, I handed myself over to that man." Xiaolin spat out a mouthful of smoke and looked up at the top of her head. The bright light was a little glaring.    


I could feel that Sister Xiaolin's aura was becoming more and more oppressive.    


When a woman gives her most precious thing, which only happens once in her life, to a man, it means that she has no reservations about her love for this man.    


At this moment, the only thought in a woman's heart is to give her most precious thing to the right person. That's all.    


However, without a doubt, Sister Xiaolin did not meet the right person.    


Otherwise, Sister Xiaolin would not have become like this.    


"In the end, I was dumped the next day." Sister Xiaolin's two slender fingers flicked the ashes of the cigarette. It was a very elegant movement, but now, it was filled with a kind of gloominess.    


Sister Xiaolin's mood at that time was perhaps like the scattered ashes.    


"At that time, I was completely stunned. I don't understand why. She was still in front of me the day before and said how much she loved me. He said that he wanted to live forever, so why did he suddenly dump me? One... How did a person change so much in such a short period of time?" Sister Xiaolin's tone was slightly raised.    


"I am like a madman. I am going to call him and look for him everywhere. I want to know why."    


The cigarette butt between her fingers became shorter and shorter. Sister Xiaolin lit another cigarette and continued, "Finally, I heard that that person was gathering with his friends in a hotel."    


"I did not even think too much and rushed over. I don't even know what I want to do. Maybe I really just want to know the reason why that person treated me like this."    


"When I rushed over, I saw five men and five women..."    


Sister Xiaolin's eyes turned slightly ferocious. "You might not be able to imagine how obscene that scene was. Ten people. Five men and five women, just like that, were naked and together in twos and threes. With a casual tone, the room was filled with a pungent smell of smoke. There was some white powder on the table. At that time, I still didn't know what those things were. "    


"I also saw my boyfriend with two women in his arms. When he saw me, he didn't seem surprised at all."    


"I asked him why. Were those words he said to me just to lie to me?"    


"Then, that man seemed to have heard an unprecedented joke. He laughed loudly and laughed at me along with the other men and women beside him. How could there be such a fool in this world who would actually believe such words? "    


" They even said, how could they fall in love with a vulgar woman like me... "    


"It was also at that time that I found out why we were dating... It was only because their friends had nothing to do with gambling. Bet if he could take me down, and when he could take me down... Can you imagine it? It was because of such a thing... it was because of the bet that they were treating each other to. I became that sacrifice..."    


F * ck, scum... I couldn't help but clench my fist tightly as a slightly hoarse voice sounded out from my throat.    


Scum, he really is a scum.    


That man is a scumbag, that man's gang of scoundrels is also a bunch of damn scumbags.    


Sister Xiaolin silently looks at me and smiles bitterly, "If the man I met back then was you, perhaps it would not be like this until now."    


"But do you think that the matter will end just like that?" The corner of Sister Xiaolin's mouth slightly twitched and her voice carried an irrepressible killing intent.    


"I am very sad and want to leave that place. I do not want to see their ugly appearance again. I did not think that my most precious thing would be given to that scum."    


"But it was very easy for me to go in. If I want to go out, it won't be that easy."    


"That man suddenly stood up and said to his scoundrels... Guess, what did he say?"    


"He said... this woman is actually pretty good at playing. Do you guys want to try it too?"    


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