Supreme Dragon System

C116 Mission of Vengeance

C116 Mission of Vengeance

1Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!    


Under Little Purple's lead, Zhan Tianming and the other two continued searching through the mountain ranges for the two remaining survivors.    


The figures flashed through the air.    


Zhan Tianming had no choice but to act quickly.    


Although he had swept clean this mountain range a while ago, there were still a few Vicious Beasts and Demonic Beasts that had escaped his net.    


If the two survivors were to come across those beasts, they would face inevitable death.    


Thus, he must find them as soon as possible.    


"Dogegg, you better stay alive until I find you."    


Zhan Tianming thought to himself.    


His gaze, possessed with surging killing intent, looked as if he was on his way to take down God himself.    


"Roar... Roar..."    


"Roar... Roar..."    


Gradually, the roar of a beast sounded from the distance.    


"Bajie, quickly, save them!" Zhan Tianming transmitted.    


"Yes, master!"    




Little Purple acted quickly. In the blink of an eye, it transformed into a glowing violet light before zooming into the distance.    


Compared to him, Zhan Tianming, Zongzheng Wanyou, and the others were much slower.    


"Roar! Roar! Roar!"    


"Roar! Roar! Roar!"    


Before the three of them even arrived at the location, the roars of the rampaging beasts reverberated loudly through the forest.    


After a few breaths, the three of them finally reached the source of the roars.    


Arriving at the scene, a few White-tailed Thorn Wolves could already be seen collapsed on the ground. Meanwhile, the remaining ones were all nibbling on something on the ground.    




Zhan Tianming stared at it.    


Those few White-tailed Thorn Wolves were actually biting down on Little Purple.    




Leaping up into the air, Zhan Tianming threw his fist towards them as gales of wind blew violently.    


"Hundred Beasts Extermination!"    




His single punch marked the charge of a hundred beasts.    


The might of his fist seemed to have deterred the beasts effectively as they could be seen scattering away in all directions from Little Purple. His fist trembled slightly as he swung it violently to the side.    




A White-tailed Thorn Wolf spurted out a mouthful of blood.    


[Ding Ding!]    


[Congratulations to host Zhan Tianming for killing the White-tailed Thorn Wolf. You have gained 120 experience points, 1 piece of wolf skin, and 1 Attribute Point.]    


After killing that White-tailed Thorn Wolf with a single punch, Zhan Tianming locked his gaze on the other ones.    


Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh...    


Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh...    


One after another, the Flying Locust Stones shot towards those White-tailed Thorn Wolves.    


Pak! Pak! Pak!    


Pak! Pak! Pak!    


In the blink of an eye, the remaining White-tailed Thorn Wolves were all killed as well.    


"Bajie, are you alright?" Zhan Tianming asked with genuine concern.    


"Master, m-my.... head is spinning around..."    


Little Purple attempted to stand back up. However, just as it did so, it ended up falling back down on the ground.    


Collapsing on the ground, it rolled twice to the side like a gourd.    


It was clear that Little Purple had used its violet light to kill those beasts. That explains why they saw a few White-tailed Thorn Wolves lying dead on the ground upon their arrival.    


After making sure that Little Purple did not suffer any injuries, Zhan Tianming breathed a huge sigh of relief.    


Sure enough, divine beasts were powerful beings.    


Despite the attempts made by the White-tailed Thorn Wolves to bite down on it, their fangs were nevertheless unable to even get break past its skin.    


The skin of that pig really was thick.    


After retrieving Little Purple back into the War Pet Space, Zhan Tianming's gaze shot towards a nearby cave in an instant.    


Seeing how the White-tailed Thorn Wolves gathered at this location, and how Little Purple ended up stopping at this place...    


Could it mean that Dogegg was inside there?    


After taking a light breath, Zhan Tianming walked towards the cave.    


"Dogegg," Zhan Tianming shouted as he stood in front of the cave.    


He was slightly anxious that no one would reply back.    




"Tianming? Tianming, is that you?"    


The reply emitted from within the cave allowed Zhan Tianming to heave a sigh of relief.    


Following which, a figure walked out of the cave excitedly.    


Wearing a simple and honest face, that person's dark pupils brimmed with light as his hair stuck out like grass over his head. Other than Liu Yu, who else could it possibly be?    


Another person stood behind Liu Yu.    


Standing tall and sturdy, that person was two whole heads taller than Zhan Tianming with well-built muscles all around.    


This man was Wang Man.    


Liu Yu and Wang Man were both injured. They appeared to have been bitten by Demonic Beasts as they were dripping with blood.    


Seeing Zhan Tianming, Liu Yu and Wang Man could not help but cry.    


"Tianming... wuu..."    


The tears of sorrow building up in Liu Yu's eyes began rolling continuously down like a waterfall.    


"Wuu... wuu..."    


Wang Man too wiped his tears away as sorrowful wails sounded out from his mouth.    


The two of them bawled their eyes out.    


However, no one would laugh at them for doing so.    


Had anyone else been in their situation, they would have definitely cried too.    


After all, it would be impossible for someone to not cry in this situation.    


Two hours later.    


Despite calming themselves down, Liu Yu and Wang Man still could not get rid of the pain stuck in their hearts. It was as if a knife had carved a permanent, unforgettable scar in their hearts, constantly reminding them of what happened in the past.    


They could only watch as their family members died a miserable death before their eyes.    


They also wanted to rush up to save them.    


However, reason told them that only by living would they have the chance to avenge their loved ones.    


They could not afford to die yet. They couldn't just run up and throw away their lives for nothing.    


They had to survive!    


Only by surviving could they avenge their loved ones.    


With that, the two of them told Zhan Tianming everything they witnessed with their very own eyes.    


After listening to their story, Zhan Tianming had once again confirmed that the people from the Seven Peaks Sect were the ones responsible for destroying Nanqing Village and the two other ones. Furthermore, he was probably the one who got them involved in the first place. Not only did he bring harm to Nanqing Village, he even affected the other two innocent villages.    


He felt guilty, incomparably guilty.    


At the same time, blazing flames of rage erupted within his heart.    




Zhan Tianming clenched his fists tightly.    


So much so that his fists had turned pale.    


His fists began to tremble slightly.    


They were trembling out of pure rage.    


"Are you saying that the middle-aged man who lead the operation was surnamed Zhang?" Zhan Tianming asked.    


"That's right, even though we stood a far distance away at that time, Wang Man and I could clearly hear those disciples calling him Deacon Zhang. Moreover, they might have even been accepting orders from someone called Elder Zhang." Liu Yu replied with a nod, his eyes burning with fury.    


"Deacon Zhang? Elder Zhang? " Zhan Tianming's eyes surged with killing intent.    


Great, Deacon Zhang.    


Great, Elder Zhang.    


Great, Seven Peaks Sect.    


That Zhang Kaiqian from the Seven Peaks Sect was already considered a scum amongst scums. He definitely deserved to die.    


Who would have thought that another Deacon Zhang and Elder Zhang would come to the picture?     2




I will help you clean up all these trash that your Seven Peaks Sect have cultivated.    


When the time comes, who would dare to stop me? I would even flip over the tombs of their ancestors.    


Zhan Tianming had made an unwavering resolve.    


No one would be able to change his mind now.    


At this time, Liu Yu, who was still in pain and anger, suddenly focused his gaze on Zhan Tianming.    


"Tianming, I know that you're the only one capable of avenging the entire village. You must promise us, when you get even stronger in the future, that you'll avenge the entire village and eliminate those pieces of trash," Liu Yu clenched his teeth and pleaded.    


Wang Man also looked like he was begging.    


[Ding dong!]    


[Mission of Vengeance had been triggered: Kill everyone involved in the massacre of Nanqing Village and the two other villages.]    


[Quest Rank: A.]    


[Quest rewards: If the completion is 100%, 1,000,000 experience points, 10,000 Dragon Qi points, 1,000 Berserk points, the Glory Village Chief will be upgraded to Vengeance Village Chief, Deterrence will increase by 50 points. If the completion is below 100%, the rewards will be halved and the tile of Glory Village Chief will remain the same. If the completion rate is 90%, there won't be any rewards.]    


[Quest tip: The killer within the Purple Cloud Mountains must be killed first. Quest completion will increase to 30% and above.]    


[Would you like to accept the quest?]    


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