The Ace Bodyguard

C67 Against Brother Zhan Hu's Forces

C67 Against Brother Zhan Hu's Forces

2However, Wang Xiao was still very calm. In his opinion, these birdmen were all just bluffing, looking like they were all powerful, as if they were capable of anything. But in reality, as long as he casually made a move, he could cause these people to stagger and disintegrate.    


"Wang Xiao, how are the people that I have prepared for you? Did you think that I, the Brother Biao, would actually have such a powerful background? As long as you kneel down and beg for forgiveness and call me three times, I promise I won't kill you and leave you with your little life. " Brother Biao said with incomparable pride.    


Wang Xiao also said: "Pile, I will give you one last chance. Bring me to the Brother Hu, or you will regret it."    


"F * ck, you think you can deal with me?" Brother Biao originally wanted to continue laughing at Wang Xiao after looking down on him, but in the next moment, he was dumbstruck. Because Wang Xiao's figure was extremely fast, like a bolt of lightning, he quickly flew towards him.    




Brother Biao retreated in fright. This was the first time he had seen someone move this fast.    


Pah pah pah!    


Three slaps sounded as Wang Xiao slapped Brother Biao three times consecutively, causing him to become dizzy, dizzy and unable to stand steadily.    


"F * ck, go on, go on!" Brother Biao scolded.    


Originally, he thought that with so many experts by his side, Wang Xiao would definitely die. But he did not expect Wang Xiao to actually be able to rush out of the encirclement, and even gave him a few slaps. Could it be that those people were all a bunch of useless trash?    


Everyone rushed over at the same time with great momentum and momentum. These experts admired Wang Xiao's strength a lot. Before they could even see what had happened, Wang Xiao had already charged out of the encirclement without them even noticing, and had even slapped Brother Biao a few times.    


Seeing that these people had finally made their move, Brother Biao was relieved.    




Seven to eight black clothed men raised the axes in their hands and slashed towards Wang Xiao at the same time.    


Wang Xiao grabbed Brother Biao, using him as a shield.    




Brother Biao was so shocked that he shouted loudly. If those people really hacked down, a dozen or so axes would definitely take his life. He regretted that he had been controlled by Wang Xiao and used him as a shield.    


Those seven to eight black-clothed men were originally going to use the axes in their hands against Wang Xiao. Seeing that Wang Xiao was using the Brother Biao as a shield, they immediately withdrew the axes in their hands, afraid that they would be punished by the Brother Hu if they accidentally killed him. After they kept the axe, Wang Xiao continued to grab the Brother Biao as a bench, and knocked over a few of them on the spot.    


As for whether or not those men would fail and kill the Brother Biao, Wang Xiao did not care. Moreover, even if the Brother Biao died, it would have nothing to do with him.    


"Help, help!"    


Brother Biao was anxious to help, he was almost scared to the point of peeing. So many people were engaged in a chaotic battle, and so many of them were using axes as well. If someone were to make a mistake and end up getting an axe in his head, wouldn't that mean that he would die unjustly?    


Although the many black clothed men were enraged, and shouted and shouted to kill, they did not want to throw their weapons, afraid of accidentally killing Brother Biao. Many people harbored resentment, this Brother Biao fellow, seriously, could it be that he was a pig, and was actually caught in Wang Xiao's hands? F * ck, they didn't need Brother Biao to help them, they just wanted him to not get in their way.    


"Wang Xiao, what ability do you have to use me as a shield? If you really are a hero, then if you really have the ability, then release me and have a good fight with them. " The Brother Biao said fearfully.    


"Don't use any provocation, I'll let you go now."    


Carrying Brother Biao's two hundred kilograms of body, Wang Xiao acted as though he had grabbed a little chick and quickly threw it towards the two black clothed men.    


Boom! *    


With a loud noise, Wang Xiao threw Brother Biao out, and also knocked out the two men.    


He wanted to howl a few times, but he was worried that Wang Xiao would grab him and use him as a shield again. Thus, he took more than ten steps back to stand at the foot of a fake mountain.    


"Wang Xiao, I, Brother Biao am angry, I am angry, you are dead. Brothers, let's go and kill him. At worst, we can just spend a few million to kill him. " Brother Biao shouted.    




Go on!    




The men in black clothing looked like they had been injected with chicken blood as they rushed over one after another. These people were as if they had gone mad. None of them were afraid of death.    


Previously, Wang Xiao had grabbed Brother Biao, causing them to be wary of him and unable to use their fists. But it was different now, since Wang Xiao could not control the Brother Biao and they could use their full power against him.    


However, due to the large number of people, it was a bit crowded. This was something they did not expect. On the other hand, Wang Xiao appeared to be more relaxed and casual. The large number of enemies had actually become a burden.    


However, the weakness of these thugs was that Wang Xiao was very strong. If Wang Xiao was weak, he would have been killed by these people a long time ago. The ferocious Wang Xiao was like a wolf in a flock of sheep, rampaging about.    


Every time he attacked, every time he rampaged through, Wang Xiao would defeat a few of his opponents.    


Just as Wang Xiao was fighting, in a room in the courtyard house, a man was watching the fight outside. Seeing Wang Xiao being so powerful and beating everyone up, his brows knitted tightly.    


This man was Brother Hu, the boss of the Brother Biao.    


Knowing that Wang Xiao was here to cause trouble, he had long ago arranged for his henchmen. Originally, he thought that these many people would be more than enough to deal with Wang Xiao. However, he never expected that these people would be so weak in front of Wang Xiao.    


Brother Hu knew clearly, it was not that his subordinates were too weak, but that Wang Xiao was too powerful. These people under his command were all elites out of a hundred, and their strength was comparable to a retired soldier.    


However, a monster like Wang Xiao was simply too good at fighting, and defeated one by one all of his subordinates.    


Cries of pain sounded out from the courtyard.    


It was fun, really fun. Ever since he returned home, he had never had such a great time.    


In less than five minutes, the thugs were all lying on the ground, crying for their parents. They were all injured and defeated by Wang Xiao. After experiencing this incident, they finally knew that there were mountains beyond the mountains and buildings.    


Brother Biao looked at this scene in shock.    






The Brother Biao was shocked speechless. How could this be? Although Wang Xiao had previously beaten a group of his subordinates with his meager numbers. But how could his subordinates compare to these people?    


One had to know, these people were all the thugs left behind by Brother Hu, they were all the experts that the Brother Hu had picked out from all over the world.    


"Go, go, all of you get up. Everyone get up." Brother Biao shouted anxiously.    


However, no matter how loud he shouted, no one got up. Wang Xiao was too good at it, they knew that even if they could get back up, they would still fall down, and get beaten up even more.    


"Brothers, get up. Let's go up. It's time to prove your strength." Brother Biao shouted once again.    


Wang Xiao quickly headed towards Brother Biao. This fellow had not been subdued yet, so he still had to continue fighting. From Wang Xiao's perspective, the best way to conquer an opponent was to use force until the opponent was convinced.    


What 'admitting defeat with virtue'? These were all f * cking unrealistic. The most direct and effective way was to use force and fists. Whoever refused to submit would beat the opponent until he was convinced.    


Seeing Wang Xiao walking over, Brother Biao staggered backwards.    


"Brothers, let's go. Hurry up, it's time for you guys to show your face." Brother Biao howled again.    


However, everyone still remained sprawled on the ground. Brother Biao was nothing more than a dog under his command. If the Brother Hu gave the order, they could still go all out. Even if they knew that they could not do it, the Brother Biao did not have that much authority.    


Ta ta ta …    


Wang Xiao's footsteps resonated as he approached the Brother Biao step by step.    


"Wang Xiao, don't act recklessly. Do you know who I am? With his back against the fake mountain wall, the Brother Biao could no longer retreat. He could only watch as Wang Xiao drew closer step by step.    


"Of course I know you are Brother Biao, but in my eyes, you are just a dog." Wang Xiao said coldly.    


"Wang Xiao, don't act recklessly, do you know what happens when you beat me up?" Brother Biao asked.    


Wang Xiao quickly rushed over and punched him in the chest.    




Brother Biao screamed in pain, and then he spat out a mouthful of blood.    


He felt pain in his chest, as if it was burning. Wang Xiao's punch just now had at least broken a few of his ribs.    


After breaking a few bones in Brother Biao's chest, Wang Xiao grabbed his head.    


"Bian Zi, you look like an idiot even though you have such a big head. What's the use of keeping it?" Wang Xiao's cold voice seemed to come from the depths of hell, scaring the Brother Biao to the point that he started sweating profusely.    


If Wang Xiao really hit his head, what if he turned me into an idiot? Furthermore, the head is a fatal place and can easily lead to death.    


"Brother Xiao, don't, don't! In the future, I won't dare to offend you again." Brother Biao begged for mercy anxiously.    


Wang Xiao clenched his fists, planning to give his opponent another punch, and shake his head.    




At this moment, an energetic voice sounded out. A man walked out of the room. This man emitted the aura of an elder brother. He was definitely someone who had long held a high position. If not, there was no way he would have such an aura around him.    


"Brother Hu, save me! Save me!" Seeing the appearance of this man, Brother Biao felt as if he had seen his savior.    


Brother Hu!    


Brother Hu!    


The men lying on the ground also greeted him. In their hearts, Brother Hu was the true boss, the boss who had the qualifications to order them around. As for Brother Biao, he was worthless.    


So this person was Brother Hu, the person he was looking for.    


"Wang Xiao, the Brother Hu has appeared. Let me go quickly." The Brother Biao pleaded.    


Wang Xiao stretched out his five fingers and pushed at Brother Biao's head.    




Wang Xiao fell on his butt on the ground, and then rolled a few times.    


"You are Wang Xiao." Although Wang Xiao was very good at fighting, in Brother Hu's eyes, there was not the slightest bit of fear. On the contrary, he seemed to admire Wang Xiao's ability and like opponents like Wang Xiao.    


"You are the Brother Hu?" Wang Xiao's sharp eyes, were like swords as he stared at his opponent.    


He had heard of the Brother Hu's name many times. When the people who mentioned the Brother Hu blew it around, they made it sound godly, as if it was omnipotent, and could cover the sky with one hand in the entire Huahai City. But Wang Xiao did not believe it, he did not believe it, that the Brother Hu was the most powerful being in the Huahai City.    


The Huaxia had a history of five thousand years, with many experts and experts as numerous as the clouds. It was not known how many families and sects there were, but the people in Brother Hu were at most a bunch of clowns.    


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