The Ace Bodyguard

C91 Who Is the Assassin

C91 Who Is the Assassin

2Shaking his head, about ten seconds later, Wang Xiao finally heard Yang Lei's voice. The strong smell of gasoline was very strong. Fortunately, the wind was strong, so the smoke was quickly dispersed.    3


"Wang Xiao, I asked you a question just now, why didn't you answer?" Wang Xiao said unhappily.    


"Sorry, I couldn't hear it just now, but it's fine now. I was so busy covering your ears that I forgot to protect myself. " Wang Xiao apologized.    


Hearing these words, Yang Lei was very moved. Everyone valued their lives the most. Be it the poor or the rich, everyone valued their lives more than anything else. In that situation, Wang Xiao was actually only concerned for her own safety, how could she not be moved?    


"Thank you. If it weren't for your protection, I might have already died." Yang Lei said gratefully.    


"No need to thank me. As long as I, Wang Xiao, am here, no one can hurt a single hair on your head." Wang Xiao said seriously.    


"Who wants to kill us?" Yang Lei asked again.    


"If you ask me, who should I ask?" Wang Xiao shook his head, indicating that he did not know either.    


"Let's call the police." Yang Lei took out her phone, planning to ask the police for help.    


"No need."    


Wang Xiao did not want to report this to the police. He was, after all, a Wulin People, and had roamed all over Africa and the Middle East. If these small matters were to be reported to the police, if his brothers found out about it, wouldn't they die from laughter?    


Yang Lei insisted on calling the police, so she did not listen to Wang Xiao's opinion. Wang Xiao didn't mind and didn't stop her.    


After making the call, Wang Xiao anxiously said: "Hello, I'm Yang Lei, Huayao Group CEO..."    


She introduced herself first, then told him where she was.    


"Wait for me here, I'll go take a look."    


Regardless of whether Yang Lei agreed or was afraid, Wang Xiao carefully climbed in, only to see there were a few cars, a car, a bus, and a truck parked inside. It turned out that the drivers had seen the accident ahead and had not dared to approach it, fearing that the car in front would explode a second time. They had stayed where they were, waiting for the arrival of the fire brigade and the police.    


There were already dozens of people spectating from afar. Wang Xiao reckoned that the culprit should have already left. The other side must have used a remote bomb, not a timed one. Use a time bomb unless you know exactly how your opponent's life will be, and when your opponent will appear. When he went with Yang Lei to the hotel, the murderer definitely did not know when they would leave in the car, so he could not install the time bomb.    


Therefore, the killer must have used a remote bomb, but the range of the remote bomb was limited, only a few dozen meters. However, as Wang Xiao drove along the way, he did not find any suspicious vehicles following him. Furthermore, when he and Yang Lei got on the car, why did the other party not let the remote control bomb explode in the hotel?    


Wang Xiao seemed to have thought of something, he looked at the forest on the road and quickly jumped onto it. A few minutes later, Wang Xiao discovered the footprints that he had just left behind under a tree tens of meters away from the road. Although there were many footprints on the ground, all of them came from the same person.    


Wang Xiao sneered. According to his speculations, he roughly knew the conclusion. When he and Yang Lei parked the car in the hotel's garage, someone secretly set up a remote control bomb. Perhaps it was because detonating at a place with too many people would easily expose the target. In order to be safe, after the other party set up the remote control bomb, they hid in the forest where they had to pass through and waited slowly.    


When the target vehicle appeared, the other party immediately started the remote control. In this way, not only would he be able to kill Yang Lei and himself, the murderer would also be able to slowly finish smoking a cigarette, and then leave at a moderate pace. Of course, if there was a need, the murderer would also have a large amount of time to stand by the burning car, play and take pictures of himself, before leaving again.    


However, even if it was a remote control bomb, it would still have a start time of two to three seconds when the detonation engine was activated. Just like the moment the rocket was launched, even if all the devices were activated, there would still be a countdown of a few seconds. However, in these few seconds, even if ordinary people discovered the abnormality, they would not be able to escape.    


Furthermore, he had installed the bomb on the car's chassis. When the car drove away, ordinary people would definitely not be able to hear anything like a second hand turning.    


The other party must have ignored his existence and failed.    


Wang Xiao crouched down and used his hands to measure the size of the footprints. Aside from the footprints, there were no other clues left. It seemed this person was very careful.    


walked out of the forest, and then came to Yang Lei's side, only to see the big miss's face turn pale, and look extremely ugly to behold.    


Seeing Wang Xiao coming back, Yang Lei had an indescribable feeling of joy in his heart, as well as a sense of security.    


Previously, when Wang Xiao had left for a short period of time, she had been extremely terrified and uneasy. But the moment he saw Wang Xiao, Yang Lei felt at ease in his heart, as though as long as Wang Xiao was here, she would not be afraid even if the sky were to fall.    


"Wang Xiao, is it safe now?" Yang Lei asked in fear.    


"It should be safe. Let's go up." Wang Xiao said.    


"No, I'll wait until the police come." To be safe, Yang Lei decided to wait until the police arrived before going up. Although Wang Xiao's strength was not bad, bad people were more afraid of the police.    


"Whatever." Wang Xiao said indifferently.    


After recovering her state of mind, Yang Lei asked: "Wang Xiao, I just can't believe that something like this would actually happen. I think and think, but I really can't think of anyone who would want to harm you. Do you think this matter is related to the Director Shao? After all, you hit him earlier? "    


"My young miss, are you scared senseless? How could you possibly be a Director Shao? During your meeting with her, although he had the time to set up the bomb, he had no motive. His mind was focused on you, and although there were conflicts afterwards, even if he hated me and wanted to kill him, he didn't have the time to set them up. " Wang Xiao said.    


Yang Lei rolled her eyes at Wang Xiao in annoyance. What kind of unspoken rules would make it sound so bad, but she felt that Wang Xiao's words made a lot of sense.    


"Yang Lei, think carefully. What kind of competition do you have in the business world, or if you die, who would benefit the most?" Wang Xiao said in a serious tone.    


"You're the one who's going to die." Yang Lei said.    


"I'm just assuming. Do you understand? I can't bear to see you die. If you die, then I will have to leave my family." Wang Xiao was actually still in the mood to joke. He had a strong sense of tolerance in his heart, even though he had just escaped from death, he quickly started to talk and laugh, unlike Yang Lei, who was scared witless.    


If it was a normal day, Yang Lei would definitely hit Wang Xiao a few times, but she was not in the mood to do so right now. After thinking about it carefully, Yang Lei said: "In terms of business, although I have many opponents, those people would definitely not be able to do such a thing. As for who would benefit the most if I died, I really can't think of any. Because my Huayao Group were all run by my father, so there would be no shareholders, and no internal strife for authority. "    


Huayao Group and Tianyao Group were different. Although Yang Lei's Huayao Group's scale and assets were far inferior to Zhang Wei's, she was the only legal successor to the Huayao Group, and there were no shareholders in it. However, there were many shareholders in Tianyao Group, even if Zhang Wei were to scram, the number of people qualified to be the chairman were still many.    


"Don't you have any relatives?" Wang Xiao asked again.    


Yang Lei said: "Which family doesn't have many relatives, but my relatives don't even have Huahai City, furthermore, they are all honest people."    


The problem was getting more and more complicated. Wang Xiao truly couldn't think of anyone who would do such a thing.    


"Wang Xiao, then have you offended someone? Perhaps the other party wanted to kill you, and caused me to suffer." Yang Lei questioned.    


Wang Xiao was speechless. What did Yang Lei mean by that? Could it be that that grandson Zhang Wei is secretly trying to kill me? "    


Since the last time he threw Zhang Wei out of the villa, he must have been unable to contain his anger, so it was completely understandable that Zhang Wei had the intention to take revenge. After all, a second generation ancestor like him naturally couldn't withstand even half a bit of anger.    


"Impossible." Yang Lei denied: "Even if Zhang Wei really knows how to do such a thing, I am also certain that this matter definitely has nothing to do with him."    


"Why are you so sure?" Wang Xiao just asked about the reason why, and immediately knew it was unnecessary.    


The reason was simple. Zhang Wei liked Yang Lei very much, so even if he wanted to take revenge on him, he wouldn't implicate Yang Lei. had not revealed to Zhang Wei that she loved him so much that he had given up all hope. Furthermore, Zhang Wei had not given up on Yang Lei.    


Could it be …    


Wang Xiao's face changed, could it be that they were Brother Hu's men? For the matter regarding little sister, Wang Xiao killed Brother Hu, Brother Biao and a few experts in a fit of rage.    


Maybe some loyal subordinates of the Brother Hu came over to take revenge, but maybe it was Tie Sanqan who defeated Tie Sanqan with a few punches in front of the countless experts of the two sects last time.    


Could it be that Tie Sanqan was unconvinced, and was acting in secret? The sound of the police siren came from afar, only then did Yang Lei relax as she walked to the side of the road, only to see her car still burning with flames, and only the iron frame had been burnt.    


Wang Xiao saw a few police cars rushing over. They were fast, in a few minutes, the nearby firefighters and police cars arrived, probably because of Yang Lei's special identity.    


After all, Yang Lei was the CEO of Huayao Group, and had a few thousand employees under her command. If something were to happen to her, it would definitely have a huge impact. Many people would lose their jobs and become jobless, causing trouble for society.    


When the fireman got out of the car, the first thing he did was put out the fire. After that, a group of people armed with live ammunition carefully guarded their surroundings to prevent any accidents from happening.    


Unexpectedly, Xiao Ziye was also there, she was probably doing some tasks nearby, after receiving the orders from her superior, she anxiously rushed over. Otherwise, even if she had wings, it would still take her at least an hour to get here.    


Every time Xiao Ziye appeared, she would always have an appearance of a hegemon flower. Accompanied by a group of her subordinates, Xiao Ziye walked forward with large strides.    


Seeing Wang Xiao together with Yang Lei, the first person she paid his respects to wasn't Yang Lei, but was instead looking at him with a mocking gaze. Then, she coldly asked: "Isn't this Wang Xiao?"    


"Your memory is really good, it really is me." Wang Xiao laughed.    


"What happened? You were assassinated? Aren't you very powerful? How could you be assassinated too?" Xiao Ziye scoffed.    


Wang Xiao really wanted to reprimand her. Did she even have a sense of camaraderie? Even if she had a grudge with Xiao Ziye, under these circumstances, she shouldn't have mocked and ridiculed him.    


"I am the victim. Don't you have a word of consolation?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"If you really die, it'll be a great calamity for the city." Xiao Ziye said in disdain.    


Wang Xiao really wanted to record what she said and then report it to the relevant authorities. Because Yang Lei was here, Wang Xiao did not want to flirt around with him. But listening to her words, he felt like a sinner who had committed all sorts of heinous crimes.    


After taunting and ridiculing Wang Xiao, Xiao Ziye revealed a smile to Yang Lei, and asked with deep concern: "Director Yang, are you injured, or do you need to go to the hospital?"    


"No, thanks." Yang Lei expressed her gratitude.    


"Director Yang, may I ask what happened?" Xiao Ziye continued to ask.    


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