Countryside Magic Doctor

C15 The Village Chief's Attitude Changed Drastically

C15 The Village Chief's Attitude Changed Drastically

4Hee Feng carefully observed Big Yellow.     1


He found that the wounds on Big Yellow's body had healed to a point where there wasn't a single trace of him. His muscles had also become much thicker and stronger.    


"If the Minor Rejuvenating Pill has such an effect, then wouldn't the Major Rejuvenating Pill be even more powerful? This thing is like the flesh of a living corpse!" Hee Feng thought to himself.    


He couldn't help but take out the jade pendant hanging on his chest, hold it tightly, and then put it down.    


"Brother, you got up so early!" Hee Lingling's lazy voice came from behind him.    


"Yes! Unlike you, you're still sleeping like a lazy pig." Hee Feng teased.    


"Brother, I woke up quite late. It's only half past six." Hee Lingling said.    


At this time, Chen Guixiang also pushed open the door and came out, saying, "Lingling got up not too late. Feng'er, you cannot bully younger sister."    


"Yes, Mom. My brother always bullies me." Hee Lingling quickly hugged her mother's arm and said.    


Hee Feng could only smile foolishly in response to this.    


After greeting Chen Guixiang, Hee Feng left the house and led Big Yellow to the fruit garden.    


After the mother and daughter washed up and were eating the breakfast that Hee Feng had prepared, Hee Feng came back with a bag.    


"Brother, what did you take?" Hee Lingling asked in confusion.    


"Nothing. I earned some money from practicing medicine two days ago and some fruits in our garden." Hee Feng said indifferently.    


"Come, let me take a look." After saying that, Hee Lingling quickly went forward and snatched the bag from Hee Feng's hands.    


"Oh my god!" Hee Lingling shouted in surprise, which made Chen Guixiang very surprised.    


"What's wrong, Lingling?" Mrs Hee asked urgently.    


Hee Lingling ran out of the door and stuck her head out. When she saw that there was no one around, she quickly closed the door and returned. She opened the bag and asked in a low voice, "Brother, how did you get the money?"    


In the opened bag, there was a thick layer of 100 Yuan muslin that was tied together. Under the sunlight, it looked very dazzling.    


"Feng Er, are you, are you..." Mrs Hee's face changed as she asked while trembling.    


She did not believe that Hee Feng could earn 100,000 yuan in just two days. This money probably came from the wrong path.    


"No." Hee Feng said calmly.    


Then he explained, "Mom, I'm afraid you don't know how expensive it is to see a doctor outside. For those rich people, money for life is something they are willing to do. It's not like you don't know how brilliant your son's means are. This money... I got this money from treating a rich person. It's an absolute legal income. "    


"Yes, that's true," Wang Yao said. Mrs Hee thought for a while and said.    


"But." Her words changed and Mrs Hee lectured, "Feng'er, you can accept so much from the rich, but for the poor, we can't accept them like this."    


Hearing this, Hee Feng nodded his head repeatedly, indicating that he knew.    


"Lingling, this is your living expenses during this period of time."    


As he spoke, Hee Feng took out a stack from the ten stacks and opened it. He took out two thousand and passed it to Hee Lingling.    


"Brother, this... isn't it a little too much?"    


Hee Lingling blinked her big watery eyes and said carefully.    


"Not much. You go to school in the city. The expenses are also big, not much at all." As he spoke, Hee Feng wanted to stuff the money into Hee Lingling's hands.    


However, Hee Lingling was used to living a hard life of two to three hundred living expenses a month, so how could she be willing to accept this "huge sum"?    


Just as the two of them were rejecting back and forth.    


Mrs Hee spoke, "Feng'er, why don't you bring the money to buy some clothes for Lingling. These few years, Lingling had also worn some cheap clothes. The young lady was in love with dressing up. It was fine if she did not have the qualifications in the past. Now we have to buy Lingling some good clothes to dress up beautifully. "    


When they heard this, Ling Ling and Hee Feng both felt that it was a good idea, so they nodded at the same time to express their agreement.    


Thus, just as they finished eating, Chen Guixiang began to urge.    


Hee Feng brought Hee Lingling and rushed to the county town.    


There was no public bus in the Hee Village of Hudong Town. There was one in town, but they needed to walk seven or eight kilometers on the mountain road.    


Transportation was very inconvenient.    


Therefore, this was also the reason why Mrs Hee urged.    


After all, just these ten miles of road would take a few hours.    


Perhaps it was good luck.    


After walking for a few hundred meters, Hee Feng and Hee Lingling heard the rumbling sound of the tractor behind them.    


Hee Village was a poor village. There were only a few tractors in the village. The tractors behind them were none other than Deadbeat Hee's.    


Deadbeat Hee was the village chief of Hee Village.    


He had a little bit of power in his hands. He relied on the long-term corruption of the construction fees, poverty alleviation funds, and bribes to live a very comfortable life.    


He was the richest man in the village.    


The best house in the village was the three-story building in their house.    


Deadbeat Hee's nickname came from his reputation as the village chief. He had been the village chief for nearly twenty years.    


Of course, the people in the village only dared to call him that behind his back.    


After all, in Yuanshan's village, the village chief had a lot of power.    


In the past, Deadbeat Hee would never pay attention to Hee Feng.    


After all, as the village chief, how could he possibly pay attention to a poor kid?    


But now, it was different from the past.    


Deadbeat Hee had many lackeys and spies in the village.    


He had long known about what happened to Section Chief Liu yesterday.    


Deadbeat Hee was now fearful of Hee Feng, who was related to the major section chief in the county.    


The one who was afraid of him was naturally Section Chief Liu, who was standing behind Hee Feng. The reason he was afraid of Hee Feng was that he was afraid that Hee Feng would use Section Chief Liu's prestige to seize his power.    


It was not easy for the chief of the department in the county to take over the position of the next village chief.    


At this moment, when he saw Hee Feng and Hee Lingling walking on the mountain road, he naturally would not treat them lightly.    


Seeing the tractor produced by the brand-new Luoyang tractor factory, Deadbeat Hee hurriedly called out, "It's Hee Feng. Where are we going?"    


"To town." Hee Feng said.    


"Then I'll give you a ride." Deadbeat Hee stopped the car and asked."    


"Alright, then I'll thank the village chief." Hee Feng said.    


After saying that, he agilely climbed onto the tractor and reached down to pull Hee Lingling up.    


"Hold tight!" As he spoke, Deadbeat Hee started the tractor.    


Supporting the hood of the tractor, Hee Lingling softly asked, "Brother, the village chief is quite a good person! He's not as bad as the villagers say. Is there a misunderstanding? "    


"Lingling, you think too much. Deadbeat Hee is not a good person. Think about it. Did he drive you to pick up the car when you were on the road?" Hee Feng sneered and said.    


"Eh! I think so too." Hee Lingling frowned and said.    


Then she looked at her brother carefully. She felt that her brother, who she had spent all her time with, had changed. He seemed to have become even more powerful.    


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