Unparalleled Divine Power

C226 Rebels

C226 Rebels

3chapter 226. - Counterattack     4


Ding Zhi had stayed in the Blissful Palace for half a month, so he had some understanding of the situation in the Blissful Palace.    


After the four of them drank a lot, they also wanted to take a stroll in the Blissful Palace. Ding Zhi recommended a place, which could be considered the liveliest place in the Blissful Palace.    


In the Blissful Palace, the buildings were connected one by one, like a tightly guarded imperial palace. They were divided into many districts, and each district had its own unique characteristics. The Blissful Palace sounded like a place for people to live freely and happily, but in fact, it was a place where the sea could accommodate hundreds of thousands of rivers, and there was nothing it could not accommodate.    


There were a lot of transactions here. As long as you had enough Origin Stone, you could buy any kind of treasure you needed here. In fact, the number of treasures in Blissful Palace wasn't any worse than the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion's headquarters.    


There were all kinds of trades here, including slave trading.    


Of course, the most famous place in the Blissful Palace was still a place for fun.    


For example, the Extreme Pleasure Pool was the most famous place.    


There were quite a number of people of all shapes and sizes, and there were even quite a number of beautiful girls who were waiting for them to pass through. If there was anything that he needed, he could also call out to the waitresses.    


These waitresses were not only extremely beautiful and moving, but they were also all quite strong. At least, none of the girls Qin Xiao saw were below the Bone Exchange Stage. Although these girls were most likely created by Bone Exchange Pills, they were all real Bone Exchange Stage.    


Along the way, Bai Jianqiu couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "In our Liufeng County, Bone Exchange Stage warriors all have noble statuses. But here, they can only be the lowest of all. They were the guardians of the various places. All the guards along the way were at the Bone Exchange Stage level. Here. Only now can I truly feel how worthless a Bone Exchange Stage is."    


"But it makes sense. After all, Rebirth Stage Bone Exchange Stage can be improved by pill. To an existence like the Blissful Star Lord, a Bone Exchange pill might not even be worth mentioning to him. He can create as many Bone Exchange Stage Pills as he wants."    


"To an ordinary person, Bone Exchange Stage is an expert. But to us, these Bone Exchange Stage who rely on pill to advance are extremely weak. We can easily crush them with one finger. "    


"Only Martial Force Stage warriors can be considered as true experts. Martial Force Stage warriors are not easy to nurture. Before reaching the Martial Force Stage, we can only be considered weak. "    


Qin Xiao smacked his lips and said," That's right. I'm going out to broaden my horizons. Only then can we know how powerful this world is. Before this, our horizons were indeed too limited. Martial Force Stage. This was a hurdle. Those who could enter the Martial Force Stage were extremely rare. For us, it's a real challenge in life. However, I believe that we have the strength to break it "    


"Haha! Let's work hard together. First, we'll become Saints, then we'll break through to the Martial Force Stage. The great hurdle in life is also a great encounter in one's life. We have to give it our all. " Mangqi said with a loud laugh.    


A gloomy and evil aura suddenly rushed over, causing Qin Xiao and the other three to frown slightly. They looked over and saw a vicious gaze looking at Qin Xiao and the other three.    


Enemy 9!    


The person who came was actually Enemy Nine, Ding Zhi's mortal enemy.    


When he saw his enemy, Ding Zhi's anger naturally surged up.    


"Kid, you have been hiding behind me for the past half a month. What do you want? You are only a mere Peak of the Bone Exchange Stage. With such little strength, what else do you have in mind?" Enemy Nine didn't know Ding Zhi. He had already discovered Ding Zhi earlier, but he just didn't pay any attention to him.    


This was a form of disdain.    


Ding Zhi clenched his fist tightly and gritted his teeth.    


The contempt and disdain in the eyes of Enemy Nine also became stronger. He glanced at Ding Zhi from the side. He said, "Look at your face. It is similar to the image of a family that I destroyed two years ago. Yes. Like that little beauty. Could it be that you're talking about the Ding Family? Was it you? Little brat?"    


Ding Zhi didn't have anything else to worry about after being lit up by his enemies. He gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, that's me. Enemy nine, you have committed a heinous crime and destroyed my entire family. If I, Ding Zhi, do not kill you in this life, I swear I will not be a human. "    


"Enemy nine had a playful and disdainful expression. "Hahaha, kill my enemy nine? Ever since I was born... I have never been threatened by anyone. There are 8,000 people who want to kill my Enemy Nine, but what about my Enemy Nine? Aren't they living well here? What about those who want to kill nine of my enemies? Hmph, most of them are already dead."    


" Even if there are still some who managed to survive by a fluke, they won't be far from death. You are just a young brat who has yet to dry up. You think that you are arrogant and ignorant just because you have a bit of talent?"    


"Unfortunately, you are weak and pitiful in front of my enemy nine. Do you know that you are like an ant?"    


"If I want to kill you, it will be as simple as stepping on an ant. You want to talk about revenge? Hehe, there's no hope in this lifetime. You might as well die earlier so that you can get a good baby and try again in your next life."    


Ding Zhi was extremely angry. His fists were clenched until they produced gurgling sounds. He really wanted to explode on the spot.    


Faced with such a deep hatred, facing his enemies who were arrogant and despotic in front of him, who could bear such a thing?    


The cynicism on Chou Jiu's face became even more intense as he continued, "What? You still want to make a move, right? Come, come, come. After holding it in for two years, the old man was already itching. Kid, if you're still a man, then do it. Your biggest enemy is right in front of you. Why are you acting like a coward now? Why don't you dare to make a move?"    


"Haha, it's me who killed your entire clan, more than five hundred people. Not a single one of them was left alive! The seventy to eighty people will die, and even those that are waiting to be fed will die! In my eyes, all of you from the Ding Family are just ants. Your deaths are not worth mentioning."    


" Especially your mother. That's right, that tender little beauty. Tsk tsk, that skin, that face... "    


"I'm going to kill you!" Ding Zhi's fury was completely ignited. He let out a wild roar and lunged at Enemy Nine at all costs. He was like a wild beast that had just been released from its cage, stimulating his animal nature to the extreme.    


Qin Xiao pulled Ding Zhi and a voice entered his ears. "Calm down. Don't fall into Enemy Nine's trap. He is obviously trying to anger you and force you to attack him. As long as you make a move, you will die for sure. If you die, then don't expect to get revenge for the Ding Family. "    


After hearing Qin Xiao's words, Ding Zhi gradually calmed down.    


In fact, how could he not know that this was the provocation of his enemy?    


It was just that sometimes, people would be overwhelmed by anger. If they knew they could not do it, would they be stupid?    


Ding Zhi wasn't stupid. Instead, his hatred had reached a point where it couldn't be any worse. It had reached the point where it could burn him to the ground.    


Only by experiencing it personally would one be able to deeply experience it.    


Fortunately, Ding Zhi's mind was tough enough. Otherwise, he would have definitely collapsed.    


Enemy Nine saw that Ding Zhi had completely calmed down. He let out a cold laugh. He glanced at Qin Xiao and sneered. "Where did this little girl come from? Is she weaned? A young Late Period of Bone Exchange Stage warrior. Haha, you think you are very experienced? You're so proud and arrogant. Do you think you're a peerless genius? "    


" What? Don't tell me I can't think that way? " The corner of Qin Xiao's mouth raised. He revealed a cold smile and said, "Could it be that when your enemy was ninety-seven years old, As far as I know, when your enemy was nine years old... But it was only average. It was only after he had a great opportunity that he became stronger."    


" You're already fifty this year, right? Are you a Mid Martial Force Stage or a Late Martial Force Stage? Even if you are a Late Period of Martial Moving Stage, you are only one Great Stage higher than me. As for your age, you are more than thirty years older than me."    


" Give me another thirty years, and I'll be able to shake you off eight streets. So, why can't I be a little arrogant in front of you? "    


Qin Xiao spoke with confidence and confidence.    


Enemy Nine's brows could not help but furrow slightly. Immediately, he laughed coldly and said, "What a sharp-tongued kid. His mouth skills are not bad, but unfortunately, his hand skills are a little too inferior. Thirty years? Humph, humph, as the saying goes... Even if I give you another three hundred years, you might not be able to reach my level."    


"Martial Force Stage, this is a huge gap. Even if you don't enter the Martial Moving, you will only be an ant without any achievements in your life. Anyone below the Martial Moving is an ant. I'm sure you've never heard of this before. "    


"It's no wonder. After all, you're all just ants now. Don't think that just because you are an outstanding figure in a small place, you are amazing. The vastness of this world is far from what all of you can imagine. "    


" Hehe. " Qin Xiao laughed and said, "Enemy nine, it seems like you have experienced many disasters. If you are really so unlucky, then why are you hiding in Blissful Palace like a coward? It has been two years. Don't you feel bored after being a coward for so long? "    


" You are just a coward. You are afraid of death. If it wasn't for the Blissful Palace, I'm afraid your bones would have long disappeared. Now, you are acting arrogantly in front of us juniors. Do you think that you can show off your mightiness? Don't you find it ridiculous?"    


Enemy Nine's frown deepened. His face was gloomy and ugly, and there was a hint of anger and coldness on his face.    


Obviously, Qin Xiao's words had provoked him.    


Qin Xiao continued, "Enemy Nine, you have committed a heinous crime. Even if you die ten thousand times, it still won't be enough. If you kill someone, you will pay with your life. Today's revenge will definitely be repaid in the future. I can assure you that in less than a year, you will definitely die in Ding Zhi's hands. "    


A year?    


Hearing this, not only did he have nine enemies, even Ding Zhi himself was stunned.    


Killing his enemy nine in a year?    


Putting aside the protection of Blissful Palace, even without the protection of Blissful Palace, it was virtually impossible for Ding Zhi to kill Chou Jiu in a year's time.    


In a year's time, only a Late Period of Martial Moving Stage or even a Martial Moving Stage Peak could kill nine of his enemies. How could this be possible?    


How could a Martial Force Stage be broken through so easily?    


Enemy Nine laughed recklessly, "Ignorant brat, don't even mention a year. Ten years, a hundred years, this is impossible. Kid, one year is it? Alright, then my enemy, jiu, will be waiting for you in Blissful Palace." After saying that, enemy Nine left with a smile.    


After Enemy Nine left, Ding Zhi furrowed his brows and looked at Qin Xiao with a bitter expression.    


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