Prince and I in Desert Island

C130 Daydreaming

C130 Daydreaming

1"Alright, let the wedding continue... "Everyone be quiet," the priest said, clearing his throat.    


"Lord, we come before you to see the blessed couple entering the sanctuary of the holy marriage. "According to the will of the Lord, the five of them shall be one; they shall live together for a long time during the wedding ceremony; they shall henceforth walk the path of heaven, and love, and help each other, and teach, and trust each other; the Father of Heaven blessed them; the couple shall be blessed with grace; the Holy Spirit shall be rejuvenated; the love of the Savior shall be eternal; and the Lord shall be exalted for the rest of his life." the priest said, holding the Bible.    


"When the marriage contract is about to be formed, if there is any fact preventing them from joining hands, please immediately or forever remain silent."    


The priest went on: "I command you to confess before the Lord any reason that prevents your union."    


"Miss Li Yan, Miss Wang Yao, Miss Shangguan Lulu, Miss Linda Miller, would you like Li Kai to be your husband and enter into an engagement with him? Do you love him, take care of him, respect him, accept him, and remain faithful to him for all eternity, whether it be illness or health, or any other reason? "    


"We are willing!" Li Yan, Wang Yao, Shangguan Lulu, and Linda replied in unison.    


Mr. Li Kai, would you like these four women to be your wives and enter into a marriage contract with them? Do you love them, take care of them, respect them, accept them, and be faithful to them forever, whether it be sickness or health, or for any other reason?    


"I'm willing!" I shouted.    


"Will all of you here testify to their marriage vows?"    


The "yes" church made a deafening sound.    


"May I bless them in the name of God."    


"Holy Spirit of the Father and the Son, bless you, bless you, and grant you great kindness; you will live and die together, Amen. My Lord, Hong En, is with you. The bride and groom stand up to face each other. "    


"Li Kai, Li Yan, Wang Yao, Shangguan Lulu, and Linda Miller, I have witnessed you swear to love each other. I am very happy to announce to everyone that you are married, and now the groom can kiss your brides."    


I took Liyan's hand and pulled her into my arms, ready to kiss her.    


"Hiss" I suddenly felt a pain in my ear. I woke up with a start, only to find that I was hugging the air, pouting and kissing the air.    


At this moment, three beauties surrounded me. Two were grabbing my ears and one was grabbing my hair.    


"daydreaming, toad wants to eat swan meat!" Shangguan Lulu rolled her eyes at me and said fiercely.    


"What's wrong?" I looked at them suspiciously as I spoke.    


"You were dreaming just now …" "We'll help you wake up." Li Yan emphasized the strength in her hand.    


"Isn't it beautiful? "Bad guy!" Wang Yao grabbed my hair and fiercely stared at me as she questioned me.    


I have nothing to say now because I have been seen through. But I don't know when Linda let go of me. Now she's sitting on the swing, calmly watching us.    


"Serves you right. You sure are generous. Who gave you that confidence? Do you want me to introduce you to a few more? " Jane looked at me with disdain as she spoke.    


"Let go of me, I was probably possessed just now. Listen to me explain," I pleaded as I held their hands.    


"You're not obsessed, I think you're obsessed," Shangguan Lulu ignored me and said.    


"Explanation? No need to explain... "Explaining is concealing, concealing is telling a story." Li Yan completely ignored my pleas for mercy.    


"Big Scoundrel, you deserved it. You were dreaming too much during the day. Big Sis Li Yan said that she wanted to teach you a lesson, otherwise, you would make another mistake in the future …" For your own good, for your own good in the future, there's nothing I can do … Who asked me to love you so much... "Although it hurts to take care of you, but as long as you learn it well, I'm willing to hurt you to the core …" Wang Yao said to me with a kind heart.    


I chose to remain silent. For a moment, I was speechless …    


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