The Strongest Skill System

C1405 Deepening Misunderstandings

C1405 Deepening Misunderstandings



Ye Mo pulled out his sword and prepared to kill the Candle Dragon!    


Since no one could slay a dragon with this Immortal Sword World, Ye Mo planned to be the first person to do so today!    


Seeing Ye Mo pull out his sword, the Candle Dragon was extremely terrified: "I, I surrender, you, please spare me!"    


Ye Mo hesitated for a moment and finally chose to put the sword back into its scabbard.    


In the end, he decided not to kill the Candle Dragon. After all, Candle Dragon was no ordinary dragon.    


Ye Mo was not afraid of these troubles, it was just that he still had a lot of important things to do. Being entangled by these troubles would seriously affect his business.    


Ye Mo extended his hand: "Leave the Wood Spirit Bead to me first!"    


"Good, good, this little one will definitely present the Wood Spirit Bead."    


I can't even keep my life anymore, there's no use in having a Wood Spirit Bead.    


The Candle Dragon quickly and obediently handed it over.    


After obtaining the Wood Spirit Bead, Ye Mo immediately unlocked the Wooden Curse and the Withering Wood Ascension Spell. As for Fei Li and Fei Rong, they were in a sealed state.    


With the buff from the Wood Spirit Bead's power, Ye Mo threw the Wood Spirit Bead to Jing Tian: "Catch."    


Jing Tian hurriedly caught the Wood Spirit Bead and a look of joy appeared on his face: "Now we have another Wood Spirit Bead, which means we have gathered four Spirit Orbs. We only need to collect the Thunder Spirit Bead."    


After handing over the Wood Spirit Bead, the Candle Dragon carefully asked Ye Mo: "Ye Zun, I have already handed over the Wood Spirit Bead, can you let me leave?"    


It planned to escape, never to return to the Buzhou Mountain again for hundreds of years. This place was simply too terrifying, it was practically a nightmare for it.    


Ye Mo shook his head. "It's that easy to leave."    


Killing the Candle Dragon now was simply a piece of cake.    


After killing the Candle Dragon, not only could one obtain Wood Spirit Bead, one could also obtain a large amount of experience and top-grade equipment.    


If he were to let the Candle Dragon go just like that, wouldn't he suffer a huge loss?    


Candle Dragon said with a sullen face, "How, how can you let Supreme Ye go?"    


"That was really a misunderstanding. I am willing to compensate you for your losses."    


"Yes, very good."    


Ye Mo nodded with a smile: "You are not an ordinary dragon, you are a Candle Dragon."    


"You've cultivated for over ten thousand years, so you should have a lot of dragon essence in your body."    


"My requirements aren't high. Take out seven pills, one or two pills, and I'll let you go."    


"Remember, you can't lose even a little bit less than one or two levels of Dragon Yuan."    




The Candle Dragon almost jumped up, Ye Mo was asking for it.    


Seven dragons of one or two levels, that was simply taking away his old life.    


Ye Mo's gaze turned cold. His sword, which had just been put back in its scabbard, instantly appeared. "If you don't give it to me, then go to hell."    


"I'll give, I'll give!"    


The Candle Dragon quickly opened its mouth and spat out seven identical dragon essence.    


After releasing the dragon essence, the Candle Dragon's aura became dispirited.    


Ye Mo waved his hand as he received the Dragon Yuan: "Not bad, you can leave now."    


The Candle Dragon seemed to have received amnesty and quickly swung its tail and flew up.    


It flew extremely fast and soon disappeared without a trace.    


At this time, the Candle Dragon didn't have a destination to escape to, it only wanted to escape to as far away as possible.    


Not only did he lose the Wood Spirit Bead that he had treasured for a hundred years, he also used the dragon's essence which caused his vital energy to be greatly damaged.    


If he didn't rest for a hundred years, it would be hard for him to recover.    


However, his little life had been saved, and he was lucky in his misfortune.    


As for that man called Ye Mo, he was simply too terrifying.    


The Candle Dragon had already seen through his identity, he definitely was from another world.    


However, it didn't dare to say it out loud if the Candle Dragon had ten guts. Unless it didn't want to live anymore.    


From its point of view, Ye Mo was probably just a peerless expert who came here to experience the Immortal Sword World. It would be sick of living if it revealed its identity.    


After the Candle Dragon left, 30% of Ye Mo's true strength was once again sealed, and Ye Mo once again became the strength gained from Immortal Sword World cultivation.    


He took out the dragon essence and distributed it to everyone: "Everyone, take a short rest. We'll leave the Buzhou Mountain later."    


"Also, the current Dragon Yuan Power is the purest, so consuming it for a short period of time would be for the best. As time passes, the Dragon Yuan Power will slowly dissipate."    


With that, Ye Mo looked at Long Yuan.    


Level 2 Candle Dragon Dragon Source: Level 30, Orange Rank Expensive Tool    


After consuming the dragon essence, the upper limit of all attributes would be increased by 20%, and experience points would be increased by 1 million points!    


Ye Mo did not hesitate and immediately swallowed the dragon essence.    


In an instant, Ye Mo's level had reached Level 65, and his overall strength had increased significantly.    


Even after obtaining the Wood Spirit Bead, his strength had increased greatly, so it could be said that he had earned a lot.    


Even if he killed the Candle Dragon, he would not be able to get such a high profit.    


After everyone had left the mountain, Xu Changqing, who had been silent all this time, suddenly blocked Zixuan's path. "You're following us. What kind of conspiracy are you plotting?"    


"You've always said that I'm your husband in your previous life. Just what sort of evil scheme are you hiding?"    


"That's right, you damn snake demon. You actually dare to join our team. I, Maomao, will never forgive you!"    


At the same time, Maomao blocked Zixuan's path of retreat.    


Then, Jing Tian stood on the left side of Zixuan and took out his Devil Sword. "I will not allow a Devil Snake to join our team."    


"Since you've helped out before, hurry up and scram!"    


"Sister Zixuan, I never thought that you weren't a human, but a snake demon instead!"    


Tang Xuejian stood to the right of Zixuan. The four of them surrounded Zixuan.    


"This Devil Snake is very powerful. Loong Kui, you should come over to help as well. I don't want her to get angry and injure people."    


Just like this, Jing Tian felt that he didn't have enough manpower, so he decided to call his sister Loong Kui over to help.    


Loong Kui had already returned to her Blue Sunflower form. She nibbled her lips and said, "Sister Zixuan, she's not a Snake Demon. Don't surround Zixuan like this."    


Jing Tian scratched his head. "Loong Kui, what nonsense are you talking about?"    


"Everyone has seen her, don't be fooled by her flowery words."    


"She must be harboring evil intentions by hanging around our team."    


"Have you forgotten what kind of demon the Candle Dragon said she was?!"    


At this moment, Zixuan's heart felt as if it had been stabbed by a knife. She didn't care about being misunderstood by others.    


But she didn't expect that the lover she had loved for three lifetimes would be the first to stand up and condemn her.    


Seeing Zixuan's tears, Jing Tian frowned, "Snake, the Devil Snake can still cry. Do you think we will believe you just because you're crying?"    


"Big Brother Ye Mo, come here quickly and think of a way to subdue this Devil Snake before deciding on how to deal with her!"    


At this moment, Ye Mo finally finished what he was doing and walked over.    


In his battle with the Candle Dragon, he had expended a lot of medicinal pellets.    


Ye Mo walked up to Maomao and punched Maomao's lower abdomen!    


"He ate until he was fat and chubby, I didn't expect him to be so stupid!"    




Maomao screamed as he clutched his stomach and fell to the ground.    


Jing Tian and Tang Xuejian were shocked, they did not expect Ye Mo to suddenly hit Maomao.    


Jing Tian quickly helped Maomao to his feet. "We've always respected you, Ye Mo, but why did you hit Maomao for no reason?"    


Ye Mo didn't answer his question. Instead, he kicked Jing Tian's chest.    




Jing Tian fell heavily onto the ground.    


"You, too, scram to the side!"    


Tang Xuejian was a girl, so Ye Mo couldn't easily hit her, but he still pushed her aside.    


Finally, Ye Mo walked up to Xu Changqing and slapped his face!    


A fiery red handprint appeared on Xu Changqing's face.    


It wasn't that he didn't want to dodge, but that he couldn't dodge at all.    


For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded. Could it be that Big Brother Ye Mo was standing on the side of the Devil Snake?    


"Elder Brother Ye, stop hitting Chang Qing."    


Seeing Xu Changqing being beaten up by Ye Mo, Zixuan felt pain in her heart.    




Ye Mo snorted, "Except for Loong Kuiming, all of you are all stupid people!"    


"How could Zixuan be a Devil Snake? This is the prejudice brought about by your narrow knowledge!"    


"Zixuan is the descendant of Nuwa!"    


"If you don't understand the story of Nuwa, then I'll tell you."    


It took Ye Mo more than ten minutes to tell them the whole story.    


Everyone was shocked. So Zixuan was really a descendant of the Nuwa Family. There was actually such an unknown secret behind this.    


Tang Xuejian lowered her head and was the first to walk up to Zixuan. "Sister Zixuan, I was wrong. I apologize to you."    



Maomao also scratched his head, "Sister Zixuan, so you're the descendant of the Nuwa Family. We're too stupid."    


Jing Tian slapped himself a few times in remorse. "Sister Zixuan, we know we were wrong. Please forgive us, right?"    


"As long as you forgive us, we will be your lackeys from now on."    


Zixuan smiled slightly. "It's nothing. It's just a small misunderstanding. I forgive you."    


Xu Changqing, who was at the side, was completely dumbfounded.    


His ideals were collapsing. He had always been protecting the world from evil, but now his eyes were blind. He actually thought of the descendents of Nuwa as a snake demon!    


He felt his heart ache, he felt that he was extremely stupid.    


With a plop, he kneeled down before Zixuan.    


"You, what are you doing?"    


Panic was written all over Zixuan's face as she quickly helped Xu Changqing up.    


She couldn't stand the sight of Xu Changqing kneeling.    


An hour later, everyone settled their grudge and left the Buzhou Mountain on a Hunchbacked Bird.    


Xu Changqing sat in the back without saying anything, but his condition was much better than before.    


Apart from him, everyone else sat around the table and chatted.    


This made Ye Mo very pleased. From a certain point of view, Zixuan's matter could also be considered a good thing. At least, this small team would be even closer from now on.    


Jing Tian asked Loong Kui curiously, "Little sister, when we were fighting that bastard Candle Dragon, why did your clothes turn red?"    


"I feel that when you turned red, you became much more powerful."    


Before Loong Kui could answer, Ye Mo smiled lightly and said, "This has something to do with the fact that Loong Kui has been looking for you for a thousand years."    


Then, Ye Mo recounted Loong Kui's past.    


It was only then did everyone understand that Loong Kui, who was threatened by the demons in the Devil Sword s, had a different personality in order to protect herself.    


When Loong Kui was in danger, she would erupt with the power of the Red Sunflower.    


Everyone finally understood why Loong Kui's face changed color.    


However, the next question was, how did Tang Xuejian transform at that time and possess such a strong healing ability?    


In regards to this, Tang Xuejian also had a stupefied expression on her face.    


She didn't even know what had happened to her.    


Towards this, Ye Mo smiled faintly: "Xuejian, don't you sometimes have long hair at night?"    


"And your hair will keep growing, and eventually you'll need a lot of help to cut it out?"    


Lili's eyes widened. "Big brother Ye Mo, how did you know?"    


"This, this is my secret, only a few people in the Taang Family Fortress know about it."    


"Hur hur."    


Ye Mo smiled even brighter. "Then let me tell you your origins. Your origins are also extraordinary."    


"When Jing Tian was still the Great General of the Flying Squall in the sky, he knew the protector of the Heavenly Court's tree, Xi Yao."    


"Xi Yao is a close friend of Flying Head, she often heals him."    


"When Feipeng was demoted to the next world, Xiyao wanted to find the reincarnation of Feipeng."    


"But she had no way to descend into the mortal world, so she could only throw a divine fruit down into the mortal world. She hoped that the divine fruit could fulfill her long-cherished wish."    


"And because Xi Yao had stolen the divine fruit, her fleshly body was destroyed, and her soul transformed into the spirit energy of heaven and earth."    


After hearing it, everyone was moved and hurt, they did not expect Xi Yao's fate to be like this.    


Jing Tian was even angrier, "Damned Heavenly Emperor Old Man, there will be a day when I, like Sun Wukong, will rush to the Heavenly Court and beg for an explanation for Xi Yao!"    


"Don't be impatient yet."    


Ye Mo waved his hand: "I'm not done talking yet."    


"Just wait for me to finish."    


Ye Mo pointed at Tang Xuejian, "And you are the godly fruit Xi Yao dropped on the mortal world."    


"After a thousand years of development, you've grown to what you are now."    


"In reality, your grandfather didn't tell you that you aren't his biological granddaughter. You were actually picked up by him."    


"And you yourself are very powerful. You can release the power of a divine fruit."    


"When you become stronger, you can even unleash a portion of the divine tree's power."    


Tang Xuejian's face was filled with disbelief: "I-I'm the godly fruit Xi Yao left behind in the mortal world?"    


This is unbelievable, but what Big Brother Ye Mo said seems to be true.    


If it was fake, how could he use the power of the vine?    


If it was fake, how could he heal everyone?    


Ye Mo said with certainty: "There's no mistake, you are that godly fruit."    


"You look like Xi Yao back then. Destiny finally got you and Jing Tian together."    


"It is precisely because of fate and fate that you revealed your hidden strength when Jing Tian was in danger."    


"Hee hee."    


Jing Tian wasn't serious again. He reached out his hand to pat Tang Xuejian's back.    


"Did you hear that, that's what Elder Brother Ye always said."    


"You are destined to serve Young Master. Come and give Young Master a hammer on the shoulder."    




Tang Xuejian directly swore and kicked Jing Tian's butt.    


Just like this, everyone was laughing merrily.    


However, everyone found it hard to digest the amazing news that they had received today.    


The next morning, everyone gathered in a small house on the back of the Hunchbacked Bird. Ye Mo was going to hold a meeting.    


"Zixuan is willing to lend the Water Spirit Bead to everyone for their use, after we fight Evil Sword Immortal, we can just return to her."    


"Then we have gathered four soul pearls. We are only lacking the Thunder Spirit Bead."    


"Thunder Spirit Bead, we have to have it."    


"Next, let's go to Leizhou City!"    


"Alright, everyone disperse first. I'll be using the Water Spirit Bead for a while, I'll give it to Jing Tian later."    


When everyone dispersed, Ye Mo took out the Water Spirit Bead.    


Afterwards, he obtained the power of the Water Spirit Bead and learnt the Cold Spell and the Misty Rain Breeze, which were used to clear the negative states.    


As for the ultimate move, Blizzard Frost, it was in a sealed state.    


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